Percy Jackson: The Lion, the...

By fantasydreamreader

87K 2.6K 664

It has been months since the war against Gaia was fought. 16-year-old Perseus Andromeda Jackson was tired but... More

The Arrival at Manor
The arrival of the Pensives
The Wardrobe and Meeting Mr. Tummus
The hidden truth
The white witch
Return to Narina
The beavers
The secret police
Author note
Oh, my hades! It's Santa!
Broken Ice
Aslan's camp
Author note
Peter Wolfsbane- Knight of narina
Winner 2
Aslan's sacrifice
The battle
The Crowing of the Five and The Return Home
Estelle Jackson
New Story

The training

2.8K 96 23
By fantasydreamreader

It was late at night that percy returned with the small rescue team with tired Edmund. She immediately takes him to the healer's tents and used her water powers to heal his scars.

" How are you doing that?" he asked seeing himself slowly healed 

"Well, I am a demigod, daughter of Poseidon. your siblings know that already you are the only one who missed that out" Percy said. Edmund went speechless

" are a demigod? like an actual child of a in the myths?" He asked wanting to be sure.

" Yeah, crazy huh? But I am just me, just a sea god kid...don't worry about it, Edmund...Ed? ed?" Percy waves her hand in front of his face before poking at him and he fell back fainting " I didn't do anything!" she said 

Aslan chuckled as he entered "No you didn't percy. he is just overwhelmed his friend is an all-powerful demigod. maybe tell more about you when he is more rested and relaxed else it will be worrying if he keeps on fainting"

" touche' Aslan," She said 

" get some sleep, he will be fine by morning," he said. percy nods and heads to her tent which the Narnia gave her. She tried to sleep in her tent from Artemis but they insisted on her staying in the one they prepared for her.

The next day she was dressed and Peter, Lucy, and Susan told her what she had missed when she went.

" so sir knight Peter huh? how marvelous for all the princesses out there blondie" she said "Oh shut up" Peter said. they all see in the distance Aslan and Edmund were talking alone.

"Edmund!" Lucy wanted to run to him but Peter stopped her. Both Aslan and Edmund saw the group and came to them.

"What's done is done." Aslan said, "There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past." Percy nods as Aslan left the children alone.

"Hello," Edmund said as Lucy and Susan both hugged him Peter and percy looked at each other smiling as Peter mouths a thank you to her which she nods.

"Are you all right?"Susan asked Edmund " I'm a little tired." he said 

"Get some more sleep, Edmund" Percy said " Yes ma'am" Percy chuckled when he said that as he head back to the tent

"And Edmund..." Peter said turning to him "...try not to wander off."

"yeah...between you and me....none of us want to see our favorite demigod do her scary glare again," Edmund said teasing "It's like mom but worse"

"Hey, my glare is not that bad," Percy said jokingly as everyone else laughed "Hardy har har..."

Later, they were all eating food together and Edmund was stuffing his face while asking questions about percy demigod's powers and her life.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed," Lucy said as they chuckled as Edmund finished eating his bread

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back," Peter said making all of them look at him

"We're going home?" Susan asked 

"You are. I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."

"But they need us. All five of us." Lucy said 

"Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund and Percy were almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay. I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it." Edmund said as percy patted his shoulder.

"Believe me, Peter, I went through a lot of these prophecies, two major which I was foretold to be part of. it always finds a way to be true...and with the number of people fighting the battle. " Percy said, "Whether you like it or not, it will always involve the five of us, just need to find the best way to do it."

"I suppose that's it then," Susan said going to get her bow and quiver "Where are you going?" Peter asked 

To get in some practice." She said. Percy smirked and stole Peter's apple which he tossed into the air as she caught it. " Mine...wait up Susan! I can give pointers that my teacher taught me...But never ask me to show archery skills are horrible" 

" I can see why you love her" Edmund teased Peter 

" Shut up Ed" 

"Wait till u learn you both are accidentally engage just now," he said leaving


Soon Susan and Lucy were both at the archery range. Susan hits the bullies with her arrows. Lucy smirked and decided to use the knife-throwing trick percy taught her. She hits it straight on the bullseye which made Susan chuckle.

They heard laughter as they see Percy, Peter, and Edmund chasing each other on horseback. Percy on a black mare, Edmund on a chestnut stallion, and Peter on a Unicorn.

" Come on boys... let's see your swords skills," Percy said as they all duel "Come on, Ed! Swordpoint up, like how I showed you"

" En grade!" Edmund said as they duel with their blades " Now block. Nice one Peter...keep up Ed"

" Hey!" They all laughed and did great sword fights and percy was about to suggest they try sword fighting from the ground when Mr beaver comes up to them "Peter! Percy! Edmund!"

" Whoa, horsie!" Edmund calms his horse "My name is Philip. " The horse spoke

"Oh. Sorry." Ed apologizes

" What is wrong Mr. Beaver?" Percy asked 

"The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here."

"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia! Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!" The dwarf announced as they all came to see Jadis the white witch being carried on her sedan the army booed and growled at her angry at her

" Go away, Witch!" "Empress of the Lone Islands!" "You don't belong here! Go away!"

Aslan watches her stand up as her moving throne was set down and she walks to him to speak "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." she said 

"His offense was not against you," Aslan said 

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch." He growled at her "I was there when it was written."

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property. "

Percy drew out Ripttide and point it at her glaring ."Try and take him then. Might give you a taste of Riptide blade" She said as everyone else and Peter drew their sword out as well 

"Do you think that mere force will deny me my right......little Queen?"  Jadis scoffed "Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the Stone Table... *she points at Edmund* is tradition. You dare not refuse me."

Percy's eyes went unhinged as she drew out water from her satchel as several sharp water arrows points at the neck of the white witch and her small party.

" Oh, I dare, Jadis. Beware the sea, we do anything to protect our own " Her eyes went to a dark shade of green like her father when angry as **ck. The sibling looked at her in amazed and terrified even more on percy mood

"Enough all of you. Percy, Please put the water down" Percy looks at Aslan who calmly looked at her. She violently tossed the water to the ground as Peter held her hand to calm her down  "I shall talk with you alone."

everyone waited for Aslan and the white witch to finish talking. Percy and Peter never let go of their hand, then suddenly they saw them coming out of the tent and the white witch went to her part and carry the throne

"She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood," Aslan announced which made everyone in Aslan's army cheer and hug each other in joy

"How do I know your promise will be kept?" Jadis asked which made percy wondered. But her thought got cut off when Aslan roared at Jadis causing her to sit down in fear as her party left the camp

Everyone celebrate but Percy saw Aslan looking sad as their eyes met as he went back to his tent. This made percy wonder even more...what did Aslan promise Jadis in return for not killing Edmund?

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