From one night to life

Galing kay Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 57

213 21 11
Galing kay Andyerobertbr

The sun hadn't even risen when Andy woke up. She dreamed so much about this day that she wanted to calmly get ready and make sure everything went smoothly. So, she got up, took a shower and went to the kitchen to have her breakfast.

A short time later, a woman arrived at her home who she had hired to do her hair and makeup. She opted to tie her hair in a half-up bun, which gave her a sophisticated look. She also chose to wear makeup in muted tones. Then she put on her dress, her sandals and also some accessories. She didn't want to wear traditional wedding dresses. She didn't feel comfortable in any of the dresses she had tried on with her long train, veil and crown. So, she had chosen a tea rose dress, which was a length just below her knee. It wasn't a tight dress, so it moved and had a really nice effect on her body.

When Andy was completely ready, she went downstairs to her house and found her father, who was also ready and waiting for her in the living room.

Seeing his daughter coming down the stairs, Pruit was moved. He knew that this marriage was something that would do her good, but at the same time he still felt that emptiness in his chest when he remembered that his daughter was no longer a little girl and that from that day on she would be married and would live in another home.

Pruit: Hija, you look so beautiful.

Andy: Thank you, Daddy.

Andy was very happy, but something was bothering her. For many years she no longer felt the pain of her mother's death, but on that day, she was missing her.

Andy: I so wish mommy was here. I wanted her to see me dressed as a bride and getting married.

Pruit: Wherever she is, she knows you're living your special day and she'll be proud of the daughter she had.

Andy hugged her father tightly. They stayed like that for a few seconds, but were interrupted when they heard the doorbell ring. It was Ryan who was coming to take them to the village.

Ryan: Wow!! You're so beautiful, you don't even look like my friend. I'm not used to seeing you so elegant like this.

Andy gave Ryan a light slap for making fun of her.

Andy: Of course you've never seen me like this. I've never been married before.

They laughed.

Pruit: Stop fooling around, you two. Let's go, it is no longer fashionable for the bride to be late at the wedding.

The three got into the car and drove towards the village.

Unlike Andy, Robert preferred to get ready at the cottage. He was so excited that the night before he had already made the short trip to the village. So, as soon as he woke up, he took his shower, ate his breakfast and got ready. He was wearing an elegant black suit with a white shirt. Robert was trying to tie a knot in his tie, but he was shaky and couldn't complete the knot.

Lucas had arrived at the cottage in the morning and helped Robert tie his tie. While they were getting ready, friends chatted.

Robert: Do you remember that you were the one who tied my tie when I married Claire?

Lucas: Of course.

Robert: Is it weird that I'm more anxious today than I was that day? I mean, I loved Claire and I got married in love. But with Andy it's all different. It is a stronger and uncontrollable feeling.

Lucas: My friend, you and Claire were the perfect couple. You never had a single problem. You never had to fight for your relationship. It was all easy and simple. But with Andy it was the opposite. You know how much you fought to get to this day. You've gone through a lot to be together and each new day you prove to each other that you choose to be together. You fight together for the love you feel and that makes everything different. Only a love as strong as yours could withstand everything you've faced.

Robert: Yeah... maybe you're right. I love her so much. I know I've never felt for anyone, not even Claire, what I feel for Andy. I think about her all the time and worry about her. Just hearing her voice makes my day better. Andy has something magical inside her that makes me feel complete when I'm with her.

Lucas: It's good to see you in love like this. After so many dark years, I'm glad you're happy.

Robert: Thanks Luke.

The two friends continued to get ready and then went to church.

Robert was so anxious that he looked at the clock several times so that soon the ceremony would start and that Andy could be at that altar with him.

When there were about 10 minutes left for the ceremony to start, Ryan entered the church and went to greet Robert and Lucas.

Ryan: Andy and Pruit are already outside waiting.

Robert: Thanks for letting me know.

Ryan then proceeded to his groosman's seat, next to Lucas. The musicians began to play. The main door of the chapel was opening slowly. At that moment, Robert's heart accelerated even more, as did Andy's.

Pruit offered his arm for Andy to lean on and together they walked down the church aisle. Robert watched her enter and was thrilled. He then walked over to where Pruit and Andy had stopped. He greeted his father-in-law and placed a light kiss on Andy's forehead. They looked at each other smiling. Robert then whispered:

Robert: You are even more beautiful.

Andy: You look handsome.

They intertwined their fingers and walked down the aisle together.

The ceremonialist began by reading an excerpt from the bible that spoke about love.

Ceremonialist: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not mistreat, does not seek its own interests, is not easily angered, does not hold a grudge. Love does not rejoice over injustice, but rejoices with the truth. Everything suffers, everything believes, everything hopes, everything supports.

In every sentence he said, Robert and Andy felt that those words made a lot of sense in their lives. They learned together that nothing is worth in this life if there is no love. And it was because of so much love that they overcame the distance that separated them for months. Robert's love for Andy got her through her fears when Pruit was being treated for cancer. Andy's love for Robert made him feel strong to regain movement in his legs. It was always for each other and love above all else.

When he finished reading the biblical message, the ceremonialist spoke a few more words and then it was time for the couple to say their vows.

The first to say was Robert. He was nervous and afraid of forgetting a word, but he didn't want to read his vows. He wanted to let his heart guide every word he was going to say. He turned to face her, taking both of her hands, and they both smiled.

Robert: Before I say my vows to Andy, I want to say my vows to Pruit.

He then kept his hands linked with Andy's, but directed his gaze to his father-in-law.

Robert: Pruit, God has entrusted you with a rare gem. You polished and made it unique in the world. I feel honored to have your respect so that I can take care of something that is so valuable not only for your life but for mine as well. Andy has become a unique woman, with her own values and infinite qualities. She is a sweet woman and at the same time strong. She is determined and at the same time sensitive. And everything I love about this woman I know comes from the teachings she had with you. So thank you for trusting and supporting me to become your daughter's husband today. I promise you that I will do whatever is necessary for her happiness. I promise to take care of her until the end of our lives.

Pruit was touched by Robert's gesture. He didn't expect this to happen.

Pruit: Thank you for taking such good care of her. I trust you and I know that everything you are telling me is sincere.

Then Robert looked into Andy's eyes and began his vows:

Robert: Andy, you were the first woman after Claire to make me feel whole again. You helped me rediscover myself as a man and as a friend. I love you, Andy, and I feel fulfilled knowing I'm not the only one fighting for us. I want you to be happy and I want to be happy too and I know that together this is possible. Because even in the face of so many obstacles that life throws at us, we both know how happy we are together. You taught me to value the simplest moments. With you, I learned to smile again. My love, since I met you and I was sure that my feelings were reciprocated by you, I have only one certainty in my life. I'm sure I want to live a long, long life and love you every minute of it.

Robert felt Andy's hands trembling the entire time he said his words. She was so emotional that she could no longer say a word.

Andy: That wasn't fair. You saying your vows first left me speechless.

As Andy dried her tears, Robert smiled at her. Andy also had a lot to say to him. Her heart overflowed with feeling and she wanted to expose everything she kept for herself there.

Andy: Robert, I could list your many qualities and say that all of them would make me walk up this altar to marry you. Because everything about you delights me. But with you I learned that being on that altar is something even greater than I imagined because it wasn't just your qualities that made me fall in love. With you, I learned that love is something that transforms us. Marrying you is wanting to stay by your side, love you, support you, help you... And no matter what happens to us, we always come out stronger, together. Robert, you make me feel... you make me feel...

At that moment, Andy stopped to think that no word would define what she felt for him. It was something so unique that no man had managed to awaken that feeling in her. Excited, she just concluded:

Andy: As big and nameless as that feeling is, I just want to keep feeling that same intensity forever.

Robert was also moved by what she heard because he knew it was sincere and reciprocal.

Once both had said their messages, they then exchanged rings and took their marriage oaths. Every word they said during the oath wasn't just to fulfill the protocols of marriage. Both felt in their hearts that this was exactly what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. Being together in any situation was not a sacrifice, but their greatest desire.

Before ending the ceremony, they were finally able to have their first kiss as husband and wife. Robert first ran his fingers around her face, caressing her the way she liked so much. He then approached her and gave her a light and soft kiss, but which both felt was the most valuable kiss they had given so far. It was with that kiss that they opened a new life which they would write together every page of this new story.

When they released their lips, they smiled again at each other and together they said:

Andy – Robert: I love you.

They then walked together hand in hand towards the chapel exit. As they exited, Pruit was the first to greet them.

Pruit: Congratulations my daughter. Your place in our home will never be filled, but I am happy to know that you are building the beautiful family you deserve.

Andy: Thank you Papi for everything you've always done for me. I will always be your little girl.

She hugged her father tightly.

Pruit: Robert, thank you for taking such good care of my daughter. As you yourself said, I give you my most precious asset with a peaceful heart that you will always be the support she needs.

Robert: Thank you Pruit for letting me into your family.

They shook hands. Then, Ryan and Lucas also congratulated the couple.

Everyone went to the cottage, where Andy and Robert had hired a small team to prepare a special lunch in celebration of the wedding. There was a beautiful decoration made with flowers and also a cake whose top had a wedding couple on top of the 19 truck.

Everyone sat around the table and enjoyed the delicious lunch while laughing and telling stories. Ryan told how he discovered the couple's secret. Every detail, which did not go unnoticed by him, was revealed at that table. Lucas already said how surprised he was by the photos he saw when he was at the couple's house, as he had never noticed such signs that Ryan had observed. Pruit on the other hand was having fun retelling all the lies Andy told to sneak out with Robert. It was without a doubt a very lively lunch.

Ryan: This was hands down the best wedding party I've ever been to. Only Andy's wedding for the bride and groom to be able to pay attention to all the guests.

Everyone laughed, since the number of guests was so small.

Andy: Well, feel very honored, because if this wedding wasn't secret, I would want a city-busting event.

Pruit: In our family, weddings are always full and we dance the whole party.

Lucas: And speaking of dancing, we need to continue the tradition. We need the bride and groom waltz.

Robert then looked at Andy, gave her his hand and said:

Robert: Would you like to waltz with me?

Andy: I'd like to dance to any song with you.

They got to their feet as Ryan arranged a waltz so they could dance.

The two twirled around the lawn of the cottage completely happy. Anyone who saw them dancing like that, so passionately, would soon remember fairy tales.

When the song ended, Andy and Robert kissed, but were soon interrupted by Pruit.

Pruit: Okay. We are still here and we are seeing everything.

Robert was embarrassed, but Pruit was just teasing the couple. Andy looked at her bouquet on the table and then said:

Andy: Wow, now that I realize our wedding doesn't have a female guest so I can throw the bouquet. In that case, I'll play for yourselves.

The three men joined together to catch the bouquet and Andy was amused that her father was among them.

Andy: Papi, do you want to get married too?

Pruit: Why not? I'm still alive my daughter. And now that house is going to be empty, I think I need some company.

Andy: None of that. You no. Only Ryan and Luke will be able to participate in the game.

Robert: Stop being jealous. Your father deserves to be as happy as we are. He will participate.

Andy made a facial expression that said she didn't like Robert supporting her father, but ended up agreeing to his participation.

When Andy threw the bouquet, Lucas caught it effortlessly. Upon seeing his friend with the bouquet, Robert soon said:

Robert: Yay! Soon we will have another wedding huh my friend.

Andy didn't understand what Robert said.

Andy: How so? Are there any suitors? I thought this joke today would come to nothing.

Lucas: Maybe my heart already has an owner, but just as you kept it a secret for a long time, this time, I'm the one who will be mysterious.

Andy: That's not fair. Now I'm going to be curious.

Robert: Let him have fun with his hidden courtship. We've had a lot of fun too.

The rest of Andy's party was trying to find out who was the woman Lucas was in love with, but without any success.

Around 3:00 pm, everyone left, leaving Andy and Robert alone in the cabin. As soon as she closed the front door, Andy went to Robert and kissed him. This time, alone, they kissed more passionately, taking their time and feeling the atmosphere between them heat up. When they released their lips to catch their breath, Andy started to take off Robert's tie as she said:

Andy: Finally alone with my husband. Finally we can start our honeymoon.

Robert took his cell phone to look at the time, but when he saw the cell phone screen, he just stopped what Andy was doing, gave her a quick kiss and said:

Robert: We're going to have to postpone our honeymoon. We need to get back to Seattle immediately.

Andy: What happened? Why do we need to go back to Seattle?

Authors' Note: What happened to make them have to go back to Seattle?

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