My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 41

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Saturday 10 am. The isolation fortress.

Ziara: wow uncle Tal-El did an impressive job making this facility.

Hitohito: yeah and to think the ship I was sent into here turned into this.

Ziara: uncle Tal-El always was full of surprises.

Hitohito: Ziara I want to ask but what do you know about my parents?

Ziara: not much I know aunt Jeanne is pregnant, and uncle Satoshi is working as an accountant-

Hitohito: I meant my brakonian parents, sorry for the confusion.

Ziara: oh them.... -smiles- there where good people. You father always did the best he could for Brakon, and your mother always supported him...... your mother.

Hitohito: I don't know a lot about my mother, could you tell me what you know about her?

Ziara: -smiles- with pleasure....... Her name was Aura she was the kindest woman in all of Brakon. She was like a second mother to me, when I was little she would let me stay over her place and cook for me.

Hitohito: wow.

Ziara: when she found out she was pregnant her joy increase around the household. She couldn't wait for you to be born. She made the suit that you are wearing.

Hitohito: I see...

Ziara: but when the destruction of Brakon was imminent it broke her heart sending you away, but she also found comfort because I'll be looking out for you, trusting that you will be taken care in a loving home.

Hitohito: ......

Ziara: she never got to see into the person you are, but she'd be proud of what you have become Zol-El.

Hitohito: -sniffs- thank you Ziara..... I promise to honor my mother's memory.

Ziara: I know you will Zol-El.

*ring* *ring*

Hitohito received a phone call from his mother.

Hitohito: wow I didn't know I could get reception from here.

B.T: that is thanks to the universal satellite installed in the fortress, its range could reach up to another galaxy.

Hitohito: huh good to know -answers the phone- hello?

Jeanne: Hito-chan I know you're too busy but-

Hitohito: no worries mom, what do you need?

Jeanne: your father and I were talking about Golden Week, and if you wanted to go camping.

Hitohito: Camping? Sounds fun!

Jeanne: great! You think Ziara might join us?

Hitohito: hold on let me ask her, hey Ziara do you want to go camping with us on Golden Week?

Ziara: I appreciate the invitation, but I'll have to decline. B.T. and I have work something out to get my spaceship back.

Hitohito: oh I see, well if you change your mind let us know.

Ziara: I'll keep that in mind.

Hitohito: sorry mom looks like she won't be joining us.

Jeanne: oh I see, well hopefully mext time.

Hitohito: well I gotta continue my training see you son.

Jeanne: don't come home too late see you.

Hitohito: -hangs up- okay now back to bussines.

In the Komi residence.

Shuuko: you want to camping?

Masayoshi: -nods- I feel like we don't go out much so I thought it could be a good idea to go to a camping site during golden week.

Shuuko: sounds wonderful honey! You could use a break too, ever since you got that promotion you seem more exhausted than usual.

Masayoshi: -nervous laugh- yeah I mean I am the head of the accounting department so I'm still getting used to the new responsibilities.

Shuuko: -smiling- well I know this trip will do you good, can't wait to tell our kids about it.

Masayoshi: ( I love that smile of hers.)

Shuuko: everything okay hon?

Masayoshi: hm? Oh yes just thinking about how beautiful my wife is.

Shuuko: -blushing-.

Timeskip to the day of the trip. The Tadano family was ready for departure. Satoshi and Hitohito were loading everything in the car.

Hitohito: you sure you don't want to come with us Ziara?

Ziara: it's fine, I'm still not used to hang out in public places, so I'd rather watch your home while you're gone.

Jeanne: well you can call us anytime sweety.

Ziara: I will aunt Jeanne.

Satoshi: we left some money in case you want to go out to eat.

Ziara: oh there's no need, I can cook for myself, and don't worry I'll replenish the ingredients I use.

Satoshi: I know we keep pestering you with this question but, you sure you wanna stay? We still have some space in the car.

Ziara: -giggling- it's fine, besides-

Najimi: come on people! We've got a long day ahead of us let's get going.

Ziara: I feel that the human of unidentified gender could use the trip more than I do.

Satoshi: -sweatdrops- haha you're right.

Hitomi: -hugs- I'm gonna miss you Ziara, we won't be out for long I promise.

Ziara: -hughs back- oh I know Hitomi, you enjoy your trip, I'll be here when you get back.

With the goodbyes now done the Tadano family started their trip, not knowing that the Komi family had the same idea for golden week.

Satoshi: everyone okay back there?

Najimi: yes sir!

Hitomi: all good dad.

Hitohito: -thumbs up-

Satoshi: how about you hon? You feel okay?

Jeanne: I'm okay.

Satoshi: okay but if you have the need to throw up don't hesitate to ask me.

Jeanne: noted.

The drive continued normally, after a few hours they have reached their destination.

Najimi: we're here! The twin course Mosaki!

The Tadano family exited the car to stretch, before having everything ready, but what Hitohito did not expect was to see a familiar face.

Shouko: Tadano-kun?

Hitohito: Komi-san?!

Shuuko: Shouko can you help me unload the car- oh Hitohito-kun what a surpirse.

The rest of the Komi family came to greet the Tadano family.

Shuuko: once again we thank you for taking care of our dear daughter.

Both Shuuko and her husband Masayoshi bowed in front of the family.

Jeanne and Satoshi bowed back at the family.

Satoshi: it's a pleasure to meet the parents of my son's friend.

Jeanne: Hito-chan is always talking about you.

Jeanne said refering to Shouko who began to blush.

Hitohito: mom!

After the introductions both families began their camping set up, the young ones would hang around the place while the grown ups sat on a picnic table drinking some alcohol.

Shuuko: Jeanne you don't like to drink?

Jeanne: oh it's not that it's um...... well I'm currently pregnant.

Shuuko: -gasps- congratulations!! How long?

Jeanne: It's been 5 weeks now.

Shuuko: awww how great! Say can we be the godparents once the baby is born?

Jeanne: oh I wouldn't mind, what do you say Satoshi?

Satoshi: I'm not opposed to it.

Shuuko: yay! You heard that Masayoshi? We're gonna be the baby's godparents.

Masayoshi: (I didn't even get to say anything......)

Satoshi: (wow they've only meet for a few hours and now they bonded like sisters..... mmm should I do the same with Masayoshi?)... umm Masayoshi-san.

Masayoshi: hm?

Satoshi: I've never got the chance to congratulate you on the promotion.

Masayoshi: ??

Satoshi: ah I'm sure you don't remember me, I'm Tadano Satoshi, my company merge with yours when Nakamura bought it.

Masayoshi: ..... oh I think I remember you were also a candidate for the position.

Satoshi: that's right, but hey obviously you were more qualified than I so no hard feelings.

Satoshi extended his hand for a shake, Masayoshi only looked at it for a few seconds.

Shuuko: Masayoshi don't be rude!

Masayoshi: oh sorry about that...

Masayoshi shaked the hand of Satoshi and continue their friendly chat.

Satoshi: and then Hitohito decided to get a job, I told him that there's no need but he insisted anyway.

Jeanne: after that he would give us half of his paycheck for house expenses, which is more than he should to be honest.

Shuuko: sounds like you two raised a wonderful son, now I know my Shouko is in great hands.

Satoshi: haha yeah, ever since he was little Hitohito always wanted to help, doesn't matter how hard the task was.

Jeanne: when he was 6 little he carried all the grocery bags back home so I could rest my shoulders.

Shuuko: wow so young and yet he had an amazing strength!

Jeanne/Satoshi: !!!

Satoshi: w-well I think he got it from his grandpa haha (man we almost spilled the beans, maybe I should stop drinking.)

Jeanne: sometimes I wonder how he turned out to be such a caring son..... we were so lucky to find him.

That last sentence got the interest of the Komi couple, Shuuko now was all ears.

Shuuko: you found him?

Jeanne: oh goodness that slipped off my mind.

Satoshi: don't worry Jeanne it happens.

Shuuko: if you don't mind us asking.... how did you find Hitohito.

Jeanne and Satoshi looked at each other, they hesitated to answer for a second, they didn't want to lie to their new friends, but at the same time they couldn't say the truth about Hitohito.

Shuuko: oh sorry if it's a sensitive topic I didn't mean to intrude-

Jeanne: no no, it's okay, I suppose we could tell you, right Satoshi?

Satoshi: ...... you're right honey.... how long has it been? 15? 16 years ago when we were in that forest.

Jeanne: -nods- we heard the cries of a baby so I headed towards the direction of the sound, and there he was a baby boy in the middle of the forest.

Satoshi: we didn't have the heart to abandon him, so we decided to take him and raised him as our son.

Shuuko: oh goodness, I take it that he knows the truth.

Jeanne: he does, we told him long ago... he took it hard at first not knowing who were his real parents, but he still treats us as his parents, and we treat him like our son.

Shuuko: -sniff- that is such a heartwarming story! You guys are the best people on Earth.

Masayoshi: -nods-.

Shuuko: so what happened to Hitohito's parents?

Satoshi: -shakes his head- all we know is they died after he was born.

Shuuko: oww that poor boy, you guys are really saints.

Masayoshi: it is very admirable, what you have done.

Satoshi/Jeanne: eh?

Masayoshi: not a lot of couples have the strength to have a child of their own, let alone adopt one that was abandoned. You gave this boy a home when he needed it the most.

Suuko: look at you all talkative now.

Masayoshi: hehe, let me fire up the grill to our new friends.

Satoshi: oh it's okay you don't have to.

Shuuko: nonsense, it's the least we can do for our friends.

Jeanne: we don't want to take advantage of your hospitality.

Shuuko: not at all, we'd be honored if you joined us right honey?

Masayoshi: of course.

Satoshi: well then at least let me help you.

The Komi and the Tadano family grew closer that night.

Hitohito: guys we're back.

Satoshi: Hito my son, come help me with the barbecue.

Hitohito: sure thing dad.

Satoshi saw how his son was talking casually to the girl in dark purple hair.

Satoshi: (no doubt about it, my son has found himself a nice girl.)

After their barbecue Hitohito, Shouko, Najimi, Hitomi, and Shousuke stayed in one of the shacks playing cards.

Najimi: aaaaand I'm out. Well I just have to wait for my punishment game zzzzzzzz

Hitohito: did you just seriously fallen asleep?

Hitomi: I think our folks are still drinking, Shousuke come with me I'll check up on them.

Shousuke: ........

Hitomi: I'm a girl you know? Are you going to let me got there by myself.

Shousuke: .......... -sighs-

Shousuke got up and tagged along with Hitomi.

Hitohito: (thank you Shousuke.) Let's clean up.

Shouko: -nods-

While both were cleaning up Hitohito was trying to come up with a conversation topic so things wouldn't be awkward.

Hitohito: who would've thought that we would see each other on vacation hahaha.

Shouko: -nods-

Hitohito: .......

Shouko: .......

The silent came back.

Hitohito: (damn my social skills.)

Shouko searched through her bag and handed Hitohito a pamphlet.

Hitohito: star gazing? Oh right they are holding one at the top of the mountains...... do you want to go toge- (TOGETHER?!)

Hitohito was shocked by his own thoughts.

Hitohito: w-we should wake up Najimi.

Shouko was deciding whether to say yes or no.

Hitohito: y-you're probably right I would feel bad if we woke them up. Then how about Hitomi and Shousuke....... oh yeah they are not back....... it's close by so.

Hitohito and Shouko left the lodge and followed the paths towards the top of the mountain.

Hitohito: (deep breaths Hitohito, you're only walking with a friend to look at the stars.)

Shouko didn't notice Hitohito sweating bullet. His mind was not working.

Luckily they were almost there towards their destination.

Hitohito: well we're almost there-


The sounds of a branch breaking and the rustling around the bushes put Hitohito in high alert.

He could hear an irregular heartbeat coming from said bushes.

Hitohito: Komi-san stay behind me.

Shouko: ?

Hitohito got in front of Shouko in a defensive position ready for anything that might come out.

???: -growling-.

From the bushes came out a canine looking creature, his left leg was bleeding and he had a hostile look on his face.

Hitohito: it's just stray dog, don't worry if we keep our distance he'll leave us alone.

Shouko: -nods-.

Hitohito and Shouko tried to continue their way, but the way the dog kept looking at them made Shouko really nervous, this caused her to trip and fall to the ground.


From the eyes of the dog Hitohito noticed a glimpse of red beaming that was only growing and was pointing towards Shouko.

Hitohito: oh no....

Dog: WOOF!

The canine's eyes shoot a pair of laser beams towards the girl.

Hitohito: SHOUKO!!

Hitohito didn't think twice before throwing himself in front of Shouko recieving the impact, luckily it did not hit him directly, but it did scratch his shoulder.

Hitohito: ARGH! (Man that stuff burns like hell.)

Shouko: !!

Dog: -whimpers-

The dog fainted into the ground.

Hitohito: man that stuff burns.

Hitohito approached the dog but Shouko prevented it by grabbing his hand.

Hitohito: it's okay now he won't hurt us but he needs medical attention.

Shouko: ......

Hitohito: -carrying the dog- we have to get him back to our camp.

Shouko couldn't respond, she only followed him where their parents were located. Meanwhile Hitohito had a lot going on through his head.

Hitohito: (a Brakonian dog? How? Where has he been? What happened to him?)

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