Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연...

By OutOfTheBook

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These will be short mythical stories about the members of BTS. This involves ships. I take requests. WARNING:... More

{<>} Welcome {<>}
{> Seokjin <}
{> Yoongi <}
{> Hoseok <}
{> Namjoon <}
{> Jimin <}
{> Taehyung <}
{> Jungkook <}
{<>} REMAKE [<>]
[> Seokjin <]
[> Yoongi <]
[> Hoseok <]
[> Namjoon <]
[> Jimin <]
[> Taehyung <]
[> Jungkook <]
[<>] REMAKE |<>|
|> Seokjin <|
|> Yoongi <|
|> Hoseok <|
|> Namjoon <|
|> Jimin <|
|> Taehyung <|
|> Jungkook <|
|> REMAKE <》
《> Seokjin <》
《> Yoongi <》
《> Hoseok <》
《> Namjoon <》
《> Jimin <》
《> Taehyung <》
《> Jungkook <》
《> REMAKE <•
•> Seokjin <•
•> Yoongi <•
•> Hoseok <•
•> Namjoon <•
•> Jimin <•
•> Taehyung <•
•> Jungkook <•
•> REMAKE <●
●> Seokjin <●
●> Yoongi <●
●> Hoseok <●
●> Namjoon <●
●> Jimin <●
●> Taehyung <●

▪︎> Seokjin <▪︎

131 1 0
By OutOfTheBook

▪︎|Too Caught Up|=|YoonJin|▪︎


Isolated from cities was the last thing you needed to be stuck in. Sadly, that is the way it is.

Ever since the invasion, undead has been roaming the earth's surface on command of the demons. It wasn't a happy sight for everyone who walked the surface before.

The reason for the attacks was uncertain, but the many armies of unkillable foes have taken over cities and villages wide.

It's a miracle they haven't found Seokjin's home yet.

Tucked away through forests and far from the nearest city, the village was set up as an escape route for if this disaster ever happened.

Only the nearest village knew of it, most of them didn't survive to see the finished result.

It wasn't exactly the safest bunker. The number of people who worked or had experience in the building field was few all around.

The outside was built with thick wooden logs that were cut into sharp tips, tied with strong ropes.

Against demons, it wouldn't help, but the undead are blinder than squirrels hunting nuts. And demons are much too prideful to go hunting themselves.

All of them serve the devil. A demon of such power, he could destroy cities with the snap of his fingers.

There are seven below him. They command armies of undead and lesser demons. To kill one, it would take tremendous strength, balance, power, and stamina. If you stop killing for one second, you're dead.

Seokjin knows that very well. He lost his arm in an encounter with one of those demons.

As one of the few medics in the village, he traveled a lot to take care of people. With his expertise in herbs and poisons, he was able to cure any bad stomach acid.

It happened often that someone was poisoned or ate something bad. When he was further gone to the city, he was taken by surprise at the demon that entered it so casually.

The trauma rests on his shoulders.

He fled and went home. There, he stayed. He got his arm made by the smith, who created a prosthetic for him.

It was hard to get used to, with the poison needed to make sure it worked. But now, after a couple of years, it was like he was born with it.

People noticed a change in Seokjin when he got his arm. The happy and traveling doctor turned into a workaholic.

Other villages understood, but they still needed him. Now that Seokjin doesn't travel, they had to bring their sick to him.

Instead of careful bad news, he gave the diagnosis with a straight face. Instead of comforting the dying, he stood in his place.

He wasn't the same after the attack.

But the village never stopped treating him the way he used to be, whether Seokjin responded the same was another story.

One of those who kept trying was an old friend of the village. He was from the city, and when it was destroyed, he fled to the village.

Seokjin treated him there before the incident. This man saw the change happen and kept his optimistic self. He tried, constantly, to make the doctor smile.

The doctor's comforting smile wrinkles had faded along the frown that never left his face. His eyes never twitched. He never raised his voice.

It was as if he died. But even the undead were more alive than him.


I mentioned earlier that there were seven below the devil. I missed two. The ones who go over the armies and the plan.

The devil's children. Twins. The daughter of hatred and the son of sin. They never fought, never argued, they never smiled.

Their bodies were fuelled by the fear of humanity, and their powers were near that of their father.

They did roam the earth. In fact, they led their party.

The daughter of hatred stepped towards the low of Kana to control, a deserted city with less water than people. It's an easy prey to convince.

The son of sin invaded the east of Ysarin, the richer district of whose egos were too great to lift a finger to defend themselves.

They didn't kill. They would prefer not to. But they definitely do not oppose. Anyone who dares speak against them will be slain by their followers.

They follow their mother in rage and father in guilt.

The daughter's name was Iris, the eye of the devil and oldest twin. She possessed a third eye on her chest beneath her throat, perfectly located in between her shoulders.

She dressed in a way men would swoon, but that was mostly due to her wings. Their large dragon-esc physique could be difficult to work around if they were tightly covered.

She wore a golden headdress, chains and rings encapturing her large protruding horns and falling over her forehead with a blood red ruby gem.

Her eyes were sharp, piercing, and small. A dark blue hue screams at her subjects at every glare they dare give on her. Her lips are thinly pressed, dipped in red of a glossed lipstick type that she never disclosed.

Her frame was strong. She has muscle in her arms and upper body and had temptation in her lower. She would sway her hips, and her thighs would follow.

People would hate themselves for falling for her temptation or hate her for leading them on.

Either way, she is fuelled.

The son of sin was called Yoongi, named after the first necromancer to roam the living surface. He possessed a decease. Blackness that inks and trails up from his cold hands and neck. A tattoo-like appearance as it branches out to his naked chest into marks like a tribe.

He wore a long, thick golden choker, trapping his evil to his pain. He wore simple attire with riches all over, choosing to ignore the fabric of clothes over the shiny temptation of gold.

His wings were notable larger, although the same. They both had a tail of dragon scales that tipped in venom and horns that were the exact same.

He was skinny but had muscle in his chest. His eyes were resembling a cat's. Cunning and deceiving. A red iris hidden in the slitted pupil holds his power and wish.

They were twins. And far from what that meant.

The son of sin leaves his subjects to fall to their knees before him, promising them riches as far as their eyes could tell and women as many as one could hold. Promises of sin that could not be resisted.

Every promise was another red mark on their virgin necks.

In contrast to his sister, the son looked more chaotic.

She stood with hands intertwined, no smile on her face and gentle movement.

He stood straight, arms crossed and glaring at any possible victim with a slight curve of the mouth.

His horns were rougher, and hers were undamaged. His tail swayed more, and hers stood still. His wings barely moved, and hers spread slightly at every breath.

If you weren't already intimidated, you better think twice about wanting to encounter these two.

When separated, they are deadly. Together, they are unstoppable.


The medic grunts as he bites through the bandage, tightening it around his upper arm. As soon as it was on, it spread red.

Demons. Filth.

Seokjin hates them. He would never give in to one of those monsters. Never.

He sighs and patiently stands by his window, looking out over the corrupted sky. It's been dark and grim around here. That's good. When it starts to heat up, you run.

It's been snowing for a while. A calm before the storm, if you could see it that way.

Seokjin reaches his hand out, watching the snow fall on the metal prosthetic and melt immediately upon its cold touch.

He frowns and turns his head away, looking at the piles of books and notes.

He's been stuck on his research for a while. Demon hunting. He swore he'd hunt down who ripped his arm from him.

There is a knock at his door. Reluctantly, Seokjin gets up and walks over to open it. Before he can, the voice of his old friend sounds.

"Hey, Seok. It's time for church, if you still wanna join. I'll have a seat free for you."

Seokjin doesn't move. His hand hovers over the handle, and his feet are planted on the wood.

"Everyone misses seeing you around, Seok. I do, too. If you show up, let me buy you a drink after."

Footsteps fade into the snow. He left.

Seokjin huffs and crosses his arms, glaring at his door. Church? At this time? There are demons to be found, not gods to be prayed to.

But... maybe he needs it.

His arms drop to his side, and he sighs. He opens the door and stumbles through the layer of frozen water towards the small village church.

The bell rings gently. It doesn't want to alert any undead.

Seokjin looks down and pushes open the large doors, ignoring the looks and questions from people.

He takes a seat at the end on one of the benches further in the back, a few seats away from the man who invited him.

The old man smiles and nods at him. A bright man. Seokjin wishes he could be like him.

The priest steps up to the pedestal and places down the thick Bible, coughing to alert the townsfolk.

Seokjin crosses his arms again and leans back, looking at the elder man.

"Friends, family. Welcome." The man smiles and opens his arms. "We meet here in desperate times. Our next-door village is under attack, and we will soon be."

There are a few gasps and worried mumbles amongst the citizens, and Seokjin straightens up. Undead? So close to them?

"Fear not! God has a plan for us! All we have to do is obey the rules, and if we give shelter and give kindness, we will get it returned."

Seokjin frowns and looks away. It started out so well.

"Father..." One of the villagers gulps. "What about demons?"

"Demons will not dare get close to us! As our church is our sacred haven."

"But -"


Seokjin snaps his head back. It's just enough to see what's going on. That voice he hadn't heard before.

His heart pounds in his chest, and he looks down. Standing behind the priest was the creature the priest wanted to repent.

A demon.

This was not any other demon, however. It was tall, larger than most, and had larger horns. It had scaled skin, comparable to a dragon's and a long swaying tail with big dragon-like wings.

A twisted grin appears on the creature's lips, and it starts to laugh, covering its mouth.

"You truly believe your God will stop me?"

Its voice echoes through the church, glaring down the fearing citizens with its deep red eyes.

"God does not want you to be obedient." It growls. "My father wants you to be beautiful in your own perfect way. Beautiful in sin."

The demon opened its arms like the priest did, spreading its wings ever so slightly.

"Be gorgeous in sin. Sin to your hearts content. Become who you are meant to be. Serve me."

The demon's grin grows, and it laughs. Raising its arms up, it holds out his hands, guiding the humans to take it. It begins chanting. A language of the demons.

Seokjin presses his hands to his ears, closing his eyes and pulling his hands and feet to him. He recognizes the language, the tones. Whatever it's saying, it's bad news for everyone.

His old friend watches him, and quickly copies his moves, convincing a few others around him to do it as well.

No one had ever seen a demon before, except for the medic. Following his example was for the best. It was only a shame that Seokjin sat in the back, and all eyes were set on the demon in the front.

Just his luck. He finally goes to church, and a demon visits.

The demon's laugh dies down, and its glare holds, frowning at the people who refused his command.

The priest and citizens who hadn't followed Seokjin were leaving the church one by one, hypnotized by the creature, a red mark spread on their necks.

The demon growls, baring its sharp fangs. "Stupid mortal fleshbags!"

The demon screams at them, spreading its wings and disappearing in a portal of black smoke, which surrounds the remaining villagers in the church.

The demon was gone. Disappeared where it stood.

Seokjin gulps and looks at his prosthetic, sighing at the luck he had. Slowly, he uncovers his ears. Demon filth.

He should learn that language. He chuckles a bit to himself, finding another reason to stay inside and hide away from the truth of the world.

"Seok... What do we do?"

The medic shrugs. "Go home." He says. "Hide. Or run. Whatever it is, do not stay. That thing could return whenever it wants."

"But weren't we supposed to feel burned?"

"That's what I'm concerned about." Seokjin grumbles, stuffing his hands in his pockets and returning home. Hopefully he can find a red marker somewhere...


A few weeks had passed since the attack. The villagers who were hypnotized by the demon now worshipped them. They gave sacrifices of blood and gold, praying for their survival to it. The villagers who were left had escaped, leaving Seokjin as the lone sole survivor of the attack in the church.

Seokjin went along and survived by pretending to be one of them, sitting by every sacrifice and watching as the people slaughtered goats, chickens, and newborn children.

He survived this long, practicing the arts of demonic magic and their language. He kept redrawing the mark on his neck, even as it chipped and faded.

It nearly killed him. Demonic magic is not to be learned by humans. It was a miracle he still had his head after all the things that went wrong.

He had to spend some time creating a talisman, or some form of protection against the growing corruption on his skin. He could feel it in his body and his house.

He had to expel ghosts on multiple occasions and meditate to rid himself of the shivers of evil that pleasantly tickled his spine.

That was weird when he first felt it.

He remembers it. After his first successful use of blood magic, he began imagining things. He began to see the way blood would move around his arms when he would be more experienced, and wondered how it would look with human blood instead of the goat's.

That's when he needed something. Quickly. But he ignored it for days at a time, and thinking of his magic skills made him believe he could be more if he had the stuff for it. That he could become better. And stronger.

That stuff was humans. And they were right there. Within hand's reach for the kill.

He had to act shocked and proud when the priest told him he saw his evil was growing and that he was proud to see him finally starting to let his guard down, telling him that this demon was their savior.

He measured his mind, and found that most of him was at the point of corruption. It was a harsh reality he had to face. And a situation he had to fix.

He now wears a bracelet with blood red beads to ward off the corruption. Whether it works or not is but a guess.

Seokjin has been dreading the day that the demon will return. One look at him and the demon would know that he was faking his possession.

But who was it?

No description of any kind matched this demon. The closest to it was the devil, but that monster never came out of Hell.

So who, and what is this?

Seokjin flinches when there is a slow knock at the door. The priest calls to him from outside.

"Seokjin, it is time. Join us! It is the sacrifice of the blood moon!"

The medic looks over out of the window and frowns. Right. The blood moon. A ritual would be done, and a citizen would be sacrificed today.

Seokjin wanted to practice his magic, seeing if it being a blood moon did any different.

He calls out that he would join as soon as he is ready, and takes a deep breath. He calms himself down, slowing his heartbeat and taking off the bracelet.

When he walked around with it, people started questioning him. He told them it was something he found in his home, and though it matched the savior.

A shiver runs down his spine, shaking his head and leaving his house in the snowy cold air..

The priest smiles at him. "Good. You were quick."

"It is a blood moon." Seokjin responds. "You can not be stuck inside on a ritual such as tonight."


Seokjin nods and follows the priest along, bowing and smiling at those who come by and join them at the church.

The priest gets up on the pedestal and calls for the people, readying the stakes by the door.

"Followers! We are gathered for a special occasion!"

The citizens all nod and smile. They're excited. A few talk to Seokjin about the demon, and he just follows their lead. Nodding and smiling.

"Once we complete our ritual, our master will join us! He will tell us of our purpose and transform us into his true followers!"

Seokjin frowns a bit but quickly regains his composure. He shouldn't have gone. Can he still sneak away?

A transformation would occur. How? And why? Weren't the sacrifices enough for this filth?

There must be a way to escape.

"True followers?" Seokjin asks hesitantly. "Has our savior spoken to you?"

The other citizens nod at it. They had all been at every sacrifice and had never seen the demon again. How did he know?

The priest just smiles. "I can feel it. Tonight is our night!"

Seokjin smiles at him and nods. "Very well. Let us greet our savior."

His head is pounding. That demon will find him like a fire in the dark. He's gonna have to sneak away, or at least, find a place between the people he will be less noticeable.

"Bring your sacrifices!" The priest yells. "Let their blood awaken our corruption!"

What? Seokjin looks at his hands and frowns. Corruption... So that's what it is they're fuelled with. Sins and corrupt.

Seokjin frowns. Someone taps him on the shoulder and asks him why he's upset.

The medic merely shakes his head. "I can not place it. My heart feels... off." He says. "It is as if... I am not corrupt enough."

Seokjin looks at the priest, hoping this small lie could force him out of the sacrifice.

The priest glances at him. His brows furrow, and his eyes scan him for truth. The priest used to be a man of God, and with that ruined, there was no clue for him to detect Seokjin's uneasiness. He had no choice but to believe him.

The priest frowns with him. "If that is the case, we mustn't let you ruin our one chance. Find a way to do his bidding. Return to make your own sacrifice. Hopefully, for you, he will still wait for you. I shall ask him to wait."

Seokjin lets out a sigh of relief and thanks the priest, immediately taking his leave before the ceremony starts. He drags his feet through the snow and looks up at the moon.

It's slowly fading to red. The blood moon rises.

The medic rushes home and frowns. He looks down at his prosthetic and huffs. He should kill that thing... But his body is full of what if feeds of.

By his own mistake and his own desire, he became a victim and at risk of what he wanted to kill.

Seokjin clips off his prosthetic and lays it on his desk. He hadn't felt that in a while. He isn't used to it at all. He hates it, actually.

He's less. Less worth, less whole. It's as if losing his arm completely scrambled him. It ruined him.

But he deals with it. He glares up at the moon again and shuts his eyes. The ritual started.

Defeated, Seokjin moves to the fireplace and grabs the notes and book that he's been studying.

He opens it and grabs a pen, trying to listen to the chant and to translate it as he goes.

He doesn't even know what it is. It's a he, that's for sure. But what rank does he fall under? He's not a lesser demon, not a higher demon. Not the devil, not the hell-angels...

Seokjin grabs his hair and sighs. "Fuck..." He's corrupted. Addicted. He's sinned. He's done exactly as the demon told him to without being hypnotized to do it.

He's a vessel just as everyone else. Worse, even so, as he became corrupt from his own desire.

A few hours go by, and he gets up, annoyed at everything that went on in his head. The ritual is over, with the priest knocking at his door again.

He grabs his metal arm and reconnects it, whining at the poison that wires it to his brain.

He grabs his notes and goes outside and heads for the church.

Outside of it are the citizens, not at all changed and confused.

They try to speak to Seokjin as he comes by, but he walks right past them and slams the church doors shut behind him.

It's quiet. The halls of the church are covered in blood, feathers, and skin laying around and about.

Seokjin's lips twist into a slight grimace before he walks towards the alter.

He sighs and gets down on his knees, laying the notes in front of him. He intertwines his hands and closes his eyes, praying to whoever can hear him there.

"To whoever is there. I am not sane." He starts hesitantly. "I am... corrupted. I'm hungry. I do things I was never meant to do or supposed to do. I want, I greed. I am broken. I do things wrong. I place things wrong. My mind is a playground for the insane."

The air around him turns cold, and a shiver runs down his spine.

What was the point? He's talking to air. But in the process of losing hope, in a village full of possessed humans, what choices does he have?

"I am... disgusting. I am corrupted. I am revolting. Unworthy of a life that I made myself. The people who were kind to me, I disregarded. The people who trusted me, I let down. Tell me that you can hear me... Someone. Anyone..."

Seokjin drops his hands into his lap and gulps. He blinks the tears away. The truth is hard to face.

"I fear myself. I fear what I've become. Please, hear me..."

There is a gentle presence nearing his head. A shadow that grazes his cheek and suddenly, forcefully grabs his chin.

Seokjin squeals when his head is lifted up. His eyes grow wide with fear. This is not the God he wanted to reach.

"I hear you."

"You! Demon... Demon shit!"

The demon with familiar red eyes glares down at him. It's black claws tighten their grip on his chin with a deep, guttural growl.

The demon tilts his head and tsks, a smirk growing on his amused and surprised face. "They told me of you."

"Let go of me!"

"Corrupted mind, corrupted body, corrupted soul..."

"Get your filthy claws off me!"

The demon grabs onto him tighter and waves his hand, forcing the human in a prison of blood-stained red chains.

Seokjin pants and whines, shivers going down his spine. This demon's aura was worse. Worse than the first one he felt. Pure hatred washes over him, an urge for blood. This demon's blood.

The demon looks down at the human's notes and crouches down to pick them up.

"You've been learning. No wonder." He glances at him. "A vessel."

"Vessel my ass!" Seokjin screams. "Demon shit!"

The demon bursts into sudden chuckles and covers his mouth. "How... cute." He pulls the human towards him. "Fool."


"You humans annoy me most." The demon growls. "I give you a chance! An opportunity! You can live to your heart's desire! And what do you do? You call me names and curse at me. Like an immature child!"

Seokjin pulls his head away from the grip and snarls, whining at the cut on his jaw. "Kill me! Demon fuck! Do it! Ruin your perfect vessel! You... you... MONSTER!"

The demon glares at him and bares his fangs. "Humanity is flawed. There are lucky ones. Like you."

The demon reaches out his hand again, slowly going to caress the human's cheek.

Seokjin bites towards the demon's hand, trying to pull himself out of the chains.

The demon sighs and waves his hand again and turns around. "Sleep, human. You will learn."

Seokjin screams when the demon turns his back and spreads his wings slightly. He doesn't want to close his eyes, but the tiredness overtakes him.

What would happen to him?

Seokjin curses softly st the demon as he slowly falls to the floor, the chains rattling with every slight twitch.

The demon looks down at him with a cold, curious gaze. He scoffs and his lips twist into a sinful grin. Slowly, he kneels down, taking Seokjin's body into his arms and transporting them to his home.


Iris looks at her brother with a raised eyebrow, looking at the chained mortal he had brought along.


"Why not?" Her brother grins. "He's a cute pet."

"He's overflowing with hatred."

"For me, yes."

"I can tell." Iris rolls her eyes at him. "What did you do? Did you manage to take over Ysarin?"

Yoongi rolls his head around his shoulders and shrugs. "Sort of." There is another twisted grin on his face.

"Sort... of?"

The demon of sin silently huffs when his head is twisted to the side. His cheek stings, blood slowly dripping down from his cold skin.

He slowly looks up at his sister, baring his sharp fangs and swaying his tail with frustration. "Did you just slap me?"

"Father will be disappointed in you." Iris snarls. "Be more responsible, will you?! Demon fool!"

"Demon filth." Yoongi growls back. "Fathed will be proud of me! And besides, I don't care what father has to say to me! I have many who worship me!"

Iris looks him up and down and scoffs. Her brother? Like that? With his golden chains on his chest, golden collar around his neck, and marks across his skin?

"Tattered." Iris says. "Weak."

Yoongi watches her with sharp eyes when she goes to circle him. He flinches when her claw grabs his wing and tugs at it.


Yoongi moves his tail, avoiding her sharp grip and quickly turning to claw at her face.

He scowls when he feels her skin opening at his nails, slowly licking the blood from his fingers.

Iris quietly stares him down.

"Abusive." Yoongi growls, pointing at her chest. "Manipulative." He hisses. "Cultist."

"Take your toy." Iris hisses back. "Father wants Ysarin. Make sure he gets it. Fill it with undead."

With that, she turns around and disappears in smoke. Yoongi looks at her, even when the smoke has long disappeared.

He smiles. Their squabbles were his favorite time of day. But his father needs him to be cold. An evil killer.

He likes it, but he wants to laugh. To grin at death and to play with the blood that the sacrifices leave him.

But this... new human toy. He was interesting. Yoongi waited at the church, curious to see who this corrupted soul could be.

Seokjin's aura had touched him. It was nearly as seductive as a succubus was. Being able to twist his claws against his throat was the best feeling he'd ever had in his thousand years of living.


From the shadows hurriedly appears a young demon. His horns were still growing, large bones wrapping around his skull.

He bows down to the son of sin. "Yes, master?"

"Take this mortal to my room." Yoongi growls. "Make sure he is freed, only where you are outside. He's a feisty one."

"Of course, sinful master."

Yoongi slowly watches the demon take the human in chains away, down into the shadows of Hell.

His plans were a little different. He needed to have a chat with his father.


How would you explain this to your mom? Or dad?

A demon created a dream Hell. Trapped you in there and forced you to listen to the very demon that took you.

Even now, whilst slowly opening his eyes, Seokjin can hear the deep growling of the demon, and his claws stroking his cheek and spine.

There was someone else in the room he had woken up with.

The room itself was large, fully covered in red and blacks, with golden accents and lavished luxury.

A golden chandelier hung from the ceiling with illuminating red crystals, with chains hanging and looping from side to side.

On his left was a seating area, with a couch and two chairs, a small table and large, fancy bookshelves crossing it.

On the table stood a small box, overloading with jewelery and other valuables.

In front of him was a platform of two steps, leading up to a large bed, with velvet curtains tied to each of the four posts.

There was a door on the platform, next to the seating area. It was most likely the bathroom, if demons even needed one.

The entire lower floor was covered in a soft carpet, tickling Seokjin's fingers as he grazed it.

The demon stood by the bed, puffing up the pillows with a deep humming.

"Who are you?" Seokjin huffs, slowly getting up in his chains.

The demon flinches and twists his head. Smiling at the human. Seokjin flinches back at it, not expecting a friendly smile.

"You're awake! That's so soon! Most of the sinful master's toys wake up after they die!"


"Oh, how exquisite!" The demon growls. "You smell so good too! Full of hatred and corruption! I'm so jealous that the master gets to keep you for himself!"

Seokjin scowls at it and slowly leans away when the demon walks closer to him.

Only now Seokjin sees the long slim tail swaying around behind the demon.

"Stay the fuck away from me."

"Master won't mind if I take a bite... He's allowed me before!" The demon smirks.

Seokjin knew the kind smile was too good to be true. He scrunched his nose and prepares for another nasty demon attack. Hopefully, he won't lose his other arm...

"I said, stay the fuck away from me!"

The demon bares his fangs and lunches forward for a bite. He bounces from one wall to another, hoping to take him by surprise.

A sharp claw grabs him by his throat, lifting him high and tightening its grip of his airway.

"Who told you that this delicacy was for you?"

Seokjin lowers his arms, looking up at the winged demon. His black claws tighten once more, drawing blood from the demon's neck.

He drops him, nudging his head to the main door and watches with a cold glare as the demon scutters away.

Seokjin scowls at him and crosses his arms. "Delicacy, huh?"


"Just kill me."

"Now where would the fun in that be?" The demon chuckles darkly. "I'd prefer... corrupting you more. Before I tear out your soul."

The demon was terrifying. He had never seen horns like that. Large protruding ridged bones. It was almost as if he had three that had melted together by the way they were placed.

What kind of demon is this?

Not to mention his magic. Usually demons have no magic, or at least very weak magic. Not the kind that restrains people for hours on end.

How is he not tired yet?

Seokjin scowls at the demon, who looks him up and down with a slight scoff.

He pulls away when the demon reaches out to his prosthetic arm and glares at him with sharp eyes.

"Don't you fucking dare."

"Sharp tongue." The demon snarls back. "I just want to take a look. It's an intriguing design."

"I know." Seokjin sneers, again pulling his arm away. "I designed it. And your kind caused it."

The demon grins and jumps forward, managing to grab the human's arm. "I know." He mocks. "I told them to."

He... he what? Seokjin's heart pounds in his throat. His whole life changed because of his arm, and this demon ordered them to rip his arm off?!

With a satisfied smirk, the demon lets go of the human's arm when he screams. Seokjin swings his arms at him, hitting his chest and arms with all his might, pushing the limits of the chains.

"You're a monster!" Seokjin screams. "You ruined my life! What even are you?!"

The demon frowns, his smile dropping into a scowl. Does he not know of them? He knows so much, and yet he doesn't recognize the devil's son?

As Seokjin lowers his arms, he glares up at the demon's dark eyes. With a huff, he silently demands an answer.

"I am Yoongi." The demon growls. "The son of sin."

"Son... of sin? The Devil's son? You... exist?!"

"You thought I didn't?"

"I read about it as a child, but never found anything more!" Seokjin snarls. "You're even more of a monster than I thought! Take me home!"

Yoongi scoffs. "A corrupted soul like you? Filled with hatred, overflowing with regret, a non-believer who ended up praying for his life to be saved of all that sinned? I think not."

Seokjin sighs deeply and sinks down onto his knees. He's angry. Enraged. He got taken against his own will, and he's not even being tortured.

Even worse, he's with the son of sin. There is nothing to hide from him. He can't lie to the demon, he'd know instantly. Yoongi knows his sins. He can feel them.

Yoongi looks down at him with a mean eye-roll, baring his sharp teeth at him. "For a human," he starts, "you feel exactly like a demon."

"Classic." Seokjin snarls. "What will you do? Turn me into one? How scary."

The demon growls at him, and in an instant, he's wrapped his hands tightly around Seokjin's throat. His dark claws tighten when he feels the human's hesitant and ragged breathing.

Seokjin looks up at him with wide eyes, laying his fingers in between the claws and trying to pry them off, feeling his throat closing with every twitch of the demon's fingers.

He can't breathe... He can't breathe!

He gulps the fear away, feeling the saliva sticking to his windpipe when he tries to pull away.

The demon doesn't move. He only glares down at him with a stern, amused smirk. His fingers slowly tap and press down on Seokjin's skin, waiting for him to beg to be let go.

"I can." He eyes darken at the human's increasing panic. "But you'd be too powerful for a regular demon. Your corruption is too high."

"H-how is t-that-"

"Save your breath." Yoongi snaps. "Let me hear you struggle to survive. Let me hear you moaning from the pain of my claws in your skin. Let me feel your corruption and sin. Your greed, your envy, your wrath."

Seokjin scowls, and with strained muscles, he pulls one of the demon's fingers loose.

Yoongi sighs, crouching down and tilting his head as the human's skin slowly pales in front of him.

He taps Seokjin's skin with the loose finger, grinning when the human's eyes widen at the grip. The human's dying breaths do him well.

"If you were to die here," Yoongi smirks, "I could have you resurrected. I have my sister, after all, who can help me."

"B-bu- but?"

Unbelievable. Yoongi scoffs. The human is dying, and he still manages to talk back to him? The nerve.

"Your corruption is delicious." The demon growls. "I'm so glad I waited for you. You're a perfect vessel, a perfect... What was it you called me? Oh, yes." Yoongi smirks, digging his nails into Seokjin's neck. "Monster."

He tears his claws away from Seokjin's throat, watching the human collapse on the floor, catching his labored breath. Blood slowly trickles down his neck, down over his shoulders onto his chest.

Seokjin doesn't say anything. He just gulps and pants, glaring up at him.

The human's eyes sure are determined. Yoongi's grin drops and he turns away from him, slowly walking towards the bed.

"This is my room." He says. "You will stay here, and you will worship me. You shall feed me your sins every single day. Understood?"

"What..." Seokjin breathes. "What if I run out of sins?"

A sinister smirk crawls onto the demon's lips. "I'll make you make some. Anything. Murder, feasting, sex, mirrors. Anything that grows your corruption and sin for my own amusement and desire."

Seokjin looks up at the demon in pure shock, watching as Yoongi slowly takes a seat on the edge of his bed, swaying his tail as he crosses his legs, laying one of his claws on his thigh.

This... this monster would ruin him. This monster would kill his humanity and his life just because he was hungry.

He's seen the influence this demon has over people. How hypnotizing and alluring he can be. Seokjin can't cover his ears forever.

"Why are you shaking, mortal?" Yoongi smirks. "Don't worry. If you die, I'll make sure you belong to my army."

Did the demon really think that'd make Seokjin any less restless than he already was?

He lost his arm to a demon, he lost his life and his morality. Demons ruined everything for him.

"You don't get it... do you?" Seokjin's shaky voice mutters. "You're a demon. The son of the Devil, no less... You are the reason that I'm so fucking miserable."

Yoongi quirks one of his brows, quietly looking down at the sobbing human in the chains. He's simply overflowing with sin. It would be long before he'd run out.

"You're the reason that I became what I am!" Seokjin screams. "You're the reason my arm is stuffed into some twat's stomach!"

Wrath. Yoongi eyes him up and down. A cold grin pulls at the corners of his lips and he slowly stands back up. Exactly what he wanted.

His calm steps on the floor has Seokjin grind his teeth, looking away when, once again, the demon crouches down in front of him.

"Feed me." Yoongi growls. "That is your only purpose. Understood?"

Seokjin flinches when he feels the demon's claws caressing the bleeding skin of his neck.

"Or I'll have you fighting for me instead."

"I can't go home, can I?" Seokjin barks back.

"I'm offended you'd even ask." Yoongi chuckles. "No."

The tension rises. Seokjin can't move or look at the demon from the shame. Shivers at only his claw against his throat.

He can feel Yoongi's sharp red eyes burning through his skin. He's naked under his gaze. Every sin, every desire is that demon's to read and to eat.

"Come on, it'll be less painful if you just obey me." Yoongi snarls at him.

"Fuck off."

"Your fear creeps through me like the cold mountains. By all, means, keep trying to act dumb."

Seokjin turns his head away further, trying his best to ignore the shivers that run down his spine.

The demon only glares at him, growling through his slotted fangs. After a while, he shakes his head.

"I have better things to do." Yoongi gives him a cold smile. "You will stay here. You won't speak to anyone unless it's me, understood?"

Seokjin says nothing, but again flinches when Yoongi's claw tears his skin, grabbing his jaw.


"Yes." The human snaps. "I understand."

Yoongi huffs amused and taps Seokjin's chin. "Good boy."

Seokjin bites his tongue. Anything to make him stop cussing the demon to bits.

He's in his domain now. There's nothing he can do to get out.

Watching as the demon disappears in his familiar red smoke, Seokjin is left alone. Still in chains.

Seokjin releases a frustrated sigh, bursting into somber laughter at the convenience.

A demon, in church, the one time he decides to go. The demon, who looked like he wouldn't wait for anyone, waited for him when requested to. His words that he called with his heart and soul, used and wounded.

He flinches again when the door to the room opens.

It better not be that demon from before...

Another shiver runs down his spine, his eyes widening when the similar sister walks in.

She's calm, and slowly turns her head towards him. She blinks, slowly, and then takes a deep breath.

"You have a lovely scent." She frowns. "One full of hatred."

Iris... Her voice is as sinister as her glare, burning down into Seokjin's vulnerable soul.

It's pleasing in a way, being able to properly feel that hatred for demon filth in his body.

What once never felt, now covers his body.

"Your brother." Seokjin shrieks. "He ruined my life! He ruined everything! He took me! Used me!"

"He tends to do that." Iris says. "He's the son of sin, after all. It's what he does."

Her wings spread out ever so slightly, observing him with a rising scowl. He's overflowing. Years upon years of pure denial and anger have raised his hatred up to a point where it had taken over him.

His arm, the poison, the kidnapping.

A corrupted soul with more emotion than his human body could handle.


"I won't be a vessel." Seokjin snarls. "Not for you, not for any other filthy demon, and for sure not for your psychotic brother!"

"Not you." Iris hisses.

Seokjin pulls back, a hint of pain stinging in his stomach when Iris lays her claw on his head.

"You're the one who needs a vessel." Iris says softly. "Your body is deliciously filled, and yet you can't stop sinning. You can't stop hating."

Seokjin opens his mouth to scream, but then quickly closes it. She's right.

His body is filled with hatred. Years of hating demons, years of corrupting himself and wishing death upon them.

But then why would he need a vessel? He's human... there's no possible way for him to posses something else.

Iris glances around the room, removing her hand from Seokjin's head and turning around.

"I was looking for Yoongi, but I suppose he's finally doing his job."

"His job?" Seokjin scoffs. "You filth have jobs?"

Iris's eyes darken. "Filth? Humanity should know better after all the freedom we've given you. You've squandered it. Ruined your chances. We're taking back what's rightfully ours."

Seokjin's scowl deepens and he growls back, tugging at the chains. He knows very well he has no chance to kill her, but he can't just sit back and be insulted.

"Sit, human, and think about your future."

Just before Iris turns the corner of the door, she looks back at him with a sinister grin.

"Who knows, maybe you'll end up leading Yoongi's army."

Seokjin screams for him to be freed. Long after the door closes, he shrieks to be let go.

He's exhausted. His arms hurt and his wrists have been tied down for hours. When would this madness end?

With a disappointed chuckle, Seokjin spits on the ground, slightly proud of the disgust he's created in the demon's room.

Leading that shit's army would be the end of the world for him.

The day he would obey and serve a demon is the day he'd either be possessed or died.

Everything else would be for personal gain.

The day he grows horns would be the day he kills himself.

A gorgeous design, something the blacksmith created with the full purpose of suicide.

A mechanical arm with poison.

Seokjin's brain is wired to the addiction.

It wouldn't be long until Yoongi would find him dead.

When he does, Seokjin will smile at it from Hell.


Pearls, gold bars, coins, clothes. Riches can come in all shapes and sizes, worth less and more.

Yoongi ropes the rounded gems through his claws, snapping the wire and watching them fall to the stone floor of the church.

"This will not be enough."

His cold glare pierces through the eyes of the priest. The one who once owned the place of God.

Taking over churches and villages was easy enough. Humans were easily swayed to doing his bidding, after his promises of many riches.

But everyone knows a deity must be pleased.

Yoongi bites his tongue, glancing down at the chest filled with shiny riches.

"This is all we have! Please master, give us more time!"

"Your child." Yoongi growls. "We made a deal."

"I can't afford to lose more! We'd lose food! Our fields are dry! Please, just one more week-!"

Yoongi's claw wraps around the man's skinny throat, caressing his jaw with his nails. "I am finished with you. I gave you plenty of time, Priest Kim. You repented your God. You obey me."

The illusion of happiness had long faded in the town of Junain.

It was a small village that believed in peace, and was nowhere near other cities. Covered by trees and water, an island with well-crafted supplies and bridges.

They knew very well what they did when they began obeying Yoongi.

After coming to their senses, it was much too late.

In exchange for Junain's protection, Yoongi would get their riches. Anything that added up to the number of people that died.

Yoongi also knew very well that protecting them risked his sister's army. It was a risk he was taking for his own personal gain.

He is a sinner, after all.

"Priest Kim, I will give you an offer." Yoongi growls.

The priest gulps when the demon's nails dig into his skin.

"You give me your soul, all of your memories, your happiness and sins. You will sacrifice yourself to me. Willingly."

The fear in the human's eyes when he slowly processes the words that Yoongi said to him pleases the demon. Only the shiver of pain could help his sanity.

"It's you, or your child, Priest Kim. Think carefully. I won't wait long."

Yoongi sharply lets go of his chin.

"You get one day, Namjoon. I won't wait longer."

As soon as the demon disappears, the priest slowly rubs his hand over his throat. He can feel the blood running down into his shirt.

He grinds his teeth, glaring down at the pentagram on the tiles.

The dried blood stains his hands. The sacrifices they've made will hurt him forever, but it doesn't change that he's loyal to the demon.

For the months that they've been protected, Yoongi had kept his promise.

Every time demons and undead came, Yoongi was there to threaten them off. It was Namjoon's fault that there wasn't enough to please him this week.

He cares about his family, he cares about his village.

What else can he do?

With his mind already made up, Namjoon leaves the church with his head held high.

He should spend time with his son before he dies.


The stench of the undead roams through the city. The disgust set on Yoongi's face is unmissable. Even he hates it.

His commander stands beside him, spear in hand, the same scowl on his face as his master's.

"So, remind me again, why do we need necromancy for taking over the world?"

Yoongi eyes his commander with a scowl. "Don't ask me. It's father's specialty."

"They stink."

"Don't you think I know that?"

"I feel bad for my men." The commander chuckles. "My job is to send them in and protect you. They don't even dare look at you."

Yoongi rolls his eyes a bit and crosses his arms. This was his job. What his father assigned him to do. It wasn't exactly his favorite way to spend time, especially if the city was dead-set on never giving in to him without being overrun first.

He needed to show them that he was their savior, even if he planned the attack.

A city of sand. A city of damn sand is keeping their ground against him.

If they didn't give up soon, he'd turn them all onto hourglasses.


"Yes, master?"

"See that they fall."

The commander turns his head curiously. "You're leaving?"

Yoongi nods. "I have a human to tend to. I'll hear back from you when you succeed."

"A human?"

"Yes, Hoseok, a human." Yoongi snarls. "What I do with it is no business of yours."

Shrugging his shoulders, the commander raises his spear. "No offense, master, but humans are there to be slaughtered. Not kept."

Yoongi glares at him, focusing his eyes on the smoke around him. "Just do as I asked. Come see me when you are finished."


Ignoring the final glare, the commander sways his tail, lunging into the battlefield with a chuckle.

He shakes the adrenaline off his shoulders, letting the blood of the humans below cover his cold hands.

A human. What kind of maniacal plan had his master created to need such a weak being? All that he can do, is wait.


How long would it take until the blood would dry this time? Even if it never cut into his skin, the magic was only as sharp as the wielder.

Cuts in his skin, over his arms and wrists. The magic wasn't even touching him, and still, his hands are dripping in his own ruby life.

After hours of struggling to tear away from the chains, Seokjin had given up

The fire ran out.

It took a while, but without that filthy demon, there really was no getting out. He would be trapped under his wing until he'd have his chance to escape.

He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs, the blood in his veins roaming under his skin, even his muscles strained and tensed at every twitch.

Thinking back to Iris's words, he still doesn't get it.

He needs a vessel. What's the point? He might as well die. Serving that demon is gonna be the worst punishment for a crime he never even committed.

What did Yoongi want with him?

His arm, his sanity, his pride...

"All gone."

Seokjin flinches. His eyes slowly glance up from the cold floor. Following the familiar fabrics up to a horned face, where a familiar cold glare looks back at him.

"Your pride." The demon snarls with crossed arms. "I can't see any. Did you finally fall for me?"

"You're not that romantic." Seokjin growls back.


Seokjin answers the emotionless answer with a roll of his eyes and looks away. What else did he have to say to him? Nothing could make it right.

Yoongi tilts his head up, taking a deep breath and then dropping it to the side, his tail swaying like a cat's. "Let me have your wrath."


"Now, mortal."

"You may as well suggest an angel bow to a peasant." Seokjin sneers, spitting at the demon's feet.

With a disgusted growl, Yoongi quickly rushes forward to grab Seokjin's throat. All of this back and forthing makes him hungry, and clearly, Seokjin managed to spare some.

Seokjin fights back. With all of his remaining strength, he tries, but instead of the expected magic, Yoongi sets his sharp teeth into his shoulder.

A quick metallic sting courses through his body. A pain sharp, yet pleasing to the touch. A burn that flies through his veins until it has no way to get out.

It's confusing. It's painful. It's demonic.

"Get off! Let go of me!"

Yoongi growls against his skin, tugging his head further away as his teeth sink deeper, gnawing down on his tender flesh.

"FUCK OFF!" Seokjin cries, pulling his shoulder away.

Yoongi's teeth part with his skin, tearing through the silky blood and leaving a nasty wound.

Glancing at it, the demon slowly makes eye contact with the human, licking the slow dripping blood from his lips.

"Bitter." He huffs. "Wrath had always been my favorite."

Seokjin doesn't say anything back. He just sits and sniffles, biting his lip to stop the tears from falling as the pain spreads throughout his body.

Yoongi huffs and stands up, immediately leaving his room and locking the door behind him.

As Seokjin slowly lets a few tears fall, he can barely hear the voices outside.

His blood runs down his chest, slowly staining his shirt in the process.

"Demon... shit."

He can't feel the anger in his body anymore. The wrath is gone. All that remains is the hatred.

Locking the door seemed to be useless, as only a few minutes later, Yoongi returns, upset as ever.

He growls at every breath, shoulders tight and his wings unmoving. He slams the door shut and takes heavy strides to his bed, where he stands, facing it hesitantly.



"Here. Now."

Seokjin frowns and is about to protest again, but the chains around his wrists fall at a wave of Yoongi's hand.

He's... free.

With not a second to waste, Seokjin runs to the door, pulling at it with all his might. It's locked again, sealed shut.

A shiver runs down his spine when he hears Yoongi's deep growl at his ears.


"... never."

"I said: kneel." Yoongi grabs Seokjin's hair and pulls him down, dragging him along to his bed.

Ignoring Seokjin's whining and pleading, Yoongi throws his against the side, pressing his hands together and chanting into the familiar language.

Seokjin widens his eyes and once again, tries to scurry away, but it's no use.

Yoongi extends his hand to his head, and as soon as his finger touches the human's forehead, Seokjin screams in pain.

He grabs his ears and shakes his head, silently pleading the shouting in his head to stop.

Yoongi's voice keeps chanting in his ears, his voice repeating over and over in his head as his body burns all over.

"Do not fear." The demon growls softly. "I got orders from father."

"Devil..." Seokjin pants.

The demon lightly rolls his eyes, continuing to chant, even when tears begin rolling down the human's cheeks.

"Orders... from him."

"Save your breath."

"The devil..." Seokjin groans at a painful shock running up his spine. "The devil can suck my dick..."

"Don't be rude." Yoongi growls. "That's my father we're talking about. Now be quiet and let it happen."

"Let what happen?" Seokjin snarls, trying to push the demon away.

"Father needs to preserve your sin. Temporarily, you will be by my side."

Seokjin grinds his teeth and looks away, screaming when another painful shock hits him. Everything feels harsher than before.

"By your side?" He laughs. "Delusional filth!"

Yoongi glaces him up and down, baring his sharp teeth. He's getting tired of his antics. At first it was amusing. Now that he's needed though...

With a loud growl, Yoongi grabs Seokjin's face and presses him down, using his free hand to grab the human's wrists.

Seokjin screams, cussing at him and pushing to get out. The demon is much too strong though.

Blood runs down his cheeks, his tears staining his skin. He's furious. Even when Yoongi stops chanting, the pain never fades.

"Sin." Yoongi growls. "You're full of it. Everyone is." He tightens his grip. "And my father needs it more than anyone."

"Your father can suck my-!"

"Sin, Seokjin, sin is who you are. If you let it run wild without anything to keep it in check, it can destroy. However, it can also heal." Yoongi slowly lowers his hands, pressing them to the human's shoulders. "If you eat more than you can eat, you'll be a foodie. A glutton. Sound familiar?"

Through quiet sobs, Seokjin remembers. A man he saw in the pub every now and then who would ask people for their leftovers, even after finishing his own meal, all because he couldn't pay for more.

"If you beg, you'll become envious. Angry. A constant hunch of jealousy and a want for more. Greed takes over."

A young woman, on the street. Poor, in the city. No one gave her anything. Every visit Seokjin had made, he saw her less desperate. He had watched her steal.

"If you're shy. When you're too scared to step in, you end up standing around. Used to the meaning that people will do things for you if you don't say a single word. Lazing around. A sloth."

A child. Seokjin remembers her never saying a word to him, but even without a word he did what she didn't. Then she took as much credit as everyone else, even without doing a thing.

"If you think you're beautiful, you are. If you only feel beautiful by hearing from other people that you are, you yearn for feeling pretty. Your body is your lust."

A boy. Not much younger than him. Once a respectable guard who began fucking around with other men's wives. He quit the guarding job, moving to the big city. That's all Seokjin had heard.

"When you watch everyone around you grow and become successful, get families, and raise themselves to impossible standards, you get sad. You feel sorry for yourself. Yet, you do nothing about it. Envy is all you know."

The priest. He was an unhappy man. A few towns over, he married a woman he didn't love to fit in, got a kid he wasn't ready for, and ruined his life further trying to get what others had.

"When all you've done is fight, it gets hard to stop. You need violence to fuel your happiness. All you can do to feel needed is spill blood. A vengeful wrath."

A guard Seokjin knew. A fighter, proud of his land. But he was constantly searching for more. When the demon's attacked, he rushed in too fast. He was too thirsty for blood and got himself twisted to the wrong side of the battlefield.

Seokjin watched that happen. That was his final battle. The battle that tore his arm off.

"And when you're too proud to admit that you're full of corruption. Guess where that'll end you, Seokjin. Your sin."

The human glances up at the demon, watching his eyes flicker across every part of his face.

"Lose your pride, or lose your humanity." Yoongi scoffs. "Who am I kidding... Before you lose your pride you'd die of old age."

"What are you saying?" Seokjin grumbles.

Yoongi takes a deep breath and wipes his hand on the faded mark Seokjin had drawn on his neck. "Scream."

Without even a moment to question it, Seokjin feels his chest tighten. Yoongi doesn't say a word, and from the blood running down his face, Seokjin can only hope it's not what he thinks it is.

"Your father doesn't want me killed... does he?"


"By your side. He means it literally. Doesn't he?"

Yoongi says nothing. He once again grabs Seokjin's head with a more gentle grip and resumes his chant.

Seokjin shuts his eyes, gritting his teeth tightly at the stinging pain in his head. He arches his back, breaking his wrists free from Yoongi's hold and scratching his nails along the demon's arm.

Even when his own black blood runs down his skin, Yoongi doesn't let go. His free hand only caresses the human's cheek and then holds onto his waist, raising it.

Seokjin's teeth feel like breaking from the grip, even when more warm blood runs down past his ears and onto the bed.

His legs hurt, his spine hurts. Everything hurts. Moving is agony, but staying still is like dying.

"Fool..." Yoongi mutters softly. "Look at you now. If you had only accepted my love to save your village in the first place, you wouldn't have to stand beside me to ruin it."

"You will ruin nothing!" Seokjin screams. "Leave my village! Leave me alone! Fuck you!"

Yoongi chuckles at his anger. Even in pain, his pride will never let him.

He slowly removes his hands, gently dropping the body onto his bed. "Demon filth." He grins. "Monster."

Seokjin pants. His body is too weak to get up, too hurt to move, with too much blood loss to think.

"Remember those names?"

"Like a toothache."

Yoongi chuckles. "Let me give you this at least, as an apology."

Seokjin follows the demon with his eyes as he steps away, reaching into one of his drawers.

There's a lot of ticking and a lot of rummaging before Yoongi takes something out and inspects it thoroughly.

In the light of this hellscape, Seokjin can see it shimmer. It seems to be his thing. That demon. He's covered in shiny things and jewelry.

"You're a bit greedy."

Yoongi looks at him, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his wings. "Maybe. Aren't we all?"

"Not as much as you."

The demon looks down at his arms, observing the shiny accessories. He likes the gold. He chuckles and nods. "I take what I want."

"Clearly." Seokjin huffs.

"Hm." Yoongi scoffs. "Raise your head."

The demon slowly helps Seokjin up to sit, guiding his arms around his neck. Seokjin shivers when his fingers graze the skin of Yoongi's wings, flinching when the demon growls and twitches.

Ignoring the tingle down his spine. Yoongi gently clips the necklace closed around Seokjin's neck.

"Are they sensitive? Your wings."

"Hmhm." Yoongi nods. "They're ticklish. Me and Iris used to constantly bully each other with it when we were younger."

"And how old are you now?"

"That's rude."

Seokjin glares at him, lowering his hand slightly until the tips of his fingers land on the bridge.

He chuckles when Yoongi tenses against him, his tail swaying uncomfortably.

"Or what?"

Yoongi growls at him. "Don't you fucking dare."

Seokjin's lips twist into a grin, reaching to grab it when Yoongi pulls away with a hiss.

He shakes his wings, removing the shiver from his spine. "I'll get Taehyung to guide you. Don't hit anything while I'm gone."

"What would I hit? I'm stuck like this."

Yoongi turns around with a chuckle, his hand by the door. "Your tail. Try not to hit anything with your tail, demon filth."

Seokjin slowly tilts his head when Yoongi leaves the room. His... tail? Hesitantly, he looks back at where he was held.

Blood soaked into the black sheets, and now that he sees it, he feels it.

His breath gets caught in his throat, his heart pounding against his ribs. There's a tail. A slim, long tail with deep red markings along the top and a light droplet of fuzz at the end.

Seokjin gulps, gritting his teeth. That... That piece of shit!

He gets off from the bed with weak steps, hating the way he can feel his new tail dragging behind him and swaying along as he tries to ignore it.

With hurt legs, he drags himself towards the door.

That stupid demon took everything he had! His life! His arm! His faith! And now his humanity?! The greedy fucker is going to regret ever taking him.

When he's nearly reached the door, he is once again scared by the demon from before. The one who threatened to take a bite out of him.

The demon tilts his head and grins. "Pretty horns-!"

"Where is that fucker."


"Yoongi! Where the fuck is he?!" Seokjin screams. "I have a bone to pick with that demon shit."

The demon growls and pouts. "I was complimenting you."

Seokjin grabs the demon by his collar. "I don't need your validation." He sneers. "I want to kill the demon that did this to me."

"Good luck with that." The demon huffs. "He's talking to the Devil right now. You'll have to wait."

Seokjin lets go of the demon's shirt with a loud growl, stumbling past him and yelling out in pain when the demon grabs his tail.

"I'm Taehyung." The demon grins. "What's your name, stranger?"

"Let me go."

"What's your name?"

"Fuck off!"

"What is your name." The demon growls. He tightens his grip.

Seokjin whines and twists his body around, swaying his tail around to rid himself of the uncomfortable feeling of the demon's hands on it.

"Seokjin." He grumbles.

The demon's smile grows. "Nice to meet you!"


Seokjin tilts his head. He recognizes the name. He recognizes the face.

"I know you..."

"Hmhm." Taehyung nods. "Spent it all."

"The glutton..."

"Took you a while to remember." The demon smiles.

Seokjin looks at him, slowly circling the demon. He looks nothing like what he used to.

"But you look different. What happened."

Taehyung shrugs. "Made a deal. Died. You can guess the rest."

Seokjin frowns, looking back at his tail and back at Taehyung's curious face.

"So... can I finish my compliment now?"

Seokjin's frown deepens. "No."

Taehyung sighs and tilts his head. "You have them now. You're a-"

"Don't fucking say it!" Seokjin screams. "I will never be anything of the sort! Demons are pathetic creatures with a lust for war and blood!"

"Just like humans are."

"They steal! They kill! They take what doesn't belong to them!"

"Like humans do."

"Their only goal is to destroy!"

Taehyung growls. "Just like humans do."

Seokjin takes a deep, frustrated breath. Yes, Taehyung is right. But demons are still the lower race.

"Yoongi." Seokjin growls. "Where is he?"

Taehyung sighs and shakes his head. "The throne room. Down the hall and down the stairs. First room to the left."

With a thankful nod, Seokjin quietly goes to explore his way.

He will find that piece of shit.


Standing with his sister, Yoongi's stance needs to hold. His father is circling them both, observing their power.

It's very clear that Iris is doing better. But she's always been his favorite.

Next to him is his commander, Hoseok, kneeling down for the devil. The man's never been a big fan, but he didn't have much choice either.

"You are an army." The devil growls. "My army. And yet you fail to get me what I want!"

Yoongi looks up at him. The disappointment on his face had turned into anger. What else could he expect? It was his father.

"It's a city. One city! You got me soldiers," the devil points to Yoongi, "you got me gold," he points at Iris, "and none of you got me humanity."

"With all due respect, father," Yoongi growls, "humanity is not a thing easily destroyed."

"I don't need it destroyed. I need it given up!"

"That's the same thing." Iris mutters. "You wish to destroy something you created."

Yoongi glances at her. He'd always found it such a stupid plan. Just because the man above had a better influence on humanity than their own creator... It never meant it had to be exterminated.

Humanity was a flaw in creation. A flaw his father made.


Yoongi whips his head around, recognizing the voice.

There. In the doorway stands a weak man. One whose tail is swaying behind him like a cat's.

"You ruined my life! You ruined what was left of it!"

"Jin, quiet! Not now!"

"You should die for what you did!"


"Who is this."

Seokjin growls, huffing quietly when Yoongi purses his lips together and turns his head back to face his father.

The man with large horns and wings like his children, a demon who is now curiously eyeing Seokjin up and down with a disgusted frown.

"This is my pet." Yoongi growls. "Recently captured."

"Recently." Iris chuckles. "He can barely stand on both feet."

"Give him time."

"That tail is of no use if he doesn't know how to use it."

"Give him time." Yoongi snarls again.

Seokjin stumbles forward, growling out at Yoongi. He doesn't know where it's all coming from. What he does know is that he won't back down now.

Yoongi awkwardly glances at his father and Hoseok, who is holding back his laughter. The demon gives him a light kick and then walks forward.

He grabs Seokjin by his arm and pulls him back out of the room he just stumbled into, leaving his father, sister, and commander without another word.

Seokjin screams at him, trying to break free once more.

"Silence!" Yoongi snarls. "You can't even walk yet! This is why I told you to stay!"

"You ruined me!"

"I need you in this war!"

"You needed my soul!"

"Kim Seokjin!" Yoongi screams. "Look at yourself! You stumble down the stairs, leave your bare feet onto these marble floors, and you can't even walk! You are not human anymore."

Seokjin growls. "I needed to find you."

"Lose your pride." Yoongi hisses. "This world is not about you."

"Nor is it about you!"

"At least I understand that."

Seokjin frowns. He was there to kill the demon, and here he was getting a lecture from him.

"Return to my room this instant. You've embarrassed me. Take a long look in the mirror and please, try to get a proper posture. I will come see you once I'm finished here."

Seokjin doesn't say a word. Yoongi tugs him along to the stairs, where he calls Taehyung down to, once again, guide him back and to not let him leave.

He can't walk. Seokjin scoffs. He's walking, alright. It's the blood loss that made it hard to walk.

As Taehyung grabs his hand, Seokjin looks away.

"Having a tail is hard, isn't it?"

"It's not the tail."

"Have you ever seen a cat without a tail?" Taehyung smiles. "They learn to walk. But it's hard without anything to help you center yourself."

Seokjin glares at him. "Where are you going with this?"

Taehyung looks around and then grabs Seokjin's tail once more, pulling it over to his side.

Growling, Seokjin whines when he nearly falls over. His balance is fully off. His legs shifting his weight and his head not able to see the difference.

And slowly, Taehyung lowers his tail back down to its center.

With every bit, Seokjin feels his weight shifting properly, his mind able to focus and his body feeling less heavy.


Seokjin huffs and sways his tail, but Taehyung holds it in place. It feels... off. Better, but off. The lower half of his tail roams around as it pleases, while the top stays still and keeps him standing.

"We are like cats." Taehyung smiles. "We need this to prowl. For hunting."

"You're primal." Seokjin snarls. Then again. It does feel better. "Thank you." He mutters.

Taehyung's smile grows. "I can teach you how to use it! Master Yoongi will be tired when he returns, so he will be pleased to see you've learned!"

"Fuck what your master thinks." Seokjin growls back. "I'm doing this so I don't fall over because of him!"

The next step Seokjin takes throws him off again, with his tail not helping him any more than it previously had.

He looks over at Taehyung, who crosses his arms and walks past him, swaying his own tail mockingly.

Seokjin growls when Taehyung jumps forward, reaching the familiar wooden door far before he's taken even five steps.

Not only that, but now that he's heard it from the son of sin himself, he feels it even more.

His heavy head, his growling. It's all strange.

"Back straight." Taehyung tells him. "Look at my posture. See how my tail aligns with my spine?"

"No." Seokjin snarls.

Taehyung pouts, breathing a frustrated sigh. "Just try it! You won't walk any better from wagging it!"

Seokjin scowls even heavier at the poor demon before finally trying to match his pose. It's tough, trying to find a bit of control over the muscles in his tail. With every attempt, it either hurts or moves the opposite way. It never centers right.

"Don't think about the movement." Taehyung gives him a reassuring smile. "Just straighten up and feel the balance."

Being told what to do by a demon. Seokjin huffs, but again, tries his best. With a deep breath, he closes his eyes and tries to feel his spine and tail aligning.

He quirks his head. His tail sways as he tries to find every new muscle, slowly managing to move them where he wants them to be.

He's starting to get it.

"That's it!"

Seokjin snarls a reply and slowly tries to take a step, whining when he feels everything shifting.

He feels heavier, less balanced. Yet as soon as he shifts his tail to the other side, he feels focused.

... that is it. Balance. His movement.

Another experimental step, this time swaying his tail to the other side. It keeps him up. As if he's walking without a tail.

He looks up at Taehyung, who's smiling at him with bright eyes. He's proud. Seokjin is proud. He furrows his brows at the thought alone, remembering what Yoongi told him before. His sin.

"You get it now, don't you?" Taehyung chuckles. "He's not my savior. I don't worship him. He's saved my life, and I'm grateful for that. He deserves my loyalty, but he also keeps this in line." He waves his hands along his body. "This sin."

Seokjin sways his tail slowly. "Like my pride..."

"Exactly." Taehyung nods.

With every new thought that Seokjin feels confusing him, he only gets madder as they continue to rise.

What is he now? He's not human, but he certainly refuses to be a demon. He would never stoop so low. Not when he hasn't even died yet.

Is he just human with a tail and horns? A hybrid? A servant? Maybe he should just go out when he finds a way to return to earth and become a God of some kind. That'd be fun.

"Master Yoongi is gonna be proud of you." Taehyung says softly. "You'll be more of use to him than I am."

"I won't be of use to him in any way." Seokjin sneers. "I'm leaving as soon as I can."

"Why?" Taehyung pouts. "What do you have to go back to?"

"Nothing much."


Seokjin looks at the demon with a sigh and shakes his head. "I won't be serving the demon who ruined my life. That's like... double punishment." He scoffs.

Taehyung grins at the quiet laugh and grabs Seokjin's hand when the man reaches him with slow steps.

He looks him up and down, eyeing his stern face and build, biting his cheek at the uncomfortable displacement of the man's clothes.

He raises the soft fabric of his shirt, tilting his head. "This won't do."

Seokjin frowns and looks down, his tail swaying along curiously. "What's wrong with my attire?"

"Everything." Taehyung huffs. "Come on. I know the perfect demon!"

"You... what- hey!"

"Just let it happen he's a very nice demon!"

Taehyung's laughter as Seokjin is being pulled along just makes the situation only a tad bit more funny.

Running is a whole other thing Seokjin wasn't ready for. Walking was hard enough as it is.

Through the hallways and many rooms, Seokjin gets lost by all the doors. But Taehyung seems to know exactly where he's going, smiling all the way into the final room they hit.

Taehyung knocks once, twice, then a bunch of fast knocks.

Seokjin flinches when the door opens and reveals an annoyed looking demon.

A man with messy blonde hair and a single white feathered wing.

"What, Tae?"

"This is what." The demon smiles and gestures widely to Seokjin. "He needs new clothes."

The grumpy demon eyes him up and down, watching Seokjin nervously glance away when his eyes fall onto his arm and tail.

A small smile creeps up on the demon's lips and he nudges his head. "Come in. I'm Jimin."


"Yay!" Taehyung giggles and impatiently pushes Seokjin inside, being quick to jump onto the soft pink bed in the corner and cuddle into the fluffy pillows.

Jimin instead, gently takes Seokjin's hand and slowly circles him.

He nearly feels naked under the demon's gaze.

"Hm..." Jimin pouts. "You're quite tall. Clumsy. But you have good posture. Broad shoulders."

The demon mumbles to himself, running his fingers along Seokjin's body every now and then and getting a sharp growl from him when touching his tail and horns.

Jimin has seen this before. He's not too surprised. "Your arm." He asks, grabbing a small box from his closet and rummaging around. "How did it happen? The design is rather interesting."

Seokjin looks down at his arm, slowly bringing it up to see it in the light.

Why he went for that design, he's not sure. At some point he just began drawing what felt right. What looked good. What worked with the mechanism.

As he explains his story, Jimin gets to work, listen attentively to the man's words.

He deserves a listening ear.


Yoongi takes a deep, frustrated breath, holding back the urge to punch the wall a third time.

He got scolded to death, with his father getting a few good hits in as well. Iris knew better than to intervene. He doesn't blame her for standing and watching.

Pet. Yoongi scowls.

When he was shown the map, nearly everything belonged to them. Humanity didn't have the resources to fight the undead. The only thing they could do was surrender.

Seokjin's village had been wiped. Burned as a punishment for the man to stumble into a meeting.

How would he ever bring that news? It wasn't as if Seokjin loved him enough to forgive him. What a joke that'd be.

Stumbling up towards his room, Yoongi frowns. It's quiet. Too quiet.

Where's the screaming? The shouting? Even the breaking things or cries of agony?

Yoongi had ruined him whole now, where's the proof of it?

His hand hovers over the doorknob, opening it with a hesitant gulp. It's his room, why would he be afraid?

Inside isn't a bloodbath, nor a mess of his stuff. All of his jewelry is still there and everything is still in its place.

There are new bedsheets where the bloodstained ones were, and on it lays the demon he once saw screaming. Besides it, sits Taehyung, who looks down at the sleepy man with a gentle smile.


"Master Yoongi!" The demon's smile widens. "How was your meeting?"

"Same as always." Yoongi grumbles. "Seokjin... is he?"


Yoongi takes a deep breath and smiles. "Good."

He's never seen Seokjin this peaceful. Curled up and taking soft, deep breaths, with his tail tapping on the sheets.

His better fitted clothes now compliment his figure and new limbs, allowing his tail to move freely.

"Look at you..." Yoongi smiles, muttering to himself. "Demon scum..."

Taehyung glances at Seokjin, then back up at Yoongi and back to Seokjin. He chuckles and stands up with a smile. "I'll leave you two."



"Where's the necklace I gave him?"

"I'm pretty sure Jimin has it." Taehyung shrugs. "Why's that? Did you give him one? Why?"

"Now, Tae." Yoongi growls. "Go get it."

The demon nods and quickly scurries off, leaving the room silent.

Yoongi sighs deeply and quietly goes to lay down next to the demon, curling against him and draping his wing over them both.

He knows what's coming. He knows it's time for the final push. They'll need all the demon power they have, and soon, Seokjin will need to fight by his side.

He's going to have to become the creature he hates.

At least Seokjin hadn't killed himself.

That would have ruined them both.

▪︎=|The End|=▪︎

Questions of the Chapter:

Why does Seokjin hate demons?

What kind of demon is Yoongi?

Why is Yoongi so hesitant on letting Seokjin go?

What kind of demon is Jimin?

What kind of demon is Taehyung?

What kind of demon is Hoseok?

Where is Jungkook?

How come Seokjin didn't kill himself when he discovered his tail and horns?

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