Lines Crossed: A Captain Swan...

By olsonss

50.5K 3.3K 746

The year is 1945. While the war over seas has ended there is a war raging in Boston. A war between two famili... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 14

1.5K 78 25
By olsonss

Emma's POV

I help Mother clean up after lunch. I can't keep my mind off of Killian. In my daze I almost drop a plate.

"Emma, get your head out of the clouds. Now out of my kitchen before you break something," Mother shoos me out. I walk back to the study. Before I turn the corner I hear muffled voices. I stop and listen.

"Look, Logan I know what I saw. He snuck out of her room last night. I am grateful for the information, but she needs to be careful," Tommy whispers.

"No come on. This isn't how she got this. Nothing is going on between them. Emma's always careful," Logan says.

"I know she is, but I don't care. She is too close to him and they are the enemy. We need to distance them," Tommy says. Distance? What could he mean by distance?

"I agree with you, but this has to be done correctly. Come on," Logan says. A door opens and shuts. I can no longer hear their voices. I lean against the hallway and slide to the ground. What did I just hear? Are they going to do something to Killian?

Killian's POV

There is a knock at my door later that night. Without any response from me Liam walks in.

"Now that you're eighteen I think its time I take you out. Now get your coat," he invites me. I stand and grab my coat.

"Where are we going tonight?" I ask as I shrug on my coat. "O'Connor's," he says as we move down the stairs. O'Connor's is a local pub everyone we know goes to. Liam and his mates are there at the very least once a week. The cool night air hits us as we leave our house. It doesn't take us long to get there. My brother and I aren't practically close, so the walk is in silence.

When we enter the pub we are met with warmth and loud laughter and talking. The pub is busy tonight. We remove our coats and wade through the crowd to the bar. We order beers, Liam moves me to the quieter end of the bar.

"Since you're a man now I think there are some things we need to talk about," Liam begins.

"Really more business? Liam, we are young. Lets enjoy the night," I say as I take another sip of beer.

"This is business and pleasure. Now would you fucking listen to what I have to say," he says sternly. This captures my attention. I set down my drink and look at him.

"I know why you're distracted at meetings. Its not because you don't give a shit. I know for a fact you do. I believe a certain blonde lass has caught our attention," he says eyebrows raised.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mutter then finish my drink.

"I don't blame you. Frankly I have no idea how you got the little whore's attention, but bravo," Liam chuckles. I grab his shirt and get in his face. "Do not call her that," I say through my teeth. He just continues to laugh. His laughter unnerves me and I let go of his shirt.

"Oh man she has her hooks deep into you. Brother, you need to let her go. She's fucking with you. Messing with your mind. Oh boy is it working. You need to cut her loose," he sneers back at me.

"You don't know a damn thing," I spit in his face. He had been lighthearted until now. He turns on his heel and punches me in the eye. I stumble backward and catch myself on the bar.

"I know more than you think. Fix this," he snarls and walks out. I stand up straight and order another drink. I need to relax. What am I going to do about Liam?

Emma's POV

Nothing becomes of Logan and Tommy's conversation, so I try to not let it bother me anymore. The next day we meet with the Jones' for what we hope is one of the last times. They are getting so close to resolving this.

When I see Killian I almost run to his side forgetting where we are. His left eye is black, blue, and swollen. I contain myself and don't look at him and he doesn't look at me either. We sit and the meeting commences. I wonder who did that to him. Surely if it was one of us war would've already broken out. Nothing in these meetings had gotten physical, yet. Who else would do that to him? I need to know what happened to him.

During the break for lunch I slip a note into Killian's navy jacket letting him know that I will be waiting for him to visit tonight. The Jones' leave early today because the heads of the families argue to the point of yelling once again.

Mother enlists me into helping her with dinner.

"How come I never hear about that one boy you used to talk about. What's his name?" Mother asks. I fill water in a pot to boil. What an odd question.

"Graham. Remember I told you he started dating someone else. Anyway he was a little dumb for my taste," I say as I place the pot on the stove. Mother continues to cube the beef for tonight's stew.

"Oh that's a real shame. Is there someone else who has caught your eyes?" she asks casually.

"No, not really. Why?" I say uneasy by her questions.

"Well, you're a young, beautiful lady and every man should be knocking at our door, but no one is," she sighs, "I just want you to know what it's like to be in love."

"What Father does for a living tends to scare the boys away. It's fine I don't mind," I shrug. I add vegetables to the boiling water. I lean against the counter and give Mother my full attention.

"Well I know you don't, but your father and I are worried," I raise my eyebrows at this.

"Oh no did you two do something," I groan and my cheeks automatically redden.

"No oh no. This is a good thing. Do you know Neal Cassidy?" she asks with a bright smile.

"Yes, he works for Father," I cross my arms, knowing where this is going.

"Well yes, but he's a nice man and you don't find too many of those. Anyway, Logan said he's interested in you," she adds.

"Logan's in on this too? Do you guys just sit around talking about me?" I ask.

"Emma, I think you should consider going out with Neal. It would be good for you to relax, have a good time. It would make your father happy," she says lightly. I just roll my eyes at this. All of this has been orchestrated by Logan and Tommy. I know it has been. They are trying to separate Killian and I. They don't know I know what they have been up to though. If I play this correctly they won't be the wiser about Killian and I. No matter what I can't say no to this it would just confirm all suspicions about Killian and I. We can't have that.

"I'll consider it. If he wants to go out with me he should buck up and ask me himself, not do it through third parties," I huff.

"I'll be sure he gets the message," Mother chuckles, "My goodness this is exciting," she cheers.

"I haven't agreed yet. I said I'd consider it," I correct her. The more unwilling I seem about this the more believable it is.

"Its something though," she smiles and continues with making dinner. I leave unable to handle her happiness. Dinner is a quiet affair. Logan tries to talk to me several time and I give him one word answers. "Emma, what's wrong?" he asks surprised.

"Ever meddle in my love life again I will ensure you can never father children, is that understood?" I clarify in a sickly sweet voice, in an attempt to not bring attention to our conversation.

"What on earth-" he begins, but I cut him off right away.

"No, please don't play dumb. Its never been your strong suit. Look Mother talked to me today. You're trying to set me up with someone?" I ask exasperated. He sighs in relief, he finally figured out where this conversation is going.

"We're trying to help you. I mean he really likes you. Its not a set up, he came to Father asking if he could ask you out. He's respectful," he explains.

"He's hardly ever talked to me and did it occur to him that he needed to ask me first. Find out if I was remotely interested. This is all very strange," I say in a hushed voice. He's squirming in his chair. Logan wasn't prepared for this I can tell. I am so mad at him in this moment. He deserves this. I thought one person in this family had my back, but I was so wrong.

"You've just been little blue lately. We're trying to cheer you up and there's a guy who actually likes you," he teases. I playfully punch his arm, wishing I could actually hurt him.

"Ouch, low blow. Even for you," I say playing that I am hurt by his words.

"Oh come on you know I was kidding," he smirks. I just nod and continue eating.

That night I wait for Killian in my room. I pace around my room with nervous energy. I leave my window open in case I drift off while I'm waiting. I don't though not after everything today. Should I even tell him about Neal? Nothing has happened yet, but I know it will. I can predict where this is going. He should know, I have to tell him.

At one there is a knock at my window then Killian slips through. I stand and let myself be enveloped in his arms. He is taken aback slightly, but wraps his arms around me tightly. I breathe in his musky cologne and try and forget about everything.

"Hello to you too, my love," he kisses the top of my head. We take a step back and my smile fades when I really take in his appearance. His eye looks worse.

"What happened to your eye?" I ask my voice cracking. He avoids my gaze.

"It's nothing really. I've had worse," he shrugs.

"I don't give a damn if you've had worse what happened? Was it my family because if it was I swear-" I begin. Killian looks confused by my statement.

"What wait. No, it wasn't your family. Why do you think it was? Has something happened? Emma, does someone know about us?" He asks frantically.

"No they suspect something though. If my family didn't do this to you than who did? I won't drop this," I cross my arms.

"My brother and I argued," he reveals.

"About what? He did this to you?" I ask shocked.

"You. He knows, but he just thinks that's it's a fling or something I don't know. We need to be more careful," he states.

"I agree. We also have another problem," I say lightly. He frowns and steps closer.

"Logan and Tommy suspect that something is going on with us. In an effort to keep us apart they have gotten my mother to set me up with someone," I say as I put my head in my hands.

"What like on date?" He asks upset and I nod, "well are you going to go?" I walk away from him unable to look at him and not feel guilty.

"I don't want to, trust me I don't. If want people to believe we aren't together maybe this is our best option. It would just be one date," I turn and face him.

"If you think it's our best option," he says sarcastically, "I don't like this. Not one bit. I came here with the best news and now this." I raise my eyebrows at this. I move closer to him.

"The best news? I'd like to hear about that. If one good thing happens today I'd like to hear about it," I sigh.

"I figured out where we could go on a date," he mutters. He still looks upset, but a small smile is on his face. I allow my hand to play with his hair.

"Tell me about it," I give a coy smile.

"Oh no. That would ruin the surprise of it all. You'll have to wait and find out what it is," he teases me. I pout.

"That's not fair. When is this wonderful surprise?" I ask as I wrap my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my hips.

"I was thinking tomorrow night. Can you get away?" He says as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah I think I can manage it. What time?"

"Eight o'clock. Meet me at the fish market in Chinatown," he says.

"Mm how romantic," I tease him. "That's where the existing border is now. I don't want us getting into any trouble. Not that kind of trouble anyway," he says with a devilishly handsome smile. I playfully swat his back. We just gaze at each other for a few seconds. His look of happiness fades into a frown.


"Not that I want to be bring this up, but are you going to go on a date with that guy your mother is setting you up with?" He asks uneasily.
"Yes, I am. It will get my family off my back. It will divert suspicion. One date won't do any harm. I know you don't like it, but I don't either. What do you think?"

"As much as it pains me to say this I think you should go. It will create a distraction to say the least. One date, right?" I nod and give him a brief kiss. As I pull away we rest our foreheads against each other.

"It's late and I don't want you to be tired for our date," he smirks and I blush, "eight o'clock?" He saunters over to the window and I follow. I lean up against the window.

"Eight o'clock," I confirm. He kisses my cheek and swings out of the window. I watch him carefully make his way. He quietly makes his way out of the yard. I have a date tomorrow night with a guy I'm falling for ridiculously fast. I also have an upcoming date with a guy I've talked to before about two times. My life couldn't get more complicated.

Oh my god, so I have officially graduated high school! That being said I will have more time to write and hopefully will update more regularly. I am so so sorry for the long wait on this update. I love every vote and comment you guys leave me. I love you guys for reading this. You guys are truly the best. :) They mean so much to me. Please tell me what you think. As always please comment and vote! xoxoxoxo

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