Percy Jackson and the Avengers

By PercyJackson1394

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I'm not the greatest at writing, always failing LA. But I couldn't hold back because I am a huge Percy Jackso... More



185 2 0
By PercyJackson1394


I must have passed out because when I woke up Thor was gone. But Wanda was right there. I helped Wanda up when a giant Dr Strange portal opened up. I smile as me and Wanda flew in together landing.

Steve caught Thor's hammer and yelled, "Avengers! Assemble!" We all yelled and charged. I was fighting casually when I noticed Wanda. She was heading towards Thanos. 

"Oh she is not having all the fun." I say as I run towards her. We both fly up and land in front of Thanos. 

"You took everything from me." She said as her eyes glowed. I felt an overwhelming power come over my body and flew off the ground a little with Wanda.

"I don't even know who any of you are." He said smiling.

"Oh, don't stress you will." I say as Wanda and me chuck heavy rocks at Thanos. 

We eventually proceed to rip his armor off his limbs. 

"FIRE!" was all that process in my brain. When suddenly it all went dark. 

I woke up in a hospital and at my bedside was an adult girl.

"Well hello." I say, she shoots up and hugs me.

"Percy, it's me Estelle." My face goes pale.

"Estelle?" I ask as I grab her face. I feel tears running down my checks. 

"Mom, dad?" I ask as she shacks her head. 

"Car accident about three years back. Percy it's been five years I thought you would never come back. I've graduated, and have a job."

"That would make you 19!" She nodded still crying. I was shocked I was gone for five years!

I grab her again wrapping my arms around her again. I could not believe my mom and dad are dead. Estelle has lived alone for two years. 

"How did you find me?" I ask as I realize I have so many questions about camp she probably has no answers too.

"Clint, he stopped by the house told me you were barely alive in the hospital. I thought I was going to lose you again. The doctor said the chances of you ever waking up were really low." 

"How many day's has it been since everyone's come back?" 

"A month." Estelle said.

After another quick hug and a lot of fun sneaking around we were able to get out of the hospital unnoticed. Everything was really sore but I had to check on so many other places and Estelle knew.

Estelle drove me to camp and I got out. Estelle helped me out of the car and helped me up the hill. She explained that Chiron allowed her into camp after our parents died. I had a huge debt to pay to Chiron because letting a mortal into camp was some nerve not a lot of people had.

I started walking down the hill and got spotted. "Your a legend around here, when half of everyone was gone they still told your stories especially Lewis." 

"Percy?" I turned my head to see a adult looking Nico. "Percy!" Nico went and hugged me awkwardly with Estelle holding me up. He didn't hug me to tight though.

"Nico I'm not fragile, just woke up need a second to get my bones working again after a month." I say.

Nico laughed, "You look the same, and really your bones have not moved for five years and a month. Estelle, Rachel is actually looking for you something about her cave or something I don't know but I can take Percy to Will for some ambrosia." 

Estelle nodded hesitating, "Okay keep him out of trouble." Estelle said.

"What, I am not trouble! Excuse me, I'm right here people!" Nico snorted while Estelle laughed running towards Rachel's cave. Some things seems to never change.

"Never expected you to look older then me." I said smiling.

"Hey, I've always been older then you. Just not older older, but now I am!" Nico laughed again.

"Who else was gone?" I ask as I start noticing small little details of camp changing. The strawberries weren't so bright. The cabin paint was chipping and the infirmary looked to be changed places to nearer to the forest.

"Annabeth and Piper, were the only one's out of the remaining seven. 

"Lewis?" I asked concerned.

"He's fine besides missing you. I don't think there was ever a day he didn't talk about you."

"Piper was gone and not Jason. Man that would have probably been tough on Jason for five years." I say changing the topic. I felt bad Lewis had been through enough he shouldn't have to worry about me to.

Nico didn't respond for a while, until we entered the infirmary, "Will, can explain everything. Let me go get him." I nodded and a second later an older looking Will came running over. 

"Percy!" He said and we bro hugged. "When we got no communication from you we assumed you blipped."

"Blipped?" I asked confused.

"That's what everyone's calling it if you were gone for the five years." Nico explained.

"Interesting. Nico said you would explain everything?" I ask.

"Yeah um, Nico you want to go grab Lewis I'm sure he would love to see Percy again." Nico nodded his head almost like a grateful nod what for I have no clue.

"Percy you should know Jason is dead." Will said. My smiled dropped.

No Jason is a son of Zues he is strong he would never get into a situation where he would be killed. NO Jason can not be dead he is a son of ZUES of course he lived! It should have been me, it should have been me, why did it have to be Jason. That's when I felt tears coming down my face and Will hugging me.

"I'll be okay Will, Jason is probably down in the isle of the blessed knowing him." I say wiping quickly at my tears knowing Lewis would come in any second. 

Lewis peeked his head in first giving me enough time to put on a smile. Lewis stepped the rest of the way into the infirmary and my jaw dropped.

"Lewis?" I ask, Lewis was now a tall buff kid, he turned and smiled at me jogging as I stood.

Lewis reached me hugging me. "Percy your so.. The same! I came and visited you in the hospital, I thought you would never wake up."

"Hey, I'm awake now! I want to catch up so tell me everything!" 

"Nope!" Will shot down, "Percy don't think I don't notice you leaning heavily on the bed behind you, you are still not recovered yet. I want you to rest a little and have ambrosia."

"Oh come on Will as soon as I have some ambrosia I will be good as new! I'm sure Lewis understands." I say, I just got back I don't want bed rest.

"Will isn't saying it has to the whole day, and remember I'm an Apollo kid too, your health come first! We can walk around camp in a few hours when the ambrosia has time to take full effect. It's also Friday which means you can participate in capture the flag! Nico went to let Chiron that your back so he will probably include the Poseidon cabin when coming up with teams."  

I laugh, grabbing the ambrosia from Will and sitting down. "Fine you both got me, but you must tell me every little detail in the last five years." 

Will and Lewis sat down telling me all these stories, eventually Nico did come back joining Will and Lewis in the story telling. I guess people got wind I was back because Piper came in hugging me tight along with Leo who came back from exploring the world with Calypso once realizing half the world was back. 

Chiron came in a little after Piper and Leo left asking if I would be okay to verse the hunters tonight in capture the flag. In all honesty I think it was just an excuse but I think he truly missed me, of course I would be willing to verse the hunters everyone knows that. 

I did have some camper come by and introduce themselves which was adorable. Lewis did mentioned he had his eyes on a certain daughter of Athena a girl named Lily. She did come over to introduce herself to me and to see if Lewis wanted to 'hang'. I winked at him as he left. 

After a few hours I was able to leave the infirmary. Okay maybe I sneaked out once Will and Nico were distracted. I felt fine and I had to check up on some of the other campers I knew.

I walked into the Poseidon cabin to see five kids in there. For a while one of the things I did was go around helping kids to camp, I told them that when ever they needed to get away from everything or anyone they could chill in the Poseidon cabin. The rules, don't make a mess unless your going to clean it, sneak in so no one knows, you can't tell anyone, and lastly be nice to everyone in the cabin. 

The five kids all turned to me, "Do you remember us?" Suzanne a Demeter kid asked, some of the kids faces were more matured and they looked older while others still looked like they did when I dropped them off.

"Hmmm, is your name start with Sue and end with Zanne? Nah I can't put my finger on your name sorry." I say laughing as the kids come and hug me. I get down on there level and hug them back.

"I thought you were never coming back!" Devin son of Athena said. 

"Hey, if it meant seeing you all again I will always come back for you all. That's a promise! On other notes, you all look so big!"

"Yeah, Devin, Suzanne, and Pablo all didn't blip. But me and Poppy blipped." Nathan informed me. Nathan was also a son of Athena while Poppy is a daughter of Hecate. Pablo is also a son of Hecate.

"Have you started a mob yet?" Pablo asked laughing. 

"Hey without you guys there would never be mobs. Lewis also helps you out on that huh." 

"Can't sell out our brother like that!" Poppy said dramatically.

I found that statement to be cute these little kids, well there not all little anymore, love Lewis so much they called him brother. Lewis was truly a good kid.

"Ok, I won't get information out of you Poppy but look over there!" I say pointing to the couch, Poppy looks and I pick her up. 

"Hey! Put me down or I'm going all kung fu on you!" Poppy said laughing as I tickled her.

"Hey put her down Percy or I will!" Pablo said.

"I would like to see you all try!" I said standing my ground still tickling a laughing Poppy.

"We warned you!" Suzanne said as she charged at me. One of the kids reached into my pocket and grabbed Riptide.

"That is it! Riptide was the last straw!" I say as I grab Devin and start tickling him as well.

"Get him!" Nathan yelled tackling me once again.

They all managed to grab one of my limbs and they managed to hold each limb down. 

"Nooooo!" I say dramatically.

"Victory is ours!" Poppy declared. 

I concentrated on the couch and ended up teleporting away. I was sitting down as they all fell on top of each other from me suddenly being gone. 

I start to clap, "Nice try but I win!" I laugh evilly and everyone gets up and glares at me laughing.

We continue laughing and I pull out a board game. While playing Nathan and Poppy the two youngest now fell asleep. 

"Wow when we were little we didn't have that much energy did we?" Devin asked looking at Poppy and Nathan.

"You all did. You were up being crazy and then would fall asleep in my cabin most of the time. It's crazy to see you three so big. It's nice though I won't have to carry you five back to your cabins." 

"I can take Poppy back to our cabin Percy." Pablo offered as he picked up Poppy. "It's weird having everyone back. I'm glad you made it home Percy. I heard about your parents, I'm sorry." 

"Hey it's okay, I'll see them again one day. You all will see your parents and families again one day. I know you all probably lost hope during the blip, but now everyone is back, there is still room to continue hope." I say smiling picking up Nathan. "It's almost dinner, I'll clean up and put Nathan in his cabin, you sure you got Poppy?" I ask Pablo.

"Yeah, see you at dinner Percy." Pablo said leaving with Poppy in his arms.

"See you soon." Suzanne said exiting with Devin.

I first cleaned up and grabbed Nathan, off to the Athena cabin.

I made it in time to the Athena cabin while Malcolm was just about to leave to dinner. He was shocked to see I was back and took Nathan inside. 

"Hey thanks for watching after Nathan, he's has been having a hard time adjusting back after being gone for so long." Malcolm said as we both walk together heading for dinner.

"You would understand though, since you blipped too." I say noticing Malcolm looks the same age.

"Yeah, Katie, Clarrise and I all blipped. When we showed up in the same place we left we realized the camp was in shambles. None of our cabin wanted to be new head councilors for five years hoping one day we would come back, which is sweet but I don't understand how they waited so long with no head councilors."

"It's nice that half of us blipped so we could all comfort each other. I mean I can't believe I missed out on five years of my sister's life. I can't imagine how hard her life was."

"She's a strong young women, I've only known her for about a month. But in all the times she was at camp she was telling stories about you with Lewis. She looks up to you Percy she understands why you had to leave so often during her childhood and she doesn't blame you. Hey like you said we can only move forward from here." Malcolm said patting my back.

We walked together the rest of the way in silence it was nice to know he understood. Walking into the dinner pavilion was a little awkward. I guess Chrion already made the announcement I was back because she was no shocked faces just excitement in the air. 

Malcolm broke the silence by laughing I really wanted to wipe the stupid smug look off his face. Cause he knew one major thing about me, I hate attention. Yet here is everyone dead silent besides him, looking at me. 

"Welcome home, Percy!" Malcolm exclaimed as he sat down at him table still laughing. I took a look around and spotted the Artemis table a little to late as I hear a yell from behind me. Thalia is not sitting with the other girls.

"Jackson!" Thalia screamed.

"Oh, let me be part of the beating up of Jackson please!" Clarrise said standing up.

"Clarrise." I say nodding to Clarrise and then slowly turning around, "Pinecone face! Been like forever! How long it been?" I ask. 

"5 years 4 months and 13 days!" Thalia was mad but there were still tears shining in her eyes.

"To be exact I wasn't awake for 5 years and month so..." I say putting my hands up in surrender. It was a little awkard since all the camp was staring at me and Thalia I think they wanted a fight. 

Thalia sprinted towards me and I opened my arms. We hug and I felt my shoulder get wet. 

"So you didn't get blipped?" I ask as I feel a tiny spark of electricity run through my body. I barely flinched away from her. But a second later she stepped away from me.

"Don't tell me your now immune from my electricity." Thalia said whipping her tears away.

"Not really I was sorta struck by lightning from Thor the Norse god of thunder a while back." I say she shrugs and punches me in the stomach as she passes. 

"That's fine with me just gives me a better excuse to punch you." She said walking away.

"Good to see you too pinecone face."

"As well to you seaweed brain!" 

I turned back to the dinner pavilion where the Artemis table was glaring at me. Great just before capture the flag too. I spot Estelle high fiving Thalia at the Poseidon table.  

"Traitor" I say quickly as I sit down. 

"Prissy." I hear behind me. Great another strong girl that could probably do a lot of damage to me, all in less then a minute how lovely.

"Heard you were in the hospital. What happened got blipped back to hard?" Clarrise asked smiling.

"No, I blipped back and went to fight Thanos. I actually have no idea what happened."

"Wait you fought Thanos?" Katie Gardner was asking as she stood up from her table.

"Not for that long but yeah." I say trying to end the conversation so everyone can go back to dinner.

"So the rumors are true!" A little girl said from the Athena table, "Lewis said you were apart of the avengers." I laughed a little and turned to the Apollo table making eye contact with Lewis.

"Oh, really." Lewis turned bright red laughing a little.

"oops." Is all Lewis said until Chiron cut into the conversation.

"Percy can tell us of his adventures at camp fire tonight lets not bombard him with questions and stories now." 

I smiled at Chiron gratefully. "I'll get you during capture the flag tonight." Clarrise said walking away.

"Were on the same team!" I say back she smiles evilly at me, "Doesn't matter." 

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