who's next?

By hisokasbungeegumshot

59.5K 1.6K 1.5K

You're 20 years old living on the outskirts of the big city, York New. Somehow, you unintentionally meet thre... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 14

1.6K 49 25
By hisokasbungeegumshot

word count - 3175

- authors p.o.v -

   Illumi swiftly swooped y/n into his arms, and jumped out the window he busted, leaving chrollo behind

after all, he didn't know chrollo.

y/n was still out cold as illumi landed on the ground with her. He bolted for the forest surrounding the house. Illumi knew exactly where to go. fortunately, he planned everything beforehand.

elegantly running through the woods, illumi dodged bullets consistently fired by Azrain's bodyguards, who chased him down. some rode on electric motorcycles, others ran on foot. Illumi wasn't concerned about killing them considering his job was done. His only concern was getting y/n to safety

two motorcycles pulled in front of illumi, he instantly jumped into a tree and began to parkour instead. this slowed him down a bit considering he was holding a human body in his arms. To make it more durable, illumi threw y/n over his shoulder, now only holding them with one arm

shots fired up the trees. some of the bodyguards carried shotguns, causing tree branches to bust as they shot for illumi

illumi took the lead once again, leaping back onto the ground to run. He nudged y/n off his shoulder, and back into his arms.

"they're getting away!" "kill them!" men screamed as illumi continued to run, and dive bullets

The wind was against him blowing directly in his eyes, causing him to squint slightly. Even so, he never lost sight of his objective

The chase went on for another minute, illumi didn't grow tired. Perhaps it was just the adrenaline or the motivation from the task at hand

Suddenly, the bodyguards dropped like flies one by one behind illumi. But, he didn't look back for a second.

the destruction of motorcycles echoed along the wind, with screams of struggle and despair ringing against his ears. Then there was silence. No voices, no motors, only silence. The only sound was branches and leaves shuffling beneath illumis feet as he kept running

He looked down at y/n for a moment to make sure she wasn't hurt. re-focusing his attention on the tracks ahead, he noticed someone blocking his path, forcing him to make a short stop.

It was night, so it was difficult to see. the only source of light was the bright moon and stars displayed above.

However, illumi was still able to find it more than obvious, that it was a male figure blocking him. He was also well aware that they were responsible for killing those guards chasing him

"Who the hell are you." the man harshly questioned holding a book open

illumi recognized the man, and realized it was the person who helped retrieve y/n.

"chrollo..?" illumi recalled you saying a few moments ago when you had woken up in the man's arms

he wasn't sure how chrollo managed to fight off several guards on his own. Illumi left him for dead. He assumed that chrollo had to have been pretty powerful.

"I don't think I'm obligated to answer that question," illumi responded

"you are when you're holding her" chrollo nodded at y/n "I can't let you take her. who. are. you. " chrollo asked once more, tension tracing his words

"a friend. who are you?" illumi repeated the same question

"a friend." chrollo mocked slightly tilting his head 

the two glared at each other. the wind blew illumis hair through the night as they both stood analyzing one another. A moment ago, they didn't see each other as a threat when they saved y/n's life. But Now, however, they were pure enemies.

To be fair, chrollo didn't know illumi one bit. He didn't trust him to take y/n and run off with her. How did he know Illumi wasn't kidnapping you? he couldn't trust it.

And illumi just viewed chrollo as some man chasing after y/n. He didn't suspect the real reason chrollo helped save y/n. Why did he save her? why did he want her?

"prove it" illumi lifted his chin

Chrollo's bloodlust seeped out "I don't have to prove anything to you."

Keeping his gaze on Chrollo, Illumi gently placed y/n down against a large tree to his left.

"don't tell me I have to fight you to pass, chrollo," illumi said mocking his name.

Chrollo's eyebrows scrunched for a moment, pondering how illumi knew his name. But then He too remembered, that y/n announced it when she awoke.

illumis bloodlust oozed waking creatures from their sleep and forcing the night air to blow uncontrollably around him

that was the moment the two men mutually decided, they were going to fight.

chrollo mumbled something under his breath, and a red shadow appeared behind him

the shadow bolted at illumi, but he dodged and ran up to chrollo instead. Illumi assessed that without that book, chrollo was powerless.

chrollo pulled out his knife from his pocket, holding it in his right hand, still holding the book open in his left.

the shadow chrollo activated chased after illumi, screeching through the forest

Illumi was becoming too close, so chrollo closed his book allowing his shadow to disperse as it was useless at this point

Illumi was finally in range, which triggered chrollo to take a stab. left leg, miss, head, miss, right hand, miss. every jab chrollo took, illumi avoided.

Chrollo jumped back, but illumi followed not allowing him to catch a break

Chrollo took a swipe with his weapon at illumis head one last time, but he dodged once again. however, chrollo managed to cut a small strand of illumis hair

illumi finally backed off jumping back, and the two men stood twenty feet apart from each other once again

"that was close." illumi said nonchalantly touching his hair

chrollo only glared back at him, weapon in hand.

The two men were almost identical, skill level-wise that is. determining who'd win in a fight would take hours, possibly days.

"Just hand her over" chrollo stated, panting a bit

"no." illumi said carelessly,

chrollo gave up on physically fighting him, realizing it was pointless. so he decided to just charge for y/n instead.
He attempted to run past illumi, but this time, it was he, who was steering clear of attacks.

illumi held pins upon his knuckles as he punched and swiped at chrollo in every direction possible

With each strike illumi took, the more livid the two men became. none of his attacks landed, and this time it was chrollo who jumped back

"this is pointless" illumi sighed

chrollo said nothing. he blinked and illumi was gone

chrollo stood still, watching for any sudden movement beyond the forest and bushes

illumi was out of sight, until nearly fifteen pins came flying at chrollo from above, left and right

chrollo predicted the attack, but not the amount. it was a challenge for him to avoid. each pin landed in a tree behind him, but one grazed his right sleeve, tearing it open.

illumi suddenly hung upside down from a tree no farther than six feet from chrollo, and chrollo once again opened his book, about to launch an attack

"stop!" a voice shouted

- y/n's p.o.v -

when you gained consciousness again, you felt a chill run down your spine into your core. fear. you felt someone's bloodlust. no, it was more than one person. Two people to be precise

your senses became aware of where you were when your buttocks tensed against the hard tree roots beneath. you were shivering from the night breeze. all you had was your thin dress illumi bought for you. You rubbed your arms in an attempt to heat up

"ow.." you groaned "What the fuck happened?" you said holding your head

you didn't see anyone in sight. instead, you spotted an owl staring down at you from a tree. it chirped a few times.

remembering the situation, you became confused as to why you were in the middle of the forest, and not at the mansion. what happened...?

You stood up observing your surroundings. doing a 360, to your left, you spotted several dead bodies. Most likely a good fifteen feet away. Dead bodyguards? Before you, more trees, to your right, you spotted something...

squinting your eyes through the dark, you were able to make out two figures running ahead of you. no, they weren't running they were...fighting! fuck, chrollo and illumi! they don't know each other! This is bad

you ran over to the men, swiping away branches, and getting poked with a few thorns against your legs. You shouted from afar "Stop!" but they were far too emerged in a brawl to hear you

Despite the darkness, you could still see the fruiory on their faces as they fought

Still running, you watched as illumi disappeared. Moments later you saw illumi hanging upside down from a large tree branch above chrollo, pins in each of his hands, while chrollo had a book open ready to fight. you assumed it was his nen. it had to be. unless he was reading. which would be a stupid assumption

"stop!" you shouted finally being in close range. the two men paused and turned to you

illumi jumped down from the tree

you didn't see any wounds on either of them. how long had they been fighting for? You scanned chrollo, then illumi

Seeing illumis stupid face forced your memories to return. Where the hell was he while you were near death?

You stomped over to illumi and smacked him in his stupid face. He could've avoided that smack, but he allowed it.  "Where the hell were you?! I almost died illumi!"

"I was preparing the area to dispose of the body." he responded "Turns out we didn't need it"

You growled squeezing your fists

chrollo looked illumi up and down, while illumi gave him a side eye

"Who is this man, y/n? Your cousin?" chrollo asked looking at you, still in defence mode

there was no point in lying anymore. the mission was over as far as you knew.

"no. no he's not my cousin, but I do know him" you stated

chrollos stance became neutral as he dusted himself off. his face was still tense

"and him?" illumi asked, pointing at chrollo with his thumb

"I know both of you! it's fine just let it go and stop fighting. haven't we had enough for one damn night?" you snarled

the three of you stood in a triangle

"I know illumi from the hunter exam" you explained locking eyes with chrollo "And I met chrollo at a bar downtown," you said now looking at illumi

"Oh." illumi glanced at chrollo

you needed something to ease the tension. but you didn't know what. it was so awkward. you had no idea what went down when you were out cold. you blamed yourself. rage overtook your emotions, and you acted on it, taking it too far.

if you use too much nen in a short period, you become drowsy. you knew you used a lot, but you didn't expect to faint from it

"Shake hands," you said judging the two

they both stood there dumbfounded

"do it! make peace. now." you demanded this time

they just stood there, so you took their hands instead and connected the two for them. finally, they shook


"I apologize, I may have gotten a bit carried away" chrollo pulled his hand away

you couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not

illumi just nodded, then turned his attention to you "We have to go"

"chrollos coming with us" you argued

"you sound like my little brother," illumi said implying you were a child

you put your hand on your hip

"fine." illumi said not having the energy to argue

"That's quite alright, I ca-"

"-no. I don't feel comfortable leaving you out here alone. I don't care how strong you may be." you argued again "Like it or not, we each killed someone in that house. It would be better to travel together, in case one of us gets caught"

"Very well." illumi said "He leaves once we're back in town," he said to no one in particular

"Glad to." chrollo pushed back

It was like dealing with seven-year-old girls who just had a disagreement.

The three of you began walking through the forest, and you, of course, walked between them.

"Are you okay?" chrollo asked you breaking the silence

"Yeah, I-"

"She's fine." illumi spoke for you

Chrollo ignored him.

There was silence again. You began picking at your nails, thinking of something to say. There was plenty to talk about, yet nothing left your lips.

You wanted to ask chrollo what his ability was, why he was at the party. You wanted to ask illumi what had happened after you passed out. Maybe those were conversations for another time

"Cold?" chrollo noticed you shivering

"A bit," you said avoiding eye contact

"Here," chrollo stopped in his tracks, taking off his tuxedo. you stopped with him.

Illumi walked ahead but glanced back for a second

Chrollo wrapped the tuxedo around you

"Thank you" you smiled at him

"No worries" You both continued to walk, catching up with illumi

After about another minute, the three of you came to a clearing, out of the forest. Within it, lay a limo. Although it wasn't the same one you'd travelled here with

Beyond the clearing was a dirt road, trailing down a dark, long hill. It looked creepy. Like something out of a horror movie

You and chrollo walked side by side, as illumi spoke with the driver standing outside the vehicle

Chrollo opened the door for you. You gently smiled at him getting inside the limo.

Sitting down, you realized how exhausted you were. Mentally and physically. Tonight did not go as expected.

Chrollo got in behind you, and illumi briefly followed

shuffling into the half circle, you sat at the end of it, while chrollo sat on the curve, and illumi on the other end across from you

Now that you were all in a confined space, the tension was thicker.

Looking at the digital clock displayed in front of the driver, the time was nearly midnight. You estimated that you wouldn't get home until 1 a.m.

The limo began moving, and you shifted to a more comfortable position

"So," chrollo started "you're an assassin?" he asked illumi

"Correct. I'm a zoldyck." illumi said. chrollos eyes widened, and you wondered what he was thinking

illumi took off his ear device, and you did the same handing it over to him "Are you? an assassin I mean" illumi asked

"No, that's not my thing" Chrollo simply responded. He shifted his gaze to you, silently asking as well

"I'm not either. I was just helping him with a job," you said leaving out the detail that you were forced to do this. you tried to quickly change the subject "I understand how illumi knew I was in danger, but how did you chrollo?" you asked

"To be honest, I didn't trust you being on your own. Nor, the men surrounding you. So I watched you from afar, making sure you were ok." Chrollo leaned back in his seat

He saw me. he saw everything...shit. your face became hot out of embarrassment

"I went to finish my job, then came back a few moments later," he continued "but you were gone. "I searched for you.   you were nowhere to be found on the main floor, so I searched upstairs, and I heard Azrain's annoying drunken voice. so I killed the guards posted beyond the bedroom doors...you know the rest"

you and illumi exchanged looks. illumi looked somewhat, displeased. you, however, were quite the opposite

he looked for you because he was worried. no one has ever cared for you like that. not your family, not your old friends, or even the significant others you once had. nobody. to top it off, you've been alone since you ran away. so you
had nobody. having someone care for you like that was eye-opening. a new feeling you didn't want to forget.

a faint smile appeared across your face. even with everything that unfolded tonight, you felt grateful. not only for chrollo but illumi too, oddly enough. without them, you'd be dead, no question about it

you wondered, why you were the person they cared for so much. they'd never admit that, but it was clear from their motives. you were no longer scared of illumi. well, that's a lie, maybe still just a bit. but in this limo, despite the lurking tension between illumi and chrollo, you felt...safe.

The rest of the ride home was quiet. Chrollo was resting his eyes, illumi was on the phone with his client, and you just sat there almost falling asleep

Finally, the limo pulled up to York new, stopping at a train station on the outskirts of the city

Illumi hung up the phone "This is your stop" he said to chrollo

Chrollo nodded, shot you a smile, and exited the limo

Wanting to say goodbye, you followed him out

"Where are you going?" illumi questioned. You ignored him

"Chrollo" you called grabbing his attention, hopping out of the vehicle

Turning around, chrollo stood before you.

"Here's your tux back," you said taking the tuxedo off your shoulders

"Oh, right. Thanks" chrollo took it back, throwing the blouse over his shoulder

There was a small pause. you looked around you trying to ignore the awkwardness. the train station was almost completely empty, causing your voices to echo. It was nearly 1 a.m. anyway, so that was understandable

"You still up for that date?" chrollo asked with a smile

You remembered the conversation the two of you had over text message

"I'll think about it." you smiled back. Chrollo only chuckled in response

"Thank you Chrollo," you said genuinely. "for tonight. for helping me." standing on your tippy toes, you kissed his right cheek

Chrollo blushed admiring your e/c orbs. "Good night y/n" was the last thing he said before walking off, into the train station

Getting back into the limo, you were greeted by the face of a very displeased illumi. He glared at you

"What?" you asked

The limo took off once again. "I didn't know he was your boyfriend" illumi uttered

"He's not." you confirmed, "what's it to you anyway?"

"Oh nothing" illumi exhaled "I was thinking, I have another job coming up soon, would like to-"

"-fuck. no."

The rest of the drive was silent, the limo pulled up to heavens arena. You made sure you had all of your possessions. (mostly your phone which was still tight in your bra.)

"Have a good night lumi" you called him

"No goodbye kiss for me?" he teased

You rolled your eyes shutting the car door in his face.

you shook your head and walked into the building you could now feel comfortable, calling a home.

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