Enigma of Darkness//Vkook

By TeaCOokie4u

55K 4.4K 1.4K

Taehyung, a young master of Kims when come to the world after isolating himself in the grief of his Grandfath... More

The troublemaker
The second pillar- Jeon
Omegas are not pets
The unexpected meet
The birthday party
Waltz my way into your thoughts
The missing doctor
This brother of mine
Gandok II
Trouble likes me
Save Merlyn
Troubles in paradise
Hard to say, difficult to hide
The beta and a dog
The dice in enemy's court
Heart knows what mind doesn't
His mate
Near yet so far
The true blood alpha won't sit quietly
Don't be afraid, I am here.
Time is all I have
I will accept your hate
Mr. Troublemaker and Mr. Nuisance
The adventurous night of the club
The unique audio messages
A mother's love
What am I doing here?
Fractured hearts
No one is going to know
The Dark Grove
Suits you like your mate
The Antihero Alpha
We are going home.
The true-blood alpha is acting weirdly
A memorable heat
He is just jealous.
The article
Ambivalent feelings
Accident or conspiracy?
A proposal of deliberateness
Drunk Shenanigans
Unfamiliar sensibilities
The indelible conference
The unexpected date
Whispers of romance
Troublemakers on the loose
The perilous trap
Veiled love
The soothing embrace of the mate
Kiss of clarity and reconciliation
Bound by devotion
The unyielding and unconditional family bond
Something is wrong with General Jeon
A subtle touch of warmth in chaos
I will protect what's mine
A spring touch
I found my destined mate
The beautiful omega
The fury of justice
A legacy of love and power
The unseen bond
Wild cub, gentle bond
Unexpected antics and silent conversations

Fall of a hero

657 61 19
By TeaCOokie4u

Taehyung watched the whole ceremony, saw his parents, and how Jin saved the day for Yeon. He saw the reaction of people. Some celebrated while some were doubtful. He and the doctor waited in the car till the traffic was allowed to move.

By the time their car started moving, he felt tired. Lizu was quiet, heartbroken with how its master left. Taehyung was sad but was also exhausted, he knew he was going to get scolded by his parents now that they are here and had found out that he ran away from home.

He goes to the old doctor's house after the traffic jam clears up. The wife of the doctor had prepared a meal for them. She looks at Taehyung in pity and asks him to wash up before going out, he still had blood stains on his shirt.

Taehyung just nods not knowing how to thank the two people who helped him in time he was not able to think straight. He takes whatever clothes were offered to him and after a long time looks at himself in the mirror.

Taehyung was not able to recognize himself. He looked different, distraught, sighing he splashes water on his face and then turns on the shower. The warm shower gives him relief, he closes his eyes staying in the warmth and letting his body get cleansed of all dirt and thoughts.

When he opens his eyes and looks at himself in the mirror, a crescent moon shines on his forehead. He gets scared by the glowing symbol and stumbles back almost slipping but catches the handle on the wall in time. 

Afraid of what he saw, he nervously looks back at his image but there was nothing now, his forehead was clear of any symbol like it never existed and it was just his hallucination.

Scared, he gets out of the shower and dries himself. His hand pauses thinking about something. He looks towards the door then at the clothes that he wore before and takes out a small bottle and drinks the content, emptying the bottle. 

His face scrunches in distaste but thinks become fine after a moment. He clears his throat and comes out to meet the old couple. The old lady with a loose bun and several wrinkles on her face sees him and smiles.

“So handsome you are young man. Come eat before the food gets cold.” Taehyung smiles upon hearing it. He notices they have fed Lizu a meal, the dog was not touching it so the doctor was coaxing it and telling life goes on.

Taehyung feels the warmth run through him. His eyes tear up and he looks down at his plate. The woman serves him a big serving of food. He hides his tears by eating a mouthful to change his mood. The food was good making him eat more than he intended. 

He spends an hour with them and tells them who he is. They were shocked but said nothing about his image or talk about anything related to the matter. Their focus was on the dog and him alone. 

Taehyung decides to make Lizu stay with them for the time being and when he has prepared everything at home, he will come back for the dog again. The old couple agrees to it. They were living alone. They had a daughter who is married and living happily with her family. A company of a dog was a good idea for them.

Thanking the couple several times Taehyung takes his leave but hears the whine of Lizu. The dog was still crying about the loss. This makes Taehyung feel pain in his chest. He sits down in front of Lizu and rubs the face of the dog lovingly.

“I won’t abandon you. Just give me some time. My instincts say it is not the right time for you to come.” Taehyung gets up and runs away from there, not turning back or he would become weak for the dog.

He wanted to first assess the situation and then go back home. He wanted to talk to Namjoon but before he could dial the number, Yoongi calls him.

Surprised by his sudden call, Taehyung quickly wipes his eyes, he receives the call, clearing his throat he greets Yoongi. 

He hears the irritated response from Yoongi. “What did you do this time Taehyung?” Yoongi asks enquiring him.

“What did I do?” Taehyung asks back narrowing his eyes. 

Yoongi seems to speak slowly and informs him “Jeongguk Jeon was here, he left after talking with Hoseok that this witch is not telling me about. They checked our lab. I have my theory that he knows about everything.”

Taehyung halts hearing it, he sees the building of his dorm in front and feels his heartbeat quicken. Jeongguk was somewhere near, his heart could tell. He contemplates what to do next when Yoongi speaks up, “I told you it is too risky but you and Hoseok didn’t listen to me. Now he has closed his lab for an unknown amount of time. Do you think he is pressurized to do so?”

Taehyung’s grip tightens on the phone “Tell Hoseok hyung I am sorry to be a bother. I will do everything I can to return the favor he has done to me.”

Yoongi was surprised to hear it. He didn’t want the favor in return, he was just feeling uneasy. He sighs. “All I could say is, you should be careful. He is an intimidating person. I don’t know how Hoseok was able to smile seeing him.”

“This day was ought to come. I just didn’t expect it to be so quick.” Yoongi felt dread hearing Taehyung’s serious tone. 

“Is everything okay with you? You are at home right?” He enquires again.

Taehyung avoids answering the first question, “Thanks for warning me hyung. I will go back to my house after collecting some things from my dorm. Goodbye.” He hears a sharp inhale and quickly disconnects the phone not wanting to be scolded at the moment. 

He walks quickly towards the building. His mind was telling him to stop and run away but his heart pulling towards the building. He reaches the stairs when his mother calls him. They were all on time as if warning him to think again before taking action.

Taehyung chews on his lower lip and tries to delay but his mother keeps calling him. Defeated, he picks up the phone, she too was sounding tired and anxious. “Where are you?”

She asks quickly, Taehyung rubs his nape and answers truthfully “Dorm.”

Her voice becomes loud hearing this and she inhales deeply “What are you doing there? You are freaking me out? Were not you told to stay at home?” There was something said behind to which she responded “I know what I am doing.” 

Taehyung sighs in irritation. He was not a kid. Hiding things from him and feeling they could save him this way was them being childish. “How do you expect me to stay locked up?” 

She softens her voice hearing this. “Mom apologizes for that but it was the only way to keep you safe, please come back or I am sending someone to pick you up. You don’t know what is happening here.” Taehyung could hear her cursing silently then hears her trembling voice.

“Have you eaten? You were not in your dorm the previous night…” She starts asking and getting worried. Taehyung closes his eyes hearing her worried tone. Only a mother can sense when her child is in danger. He wanted to tell her but stops thinking she will know it eventually.

Taehyung could run away and hide or go back home but whatever he does his family has to get the backlash. He has caused trouble for them because of his nature. 

Taehyung wanted to listen to her more, feel her embrace, it has been long since he heard her he could only say. “I love you Mom and I am sorry.” His voice trembles. She stops whatever she was asking and Taehyung hears her whimper. 

“Mom loves you too much.” She passes the mobile to his father. Taehyung knows she might have got emotional hearing this and could hear his father and butler asking what has happened anxiously.

Before his father could speak he disconnects the phone and stands in front of the door, seeing it being unlocked. He takes a deep breath. Then looks around and finds a vase picking it up, he throws the flower and holds it in his hand then enters the room. 

Elian never leaves the door open, he doesn’t like the pheromones of others coming in so Taehyung knew it is some intruder and his heart knows well who that intruder is.

Taehyung stops as he sees the black uniform of the intruder, and has his back on him. He recognizes who this person is, he could smell the strong pheromones. 

Jeongguk speaks up looking around the room “So this is the place where you stay, study, and make plans. Didn’t expect it to be so nicely decorated.” He stares at the several photographs of Elian and Taehyung and his group on the wall. 

Then turns just in time and looks at Taehyung. His gaze was deep and holding many questions. His hands were in his pocket and back straight and his expression somber.

Taehyung stares at Jeongguk, the cap with gold lining and emblem was suiting him. The dress was a good fit and if not for the situation and his hatred towards this being he would have complimented Jeongguk but seeing him here in his room makes Taehyung nervous and fume in anger.

“What are you doing here?” Taehyung asks still holding the vase. Jeongguk’s eyes fall on it and he raises his brow hearing the sharp tone. Leaning on the study desk, he folds his hands over his chest.

“I will gladly answer your question but before that, I just want to know what are you up to Taehyung. What have you been planning all this time?” 

Taehyung chuckles hearing this “At least I have a clear conscience not like you, the government puppet.”

“Taehyung.” Jeongguk says sharply and points at the contents on the desk “Do you recognize these things?” Taehyung’s face pales seeing the items, it was inhibitors, blockers, pheromones scents, etc. He has hidden very safely but Jeongguk somehow got them all.

His patience loses, past days of struggles resurfacing, when young he admired Jeongguk. He always felt that Jeongguk was best suited for the head of Gandok with his abilities. But the Jeongguk that was now in front of him with the badges on his chest and the position he held. It made Taehyung lose his composure.

He throws the water from the vase over Jeongguk’s face. The alpha was able to react quickly but still can’t protect his uniform to get soaked. His eyes shine brightly as he looks up at Taehyung. His pheromones heightened.

Taehyung feels a pressure on his chest but still voices out while gritting his teeth. “You are a murderer, a venom. I feel ashamed to have admired you once.” His eyes water up and his lips tremble.

Jeongguk clenches his fist hearing it and feels a pain in his chest. His pheromones' strength lessens and the shine in his eyes dulls.

Taehyung unknown to this continues, “Who gave you permission to check my place?” Then recalling the ceremony he laughs dryly “Of course, you have all the permission to do so? Can’t an omega carry all these things with them?”

Jeongguk looks at him sharply. He hides his emotions and stares at Taehyung. He could see the person in front of him has changed. He is not the same boy that Jeongguk was looking for. 

“The one thing I hate most is lies. You can’t deceive me any more. What else is there that I don’t know about you?” He asks.

“You know nothing about me.” Taehyung seethes, the clock was ticking and Jeongguk was not looking in a mood to end his interrogation without getting answers.

“I have time today. Start telling.” Jeongguk says glancing at his wristwatch.

“You think your methods are any better? There is no answer you will get from me. You are blackened just like the color you wear. Soaking your sins like they never exist.”

“Are you the right person to preach to me? Have you thought about your brother, who has sleepless nights worrying about you? Your parents or hyungs who can bear any prejudices and losses just to protect you? Did you think of them when you were using these things and planning something behind their back?” Jeongguk says angrily making Taehyung shiver. Tears fall from his eyes.

His lips tremble as he looks up at Jeongguk “I had my reasons. I know I am the worst and accept it not like a pretentious person like you who has lost his voice.”

Jeongguk understands that Taehyung won’t answer easily so he doesn’t waste his time and takes out the handcuffs. “You are being detained for carrying illegal things, suspicions of being the mastermind of a hideous organization i.e treason against the government and imposing threat to the General of Gandok and attacking him.” Jeongguk held no humor in his voice and looks straight into Taehyung’s eyes.

He comes forward to cuff the omega. Taehyung was not giving up easily, he was ready to slap some sense into Jeongguk but Jeongguk hold his wrist, twisting it behind his back. Taehyung hisses in pain and elbows him on the chest. 

Jeongguk feels a bit of pain that doesn’t do him much harm but he was surprised to see the swift move of the omega as he takes a turn and untangles his hand that was held by Jeongguk, strangling it around the alpha’s neck and tightening the hold standing behind him.

“You have no idea how difficult it is going to be there at the base, I won’t have much control in your case” Jeongguk tries to stop him.

Taehyung chuckles hearing it, his breath tickling Jeongguk’s nape “You have no control over anything in the first place. Once stand for your people, you will see what the other side of the world looks like, and how it feels like when your loved one is hurt because of your limitations. And what actual strength is when you go against the flow.”

“You are making this hard for you,” Jeongguk says holding Taehyung’s hand wanting him to give up on it quickly. Taehyung hears the sound of steps and sees Jeongguk’s team which was hiding all this time in another room come out with their guns pointed at him.

“No need,” Jeongguk says making them put the gun down. 

Jeongguk’s alertness was very high and his reflex top notch. In just a simple move he breaks off from the grip and flips Taehyung onto the desk, holding both his hands behind and pressing his head flat on the wooden board.

Jeongguk then cuffs his hand and makes him stand up properly. Taehyung was not ready to meet his eyes. They go down the stairs in front of everyone in the dorm. The place becomes silent but as soon as Taehyung steps out, gossip spread throughout the campus.

Taehuyng sees the black cars waiting downstairs and speaks up. “It is you who is going to regret this.” Jeongguk wanted to comment but the omega cuts him adding, “I want to sit in another car.” 

Jeongguk nods to his men seemingly not happy with any of this, “Be on guard, this person is quite fierce.” He let them take Taehyung to another car. The vehicles quickly move to their base.

Taehyung sees the scenery change in front of him, and then halfway on the route, the person sitting next to him asks his men to hold him down. They put a black cloth on his face to not let him see further and Taehyung feels a prickling pain, he was injected with something.

He wanted to question as his senses start to give up, he could hear Jeongguk’s voice asking them if they did it and the man reply with ‘Yes Sir.’ Taehyung wanted to show his anger but loses consciousness.

When Taehyung regains his senses, he finds himself in a dimly lit room with only a table and chair in front. There was a bulb hanging above the table and a huge glass window in front that looked dark. 

Taehyung knew what that means, he was being observed. He tries to adjust to his surrounding and finds cameras pointed at him, he stares at the metal handcuffs on his hands, binding him to the chair.

He felt uncomfortable, his back was aching and his neck felt like it has been sprained. He has no idea who carried him over here. He tries to move his hands making the cuffs make a noise.

He looks back again at the dull walls of the interrogation room and a memory resurfaces. He smiles thinking of the time when his Grandfather told him about a place like this. He always thought about how it looked and never expected to see it this way.

“You are the first one to smile while sitting on that side of the chair and the position you are in.” Yeon’s voice reaches his ear, as he enters the room and notices the smile on Taehyung’s face.

Taehyung looks up at him and narrows his eyes, seeing Yeon with two guards, one in uniform and the other in a suit following him. “Should I be pleased that the leader of Gandok is personally here to question me?”

Yeon shrugs hearing it, controlling his anger “For stubborn people like you I like to interrogate.” He then checks up on Taehyung. “You were unconscious for quite a while and wasted my time with your beauty sleep.”

The suited man walks next to him with a folder and a box. He opens the documents sliding them in front of Yeon and then places all the vials that Jeongguk took from Taehyung’s room displaying them in front of Taehyung.

The man then stands at the back near the wall. Yeon taps on the table. “Care to explain.”

“Why? Can’t you read?” Taehyung mocks acting arrogant. 

The guard with a baton comes forward ready to beat him up but Yeon stops him. “That won’t do, his family won’t like to see his bruised and broken body, get the bucket of water, he might be thirsty.”

The guard goes out with a nod and brings a bucket of water. He sees both Yeon and Taehyung silently staring at each other and hesitates then as Yeon nods he pours the water from the bucket brutally on Taehyung's head, emptying it over him. 

Taehyung breathes sharply as the cold water makes him breathless. He tries hard to act calm and tries to focus back. “Turn the temperature low, it is too hot here.” Yeon orders. 

The guard nods and passes the instructions. Taehyung feels a shiver, he looks up at the vents that were present on all four sides. The vents start to make a sound and cold air fills the room.

“I don’t have any answers to your questions.” Taehyung seethes.

“Why don’t we start talking about what you were planning with all this? What is your purpose as an umbra.”

Taehyung narrows his eyes hearing it. “Is that what you think I am?”

Yeon expected this to be his answer. “Your family is taking the backlash. People are criticizing the Kims for keeping a traitor at home. Want to see them falling to disgrace?” He takes out his mobile and clicks on the video of a news channel reporting the scene outside his mansion.

A female reporter speaks, “With the sudden arrest of the young master of the Kim family. Questions have arisen on what could have been going on inside the head of these pillars. Were they planning to cause a rebellion against Solace? A recent talk with Ella Ji surfaced a piece of new information.”

Taehyung sees Ella acting upset and in disbelief as she stares at the camera “My father is heartbroken he has never expected someone from among us families could be plotting something so big against him. He just wanted to make this place better than before.”

Taehyung chuckles upon hearing this, the news reporter then says “The doubts are clearing slowly, the young master of the Kim family, Taehyung Kim, has always been in news for his notorious articles of defaming the Ji family, and then according to reports several illegal things were found in his room that has been sealed now. It seems like on the very first day of their reign the great Yeon Ji successfully captured Umbra.”

“This shocking news is not taken quietly by the people who have shown their anger on social media and have criticized the Kims. Various people came up with stories on how Taehyung was arrogant and irrational in many things, lacks manners, and is using the power of his family name.”

Taehyung grits his teeth seeing this he watches as the people in masks walk near his mansion and throw ink bombs and stain the walls. They also have written traitor. Several were arrested but they were laughing and saying it is for the good Gandok.

He looks up at a satisfied face of Yeon. The temperature was turning his lips purple but he didn’t show any signs to please Yeon.

“So who else is involved with you?”

“You are a fool wasting your time.” Taehyung feels his hands turning numb. “Sit here as long as you want and freeze to death with me but you won’t get any answers.”

The guard quickly wraps a cloth on Taehyung’s face and another hand pushes his head back. They pour water on him, making him suffocate and struggle on the chair, thrashing his legs. Then stops when Yeon tells them to. 

“Can you speak now?” Yeon asks as they unmask him. His face becomes pale and it was hard to breathe for him, still, he musters up the courage and looks Yeon in the eyes.

“I am innocent. I did nothing that would affect the security of this place.” Taehyung struggles to speak.

Yeon laughs “Very disappointing.” He asks to lower the temperature more. “You are the reason for the misery of your loved ones. Hoseok’s lab is sealed permanently. Jin’s title and position will dissolve. If you don’t open your mouth yet they will soon join you here with punishment severe than this.”

Taehyung feels like his heart would stop with the coldness. He was losing his senses. Tears fall from his eyes, “Don’t disgrace them thinking they are my weakness. My loved ones are my strength.  They are innocent. I wanted to hide my scent and collect news for my articles so I bought these potions. There is nothing else other than this.”

Yeon smiles “So you are saying, you have no link to Umbra?” 

“I was there with you at the party when we got their message. You have no proofs to link me with them.” Taehyung says panting. He tries to move his numb and freezing finger. The cold metal was bruising his wrist.

“So you won’t answer that easily?” Yeon orders his men to bring the injection. “Just so you know Hoseok made an antidote for your potion. It will give the said evidence. Your time is ticking up and the truth is going to reveal itself in an hour.” 

The men hold Taehyung up and inject the antidote into his wrist. He cries and yells that he gave them answers for whatever they asked but they become deaf to his yelling.

Taehyung tries to free his hand but was not able to do much, the metal was tight on his wrist. He looks around wanting to find something to get free but sees nothing. The cold metal presses against his skin causing bruises. Taehyung hisses but keeps trying to get rid of it.

Yeon leaves seeing him struggle. The room is locked again with his cries of pain and struggle. Taehyung feels his head burning and his chest about to explode in pain. He feels like this is the end, his death is near and then everything around him stops. 

His heart stops and the body falls forward on the table, lifeless.

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