The Boss (Gwendoline Christie...

By womenaregorgeous

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Olivia Spielberg was the daughter of famous director, Steven Spielberg. Starting her career off as an actress... More

Nepotism baby
Paparazzi (tw)
Judgy (tw)
The Boss
Boyfriend (slight NSFW)
Screaming and Fighting(TW)
Goodbye (major tw)
Healing (tw)
Just the two of us.
Birthday Party
What are we? (tw?)
Lunch dates and baking cakes
Goodbyes are always hard
Why I wanted you to
compromise (NSFW)
Locked down
The phone call
Whatever you need
New Year, New us
I'll try to help (tw)
Hits different (Tw)
Good parts and bad parts ( TW+NSFW)
An actors life
The start of a journey
Missing you in Romania
I need to leave
Critical Condition

Meeting Cathy

459 30 0
By womenaregorgeous

Olivia's pov

After me and Gwen stopped hugging I invited her to stay and watch some movies with me. She agreed.

She was in her pyjamas already and they were really cute. I changed into mine and climbed into my bed, indicating for her to join me.

She led awkwardly on the very edge of the otherside. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into me and she just laughed.

Her head on my chest, I turned on the TV. I let her pick the movie but I didn't care, I just got to admire her. But she didn't like me, she'd been awkward all night.

When I woke up the next morning, the TV was still blaring but Gwendoline was asleep on my chest, her arms holding my waist. I laid there like that admiring her in the sun that was peaking through the window.

She started to stir and I looked away, embarrassed.

"Oh my god I fell asleep in your bed! I'm so sorry!" She gasps and I just laugh.

"It's ok Gwen, I don't mind." I smiled but soon there was a the door.

"CATHY!!" I jump up and down like a little girl when I see her at the door.

"Hey Liv, how are you?"

"I have something big to tell you but I have to tell you in a minute." I whisper before dragging her and the kids into the kitchen.

"Gwen! This is Catherine and her kids." I smiled, pointing to them.

Gwendoline immediately wrapped her arms around herself, self conscious. She was wearing shorts and a tank top and I knew she wasn't confident like that, especially around my celebrity friends.

"Hey Gwen, it's ok, Catherine isn't going to judge, I won't be surprised if she showers you in compliments, but please don't hide yourself, because you are beautiful and special." I whispered in  her ear, now standing between her legs.

She embraced me tightly and I returned the hug.

After a minute, we both untangled out arms and smiled at Cathy.

"Gwendoline, like Liv said, you are beautiful and you shouldn't hide your body." Catherine smiles, pulling Gwendoline into a hug

Gwendoline mumbles a small thank you before you start cooking breakfast. The kids go.into the garden while Catherine and Gwendoline get acquainted.

This was my crush and my other best friend and I hoped they would get on.

You handed them both a plate of scrambled eggs and salmon before putting a big pile of toast on the table.

"So Liv, you dating anyone?" Catherine smirks and I blush.

"No but I do like someone." I giggle, not looking at either of them.

"Who?" Gwendoline asks, sadness filling her voice.

"I'm not telling! Now Gwen, go shower and I'll be up to help you get ready." In reality, you just wanted to tell Cathy about your crush.

"Cathy my crush is on her!" I spill once Gwen was gone.

"Hahaha I knew it! Did you not see the new pictures of you at the mall yesterday? And the fact that you hugged her and you were standing in between your legs whispering stuff like that to her. She likes you too."

"Nope she doesn't." I shake my head.

"Her voice when you said you liked someone, the fact again you were stood in between her legs. The fact that yesterday there were no photos of you carrying any bags, only holding your wallet." She giggles.

"Fine you got me there." I sighed.

"Tell her."

"First off, she just got broken up with and two, its not the right time."

"Do it because i know if I was you I would snatch her up in a heartbeat." She winks and walks outside.

I find Gwendoline stood in her room, staring into the abyss.

"Gwen? You alright there darling?" Fuck force of habit. I called people darling a lot, usually when I didn't have a crush on them.

That seemed to shake her back into reality and she smiled at you.

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking about life. I'm single, I'm getting old and I guess I just want a relationship that's not going to end in tears." She sighed.

"You aren't old Gwen, I mean you're not much older than me and I just don't count how old i am anymore. And if someone truly loved you they wouldn't care, like me." I said the last bit so quietly no one would've heard.

I grabbed the dress I had custom fitted for her, overnight as well.

"Here's your dress Gwen, I hope you like it. I had it rush made for you."

She hung up the dress and unzipped the bag. She audibly gasped when she saw it. It was pastel blue with long sleeves and it would go all the way down to the floor. She turned and jumped into my arms, making me fall backwards with her on top of me.

"Thank you thank you thank you! It's beautiful!" She squeals.

But all I could focus on was the hot woman laid ontop of me. I believed she was Aphrodite herself. Her short fluffy hair, her beautiful blue eyes, her beautiful figure and her height most of all.

I loved her height, she seemed so powerful especially when she wore heels aswell. She just didn't know how beautiful I thought she was.

"Liv what dress are you wearing?" Catherine suddenly came to the the door and saw me and Gwendoline on the bed, her ontop of me and me staring at her.

We both scrambled away and I rushed over to a laughing Catherine.

"I'm sorry to interrupt lovebirds." She teased, resulting in a slap on the arm.

"Oh shush, she was just happy because of the dress I bought her."

"Liv, you have to tell her soon. And also why would she willing lay ontop of you if she didn't like you?"

"I know Cathy, I just don't know how." I sigh

"Well go help your girlfriend get ready and I'll sort everything out." She smirks and I flip her off as I exit the room.

It was already 1pm and the party started at 6 so we  had a little while.

I walked to Gwen's room to find her sat at the vanity brushing her short hair.


"Hey Olivia." She turns to smile at me.

"Want me to do that?" I ask, approaching her from behind and stealing the brush.

She nods and closes her eyes.

I brush through her short hair softly, letting it just fall into place naturally.

"Mhmmmm." She says quietly, making me blush.

"Ok Gwen, what do you want to do with it?"

"I don't mind, natural I guess."

"Ok wanna join me while I do my hair?" Shs nods and grabs her stuff before coming to my room.

Catherine's pov

Vendors started to arrive for the party and I directed them until they were done and went to check on Olivia.

The bedroom door was open so I peaked in and saw her and Gwendoline sat next to eachother getting ready. They were both laughing and smiling, both having very obvious blushes covering their faces.

Why can't they just get together already?

I leave them be before gathering my children before getting ready. It takes a while to get yourself and 2  kids who can dress themselvesbut just want to do there own thing. My hair and makeup had already been done before so it wasn't that bad.

I knew Olivia preferred to do her own stuff besides for important events.

Once I was all done, it was 5pm.

I went to check on the finishing touches before going to grab Olivia. I send the kids back outside before walking to her room.

"Hey hey! Let me do that!" I hear Gwendoline say as I walk towards the room.

I peaked around the door and she was zipping up Olivia's dress, one hand rested on the small of her back and the other pulling up the zip.

Once she was done, Olivia turned around and looked up at Gwendoline.

"You look so pretty." She whispered.

"Not as pretty as you."

"No, no, no. Aphrodite herself is stood infront of me." Olivia laughs, pushing a strand of hair out Gwendoline's eyes.

Then Carys came running down the corridor yelling at me, making them both pull away.

Damn it, why then?

1400 words

Ahhh they nearly kissed!

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