Cloud Surfing πŸ€ (Jikook)

Autorstwa Love_Breeze

15.4K 1.5K 185

"How do you know you love someone?" "When you can't hate them even if they hurt you." Jimin comes to Busan af... WiΔ™cej



370 32 3
Autorstwa Love_Breeze

Another notification on Jungkook's phone...

"Reply to her! She gonna think we are keeping you away from her." Hoseok hiccuped, ill drunk...

"I will reply to her but not now," Jungkook said. He was a bit stressed that his girlfriend didn't come to see him and just messaging him.

"By the way why are you ignoring her? It is so new for us to see." Yoongi spoke, rolling his eyes at Namjoon who was also drunk.

"I will tell you later hyung! It's time to go home." Jungkook said while checking the time on his phone.

He grabbed his school bag, waved at his hyungs, and strolled out of the cafe, leaving others astonished.

Astonished because Jungkook said home not the apartment.


"Thank you everyone for your hard work today!"

It was a hectic day for everyone. Jimin thanked his members, thinking they may feel good.

"Rest well!"

"You too manager nim!"

It isn't easy to manage people and distribute work between them. Maybe their main manager is so rude to them because it is so stressful.

Stressful day and Jungkook's random calls and messages were adding stress more. He regrets that he gave his number to him.


Army smiled at him and handed him his bag... The only source that makes him smile too and flutters his heart.

"Thank you, Army!"

She shyly looked away from him...



"Is it okay for you to go by yourself?" Jimin asked in concern because Jin was in another group that day. Otherwise, Jin and Army would go return together because they live nearby.

"Yeah! A few minutes of walk to the bus stop and I will be at my place." Army said but wanting him to ask her again.

Jimin didn't... Instead, he replied okay. He also wanted to walk with her, thinking that she might feel uncomfortable he didn't ask...

They separated...

Army needed to go through a long narrow alley... She found the alley chilling because no one was passing there and barking dogs. Even the blowing air was giving her goosebumps...

Some guys in distance, making noises, limping, they seemed drunk and one of them was smoking...

Army firmly stood in her place, thinking what should she do now? By the time she could come up with an idea, they were a few inches away from her...

"Hey! Excuse me!" A drunk in the middle spoke... "Where is_____?"

Army took a few steps back but the guy grabbed her arm...

"I___ Miss! Can you___"

Army pushed him and ran away while screaming at the top of her lungs...

On the other hand...

Jimin was on his way calculating expenses. Again there was a call from Jungkook. He heaved and received the call intending to scold him till his eardrums destroy.

"Jimin! I am here at Air Cafe! My stomach is hurting again." Jungkook pleaded...

"W-what? Hang on! I will be there. Ask for help if needed okay!"

"Yeah! Please be quick!"

He knew where the cafe was, so he rushed there. Reaching there, he saw Jungkook smiling silly, wide, and waving at him...

"You okay now!"

"I was never sick!"

"You lied!?"

"I did!" Jungkook said as he grabbed his hand and led him inside the cafe.

"You wouldn't come if I simply ask you to see me, so I lied."

They reached the specific table, set up with varieties of food and side dishes.

"Did you order this all?"

"Yeah! For you!"

"Are you kidding me?" Jimin pulled a menu that was beside the table... He looked at the food price and started to sum up... It was over the budget he had.

"Why did you order it without asking me?"

"You do not have to pay! It's my treat!"

Jimin looked at him suspiciously...

"Um! You took care of me yesterday. So I wanted to thank you."

"Still! It's too much food!"

"Are you complaining?"


"I thought you will become happy!"

"I will never become happy to spend money like this."

"Why is that?"

"Because_______" Jimin ceased his words. He went back to long memory lane... "You will not understand!"

"I will. Tell me! If I don't I will try to understand."

Meantime both of them got a call and what made them amazed was both of them needed to go police station.


"Army?" Jimin hold her hand as soon as he spotted her at the police station. "You okay?"

She nodded...

Jin cleared his throat... "I am also here."


Jimin separated his hand from Army and then asked to explain the scene... Army told how three drunken followed her and she luckily found an officer and they ended up at the police station.

"Who are they? Where are those bastards?"

"We are here!"

Jimin turned around at the voice. He saw three boys and Jungkook was standing with them...

"And we aren't bastards," Yoongi said, crossing his arms...

"Look the matter is that we didn't harass her. We were just trying to ask her the way because we were drunk and every alley looked similar to us." Namjoon explained, pointing at Hoseok who was asleep on the chair...

"Jimin! Let's solve this! Ask your friends to not register a case with them."

"No! I will not do that. They are wrong."

"My hyungs are not like that!"

"If they are your hyungs then they must be jerks like you," Jimin added, and quarreling started between them...

Jin supported Jimin and Jungkook supported his hyungs, officers trying to stop them.

Then suddenly a shoe flung and hit Jungkook's head... All of them stopped at their place... Taehyung was there...

"Long time no see!"

Jungkook gritted his teeth and threw that shoe back at Taehyung but he caught it effortlessly and wore it...

He walked to Jimin, looked into his eyes to convince him...

"Jimin! They are not a bad person. If it is okay with your friend, Could it be possible to solve this fairly?"

Jimin agreed... When he talked with Army he found out that the officer dragged them there, she didn't aim to create any fuss. Because she was at the station she called Jin.

Jin is not letting this issue go because he thinks they must attempt something bad to her and she is afraid to speak. She tried to make Jin understand but he wasn't ready to hear her at all. So she called him for help.

After the mess cleared out, they exited the station.

Taehyung was there with his car so he and Namjoon helped Hoseok to the car.

Jin and Army went together after giving them the warning to not show up again for the rest of his life.

"So you are Jimin!" Yoongi said, taking an interest...

"Yeah! And I am sorry for all misunderstanding." He bowed...

"It's fine now. So, no worries."

"That's a relief!"

Taehyung came to Jimin... "Um! Thank you, Jimin for understanding. And If you are okay! I can drop you!"

"Ah! Um____ " Jimin was hesitant a bit...

"No! We are going together!" Jungkook said as he seized Jimin's hand and made him walk with him...

"Your cousin is sure jealous of you!" Yoongi said...

"I know that!"

Jungkook was sulking at how Jimin easily agreed when Taehyung asked him to settle the matter but not with him. And how did Taehyung find out they were in the police station?

"Jungkook! What's your problem? Leave my hand!"

"I don't like you!" Jungkook stomped off.

"Who wants to be liked by you anyway?" Jimin said...

"You know your brain is shorter than you?"

"Are you calling me short?"

"Yeah! Of course! Isn't it clear? You are this short and I hate short people." Jungkook screamed while using his thumb and index finger to indicate his height.

"Well! I also hate a muscular pig who carries a tiny brain." Jimin screamed back and went to the apartment first.

Jungkook slammed the door of his room to show how angry he is...

Time passed... Jimin was feeling sleepy whilst he noticed the light in Jungkook's room was still on... He thought he forgot to turn it off so he went to switch it off...

He saw Jungkook on his bed, doing his schoolwork... Papers and peel of pencils were all over the floor...

"Get out!" He said...

Jimin rolled his eyes and went to him instead... He snatched the textbook from his hand and glanced at Jungkook...

"If you want I can help you with these math problems."

"Really?" His eyes shone up then he said... "I don't need your help."

"Stubborn! Move!" Jimin said as he adjusted himself near Jungkook...

He started to teach him the methods, scolding Jungkook during the process because he was getting distracted out of boredom...

"Can we do it tomorrow?" Jungkook was sleeping, yawning from time to time...

No response...

"I didn't even ask your help!"

"Focus here!"

But eventually, he fell asleep...

The next morning he woke up abruptly... In his dream, he saw his math teacher giving him punishment for not completing his punishment...

He flipped the text copy which was still on his bed, the work was all done. He understood Jimin did that...

He got out of the room and saw Jimin sleeping, curled up like a ball on the couch. He felt bad for yelling at him yesterday. So he decided to make a good coffee for him, the only thing he can make and it's all thanks to Yoongi who lives for coffee.

He made it but Jimin was still asleep. So to wake him up he used his usual method. He hammered on the steel near his ears...

"I swear! I will kill you Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin kicked and punched in the air...

"Stop moving your limbs and open your eyes properly first!"

He stretched to look correctly and saw Jungkook with a cup of coffee in his hand...

"I made it for you. Hope you enjoy!" He said after ruining his sleep, excitedly smiling to see the reaction.

This idiot! Probably taste horrible!

But when he took a sip it was good. Then Jimin's stomach growled...

"Are you hungry? Didn't you have anything last night?"

"How could I?"


"You also hadn't had anything because you were angry with me. I thought it would be rude to eat alone when someone is still hungry in the same place."

"You didn't eat because I didn't!!?"

"Yeah! But next time I am not gonna wait for you. I will finish all food by myself."

Jungkook was speechless... No one ever waited for him while suffering themselves.

The more he knows Jimin the warmer he feels.

"Can we eat something now because I am also starving!"

"Okay! First, let me finish this coffee. It is really good?"

Jungkook smiled faintly... "Thank you hyung!"

-Cloud surfing 🍀

Czytaj Dalej

To TeΕΌ Polubisz

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