Deicide: The Edge Of Reason...

Par LimboRikudo999

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Weiss Schnee was born a puppet, destined to be a pawn in the game of Atlas' elite. She had grown up a soul fo... Plus

Advent Of Change
The Meaning Of Power
Subservient To None
Among The Peasants Walks God
Glass Walls
Divine Identity
Mask For A Sister
Frozen Heart
Black and Blacker
Best Friends Forever
More Power
To Love A Lie
Darkest Heart
Heaven And Earth
All Eyes On Me
Deflower A Rose; The Greatest Sin
The Final Countdown
Fall From Grace
Dark Fire
Battle Of The Strongest
When Day Breaks
The End of The Beginning
Reaping What You Sow

The Beginning Of Freedom

837 36 225
Par LimboRikudo999

"Reason exists solely for those who must cling to it for survival. Now, let us the edge of all reason." - Sōsuke Aizen

Air blows past the deck of the bullhead, whispers of the wind that caress the ears and eyes of many. The cloudless sky hangs in the sky above, the limit of humanity's reach and impact laid out bare for the world to see. The engines roared dully, drowned out by the quiet chatter of the hundreds of students on board, all both eager and nervous for the arrival at Beacon.

All except one.

In the corner of the bullhead sat a peculiar student, one who gave off a different air than the rest. She was a young girl, skin pale as a vampire and eyes sunken and hollow. Her ivory hair sits in an off center ponytail, held together by a silver tiara. Her outfit was all white, a long sleeved jacket and matching leggings with black buttons and shoes. Her face was stuck permanently in a frown, cold and calculating eyes shimmering with a dark cerulean.

This girl was Weiss Schnee, the daughter of Jacques and Willow Schnee. The heiress to the Schnee Dust Company and perhaps the most dangerous person aboard the bullhead. Her eyes shone with the wit of a timeless soul, analyzing each and every one of her potential enemies.

'All aboard this ship are nothing but sheep, brainwashed fools who cling to reason and reality. Only I have seen the truth, and with all of my hard work, it will soon come to pass.' Weiss couldn't fight the giddy grin gracing her lips and the thought of her creation. The Hōgyoku sat in the center of her chest, only visible if she were to remove her jacket. It was a small, purplish-blue orb that pulsated with unimaginable potential. Well, unimaginable to all except Weiss. Weiss knew what she had brought into this world, and it was perhaps the most world changing innovation since dust itself.

The Hōgyoku, or "breakdown sphere" was an invention first begun by her late grandfather, Nikolas Schnee. Nikolas had always been both wise beyond his years and completely insane, so when she had first happened upon his diaries, she had assumed it to be nothing more than mindless conjecture. But then, she kept reading...

And she discovered the truth.

Her grandfather had been no ordinary man, he had been a reincarnation of a shinigami. His journals detailed the world of the "Soul Society" and the "Hollows and Soul Reapers" giving expansive information of each of the subjects. Weiss had taken it all in with wonder, completely enthralled by the tales of a realm so divine.

But then it came to her grandfather himself.

She did not refer to him as Nikolas anymore, no. She now knew him as his true name, none other than Sōsuke Aizen. The journals had detailed his past plans and ambitions, the absolute reckoning of ultimate machiavellianism. The idea that abiding by those you know as weaker and primitive led to stagnation and mindlessness, the proposal that the world was merely a subjective plane, destined to be shaped by those who dreamt of a world that should be, rather than what it was. Her grandfather had detailed his master plan for this ascension, the Hōgyoku, a divine device that would allow the master of its power to transcend both Hollow and Soul Reaper and to bring forth the death of god and all who upheld his word.

A pang of annoyance went through her heart when remembering the end of her grandfather's tale, one of defeat and imprisonment. His transcendent power confined to a world of darkness, stuck for twenty thousand years. Even helping in a war hadn't made him seem more favorable, but it seemed that the time had allowed for the Soul Society to develop a way to kill her grandfather.

The journals had explained to Weiss that Aizen had become immortal after fully merging with the Hōgyoku, and that the Soul Society had been forced to develop a way to fully kill him for good while he was imprisoned. Weiss had shed a single tear at the end of his tragic tale, cast from the heavens and reincarnated into her human grandfather.

But Aizen had been anything but a quitter, and had devoted his life to recreating the Hōgyoku on Remnant. Instead of breaking down the walls of Hollow and Soul Reaper, he had sought to remove the barrier between Huntsmen and Grimm. But alas, he had been inflicted with a deadly disease, and been removed from this realm too soon to complete it. Weiss could still remember watching him die, the usual stoic man unusually warm in his final days.

Her grandfather had always been calm and calculating, a true genius on all fronts. But he had still been a grandfather all the same, and a good one in Weiss' opinion. He always had knowledge to share, things to say, ideas to spout. He was always willing to help her, even if only by giving the most rational solution.

He had loved her, she just knew it.


It was on the day of his death that he had given her a key and a small sticky note with a list of written instructions, asking her to please venture to his basement office whenever she felt ready. She hadn't known what he meant back then, but when she had eventually stumbled upon the run down office...she had understood what he meant.

She absentmindedly brought a hand to her chest, stroking the small orb beneath the fabric. It resonated deep within her soul, brimming with untapped potential. She could feel it whispering into her mind, a heavenly voice that brought with it a great euphoria. Its power caressed her, bringing with it a great warmth that soothed her nerves.

It was true that she was indeed a bit nervous, this would be her first time out of Atlas. Well, that wasn't entirely true, she had been forced to sneak out of the manor and floating city a few times, all in order to gather the materials for the Hōgyoku. But this would be her first time really free.

The orb shimmered at its master's thoughts, a strange sensation that made Weiss smile. Her heart beat in tandem with the orb's pulses, like they were one and the same. But to Weiss, they might as well be. She was the Hōgyoku, and it was she, and it was becoming harder and harder to differentiate between the two.

The prospect of becoming one with such an existence sent both shivers and tingles down her spine. On the one hand, the Hōgyoku held unlimited power inside its glowing depths. A fusion of one thousand souls, half human and half faunus, along with the ashes of one hundred thousand kilograms of grimm, all slain by either her grandfather or her own hands. Even further was the dust, a kilogram of each variety. But not just any old dust would do, only the purest dust imaginable for her magnum opus. With these powers combined, the Hōgyoku was what she had dubbed a sentient miracle, for it held the ability to bring to reality the user's deepest desires.

But on the other hand...

The sins she had committed to attain such a power....were innumerable. When she had first ventured into her grandfather's office and eventually his laboratory, only three tenths of the human and faunus souls had been collected. The other two materials, grimm residue and pure dust, were easy enough to get a hold of. As the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, it had only taken a request to her father, to visit the largest dust mine for "studying purposes". As for the grimm, it had merely been tedious, for every night she was able, she would sneak down to the forests of Mantle below and kill as many as she could, collecting their remains in vials and bringing them back with her. It had been both difficult and enlightening, and at the end of her journey, the slaughter of Grimm had been nothing more than a cake-walk.

But the souls...

Weiss had spent two years desperately searching for a substitute, anything to satiate the Hōgyoku's desire for life. She had tried everything, more dust, more grimm, blood, tears...nothing worked. The breakdown sphere had rejected them all. It had led to a wall of morality to trump her ambition...

But her life continued.

Weiss frowned at the remembrance of her ever depreciating sink into both isolation and depression, the result of living for naught but the company. Her schedule had always been constraining and full of extracurricular drivel, but at the dawn of her fifteenth birthday, everything had changed.

Would be suitors became considerations for arranged marriages. Sitting and looking pretty at dinner parties became soulless performance and passionless speeches at ceremonies and balls. Neglect became abuse, both emotional and unimaginable anguish which she was forced to endure.

The result was countless nights spent sobbing in silence, anger and resentment building into soulless acceptance. The Hōgyoku had been forgotten, and Weiss had submitted to her father's desire to be nothing more than a pretty pawn, a porcelain doll meant to act as an extension of his will.

But the Hōgyoku had disagreed, calling out for its master each and every night, the unfinished device yearning and pleading for completion. Weiss had ignored its calls, until one night. It had been the night of her sixteenth birthday, and her father had just announced that she would be married to Henry Marigold, the heir to Marigold Enterprises and absolute womanizer and obvious abuser. Weiss had finally snapped, screaming and howling like a wounded animal at her father, but no amount of begging could save her now, her father like an immovable wall of iron.

And when she tried to move that iron?

Her eye burned.

It was at this night that the Hōgyoku called out to her one past time, a faint whimper for its master to finish what she had started.

Weiss had obliged.

It was that day that she finally broke down, any and all morals bid farewell. She spent that night digging deep through her grandfather's journals, taking in his philosophy like a sponge to water.

Two nights later, she made her first kill.

A wolf faunus, a young boy from the mines. He was innocent and kind, but the sacred texts had told her that those were the souls the Hōgyoku preferred. She had been visiting the mine when she has noticed him and called him forward, before boarding the first airship back to the manor.

Into the lab they went, where Weiss had hooked the boy to her grandfather's contraption, a chamber that drained the aura of anyone who set foot in it, tearing the soul from their body and feeding it to the Hōgyoku. The boy had at first been naive, excited at the prospect of testing new technology, especially one that he had been promised would only prove beneficial to the faunus kind.

His screams were maddening.

And thus began the spree of Weiss Schnee as a murderer, feeding a total of seven hundred souls to the Hōgyoku. Human and faunus, old and young, male and female. No one was safe from her ambition. She slaughtered civilians, government officials, White Fang members. If one had were made to describe Weiss in any word, it would never be biased. She had long become deaf to their cries as their souls were sucked out of their bodies. She didn't care, not anymore. Weiss had known from the first sacrifice that she was condemned to hell, but she didn't care anymore.

Death was not applicable to her anyway.

She remembered the last soul, one that she had made extra special for her creation. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel her mother's hand intertwined with her own as she led her down the stairwell, the intoxicated woman only asking where they were going, getting a quiet dismissal from her daughter in response.

Weiss had loved her mother dearly, for the first ten years of her life. Both she and her grandfather were the only ones who showed her any kindness or consideration. But after her tenth birthday, their family shattered into alcohol stained pieces, leaving her mother a victim of the bottle. After that, Weiss saw her mother less and less, before one day realizing that the person she loved was gone.

But now, she would be with her forever.

Weiss could remember gently coaxing her mom into the extraction chamber, telling her that she just wanted to take some pictures. The older woman had given her a smile, before telling her with a soothing voice.


"Yes, mother?"

"Weiss, dear. I want you to know that I love you...I don't say it enough, and I've been distant for a long time, and I'm sorry. But you will always be my special snowflake, and I'll never stop loving you."

"...I love you as well, mother."

"I'm glad."


That night, the Hōgyoku was completed.

Weiss felt the orb in her chest heat up, in her mind, a sign of her mother's love. She cooed softly, bringing a hand beneath her shirt and stroking the orb delicately, a swirling mass of blue and violet sitting in the center of her chest. She could feel it hum with content, with completion, a similar feeling to the one she had felt upon merging with her creation.

Upon the sacrifice of the last soul, the Hōgyoku had gleamed with the force of a big bang, illuminating the entire laboratory with ethereal light. If had nearly blinded the heiress, but as the light had dimmed down, she knew it had been worth it.

It floated in the center of its holding cell, surrounded by glass that eroded away at its power. She had stepped to it, reaching out both hands as it floated to her softly. Her eyes had been aglow with wonder, blue orbs reflecting her masterpiece. She had held it tight, watching as it slowly came forth to her chest. It caved through her chest, divine light surging as it became lodged in her torso. There was no pain, there was no complication, there was no separation. There was only joy. It had worked.

They were one.

The thought of her merging with the Hōgyoku brought a pale hand to her wrist, a memory of her first night of completing coming forth. The journals had detailed her grandfather's complete immortality, the ability to recover from any and all wounds. Weiss had been eager to test this, and so the first thing she had done was take her blade, and without hesitation run it across her wrist. She remembered the skin being cut into, scarlet blood pouring from her wrist and staining the floor. Yet, there was no pain, only the ecstasy in her very soul as she watched the wound be covered in bluish cracks, light pouring off slightly as she was completely healed.

Weiss was immortal.

That was why she held no qualms with her sins, for she knew there would be no punishment from the divine. Her grandfather had detailed the horrors of hell in his diaries, yet Weiss knew that such a fate was now beneath her. She would live forever, evolving until she became a being transcendent of both huntress and grimm.

After merging with her magnum opus, she had strolled straight up to her father and demanded she study at Beacon and become a huntress. He had tried to hold her back, throwing her in challenge after challenge, but with her new found power, she crushed them all easily. Eventually, she had coerced a deal out of the old snake. She would both be able to study at Beacon and break off her arranged marriage, and all she had to do was use her authority and power as a huntress to benefit the company and solely the company. Of course, Weiss wasn't going to keep up her end of the bargain, hell, there wasn't going to be a Schnee Dust Company by the time she was done with it. But nevertheless, it was more than enough.

It was then that she stood, eyes narrowing at the growing blip in the distance. As the bullhead approached, she could make out the spires and towers of a great castle-like structure, a sprawling courtyard of unmatched beauty. Weiss grinned, knowing that this would be her home for the next four years.

She made one last check of her belongings, mostly the journals of her grandfather and small trinkets and such. She had no need for dust anymore, as the Hōgyoku had gifted her with the ability to utilize all of the elements, no doubt the result of its creation. The only other major item she had was her rapier, Myrtenaster. It had originally been a Multi-Action Dust Rapier, but her newfound ability had cut out the need for dust, allowing for Weiss to simply fill it with a single canister of the stuff, for it was only needed for display.

But Myrtenaster was still incredibly useful in battle. Aizen's journals had detailed the existence of such things known as "Zanpakuto" or swords of the soul. Unfortunately, he had been unable to obtain one in this lifetime, leaving Weiss unable to do so as well, but she had devised the next best thing.

She had forged Myrtenaster with her aura in the steel, pouring all of it each day into the blade until it held a sizable portion of her soul. It had begun to grow a mind of its own, sending waves of delight into her mind with its every use. As what she called a "spirit weapon", Myrtenaster was far more durable than any ordinary blade, and could even fire waves of soul energy when slashed with enough force. Weiss loved her sword to death, even if it wasn't quite what her grandfather had once held.

"I will no longer stand as subservient to those below me." Weiss mumbled as she grabbed her belongings, sending icy glares at anyone who dared approach her. They withered under her glare, letting the immortal heiress walk through the airship unopposed.

"Today is the beginning of the end for my chains, reality and reason will soon become optional." She continued to herself as the airship finally docked, leaving Weiss standing near the front as the walkway was lowered. Her whole body shook in trepidation, the Hōgyoku sending comforting pulses into her chest in an attempt to calm its master.

Weiss let a genuine smile creep up her lips as the walkway finished lowering, leaving the courtyard of Beacon available to her with just a few short steps. She took a deep breath, letting the fresh air tingle her lungs as she laughed quietly, the sound of an angel crying flowing from her lips.

She had finally done it.

After living in chains, conformed to fit into the palm of her father's hand, after all of her hardship and struggle, after the years spent perfecting her magnum opus...

"I'm free."

Author's Note: Here we go! I've been working on this for a few weeks, and have decided that it was time to put it out there! I have 8 chapters written out which I will be releasing every Friday night.

To everyone who was guessing, you all got really close, but this is it! Weiss has the Hōgyoku, and her grandfather was none other than the reincarnation of Aizen himself! I've been thinking about this idea for a while, and with some encouragement from one of my favorite readers, finally decided to put it to paper!....or, I suppose google document would be a more apt term.

And yes, I killed Aizen off early. He may make some sort of appearance later, but this is more of an "inspired by" than a full blown crossover. Don't worry though, Weiss will do her best to fill his shoes lol. I combined both manga and several different versions of the anime quotes for some of the dialogue, and also am trying to make my own Aizen-esque speeches. Weiss' ego is fucking gigantic, and her attitude is downright evil at times (more of which is displayed in Chapter 2 and 3). She killed 700 people so far, including her own mother! Weiss felt that "True" Willow was already dead anyway, so had no qualms about ending her life and feeding her soul over to the Hōgyoku.

She is also...very strong. She's gonna have a bunch of BS abilities, so I'm gonna have to so my best to give her worthy opponents. No other Bleach Characters least, for now...

Myrtenaster is kind of like a Zanpakuto, no really though. It doesn't have any special abilities besides being able to project spiritual energy waves, but it's the closest that she's gonna get lol.

One more thing, I have decent knowledge on Bleach, but it's nowhere near as good as my knowledge on Naruto, so if there are any major errors with what I have written here, please let me know so I can go and fix them!

I really want to hear your thoughts on this, so please leave any questions, comments, or ideas in the comments. I'm so excited to hear what you guys think of this!!! Until next time, peace out!

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