We won't stop now! (Jailey Fa...

By MasonStrocityVA

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The Music Freaks is owned by Rosyclozy, including all of the characters from it. Originally, This was a theor... More

Chapter 1: Hopes dashed...
Chapter 2: Shadows of the past
Chapter 3: Rekindling
Chapter 4: Fixations
Chapter 5: Jake's Last Show
Blooper for "Jakes Last Show"
Chapter 6: Hailey's Fear
Chapter 7: What is Love?
Chapter 7.5: The Monster In The Closet
Chapter 8: Haileys Truama
Chapter 9: Saving the show at last.
Chapter 9.1: Who did it?
Chapter 10: Singers Request
Chapter 12: SnowStruck.
Chapter 12.5: Just a Dream.
Chapter 13 Trailer
Chapter 13: The end is just another beginning.
Chapter 13.5: The Recording
Finale Part 1: Trust
Authtors Note
Finale Part 2: Nightmare?
Finale Part 3: Conflicted.
Finale Part 4: Breaking Point
Final Note
The Real Finale: A Night of Love, A Final Step, and A Hearty Goodbye.

Chapter 11: Snow Storm or Snowy Miracle

412 8 17
By MasonStrocityVA

It's been 3 days since the accident.

The Music Club didn't win the competition, they didn't even show. Hailey was stuck in grief, Zander was comforting her, Luke was.. doing Luke things (idk what he does) And Sean would just keep Bethany busy so she wouldn't know the hell around her. Milly was quite busy though, and it had something to do with a certain flower nerd ;) (Next chapter ehehe)

Hailey had slightly calmed down now, Which meant Zander could go, and he did. She wished she could talk to Jake, But of course... We know where he is.

Hailey just... laid back on her bed, alone. She stared up at the ceiling, blinking, breathing, dozing off to day dream about possibilities. She had no plans, She had no motivation, and she didn't even know if she could will herself off her bed.

"...Mghh... Nh...Mmmmmm...."

She whined, Laying flat on her bed, her limbs all stretched out, she looked like Jake did when he was sulking (vefore milo would call him) and just like the brother, Bethany would call to her.


She looked at her door

"I-I'm not hungry bethy!"

She called out, Which invoked Hailey's mother to come in.

"Sweetie, You haven't eaten anything all day today and yesterday, I know this is a hard situation, Believe me, I've been there. But do you think he'd want you to starve yourself?..."

Hailey looked at Shannon, looking away. She curls up slightly into her sheets.

"...Can I eat in my room"

She sighed, Looking to her daughter

"Okay, I'll bring up a plate. By the way, there won't be school tomorrow, Theres a very bad snow storm coming. Not like you were planning to go in anyways"

Hailey softly laughed, earning a soft smile from her mother.

"Atleast that got you to smile."

Hailey looked away more, and she wasn't wrong. She was happy, or well, Smiling at that. But she soon lost it, going back into her grief after her mother left.

"...Damn you Sterling, I can't believe how badly you etched yourself into my head... Why'd you have to go and do that.."

She spoke, but instantly felt worse. Why is she blaming him. It wasn't his fault. Was it... hers? she distracted him... she took his attention from where he was... going... Her chest began to grow heavy, and her eyes dull slightly. Zander soon came in, holding a plate of food.

"Oui, Doofus. Mom told me to give you this, and I'm going to make sure you eat this time."

Zander spoke, Almost sounding insensitive. Hailey sat up and looked at him. Zander noticed that look, that... horrible feeling she was expressing. Zander walked over and sat next to her, putting the plate onto her lap.

"You're blaming yourself, Again. huh?"

Hailey looked away, Clenching her fists.

"It's my fault Zander... I... I distracted him."

"Hailey, It all happened to fast for you to think straight, so I'm going to tell you what I saw. He was walking backwards into a road, the idiot was being flirty. From what his family said, His little brother was distracting his mom, and his mom didn't look where she was going. Besides, He's not dead. I know the moment that idiot wakes up, hes gonna run here and beg for your forgiveness the moment he finds out about how you've been."

Hailey looked at him, then looked down at the plate of food. Her hands unbold, and then lay on her lap, next to the bowl. She just... brings them up, and starts to eat.

"Atleast your eating now..."

Zander comments, earning a soft nod from Hailey. She looked outside the window, and noticed the snow was already falling.

"I guess it came early."

Zander comments, causing hailey to solemnly look down. She swallowed the food in her mouth and started to talk.

"I wanted to go see him... To tell him I wouldn't be there tomorrow..."

"Hailey, I doubt he'd mind that. It's not like he's awake either. He can't hear you."

Hailey looked down again, wanting to argue but she didn't feel like it. She overhears murmurs outside, and then a frantic yell of happiness.

"What's going on downstairs...?"

"I don't know."

Zander responds

"I'll go check."

"Can you ask mom if she can take me to him before the snow gets bad..?"

Zander looked at her, sighing as he shook his head

"No. You're only going to get worse. You should wait until hes awake before you see him again."

Hailey didn't like that, but... He wasn't wrong. But still, she fought against it.

"No... I want to be there when he wakes up..."

"..Hailey, No."

"Then I'm going to ask myself!"

Hailey got off her bed, Walking past Zander, who... was slightly upset about that. Everytime she came back from seeing him, she was always in tears and wouldn't eat. thats why she hadn't eaten yesterday. He sighed and followed behind her. Both would stop dead in their tracks at the bottom step, both jaws wide open as they saw something, they almost didn't believe it.

Standing there, He looked towards the two. He gave them a soft, heartfelt smile and opened his arms for them.

"Sorry, I really did it this time, Huh? hahaha..."

He softly laughed, and both of them stood there...

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