Air Book 2 of Superstar Super...

By bordercolliesrock

2.4K 11 7

Sequal to Water. Which will be up as soon as I finish editing it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Part 1)
Chapter 16 (Part 2)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 (Continuation)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 LAST CHAPTER!!!

Chapter 27

59 1 0
By bordercolliesrock

Chapter 27

She gave me a glare and I smiled at her. "You guys don't seem to get along very well." brunette said. "If nothings on fire or sopping wet their getting along." Charlie said. I tossed him a look that said shut the heck up. He just smirked at me and hugged Jessica to the front of him. She pulled away. "I'm not playing human shield." I smiled at her and turned back to the girls or rather my sisters. "What are your names?" "I'm Lividia this is my twin Lania and our older sister Lillian." the blonde with long hair said. "You know who we are. Where's the kitchen?" "At the end of the other hall." I nodded my head to her and my pack followed me. We opened the door and smelled all sorts of food smells coming from it. I walked in and just stared the kitchen was huge. I walked over to the counter where a lady was reading a recipe. "Excuse me but we were wondering if you could make us something. I'm Mr. Avertons daughter. Long lost." she looked shocked but nodded her head. She started bustling around and she made some vegetables with dip and handed us the platter. We placed it on the palm of my hand and walked out. I found a living room and sat down on the cream couch. Well actually I sat on Aidens lap. I started eating the veggies and dip but then my father walked in. "Your room has been set up. Please follow me." I stood up and followed him to the large room he led me two. The closet was practically the size of a normal room. It had a large queen sized bed against one wall and a large walk in closet. The others rooms were the same. I smiled when Fury told my dad that she wanted to share with Drew. They jumped on the bed and suddenly the window opened and a gush of wind blew in ruffling the sheets. I smiled at Drew and my dad left to go to his room. To rest. I went back to my room with Aiden. I ran and jumped on our bed and he shook is head at me with a smile. He walked over and I pulled him onto the bed. One of the babies started kicking and I placed Aidens hand on my stomach. Werewolf pregnancies only last six months so the babies grow alot faster. By tomorrow I'll look three months pregnant. Even though I'm only about a month along. I smiled at Aiden. I kissed him lightly on the cheek and laughed at the shocked expression on his face that he's had since he felt the baby kick. "Do you wanna know what we're having?" he nodded slightly and I called for my spellbook. It landed on my lap and I opened it to the health portion. Seemed common sense that it would be in this category. I found it. "Show me my babies genders." I said and placed a strand of my hair on the page of the book. It flashed ble twice and pink once. "Two boys and a girl." Aiden was beaming with pride. We told the others through the pack link. Our door was thrown open and they all rushed in. "Congratulations!" I mailed and was crushed once again. After the bone crushing hug I told everyone thy we were going for a run. Amanda grabbed her broom and Jessica walked next to Charlie. Wendy and Taylor decided to stay home. They don't enjoy the woods like the rest of us. City people.  I walked out the back door and saw some woods. I walked over to them and stripped down. I shifted just as Aiden walked out from the bushes in wolf form. I stretched my body out and trotted into the back yard and started wrestling with him. Charlie walked out with Jessica on his back and I ran over and touches noses with him. Jessica scratched behind my war like I liked it and I howled. Letting any animal in the area know that someone new was in town. Fury and Dtew walked out in all their striped glory. I shook myself and trotted back to Aiden. I licked his snout and sat down. 'Meet back here in an hour.' With that said everyone took off in different directions except Amanda who was standing on the rod. I smiled up at her and took off with Aiden chasing me. I slowed down slightly so he could catch up and we kept pace with each other I saw a small pond and walked over to get a drink. It was really cold and felt nice. I jumped in and splashed Aiden. I swam around and he followed me. I heard a twig snap and my ears perked up. I froze. Aiden copied my stance and we looked around. Suddenly Lillian was out of the bushes watching us. "Good boys. Stay right there." she pulled out a notebook and pencil and I tilted my head. She quickly sketched something and retreated back into the woods. Weird. It was time to get back to the meeting spot. I saw that the others were already there. I told them what happened and they were just as puzzled. I walked back to the tree where my clothes were and shifted. I put everything on but couldn't get the button at the top of my shirt in the back done up. Aiden walked up and did it. I thanked him and we walked back to the house. I flew us up to our window that I had left open on a water disc and Charlie made a rock disc to get him and Jessica up. Drew got him and Fury up and Amanda just flew into hers with her broom. I walked over to our bed and stretched out. I was tired. I layed my head down and immediately fell asleep. I woke up two hours later and stretched. Accidentally smacking Aiden upside the head. He woke up and rubbed his head. "What was that for?" "It was an accident. I was stretching and your head was in the way. There was a small knock on our door and a short thin little maid walked in and told us it was time to get ready for the business meeting. She also informed us that it was very formal. I saw Lillian and she was wearing a long float dress that had sequins swirling around on her skirt. She walked in and looked at me. "I have some dresses you and the other girls could wear. I'm not sure what to do about the guys."It's fine. I have something to wear already." I have decided to wear an ice dress. Literally an ice dress one made out of ice. I gave Aiden a tux and walked into the bathroom to make my dress. It was a figure fitting dress made o little ice chips that were stuck together. It felt actually very nice since my body temperature was alot higher than a normal persons. I slipped it on and swirled around. I made myself some earrings and a necklace to match. The dress was a icy blue and you couldn't see through it. aiden looked very nice in his suit and I expected that the other girls had similar dresses or a borrowed one from Lillian. Apparently not. Fury and Jessica's were matching dresses that have a long skirt and a tight bodice. The guys all wore black suits. Amanda was wearing a black dress with a red sash. It hung off one shoulder. I smiled at them and we walked downstairs to the room where about a hundred people were either dancing or sipping wine and eating little appetizers. I saw my dad talking to some people and before I could make it to him we were surrounded by people who were obsessed with our dresses. I smiled but just walked to my father and asked him why it was so formal if it was about business. His friend replied. "The king of England deserves a party don't you agree?" I was shocked. His friend suddenly stared at Fury and Jessica. "Their on fire." "As long as Fury isn't setting the building on fire I'm ok." he stared at me as if I had grown a second head. "We are suernaturals in case you haven't noticed." he seemed to just notice my dress. "It's ice." "How come it doesn't melt?" "if I can make the dress out of ICE don't you think I can keep it frozen?" he looked amazed. "Could you make a suit for a man rather than a dress?" I decided to play innocent girl. "I'm a girl. Why would I want a mans suit?" I asked with wide eyes. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything and closed it again. Then a young man walked up who I noted was probably his son. "Ahh. Domonic I'm glad to see you. I was just admiring Mr. Avertons daughters dress. It's made out of ice." he paused and turned to me. "How did you make the dress?" I smiled coyly at him. "A good magician never gives away her secrets." I tapped myself on the chest. His son reached out and grabbed my arm before I could walk away. I just noticed and feltlike slapping myself. He was a werewolf. I growled so low only he could hear. Aiden walked up and ripped his hand from my wrist while growling. He was super surprised when my whole pack stepped up behind me. Ge sniffed then froze in shock before taking off. He ran over to a well muscled man with a Tagore and jeans on. He told him something and mr muscle turned to stare at mei glared at him and leaned into Aiden mixing our accents so he wouldn't wknow that o was the alpha. He would probably assume Aiden was. Men are idiots. I mentally told everyone to be on the lookout as he motioned for us to walk outside so we could talk. I walked slowly and we met outside. I told them that we should go to the backyard. I saw Livina run up to the alpha and grab his arm. He looked down at her and his gaze softened. Hmm. My brother in law. I looked him up and down before walked outside. I led them to the pond so we could talk in private. I smelt about thirty wolves and froze. Fury and Drew dis the same but not for that reason. I followed their gazes and saw that they were staring at a pair of brown haired twins. They looked the same except they were different genders. I smiled at them and Fury and Drew walked over as if they were in a trance. Thts when I noticed thy Amanda was already making out with one of the males. Didn't take her long. I chuckled and turned to the alpha. "I would say we'll leave but it seems we are linked. And I definitely won't leave my siblings and friend to run away. Joint pack?" he seemed thoughtful a moment before nodding. I shifted for absolutely no reason. To show off I suppose. My wolf was very shiny dour to our little swim last night. I smiled at Aiden and he shifted. I looked over at the ALPHA AND HE SHIFTED INTO A LARGE SANDY COLORED WOLF. THE REST OF HIS PACK SHIFTED. MY SIBLINGS LOOKED OUT OF PLACE AS THEY WEREN'T WOLVES. IT SURPRISED ME WHEN liviana hopped on the alpha and rode him just like Jessica. I licked my blue streak once before taking off through the field I saw some gardens and jumped over the hedge I saw a fountain and stopped to get a drink. After that Aiden showed up and nipped the tip of my tail. No one gets away with touching my tail. I flipped him over my back and we wrestled around for a while before stopping and resting. After a while o walked back to the house while leaning against Aiden for no reason except to feel his warmth. And smell him. I inhaled deeply and heard a rawr that could only be a lion. Charlie? I thought yelled at my pack and we all rushes to where he was fighting some wolf. All of a sudden two other wolves joined in and I leaped into the fight and pulled the wolves off of him. Jessica was uncouncsious on the grass next to tree. I ran over to her and glared at the wolves. Male! I growled as loudly and as powerfully as I could. Charlie raced over and prodded Jessica with his nose. Her eyelids fluttered and she smiled up at Cjarlie. "I'll always be with you." with that she closed her eyes and just stopped breathing I howled as loudly as I could and Charlie just collapsed. For three weeks fury and Charlie just slept and ate only when necessary. I was worried about them but then they started hanging out with us a bit. They never really said that much but occasionally they would say something. We were sitting in the living room chatting when the sirens started going off. I was unsure what was going on but apparently a tornado was going on. I followed the rest of them downstairs to the basement. Fury made some torches since the lights had cut out. I held mine tightly in one hand while Aiden held my other one. I have to admit. I was worried. We all fell asleep but woke up late at night when something above up collapsed. I jumped ulama freaked out. I never did any good when alarms went off. After a while the alarms cut off and we noticed it was safe to go out. We could no longer notice any wind noises so we had Cjarlie clear the doorway so we could get out safely. When we for out we just stared. Everything was ruined. I ran around for a few moments before finding my spellbook. A witch was nothing without her spellbook. Fury and Amanda found theirs and we looked through but couldn't fins a spell strong enough to fix it. Looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way. I started clearing the bricks and ruined furniture. After a while the family members started showing up. I was sort of self conscious that I probably looked terrible. I ran my hand through my hair and suddenly I got nauseous I raced over tho the edge of all the bricks and threw up. 'You arent helping. I rinsed my mouth out while keeping my back turned to my new family so they didn't see me use my powers. After I was done I turned back to the family and smiled. "Um hi I'm mr avertons long lost daughter " an older lady gasped and then rushed over to hug me. "You are very pretty you must take after your mother "I smiled awkwardly for a moment then was crushed again this time by three little kids they squeezed my legs and looked up at me. "Your our Aunty " while another said "what's your name?" "My name is Charlotte " Aiden walked up and hugged my back and the lady who told me I must take after my mother smiled kindly at us then I noticed that I must look at least three months pregnant I blushed and placed a hand at my side before turning to check on my pack Fury and Chase her mate were fine. Drew and Camilla were distinct each other off since they had tripped and landed in alot of dust Chaelie was just sitting there depressed while looking at them I frowned and walked over I slapped him across the face "Snap out of it Jessica wouldn't want you to waste away like some idiot " He stared at me in surprise and I walked away back over to where Aiden was standing I smiled up and him and turned back to my family "Sorry about that( I sort of had ta Dix him " I said nodding my head in Charlies direction he was standin there looking shocked I just looked at the little girl who was running up to me "Are you my Aunty?" I shoo mailed down at her and was unsure what to say I wasn't technically their aunt I don't think I just smiled and looked at Aiden as if to ask if he could help me out he just gave me a smile and walked away I growled playfully but he held his hands up as if to prove his innocence "I know you not all innocent Aiden Smith " I set the little girl down and turned to face him forgetting about the family of humns standing behind me Nd made it rain a bit over Aidens head and smiling at him he walked over and hugged me getting me all wet I dried us off and poured hhw smiled down at me and I bared my teeth and pretended to snap at him he waved his finger in my face and I growled he knows o hate it wen he does that I remembered that the family was right behind me and stopped I turned to look at them and thy were all staring at me as if I was crazy "Do you usually act like this?" "Most of the time you should see us when we go for a run we get really wild then " I said emphasizing the word wild AAiden chuckled and tried to cover it up "Shall we show them," I asked withthat smile I have he nodded and we started stripping down the mothers covered the childrens eyes in horror "Oh keep your panties on we aren't stripping " I shifted and shook my fur out the sunlight shone off of it I gave them a wolfy grin as Aiden shifted and pounced on my back I easily flipped him off we started playing around and he ended up pinned down I licked his snout lightly and turned to the family a few of them had fainted and others were staring at me nervously I chuckled mentally to my pack and trotted over and licked the kids on the face like a dog the mothers looked anxious and I walked way I would have at least but three of the kids has climbed onto my back I walked slowly around and they laughed and played around on my back Aiden walked over and some of them climbed on him while the rest ran around our legs. After a few minutes we drove off in a van to the families mansion sorta like a pack house I thought of something and decided to ask about it when u got some clothes and shifted back my other ones were filthy. I leaped out of the back of the truck when we arrived I had ridden in the truck since the van had been full I smil growled at Aiden when he landed on top of me he crouched down and licked my snout I licked the top of his head once and trotted over to the house.

Skip a few months. Pregnancies are boring!

I woke up to the sun precept in my eyes. Let me tell you. I don't enjoy it Bo turned around and pulled the blanket over my head. "It's time to get up love." Aiden said as he picked me up. I groaned and put a hand in front of my eyes. "Shut the curtains first. " he did as I asked and I sat up on the Ned I wasn't enjoying being the size of china for three months. I was due anytime now so who knows. I walked over to the closet sad grabbed a shirt and some sweatpants. You just can't wear jeans when your pregnant. I got dressed and walked downstairs where Aiden had Charlie making breakfast. I smiled at my brother and sat down. After a few minutes he put a plate of eggs and toast in frot of me. I usually have a large appetite bur now it was tripled. After breakfast we decided to watch a movie. I put Cinderella in. Charlie groaned and Aiden just chuckled. "What?' Cinderella is my favorite Disney princess." i said. Halfway through the movie my water broke. "Aiden love I think we need to head to the hospital." He looked confused then realization dawned kn him and he pick me up and carried me to the hospital. Most of the time werewolves don't go tk hospitals bit we don't have a pack doctor yet so we had decided to do that. Most werewolf babies were born extra healthy anyways. Three hours and a whole lot of pain later we had three lovely children. Anthony after a childhood friend of Aidens. Adeline after my favorite name, and Antonio. The three A's. I smiled down at Adeline and thought of how happy I was and how I wasn't planning on having any more children. Anytime soon. After a few days in the hospital we headed home. When we arrived I was so restless I had Aiden and Wendy watch the babies while o went for a run. I was jogging through a bike trail when suddenly someone graves me. I swung to pinch them but there's was no one there. I thought I must have been antsy or something so I continued running. I swear I felt someone grab my leg. I sniffed and found that there was a guy there. But I couldn't see him. I was about to growl bur I felt a pin prick in my aide and the last thing I remember was a voice saying I was going to be alright. I was freaking out internally. I contacted Aiden but he had a block up. Or was it me? I fell asleep it was freshness I wasn't sure how long I was asleep but I woke up in a white room. I jumped up and ran to a window I looked out but couldn't see anything. The window was blocked on the outside by a brick. I growled when someone touched my arm and pinned them against the wal. It was a well looking guy "Whp are you and where am I?" he looked surprised when he tried to pry my hands off his throat but couldn't "I'm stronger than your average human." I said with a smirk. "Now tell me who you ate and where am I!" the room was full of girls and I felt slightly diZy. I growled at Jim when he tried to pull my hands off again. Suddenly he pulled out a shot and was about to give it to me bit I jumped back and shifted. I was about to attack him when a girl grabbed onto me. She was a witch by the looks and smells of it. I nodded my head to her slightly bit still growling at the guy I walked over and stood next to the gels bed. She explained that we were taken from earth and were on some sort of different planet at first I laughed at her bit she was serious. Ithoughr that I'd WEREQOLVEA AND WITCHES WERE REAL THEN MAYBE ALIENS WERE TOO. SUDDENY fury entered the room she was being carried by a guy who as well as the guy who'd captured me was very good lipoid Fury stirred before he put her down and gifted in his arms and raking her claws down Homs leg as w dropped her. I ran over still in wolf form and lucked her head. She stopped and turned to me with surprise in her eyes. She looked scared. I let her lean on me and walked her back to the witch and let Fury lay down. She fell asleep after some calming mentally from me. I started crying silently thinking of my babies and Aiden. The guy from earlier walked in with some clothes and looked sad to see me crying his wyes turned blue and I'm certain they were Green earlier bi growled lightly bit that was all I could think of. The pain was starting in my chest and I was freaking our mentally. He set the clothes down on my bed and reached out to pet me. I snapped at his hand angrily and he pulled back. "My names Matthew. What's ties?" I just growled and walked over to where he places the sundered I looked at itdisdanlinfuly. I shifted back and started putting it on. I turned back afterwards and saw his eyes golden. Hmmm. Similar to when Aidens so. I gave him a look and thought of something that might lift the spirits of the sad or crying girls I turned his hair blue and walked back to my bed and sat down. fury woke up and started laughing when she saw him and let me tell you. It sounda weird when a tiger laughs. I smiled down at her as the whole room started giggling or at least stopped crying. I changed it hot pink and everyone started laughing. Some of them sadly others thought it was hilarious. "Try purple or maybe rainbow." one called out not really caring who it was. I turned it rainbow of neon colors. Everyone was laughing and the guy took it good naturedly. Suddenly Wendy appeared in the room with Aidn and chase. I finished laughing and ran over and flung y arms around his neck and kissed him. Apparently we were in some sort of facility that they tested different things out on women. I kissed him Aiden and Fury flung herself at Chase while still in tiger form. He fell backwards as she licked his face repeatedly. I quickly thought of our children and turned to Aiden. "Charlie and Dtew are watching them." I struts laughing imagining Charlie making Drew change their dilated I turned to rainbow hair guy. "You made a mistake when you brought me here. Away from my babies and away from my mate. I" I launched my self at him while shifting and quickly slit his throat. After that I did a spell and all the girls ended up at their homes When I got home I iced theogony the door to the babies room and rushed in. I saw Xharlieholding the boys and Xrew trying to shush Adeline. I walked quickly across the room and grabbed her put of Drews hands I kissed her forehead and she giggled. "She doesn't like you apparently." I told Drew th as I bounced her making her laugh. It woke up the boys and I handed Aiden Adeline but she struts crying so I picked her up and walked over to look at the boys. They were laughing as Charlie bounced them. They looked about two months old. They age quickly when their young then turn immortal after their eighteenth birthday. They shift at Sixtteen. I held my arm out and Charlie placed Anthony in it. I kissed his forehead as Aoden grabbed Antonio out of Vharlies other arm. Charlie pretended to faint from lack of strength and I smiled at him. He was back to normal. I handed him Adwline andsurprisingly she didn't cry.

Chapter 27 is done.

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Should Charlie imprint on Adeline? Vote and Comment!!!!


Not sure how long it is. Pleasw comment. It would mean everything to me.

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