silver soul | avatar, the las...

By enchantedskiess

16.6K 479 357

"it's incomplete without you, the silver soul is running through, it's a vision, complete illusion" Princess... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
new fic!!!! (not an update)

chapter thirty three

245 6 18
By enchantedskiess

At breakfast, Naia walked over to grab a bowl of rice and seaweed. She noticed Toph making a weird face. "Why are you walking so weird?" Toph asked.

Naia cheeks went bright red. Thank the spirits Toph couldn't see. "I did a workout and now I'm sore," Naia lied. Toph shot her a look but ultimately dropped it. Sokka and Naia exchanged looks and smirked.

After breakfast, Katara stood up abruptly. "I need to borrow Appa," She said.

"Why? Is it your turn to take a field trip with Zuko?" Aang joked. Katara didn't laugh. Aang instantly picked up on her sudden change in demeanor. "Oh...what's going on?"

"Zuko, Naia, and I are going to find the man who took my mother from me," Katara said.

"Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it, and I know how to find him," Zuko said.

"Um...what exactly do you think this will accomplish?" Aang asked.

"I knew you wouldn't understand," Katara said dismissively.

"Avenging her mother's death," Naia inserted herself in the conversation. "Knowing that it wasn't in vain, and that this evil man will finally get what's coming to him. He's been living his life scot-free. How is that fair?"

"Wait, I do understand," Aang said. "You are feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out about what happened to my people?"

"She needs this, Aang," Zuko argued.

"This is about getting closure and justice," Naia added.

"I don't think so. I think it's about getting revenge," Aang disagreed.

"Fine! Maybe it is. Maybe it's what I need," Katara said, turning around. "Maybe that's what he deserves."

"Katara, you sound like Jet," Aang said in an anxious tone.

"It's not the same. Jet attacked the innocent," Katara turned back around. "This man, he's a monster."

"You too, Naia. Where is all of this coming from?" Aang asked.

"This man didn't do anything personally to me," Naia said. "But I know of people like him who have. He did something to Sokka and Katara, two people I care about deeply. I'm here to support Katara in any way I can. And if that means going with her to find the man who killed her mother, I'll do it."

"The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper," Aang said. "While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself."

"Now I know that he's out there and I can find him, I feel like I have no choice," Katara said.

"You do have a choice," Aang reasoned with her. "Forgiveness."

"That's the same as doing nothing," Zuko grumbled.

"No, it's not," Aang said. "It's easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive."

"It's not just hard, it's impossible," Katara said.

"Katara, she was my mother too," Sokka finally inserted himself. "But, I think Aang might be right."

Katara sighed. "Then you didn't love her the way I did," Katara said coldly.

Naia's eyes widened. Katara was going through a whirlwind of emotions, but attacking Sokka like that was completely unnecessary. Naia looked over to Sokka, who looked like his heart broke into pieces. Katara sighed and stalked away, Zuko following her. Naia walked over to Sokka.

"I'm so sorry. What she said was completely uncalled for," Naia said sincerely. "Katara is having a really hard time with her emotions right now. Ever since Zuko gave her the idea that she can find your mother's murderer, she hasn't been able to think of anything else."

"I know," Sokka said. Naia started to see tears well up in his eyes. "It's just...sad sometimes. People often forget that she was my mother too. Everyone is always so focused on Katara's grief because she's more vocal about it. Just because we grieve differently doesn't mean that I didn't love her any less than Katara did. The difference between us is that I've learned to let my anger go."

Naia smiled and tightly hugged Sokka. "I will have a talk with her. What she said was wrong. But, I want to be here to support her during this difficult time. She reached out to me to accompany her, and I'm going to honor that."

"I understand," Sokka said.

The day passed by and night had fallen, and Naia changed into an all black outfit. It would be better if she blended into the night rather than stand out with her blue water tribe clothing. Katara and Zuko were already by Appa, gearing up for the journey ahead of them. Aang and Sokka quickly followed.

Once Katara saw Aang out of the corner of her eye, she quickly turned away. "Don't try to stop us," She said coldly.

"I wasn't planning to," Aang said. "This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man. But when you do, please don't choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him."

Zuko rolled his eyes. "Okay, we'll be sure to do that guru goody-goody."

Naia placed her hand on Sokka's cheek and gave him a kiss. "I'll be back before you know it," She said.

"Be safe," Sokka said back. Naia smiled at him, giving him one last hug before hopping onto Appa's saddle.

"Thanks for understanding, Aang," Katara said before Appa lifted off the ground.

"We need to find a Fire Navy communication tower. All the navy's movements are coordinated by messenger hawk, and every tower has to be up to date on where everyone is deployed," Zuko explained.

"So when we find a communication tower, we bust in and take the information we need," Katara said.

"Not exactly. We need to be stealthy and make sure no one spots us, otherwise they're warn the Southern Raiders long before we reach them," Zuko explained. 

Once the three broke into the communication tower, they found out that the Southern Raiders would be near Whale Tail Island. It was close to dawn, but still not quite. Katara sat silently on Appa's head, holding his reigns tightly. Naia awoke from her sleep and sat up.

"Hey," Naia said.

"Hi," Katara said back.

"How are you feeling?" Naia asked.

"Angry," Katara said. "Angrier than ever."

"I completely understand," Naia said. "Grief comes in waves. And it's not the same for every person. You can feel sad, then feel nothing at all, and then feel angry. Whatever you're feeling is valid."

"I wanted to thank you for coming on this journey with me," Katara said.

"Of course," Naia replied.

"I just knew you would get it," Katara said. "I mean, losing Yue must have been so painful."

"The worst pain I've ever felt in my life," Naia said. "But, her death wasn't in vain. She saved the world. She was the bravest person I've ever met."

"Sokka and Aang—they don't understand—"Katara started.

"Actually, they do understand, especially Sokka," Naia said sternly, her sudden change of voice causing Katara to turn around. "Did you conveniently forget that Sokka also lost his mother the same day you did? I know that right now you're on this important journey of self discovery, but what you said to Sokka was fucked up. It doesn't matter how angry or sad you are, you should never diminish someone's grief. I know you aren't in your right mind right now. But when you are, after this journey is over, you will apologize to him."

Naia didn't mean to sound so stern, but it was hard to support Katara when she lashed out at everyone, including her own brother. Katara hesitated. "Okay," Was all she said. Naia nodded, her point was clear.

When the sun rose from the horizon, Zuko woke up from his slumber. "You should get some rest," He said to Katara. "We'll be there in a few hours. You'll need all your strength."

"Trust me, I have plenty of strength," Katara said. "I'm not the helpless little girl I was when they came."

Katara began to explain the story of how her mother died. One of the Fire Navy soldiers interrogated her in their home. Katara walked in, but was told to leave by her mother and the soldier. She ran as fast as she could to find her father, but by the time they returned, they found her mother's body. Naia felt sick to her stomach. It must have been utterly traumatizing for her to see that at such a young age. She began to understand why Katara was so hungry for vengeance.

"Your mother was a brave woman," Zuko commented.

"I know," Katara said pensively, tears streaming down her face.

Naia jumped down to Appa's head and put her arm around her shoulders. "We're here for you, Katara. You should really get some rest. Zuko and I can keep watch from here."

Katara nodded and climbed back up on the saddle. Zuko climbed down to sit next to Naia on Appa's head. Naia felt weird, considering that she's never sat by Zuko alone. Well, Katara was there but she was asleep.

"I know you probably hate me but we should probably try to get along for the group's sake," Zuko said.

"I don't hate you," Naia said. Zuko gave her a look. " least not anymore. You're actually not that bad."

"That warms my heart," Zuko said sarcastically.

"Honestly, I probably would have killed you if given the chance like a month ago, but you're better now," Naia said.

"Thanks for the honesty," Zuko said in a jaded tone.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Naia smiled, shaking her head. Zuko also cracked a small smile. "I really appreciate your willingness to help the group. This is—what—the third field trip you've been on?"

"Yeah," Zuko said. "I want to help out in any way I can."

"If you don't mind me asking, what make you change your mind?" Naia asked. "You know, about the Fire Nation."

Zuko sighed. "My entire life, I spent it trying to impress my father. When he banished me when I was thirteen years old, I thought my life was over. I was accepted back to the Fire Nation after Ba Sing Se fell, and I thought everything would be okay. I mean, it's everything I wanted, right? But it didn't end up that way. I was angrier than ever, and I didn't know why. I realized that people hated the Fire Nation. They didn't look up to us, they were terrified of us. Thinking of how this war has affected the lives of millions makes me feel sick. I learned that I needed to stop letting other people decide my destiny and I should take it into my own hands."

"Why did he banish you?" Naia asked.

"For talking out of turn at a war meeting," Zuko said. "A thirteen year old child, challenged to a duel with his Fire bending expert father."

Naia sighed. "And I thought my parents were bad."

"Your parents?" Zuko asked.

"Yeah," Naia said. "I don't's always been complicated with them. My whole life, I was compared to my twin sister Yue. She was everything I wasn't: obedient, sweet, even tempered. I was a headache for them. They forbade me from learning how to water bend, since only the men in the tribe were allowed to learn how to fight. I was arranged to marry Koa, who is my best friend, nothing more. It felt like I couldn't make any decision for myself. I felt...trapped. After Yue died, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave, and I did."

"I guess that's something we both have in common," Zuko said. Naia looked up and towards him. "Azula has always been the perfect child in my father's eyes. But me? Never." Naia chuckled. "What was she like, your sister?"

"Yue was the only person who truly understood me," Naia said. "She was one of my closest friends. She was always there for me, and never made me feel ashamed for who I was. I loved her more than anything. Even now, I would trade places with her in a heartbeat. I would do anything to see her again."

"It's really nice you were able to experience the times you did have with her," Zuko said.

"Do you have anyone if your life that you feel the same way about?" Naia asked.

"My uncle," Zuko answered. "He was banished with me. He was always there for me, cheering me on and giving me unconditional love and support. He was more of a father to me than my own biological father ever was. And how did I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's one of the things I regret the most."

Naia nodded sympathetically. "Right before Yue died, we got into one of the biggest fights we've ever been in. I thought she was going to hate me forever, but she didn't. Yue didn't have a bad bone in her body, and she forgave me. I said some really messed up things, but she forgave me," Naia explained. "I think your uncle is quite similar. He still loves you, unconditionally. Once you get a chance to speak with him again, I'm sure he'll understand. If he even knows a fraction of the things you've done and how you've changed for the better, he would still be so proud."

Zuko turned to Naia. "Thank you, Naia," He said sincerely.

Naia turned back to look back where the ocean met the sky. "You know, we have a lot more in common than I expected."

"Yeah," Zuko said with a chuckle.

"But I can't help but ask myself," Naia paused. "Are we too young for all of this?"

Zuko didn't respond. Instead, the two spent the remainder of the time in comfortable silence, watching the waves crest in the ocean as they flew over it.

A few hours later, Zuko woke up Katara. They spotted a large ship ahead with a flag that signified that they were the Southern Raiders. They all put on their black bandanas, leaving only their eyes visible. Appa swam underwater as Naia created an air bubble for them. Katara used her water bending to create a large wave that swept most of the crew off the boat deck. Once Katara, Zuko, and Naia hopped onto the deck, they ran to the living quarters. They reached a large door that lead to where the captain would steer the ship.

"Are you ready to face him?" Zuko asked.

Katara sighed, stepping backwards and sending a huge blast of water through the door with a grunt. The door was completely thrown off of its hinges. The captain immediately started to fire bend, with Zuko try to block it.

"Who are you?" He asked them.

"You don't remember her?" Zuko asked. "You will soon, trust me."

The man raised his hand to fire bend again, but it suddenly started to shake and contract. He started to move back and forth like a puppet. Naia looked over to Katara with wide eyes. She was using blood bending. Zuko looked just as shocked as she did.

Katara had him kneel on the ground. "Think back," Zuko said.

"Think back to your last raid on the Southern Water Tribe," Katara said darkly.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The man denied, his head facing down on the ground.  "Please, I don't know."

Naia used her blood bending to lift his head up off the ground. "Look her in the eye when she's speaking to you," She spat.

"Don't lie!" Zuko exclaimed. "You look her in the eyes and you tell me you don't remember what you did."

Katara stared into his eyes for a few seconds before releasing him. His body fell to the ground with a small thump. "It's not him," She said quietly.

"What?" Zuko exclaimed. "What do you mean it's not? He's the leader of the Southern Raiders. He has to be the guy."

Katara shook her head and began to walk away. Zuko quickly put the man's hands behind his back. "If you're not the man we are looking for, who is?" Naia interrogated him.

"You must be looking for Yon Rha," The man said nervously. "He retired four years ago."

Zuko shoved him to the ground and the three of them walked out.

Katara, Zuko, and Naia found Yon Rha on a small island near the Fire Nation. They followed him stealthily to the market, and when he was about to walk on the remote trail back to his house, they ambushed him. It started to rain with a bit of lightning, with small thunder claps following. Yon Rha got paranoid and sent a huge blast of fire to the tree behind him. Seeing that nobody was there, he continued to walk forward. Yon Rha tripped on the piece of rope that they left to trap him. Naia and Zuko revealed themselves.

"You better not fire bend again," Naia warned.

"Whoever you are, take my money, take whatever you want," He said, his voice quivering. "I'll cooperate."

Katara walked slowing from behind them and took of her black mask. "Do you know who I am?" She asked sternly.

"No...I'm not sure," Yon Rha squinted his eyes.

"Oh you better remember me like your life depends on it! Why don't you take a closer look?" Katara exclaimed.

Yon Rha lightly gasped. "Yes, I remember you now," He said. "You're the little water tribe girl."

"She lied to you," Katara said. "She was protecting the last water bender."

Yon Rha's eyes widened. "What? Who?"

Katara turned her head and jutted her arms out. "Me!" She hollered. The rain that was surrounding them completely stopped, with little drops of water remained suspended in the air. Katara created a force field around the group. With the twirling on her arms, the water froze into jagged pieces and then rained down on Yoh Rha. But, before they could touch his skin, Katara stopped. She squeezed her eyes shut and let go, releasing the water.

"I did a bad thing, I know I did, and you deserve revenge," Yon Rha said guiltily. "Why don't you take my mother? That would be fair."

"I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing. But now that I see you, I think I understand," Katara said, stepping closer to him. "There's just...nothing inside of you. Nothing at all. You're pathetic and sad and empty."

"Please spare me," Yon Rha pleaded, starting to whimper from crying.

"As much as I hate you," Katara growled. She took a pause and sighed. Naia started to notice the tears leaking from her eyes. "I just can't do it," She said, her voice cracking.

Katara turned around and began to walk away. Zuko and Naia looked at each other before following Katara's actions. Once they reached Appa again, Katara was silent. She didn't seem to want to talk to anybody. Naia sat by her and have her a long hug. She could tell Katara was exhausted from the journey. Naia let Katara lay her head down on her lap and cry herself to sleep, Naia lightly stroking her hair for comfort. Katara would debrief her decision when she was ready to, and Naia would not be the one to force her to.

"I didn't expect that," Zuko said.

Naia checked to make sure Katara was asleep. She definitely was, her chest moving up and down and her eyes were shut. "Honestly, me either."

"What was she doing back there?" Zuko asked. "When the man started to not be able to control his own body?"

"Blood bending," Naia replied. "When I stole one of the books from the library, I learned how to do it. Katara and I had to fight the water bender to created the technique. That's when Katara blood bender for the first time. When she did, she cried for days afterwards. I never thought she would do it again. But...she did. That just shows how much she hated this person."

"Now I know why Azula is afraid of you," Zuko said.

Naia's heart stopped. "Afraid of me?"

Zuko nodded. "You did something to her back in Ba Sing Se. She admitted to me that you're the only person she would ever be afraid to face again."

Naia looked away, feeling guilty. "I used blood bending on Azula because I was feeling angry and vengeful. It's not something I plan on doing again. But...Katara made me really proud today."

"How so?" Zuko asked.

"I'm proud of her for choosing not to kill him. At first I wondered why she did that, but then I started thinking," Naia paused. "I had this...darkness...inside of me. Something that people like Azula and Hama noticed. In pure rage and anger, I was going to kill Zhao to avenge my sister. I didn't get the chance to, and I regretted it for a long time. For some twisted reason, I wanted to be the one who ended his life. But, now I'm realizing that killing him wouldn't have changed anything. It wouldn't have brought back Yue, it would have just been blood on my hands. Maybe violence isn't always the answer. Sometimes, you need to let go to have peace of mind."

a/n: hey guys! hope you enjoyed this update. it was emotional but it's one of my favorite episodes. thanks for the support <3

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