Becoming an Oni in this land...

By RireiHasu

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It's a story about a young lady in a mafia waking up to find out she turned into an Oni of a certain popular... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Forest
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: The Eccentric Magician
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: CoLA 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Meeting The Goddess
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73 (R18)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 (End)

Chapter 72

126 10 11
By RireiHasu

Yukari watched with keen interest as Surtr faced off against Nrvnqsr Chaos, the True Ancestor. Despite the formidable opponent she faced, Surtr's expression betrayed a hint of disappointment and annoyance towards the rambling vampire.

As she observed Surtr's fighting style, Yukari couldn't help but feel impressed by her strength and skill. She was perhaps the first person to have the opportunity to witness Surtr in action, and it was truly a sight to behold.

With a smile on her face, Yukari eagerly anticipated how Surtr would end this fight. She knew that whatever the outcome, it would be nothing short of spectacular.


As Surtr listened to Nrvnqsr Chaos' rambling, she couldn't help but feel annoyed and disappointed. She had expected a worthy opponent, but instead, she was facing a delusional vampire who was all talk and no action. The condescending tone of his voice only made things worse.

 She couldn't take it anymore. "How annoying," she thought to herself. "I expected something else from this fight, yet here I am suffering from the ramblings of this piece of rotten flesh. Can this vampire shut up for a minute?"

Despite her frustration, Surtr remained calm and collected. She knew what she had to do to end this fight quickly. "I'll gladly make you suffer even if you become 999," she thought to herself. "I'll inflict immense pain on your psyche. I am a warrior in a proper fight, but if it's about pure strength and no skill way of fighting, then I'll be a beast just this time."

Surtr seized the wolf produced by Chaos, her fingers digging into its flesh with a cruel intensity. With a savage grunt, she ripped it apart with a brutality that made even the most battle-hardened warrior flinch. Blood and gore sprayed across the ground as the wolf's howls of agony filled the air.

 Chaos writhed in agony as he felt the pain of his creation being torn apart. His eyes blazed with anger as he glared at Surtr, but even he knew he was no match for her in terms of raw strength.

"You are nothing but a disappointment," Surtr said, her voice low and menacing. "I expected a true fight, a battle of blades and skills. But all you offer is a weak, pathetic display."

She raised her sword once again, her eyes glinting with a dark desire. "I crave a fight that will leave me breathless with excitement. And you, Nrvnqsr Chaos, are not worthy of that fight. But fear not, for I will still satisfy my dark desires. You will be the recipient of my wrath."

Surtr cracked her knuckles, the sound echoing through the air. "Prepare yourself for true agony, for I will make you suffer like never before."

Nrvnqsr Chaos screamed in agony as Surtr ruthlessly tore apart his body, his spine being ripped off and animal heads being plucked onto his body. Surtr's movements were skillful and precise, as she removed his limbs like a mannequin, one by one.

The sound of tearing flesh and breaking bones echoed through the air as Surtr continued to rip apart Chaos' body, showing no mercy or remorse. The horrific sight made even Yukari, a seasoned observer, feel a sense of unease.

Surtr's eyes gleamed with dark desire as she continued to inflict pain on Chaos, each limb ripped with effortless precision. Her movements were like that of a skilled butcher, but the screams of agony from Chaos made it clear that this was no ordinary slaughter.

Nrvnqsr Chaos screamed in agony as Surtr continued to tear apart his body, ripping off his limbs and plucking animal heads from his flesh. He had never experienced such pain and suffering, and he knew that his defeat was inevitable.

As Nrvnqsr Chaos watched Surtr tear apart his body with ease, he felt a deep sense of hopelessness wash over him. He had once been the ruler of a powerful empire, feared and respected by all who knew him. But now, at this moment, he was nothing but a broken and defeated shell of his former self.

He had no more beasts to summon, no more spells to cast. All he could do was watch as Surtr continued to dismantle him piece by piece, leaving him completely vulnerable and exposed. As he lay there, helpless and defeated, he couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the end for him.

Nrvnqsr Chaos let out a blood-curdling scream as his body was shattered into a million pieces. The pain was unbearable, and he could feel every bone in his body breaking apart. His screams echoed through the chamber, a haunting sound that filled the air with dread and terror.

As he lay there, broken and defeated, Nrvnqsr realized that he had underestimated his opponent. He had thought himself invincible, untouchable, but now he knew the truth. He was nothing more than a plaything for Surtr, a weak and feeble creature who had been crushed beneath her heel.

And as he took his final breaths, Nrvnqsr knew that his fate was sealed. He would forever be remembered as a cautionary tale, a warning to all who dared to challenge the might of the powerful and the strong.

"Tsk, why won't you regenerate again?!" Surtr said angrily, she knows that this vampire has hundreds of life.

Surtr's disappointment quickly turned into sadistic pleasure as she realized that Nrvnqsr had not regenerated yet. She relished the opportunity to inflict more pain and suffering on her defeated opponent, to break him down until there was nothing left.

She walked towards the pile of shattered bones and torn flesh that once was Nrvnqsr Chaos, a cruel grin on her face. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a wave of flames that engulfed the pile, burning away any remaining shreds of life.

 "Come back to me, Chaos," she taunted, her voice dripping with sadistic delight. "Come back and feel the pain again. And again. And again."

Nrvnqsr Chaos struggled to speak, his voice weak and broken. "You may have defeated me this time, but it doesn't matter. I will always return, no matter how many times you break me. I am eternal, and my power will never truly be snuffed out."

But even as he spoke, Nrvnqsr could feel his life slipping away. He knew that his body was too badly damaged to regenerate this time, and that his end was near. He closed his eyes and let out a final, despairing breath, knowing that he had failed in his ultimate goal of achieving true power.

In the end, Nrvnqsr Chaos was nothing more than a broken, defeated shell of his former self, his once-great power reduced to nothing but dust and ashes. And in his final moments, he could do nothing but accept his defeat, and the futility of his never-ending quest for power.

Surtr chuckled sadistically as she watched Nrvnqsr Chaos burn in the flames of her Hellfire. She could hear his screams of agony and see the fear in his eyes as he writhed in pain. She felt a twisted sense of satisfaction at his suffering, relishing in the fact that she had broken him both physically and mentally.

"You should have known better than to challenge me," Surtr said coldly as she continued to watch him burn. "This is what happens to those who oppose me. You are nothing but a weak and feeble creature, and I have no use for the likes of you. Burn in the fires of Hell, and let this be a warning to all who would dare to stand against me."

Her voice dripped with venom and malice, and her eyes gleamed with a cruel satisfaction as she continued to watch Nrvnqsr Chaos burn. To her, he was nothing more than a plaything to be broken and destroyed at her whim. And at that moment, she felt more alive than ever before.

Surtr's lips curled into a wicked smile as she hurled the soul of Chaos towards the fiery prison of Muspelheim. It was clear that she took great pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering upon her enemies, reveling in their screams and cries of agony. To Surtr, Chaos was nothing more than a toy, a plaything to be discarded once she had grown tired of it. She felt no remorse for what she had done, no regret for the life she had snuffed out. In her eyes, it was all part of the game, a brutal and bloody game that she intended to win at all costs.

Surtr watched with a twisted sense of satisfaction as Chaos's soul was consumed by the fiery depths of Muspelheim. The chains that bound him writhed and twisted, draining the last of his life force as he was pulled deeper and deeper into the molten core.

It was an eerie sight, to be sure, but for Surtr, it was like music to her ears. The screams and cries of her victims were like a symphony, and the sight of Chaos being consumed by the flames of Muspelheim was just another note in her twisted melody.

Surtr let out a deep breath as she came back to her senses, feeling a wave of calm wash over her. She couldn't deny the satisfaction she felt from seeing Chaos suffer, but she also knew that her inner demon had taken over, driving her to acts of sadistic violence. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind and push aside the lingering thoughts of chaos and destruction. "I really need to take a break," she muttered to herself. "Maybe a nice ice cream will help me forget all of this." Despite the lingering guilt, Surtr couldn't help but smile at the memory of Chaos's suffering. She knew that she needed to work on controlling her darker impulses, but for now, she was content to enjoy the brief respite and indulge in some much-needed relaxation.

Surtr was taken aback when a stranger, a young girl with striking blood-red eyes, suddenly appeared before her and offered her an ice cream. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, as she had never met this girl before. Yet, something about her seemed familiar, as if they shared a connection that went beyond their current encounter.

Surtr's thoughts were interrupted when the girl spoke again. "Is something wrong? You looked like you've seen a ghost." The girl's voice was gentle and comforting, despite the unsettling nature of their meeting.

Surtr hesitated for a moment before taking the ice cream, her eyes still fixed on the girl's red eyes. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of vampire she was dealing with, and what her true intentions were.

Surtr takes a few more licks of her ice cream, enjoying the cool sweetness on her tongue. She looks back up at the vampire girl in front of her and gives her a nod of acknowledgement.

"Nice to meet you, Names Surtr" Surtr says, her voice calm and collected. She can't help but wonder what this encounter means - is it a coincidence, or is there a deeper meaning behind it?

"I see you have a taste for ice cream as well," Altrouge said with a sly smile, her blood-red eyes glinting mischievously. "But don't be fooled by my innocent appearance, Surtr. I am Altrouge Brunestud, and I am not to be underestimated."

Surtr's heart began to race as she realized she was face to face with the infamous Black Princess of the Night, Altrouge Brunestud. Her mind was a blank slate, unable to comprehend how she was standing before a vampire with no known records or history, unlike the famous Arcueid.

Surtr's wariness grew as she wondered what Altrouge's intentions were, but her curiosity also piqued as she considered the possibilities of this unexpected encounter.

Surtr's voice was laced with a hint of caution as she spoke. She couldn't help but feel wary of Altrouge, given that there were no records of her, unlike Arcueid. "I'm curious as to why the Eclipse Princess of Black Blood has sought me out. What are your intentions?" she asked, trying to maintain a neutral tone.

"Be mine, Surtr," Altrouge said with a feverish look in her eyes that seemed to be an endless abyss of darkness. The intensity of her gaze was almost obsessive, making Surtr feel uneasy and on guard.

Surtr's expression turned uneasy, a sense of deja vu washing over her. Altrouge's words and the way she looked at her reminded her of someone she used to know, someone who had become dangerously obsessed with her.

Surtr's voice held a tinge of uncertainty as she mentioned the name "Chang'e", causing Altrouge to become visibly flustered and drop her previous demeanor.

Altrouge tries to compose herself and regain her composure. "It's been a while, Sofia. Sorry about that. I was just caught up in the moment." she said, her voice slightly shaky.

As the memories flooded back, Surtr couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for Chang'e. Despite being the same age as Surtr, Chang'e possessed a level of power that surpassed her own. Her ability to manipulate dreams, memories, and attributes was something Surtr had never encountered before.

Surtr remembered how Chang'e had once loudly declared that she would save her. But one day, Chang'e had reappeared before her for one last time and then disappeared without a trace. No one knew where she had gone or what had happened to her.

As the memories flooded back, Surtr realized that Chang'e was not just a figment of her imagination but a real person who had a profound impact on her life.

"Tell me, Chang'e, where did you disappear to? Why did you remove yourself from my memory?" Surtr's voice was cold and unwavering.

Altrogue decided to come clean with it. "I know I will die soon, and I wanted to give you something before I disappear," she began. "So, I decided to give you my ability to manipulate memories."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "I knew you could do it without my help since you're proficient at biology, but I also gave you a fragment of my voice. That annoying voice that you hear claiming to be your evil self? That's a part of me."

She remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. "Thank you for telling me this," Surtr finally spoke, her tone even. "I need some time to process everything."

Altrouge suddenly became disoriented as she witnessed the Molten Giant obliterate the entire illusionary city, leaving her stranded on the rooftop in the real world with no sign of Surtr. She felt a mix of frustration and disappointment at the sudden turn of events.

"Sofia?!" Altrouge called out again, but she couldn't sense her presence. Her anxiety grew stronger as she struggled to control her overwhelming power, causing the environment around her to distort and humans around her to collapse.

"Fou?!" Fou barked worriedly, noticing Altrouge's distress.

Altrouge's expression softens as she looks at the dog in her arms, "Fou, you're always there for me when I need you," she says with a small smile. She takes a deep breath and stands up, looking around to assess the situation.

Altrouge spoke in a regretful tone, "It seems that my way of approaching her was quite foolish." She sighed, feeling foolish for her previous actions.

The white fluffy dog, Fou, looked up at Altrouge with a curious expression, as if asking her what was wrong.

Altrogue's voice was filled with sadness and regret as she spoke to the white dog in her arms, "Fou, I love her so much, but I fear that my love for her has become too overbearing. I don't know how to show her my feelings without overwhelming her." She sighed heavily, feeling the weight of her emotions.

"Fou?" The white fluffy dog asked a question that caught Altrouge off guard, making her look surprised.

Altrogue's smile revealed her relief as she spoke, "I was scared, Fou. I thought she hated me for my overbearing love. But if what you say is true, then maybe there is hope."

"Fou!" Fou said with determination.

"You are right, Fou. I know she's still out there in this world, and I'll make sure she knows how much I love her," Altrogue said with a passionate yet obsessive gleam in her eyes.

I've got a fever and my throat is so dry. Honestly, I feel like a completely different person trying to write this chapter.

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