There's Always August [Comple...

Bởi nkf350

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If you had met self-conscious, acne-attacked Kadea Gennings at the beginning of the summer you would have swo... Xem Thêm

To Conclude


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Bởi nkf350

Hey there guys :)

Sorry about grammar, I didn't edit.


Chapter 24

Month 7.

It was the beginning of summer.

Who would have thought that so much could have changed within just a year! Heck, I was playing Spin the Bottle on a beach just a year ago...

But, now it's summer again!

No more stress. No more tests. No more awkward walks down crowded hallways. No more annoying peers staring at my baby bump. No more teachers talking about me behind my back.

Well, not the ones that I would know about.

Before this entire... event... I would have loved to be the centre of attention. But now? Now, I would love to dig myself a hole and live in it. At least then no one would see me. I would have loved the attention. Just... not like this.

Two more months! Yeepee!

But, I was quite scared... My life would be so confusing! I can't take care of a kid... Heck, I can't even take care of myself! Oh well, It's about time I stopped regretting it. I had made a childish mistake and... Whatever. At least I had August.

Things happen for a reason, right?

If I got pregnant, it must have been for a reason... an ungodly reason.

Maybe God was playing a joke and I was the punch line.

I was never really one for religion. Why start now? This probably had nothing to do with God. Maybe Saturn... but not God.

Saturn, you son of a bitch.

"It's almost your wedding day!" Rachel yelled enthusiastically.

I cringed. Wasn't I too young to get married? Why was I getting married anyways? I mean, we could always wait... There was no chance in hell that I would leave him because we were in love and he was the father of my unborn child. "Yay..." I replied; not quite as eager for the day I would officially leave childhood behind. Although, I kind of feel like that day passed when I lost my virginity.

At that precise moment, I wish I had heard the slight knock at the door. I wish I had looked at the wooden frame. I wish I had noticed August as he took in my depressed demeanour. I wish I had seen him retreat into the hallway and then leave my house. I wish I had been more excited! I...

"You're not regretting it, are you?" She was disbelieving.


"Kadea, no!"

"It's just that... I don't even know why we're getting married and I don't see why we should do it at such a young age and -"


"Never abbreviate whilst speaking." I reprimanded.

Her eyes lit up. "You see, you'll be a great mom!"

"Rachel, I was talking about getting married, not being a mom. I seriously worry about your sanity."

She shrugged. "It's kind of the same thing isn't it... being married always - if you're lucky enough - comes with the responsibility of motherhood. So, it's kind of one in the other. Plus, you wanna know why you're getting married?"

I nodded.

"Because you want your son to be born into a nice, stable family where his parents are married. Despite your age, you at least want him to have some kind of normal childhood right?"

"I guess..." I wasn't entirely convinced.

"Also, think about August! He obviously wants this to happen and I think that so should you."

"I've been thinking about what you told me that time we had fought and -"

"I was angry, you should ignore what I say when I'm angry."

"But you had some valid points."

She held my shoulders and forced me to look into her eyes. "I'm being serious, Kades. Ignore what I said. You and August are perfect and I see no reason why you shouldn't get married despite age. Be glad your parents are even okay with it all!"

I smiled. I guess she was right.

August's POV

I should have known she wouldn't want to go through with it.

I angrily walked down my street; kicking a stray rubbish bin out of anger.

My left hand was raised and I caught a fistful of my untamed hair. I tugged at it.

"ARGH!" I exclaimed into thin air.

I stormed into my house and grabbed my skateboard.

And then I skated. I just skated until my legs were sore and I had no idea where I was.

I pulled up onto the sidewalk and slammed my skateboard onto the gravel before kicking it defiantly.

I sat down.

I let my mind drift.

Thoughts bounced left and right.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

This would be the first time I had ever really thought about things.

About my situation.

About where my situation would take me in life.

About her.

About him.

My face contorted into a look of frustration. After all, I was frustrated.

And... "WHERE THE HELL AM I?" I roared.

I grabbed my hair with both hands.

"West Pintmore... Dude, chill." The man that said this was frightened by my anger. He looked like a junkie judging by his beanie and choice in diction. His facial hairs didn't appear to have been shaved in a long while but I could tell that he was in his early twenties.

At first, I thought that he would just walk away.

He took a seat next to me. "What's up, little man?" He did know that there was probably only a five year gap between our ages. Plus, I was definitely taller than him.

Just from the look I was receiving, I felt like a puppy.

I raised an eye brow.

He smiled knowingly. I was surprised to see that his teeth were perfectly white. Perfectly straight. "You look young at heart." Where the hell did this guy come from? He looks like he escaped from a Beatles music video. If they even had music videos... I wasn't exactly an expert.

For some weird reason, I told him everything. And, I mean everything.

He nodded understandingly. And you're only 16?"

I nodded.

"Do you know how far you are from home, little man?" His bright, green eyes were piercing as they seemed to analyze me.

I looked left and then right. I was in some neighbourhood... somewhere. "I don't even care right now." I replied dejectedly.

He continued to study me. "I think that you should talk to her." I watched as he got to his feet and pulled out a cigarette; lighting it.

He offered it to me. I took a drag.

I tried to offer it back but he held up both hands. "It's yours now."

As he walked away, I was sure that I would never see him again until his figure reappeared with my skate board in hand.

"I would drive you home but something tells me that you need some alone time." He handed over the skateboard and was lost down the street.

He had a slight bounce to his walk and an easy whistle escaped his mouth.

I took some time to think.

I didn't even know that guy's name but the little he said was all the encouragement I needed.

I puffed out some smoke before dropping the cigarette and smashing it with the base of my shoe.

"Why do you smell like cigarette smoke?" Her nose scrunched up.

I smiled. "I met Jesus today and he gave me a cigarette."

She burst out in laughter. "What?"

"He's a nice guy... a junkie for sure but he's pretty cool."

"I think you've gone bonkers." She concluded.

I hugged her. We'd never really done that. We'd never really just hugged.

She hugged me back; resting her head on my shoulder.

She quickly pulled away. "You smell like sweat," Her eyes drifted to my sweat patches. "Eww!" She laughed even more. "Get off me!" She attempted to push me away and pinched her nose.

"Come on, Kadea. Let's not -"

She raised her free arm and pointed at the door to her room. "No, no, no, nope, no, nope." She giggled. "Get out and go shower!" She successfully fought me off. "It's almost dinner time and I don't want my mom to smell you."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I tried to look seductive. "Will you join me?"

She gave me the 'Oh, hell no' look.

She found a towel in her wardrobe and threw it at me.

I was at the door when she added "And then we can talk about where you were all day. And, none of that Jesus crap."

I smiled.

Kadea's POV

After his shower, August had sprung some awkward questions at me and I hadn't really known how to answer them. Basically, he was asking me if I regretted getting engaged to him.

He must have overhead my conversation with Rachel.


I told him the truth.

I told him that I had had some reservations but that was only because I was scared.

I saw no reason to lie.

A week later and I still wished that I had known that he was at my door.

For God's sake, he had skate boarded across the fucking country because of my reaction.

I'm such an idiot!

"So, Kadea. Just two more weeks." Sebastian winked at me.

Oh God... Was it two weeks already? I felt like I hadn't done nearly enough planning. Well, it was true. I mean, Rachel had done everything.


"I noticed." I replied dryly.

He smirked. "What are you and August planning for the Honeymoon?"

"I'll let you think about that one."

"A whole week, right?" He wouldn't let it go.

"He'll probably get more action in that one week than you'll get in your whole life."

He held up both hands. "It was just an innocent question, no need to get testy." There was an evil glint in his eyes.

I scowled. "What the hell did you do now?"

He lowered his hands. "It's not what I did, Kadea love. It's what I plan on doing." His eyes focussed on a spot in the dining room.

We were seated in August's family room and a sense of dread filled my body as I realized what and who he was talking about.

"Touch her and you die." I warned.

He winked and his eyes dropped down to my prego belly. "Why do I feel like that's unlikely?" He drew closer to me. Why the hell were we on the same couch? Where was August? Why was he so close?

"Haven't you heard about how women become more vicious during pregnancy? I suggest you don't mess with me, smart boy." I flicked his nose and grudgingly stood up.

"We'll see."

I didn't even grace him with a look of disapproval. He already knew.

My back hurt. It was a side effect to entering the third trimester. I held the pained region as I shuffled to the kitchen in search of August.

He was on the phone.

I found the fridge - without difficulty, might I add - and popped a grape into my mouth.

"Ya... Ya... Sure, we'll be there," He laughed at something the person on the line had said. "Later." He hung up.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I rested against the counter of their island.

"There's a party at Abigail's place and I just said that we'd go."

"When is it?"

"Next Friday."

"...Think we should go?"

He looked enthusiastic. "Obviously! It'd be just like the first time we had met."

I waddled up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yah?" My stupid baby bump was so... there! Argh.

He nodded. "Mhm..."

We swayed and I leaned in for a kiss until something in my peripheral vision stopped me.

I sneered and grabbed a spatula from a nearby drawer.

I paced over to him and wacked his shoulder.

"Get away from her." I ordered.

I wacked his back and then waved the spatula threateningly.

He looked at me angrily and then joined Felipe in the living room.

Rachel looked delighted. "What was that?" She laughed incredulously. "He was just asking me about a TV programme."

I glared at him. "That's how it always starts."

"Is the music too loud?" August looked worried.

I shook my head and grabbed his hand; turning my body so that I was pressed against his front.

We danced.

Our two bodies in sync.

I didn't notice as the songs changed from one to the next.

I didn't notice any of the looks I was being given.

My eyes were closed and I felt like this was my only escape for a while.

August hadn't drank tonight. I hadn't let him.

When the music was too techno and we could no longer dance, August pulled me away.

He led me out onto the patio and I thought we were just going to stop there when he continued to pull us out onto the beach; right up to the edge of the water.

No one was here.

It was dark out.

No one could see us.

He knelt down and opened a black box.

"I don't get it..." Confusion bounced across my words.

"Will you marry me?"

"Didn't we already go through this?"

"Just say yes or no." He ordered.


He slipped the ring onto my finger.

At first, I didn't really understand.

And then, I took a closer look at it and almost had a heart attack.

I attempted to pull off the ring but it wouldn't budge. "August, no. This thing must have cost a fortune!" I tugged at it.

The diamond was laughing at me.

"It was my parent's ring."

I shook my head persistently. "That's even worse! It was your parents." The goddamned ring wouldn't get off!

He held my frantic hands and forced me to look at him. "You didn't really think that I would give you just that crap, plastic shit of a ring?"

"Yah, I did!" I fought for my hands.

He smiled. "Please keep this one..." He hesitated. "I want you to know how much this all means to me."

I gave up. That ring was stuck there.

No wonder he had told me to leave the other one!

"I wanted the real engagement to mean more. Just you and I..."

Who wouldn't smile at THAT? I blushed. "Yah?"

I got a flash of his perfect teeth. "Yah."

"I don't think this ring will get off any time soon." I laughed.

"Dance with me?" He asked.

Why not?

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

His hand slid to my waist.

I couldn't really do anything with the constraint of the stupid baby bump but we did as best we could; dancing to our own music.

"Wanna get back in there?" I asked.

He shook his head. In the moon light, I noticed the evil look he was giving me.

He pulled off his shirt.

And then he pulled off his jeans.

He nodded at the water.

I pulled off my dress.

"My my, Ms Gennings. You look mighty fine." His eyes slid over my sparse attire.

I don't know why but I had chosen to wear my only pair of matching under garments. They just so happened to be lace.

I rolled my eyes.

We walked forward.

The minute my foot touched the water, I jumped back and scurried to safety on the more dry area of the beach. "It's fucking cold, dude."

He laughed and grabbed my hand; forcing me to approach the water once again.

I stood still and let my body slowly - but painfully - get used to the water.

My hair was whisked backwards as a breeze blew past.

I closed my eyes.

I felt August close the distance between us and I opened my eyes so that we could look at each other.

"What's up?" I smiled.

"Nothing much."

I pressed my lips to his.

Our kiss was slow.

Neither of us was in a rush.

August began walking backwards and I followed suit.

Soon, the water was up to my knees.

And then my waist.

And then the baby bump disappeared.

We stopped there.

I pulled away. "I love you." Not a single part of me was regretting our engagement now.

"I love you too."

I heard a squeal and then my bed sunk as Rachel flopped onto it.

"ERMERGERD, it's your fucking wedding day biatch!"

I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head. "Go away."

I tried to kick her off my bed.

"Excuse me, Kadea. That is not how you talk to your wedding planner and the person that is offering the venue for your reception."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I meant to say: Go THE FUCK away."


I squinted. "Okay, then at least come here so I can tell you something."

She looked sceptical but Rachel was someone that trusted people way too easily.

She leaned in.

I used my finger to motion for her to come closer.

She came closer.

I leaned in; making it look like I was going to whisper something into her ear.

And then I pulled back slightly and breathed my morning breath into her face.

Her eyes momentarily rolled into the back of her head and I thought that she would faint.

She fell off my bed and writhed on my bedroom floor; coughing out the remnants of my disgusting breath from their place in her airways.

She chocked. "And you're telling me that you and August kiss in the morning?"


"How is he still alive?"

I laughed without humour.

She ignored me. "Since you decided to wake up late today, you only have an hour until the makeup team gets here so I suggest you shower."

"But I don't want to wear makeup." It's true. Ever since my skin had cleared that time, many months ago, I hadn't seen a single pimple.

"I know. Which is why they're only doing your hair."

I grabbed a towel and took a thirty minute bath.

I may be low on time but nothing would stop me from having a nice, long bath that would allow me to think things through.

I found my dress splayed on my duvet.

It was rather plain.

The fact that it was white was quite ironic considering no bride in this present day was a virgin on her day or marriage. Unless she was a complete Jesus freak in which case, at least she respected the system.

My dress fell down to the floor since I planned on wearing tennis shoes for comfort and I didn't want anyone to know.

It had a sweetheart neckline that was low enough for the curve of my newly grown boobs to be visible.

It held to my body just below my cleavage and just above my baby bump. The hold was lined with a million, dazzling crystals.

I pulled the dress on over my head and Rachel appeared out of nowhere to zip up the back.

There was a knock at the door.

"Hey, Kades. Have you seen my -" August started to open the door.

"NO!" Rachel jumped at the door and pushed it closed. "You can't see the bride in her gown until the church service you Doofus!" She chastised.

I could help but laugh.

August was probably rolling her eyes. "Can you ask her whether she's seen my good tie?"

That's right boys and girls. He said 'good tie'. No, not his black tie or his blue tie. His 'good tie'.

Rachel looked at me disbelievingly in a 'is he serious right now' way.

I face palmed. "It's in the bedside drawer at your place." I replied.

"Thanks, babe!"

"No problem, Oggy."

The double doors opened.

All eyes were on me.

I blushed.

The entire room was filled with friends and family; all gathered together to witness my church service.

I would personally have opted for no church service, period, but apparently Cheryl was a frequent churchgoer so I couldn't just disappoint her.

I only hoped that it was short.

In fact, Rachel and I had approached the Priest beforehand and begged him to make it nice and quick.

The standard words, my vows, 'kiss the bride' and then the reception.

I walked down the aisle.

This was the second time I had.

The first was yesterday during a rehearsal.

My face was covered.

The music was loud.

I just hoped that I wouldn't trip.

And what if I randomly broke off into dance like that one couple? That would be hilarious.

Sadly, no such thing.

I approached the front of the room.

Everyone went silent.

August smiled a smile of appreciation and desire that closely mirrored my own.

He looked hot.

Men in suits turned me on.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and..." I stopped listening.

August and I seemed to be in a world of our own.

"I do." Whether it was our cue to say so or not, August spoke the words anyways.

"I do."

The young boys with the rings were pushed by their mother and hustled to reach us because we had made the promises too early.

Cedric had my ring and Daniel had Augusts.

Remember them? Rachel's younger brothers that broke the head off their younger sisters doll.

The rings were placed on each other's fingers.

We kissed.

Everyone cheered.

Who cared about how short the service had been? At least it was over.

I would have been relieved if I was a guest.

Now what?

There were probably another five hours until the reception.

"Oh my god, is that Rachel?" I was shocked.

"Is that Kade?"

I had to laugh at that.

"I guess he forgave her then."

"I guess so."

My eyes were stuck on them for a second.

It was the end of the day.

The end of my wedding day.

The end of the reception.

We could finally go on our honeymoon!

We could finally be alone.

"Why are they in a car though?" I walked up to the car and knocked on the window; winking and taking a picture when they noticed me.

They were both surprised; eyes set wide and mouths wide open; no longer preoccupied by another set of lips.

I found August in his car already.

I thought that it had been pretty nifty to use his mom's car to get to our honeymoon destination. I didn't want to borrow anything more from anyone else.

Plus, I liked this car.

It was the last night of the last day of the month.

I was happy.

I was married.

I was in love.

I had a kid.

This was it.

This was my life from now on.

I turned on the radio and it's like even the radio station knew that today was special.

It began playing Ambling Alp by Yeasayer.

It had never played Ambling Alp before tonight.

The car pulled off onto the main highway.

I began singing along as we sped down the highway.

August joined in.

We were happy.

We were together.

We would be together forever.

As we continued driving down the highway, neither of us noticed the other set of headlights heading our way.

We were too happy.

But now, it was also too late.

The impact from the oncoming truck jolted me from my happy thoughts.

I saw white.

Everything was too bright.

Our car veered off the highway.

When we finally stopped, I was seeing spots.


:O what happens next????


Idiot out <3

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