The Unknown Murder

By MahiAgarwal3

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While checking the horscopes of others, Julie was happy thinking that her horscope will be fantastic as every... More

Author's Note
Meet Franklin
Actress Julie
Author's Note
The New Year Party
The First Kidnapping
Is Julie Back??
Salvatore's Wedding
Truth or lie?
Franklin's Truth
Unknown Letters
Request Or Threat?
Threat Again
Cassandra is back?
Los Angeles
Still Missing
The Previous Case
The Story of Past
Peter Alexander
Unwanted Ending !!
Old memories die hard
Who's the target????
A Journey for new life
Who is it?
Known or Unknown?
What Is Peter Hidding?
Unexpected Meet
Who's whose wife?
Here it ends....
Peter, Be Strong
I love.... You.

Can they save me?

19 4 19
By MahiAgarwal3

Daisy's POV

The whole day passed and I think I'll be able to save Salvatore. Afterall someone's here to help me.


I may be helpful, someone said.

I turned to see who the person was and that person looked at me with a lot of trust.

If I am not wrong you are Denver Harrison, right? Peter asked.

Yeah, how do you know? Denver asked.

We met at my wedding, you are Salvatore's friend and Rebecca's cousin isn't it? Peter asked.

Yeah I am, I got to know about the situation and I know Salvatore isn't the faulty one and that's why I'll help, Denver said.

Thanks, I said with loads of respect for this man.

How do you know we were here? Peter asked.

Newspapers, Denver shrugged.

Shit, fake news might be spreading all around, I said.

Unfortunately yes, Denver answered.

How will you help me? I asked.

Let's talk to Salvatore first, Denver answered and then I went to take permission to meet Salvatore.

A few moments later

Hey Denny! Salvatore half smiled.

Why did you give a death threat to that old lady? Being here isn't enough for you? I said angrily.

Look, I was terribly pissed, Salvatore said confronting himself.

How's your hand? I asked.

Thanks to your handkerchief that you dropped here even after snatching, Salvatore shrugged.

If your couple times is done so can we just figure out ways to get him out of here? Denver asked.

No where's Peter? Salvatore asked.

He's is angry so he will show up tomorrow I suppose, I said.

No, Peter said coming from behind with a packet.

Here, Peter said and handed a milk bottle to salvatore.

Thanks Peter, Salvatore smiled.


The hearing day

The plaintiff and the defendant are sitting and Salvatore is in the witness box for enquiry.

The plaintiff starts questioning...

Mr Hepburin don't you think you should admit your crime?

I haven't done anything, Salvatore said.

Everyone says that. You know what we have all the evidences that make you guilty, plaintiff said.

Evidences like? Salvatore asked.

The judge knows you don't have to, plaintiff smiled.

It's my right, Salvatore said loudly.

Why don't you accept your crime? The plaintiff said.

I haven't committed one, Salvatore again said.

Who knows you look smart. People always say that when they know they are wrong and who knows you killed your sister with Rebecca. Just the body is somewhere, plaintiff said.

What? Shut up you dickhead, how dare you say something like that? I'll kill you! Salvatore shouted.

Look your honor, he says he can kill me so openly, so there are chances he can kill anyone, the plaintiff smiled.

You are provoking him, the defendant said.

No, you are wrong, I am not, yesterday also he gave a death threat to my client, the plaintiff said.

Yes he did but that is also because of provoking, the defendant said.

Do you have any proof that your client is not guilty? The plaintiff smiled.

I do, the defendant said.

Your honour I'll like to bring a witness in the next procession, the defendant said.

Fine, the judge said.

Your honour, their are letters in which Rebecca wrote how she loved Mr Hepburin and how she's ...sorry she was scared of him, the plaintiff said.

What? Scared of me? I haven't seen her since years, Salvatore said.

I would like to present a letter by Miss Johnson, dated 30 September, which was found during investigation in her room, the plaintiff spoke.


The letter

30 September.

God save me, rosy will kill me. I am not a bad person. I miss real Salvatore. I want someone to save me. Have mercy lord. Salvatore will kill me. He is dangerous. Oh Holy Spirit come to my rescue.



The letter said that Miss Johnson is scared that Mrs. Johnson will kill her and  Mr. Hepburin will to you can't only use my client's name, the defendant spoke.

I object this statement, Mrs Johnson loved her daughter, the plaintiff spoke.

But the letter speaks the other way, the judge spoke.

Yes truly, I would like your permission to question Mrs. Johnson your honor, the defendant spoke.

Okay, the judge said.


So Mrs. Johnson what did you do to make your daughter afraid of you? The defendant asked.

I didn't do anything. I loved my daughter from the depth of my heart, Rosy said while fake tears rolled down her cheeks.

You aren't her biological mother though, who knows you are lying, the defendant said.

Does that matter? I love my daughter and that's it, Rosy said.

Lie...that's a lie. I remember Rebecca once told me that you asked her to marry a guy with loads of money because his father was your boyfriend, Salvatore shouted.

You are lying Mr. Hepburin, Rosy said.

Your honour I will like to present Mr. Patterson for enquiry.

Okay, the judge announced.


Mr. Patterson how well do you know Mrs Johnson? The defendant asked.

Uhmmm.. Well after my wife died... She supported me and helped me come out of my loneliness and then we became business partners and uhmm ... we married, Mr. Patterson said.

Were you both in a secret relationship before your wife died? The defendant asked.

Uhmmm..... Yes, Mr. Patterson said uncomfortably.

See, now we can think that what Mr. Hepburin spoke is the truth, the defendant spoke.

Being in a relationship doesn't proof anything, the plaintiff said.

Exactly then saying certain words you don't mean also doesn't proves anything, the defendant spoke.

Mr. Hepburin has had no contact with Miss Johnson since they graduated. Miss Johnson loved Mr. Hepburin secretly but Mr. Hepburin didn't know that, the defendant spoke.

But that doesn't makes sense, Miss Johnson was pregnant when she died and what if the dad was Mr. Hepburin? The plaintiff said.

We have something to show, the defendant spoke and gave a report to the judge.

It is the DNA test, which we did yesterday, and it doesn't matches with the kid who was five months old in the uterus, the defendant smiled.

The postmortem reports shows that Miss Johnson had 12 different DNA in her. Which means she was raped. And also Mr Hepburin wasn't the father, the defendant spoke and presented the medical reports.

Why are you lying? I am sure he killed my daughter, Rosy shouted.

But nothing matches to your words lady, Salvatore said.

Who said that? The letters does say that Miss Johnson was afraid of Mr. Hepburin, the plaintiff said.

Okay so I have something, the defendant said and showed a letter.

Your honour, if we see carefully the writing of Miss Johnson in that letter is different from her actual handwriting. We found a diary during Investigation and we matched the writing too. But the writing in the letter and in the diary are different.

Salvatore's POV

The fuck! How? I thought.

What is happening? Once they talk about letters and then about ex boyfriend or something and now about this diary this a game? I asked in my brain.

Your honour, I would like to present Mr Denver Harrison for enquiry, the defendant said.

Okay, the judge approved.

Before I start questioning, I would like to introduce Mr. Harrison. He's a cousin of Miss Johnson and vice president of Harley publishing, the defendant said and the judge nodded.

Mr. Harrison do you remember that a few days ago Miss Johnson sold her company to your company? The defendant asked.

Yes, I do, Denver answered.

What? Never she can't, I shouted.

Yes, she did, Denver said.


How are you going to prove that Rosy is playing games? Peter asked.

Rebecca's company was sold to the company where I work a week ago. But Rebecca is missing since months how can she send a signed contract letter? Denver said.

Seriously! Daisy said.

We should discuss this with the defendant, Daisy said.

Hmm, Peter nodded.

Flashback ends

She sended a signed contract letter a week ago to my company and my company took over her's. We gave 1 crore as it was mentioned in the contract. But all the money was given to Rosy. Rebecca is Missing since months so how could she send the contract with signatures? Denver asked.

The point is Rosy wanted to sold the company since long. Rebecca always told me that she threatened her to sell it, Denver said.

*Rosy faints....

*everyone gets worried

No clear evidences were given so the court is unable to come on a proper judgment. The next preceding will be in two days.

The preceding ends

Liza learns some truth.....

Hey guys
It's been ages since I updated

Love u all and now I'll frequently update.

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