πŸ‚The Night We Met. // VeeMar...

By jkbabii00

16.6K 1.2K 359

Mark just lost the love of his life. His days are grey and he can't seem to find happiness again. Vee works i... More

I am not the only traveler.
Who has not repaid his debt.
Iβ€²ve been searching for a trail to follow again.
Take me back to the night we met.
And then I can tell myself.
What the hell I'm supposed to do.
And then I can tell myself.
Not to ride along with you.
I had all and then
most of you.
and now none of you..
Take me back..
to.. ⚠️NueaMark smut⚠️
the night we met.
I donβ€²t know
what I'm supposed to do..
Haunted by..
the ghost of you.
Oh, take me back..
to the night we met.
When the night
was full of terror.
And your eyes
were filled with tears
When you had
not touched me yet.
Take me back to the night we met
I had all and then
most of you.
Some and now..
none of you.
Take me back to
the night we met
I don't know ..
what Iβ€²m supposed to do
the ghost of you
Take me back to⚠️SMUT !⚠️
to the night we met

Haunted by

320 25 15
By jkbabii00

"Come one guys. One, two, three.."

"Happy birthday to you.."

"Oh no.." Mark smiled shyly.

"Happy birthday to you !"

The young one looked around the restaurant.

"Guys stop, the people are looking."

"So what ? Let them look. We're here to celebrate your birthday !" James said.

"And the removal of your damn cast !" Yihwa joked.

"Happy birthday dear Masa.."

The young boy stared at the cake that the waitress just brought to their table.

She lit up the candles for Mark and left with a slight bow.

"Happy birthday to you."

"Blow out the candles and make a wish my dear." Vee said and gave Mark a quick kiss on his cheek.

This was the first birthday he celebrated since Nuea passed away.

He thought it would've been a lot harder to be honest but he was actually enjoying it right now.

The friends went out to have breakfast together and catch up on everything.

They're currently working in different clubs, meaning that they barely even seen each other in three weeks.

"Thank you guys." Mark said as he blew out the candles and made a wish.

"What did you wish for ?"

"Ow Kamphan ! Every year the same. I always tell you guys that he can't tell us or his wish won't come true !"

"It's just a wish Yi." Tee said and smiled.

"Oh no, you're kidding right ? You're the man I'm dating..? Bar dudes.."

"Ow, what is that supposed to mean ? Vee doesn't believe in this stuff either !"

"You don't?" Mark asked.

"I used to not believe into this kind of stuff.."

"So now you do believe in this ?" Tee asked and Vee nodded.

"What the hell made you change your mind ?"

"I wished for Mark to show up at the bar last year on my birthday and he actually did."

"Aw that's so romantic.." Yihwa squealed.

Mark and Vee were smiling at each other, their foreheads resting against each other.

The friends were talking but those two were in their own world.

"Thank you for staying by my side."

"Thank you for loving me." Mark answered.

"Oh and how much I love you."

"Oh guys, I haven't shown you my new baby pictures !" Yihwa said and pulled out an ultrasound picture.

"Oh my the baby's gotten so big already !" Fuse said with the biggest smile.

"Four and a half months already." Tee said proudly.

Mark finally got the picture handed and instantly smiled like crazy.

Vee did the same thing, running his hand over Marks back.

"I can't wait to finally meet her." Yihwa said, caressing her belly gently.

"Did you guys talk about a name already ?"

"Not yet tho."

"My parents want something to honor my grandparents but we're not sure about that yet." Tee explained.

"Well it's your child. You shouldn't name her just after something your parents want."

"Preach it." Kamphan said and the others agreed aswell.

"I'll let you know once we have a name." Yihwa said and took a bite from her toast.

Mark looked over to Fuse who was smiling at his phone like an idiot.

The birthday boy looked over to Kamphan and James and signaled them to look over.

"Well what's new in your life Fuse ?" Kamphan said smirking.

"Oh not much.."

"Are you sure ?"

"Yeah of course." He said and handed Mark his phone.

He just looked into Fuse' eyes, confused.

"Look at my lockscreen." He said and Mark did.

"Shut up."

"What ? What is it ?" Yihwa said, grabbing the phone.

"Shut. Up. ?!"

"Guys just tell us ?!" Kamphan asked, hopping up and down like a restless kid.

James put his arm around his boyfriend to calm him down and smiled at how cute he thought Kamphan is.

"I.." Fuse began.


"Am dating someone."

"What ? Why didn't you tell us sooner ?"

"Because we barely saw each other because of our different club activities and I wanted to tell y'all in person."

"Our boy finally has a boyfriend !" Yihwa said proudly.

"I feel like a proud mother!"

"Tell us EVERYTHING. Now !" Kamphan said.

James couldn't keep his eyes off of Kamphan and just kissed the young boys dimple.

"Ow James, people will see.." He said shyly.

"I'm not used to James being so lovey dovey." Fuse said, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Anyways - his name is Min-Joo and he's 25 years old."

"Is he thai ?"

"No he's korean but he lives in thailand because of his moms work."

"Where did you guys meet ?"

"He ran me over in the supermarket."

The friends stared at Fuse.

"I'm for real guys and yes you can laugh. It's funny."

"It is !" Yihwa said and the friends began to laugh before they listened to Fuse story about him and Min-Joo.


"Breathe in." Vee said, patting Marks back.

"Breathe out."


"It's fine baby. Breathe with me."

Vee tried his best to calm his boyfriend down.

They sat in the car in front of Marks birthday party when the young boy suddenly had a panic attack.

Vee was used to it by now and even tried to learn ways to help Mark.

Mark on the other hand was embarrassed every single time.

"It's okay." Vee said as he held his boyfriends hand.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be baby. It's fine."

"God it's embarrassing."

"Come on, you know it's not."

Mark looked over to Vee and raised his eyebrow.

"Be for real."

"Mark.." Vee chuckled and made the other chuckle as well.

"Here.." Vee said and took a tissue out of his jacket.

"Let me wipe your tears.. Masa-Kun." He said and Mark finally broke out in laughter.

"Masa-Kun ?" He asked with a smile.

"Masa-Kun !" Vee repeated and wiped away Marks tears.

"Do you feel a bit better ?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"You're welcome dear." Vee said and smiled.

"Take your time. We can go in whenever you feel ready."

"I am ready. Let's go." Mark said, sounding rather unsure.

"Really ?"

"Yes. Otherwise I'm afraid that I'll never be ready to go inside." Mark answered and Vee stepped out of the car.

He walked over to open the door for Mark and let the young boy step out as well.

"Remember baby, breathe." Vee said as he grabbed Marks hand and walked towards the door.

He pressed the bell and soon after that the door opened.

"Mark, baby ! Oh happy birthday!"

"Thank you mae." The young boy said and instantly hugged back.

"Uhm Vee, I want to introduce you to Marina. Nueas mom. Marina, that's Vee.." he said and turned to look in her eyes again.

"My boyfriend."

Vee's heart was beating fast as he greeted the smiling woman with a waii.

"Oh you're the handsome young man my son told me about ?" She asked and turned to Mark.

"You're right darling, he's handsom !" She said smiling.

"Hello ma'am. Thank you for having me."

"Oh dear, of course ! You're Marks boyfriend now. You're a part of our family." She said and pulled him in a hug.

Mark stood beside them, fighting back his own tears.

"Come on in boys, everyone's waiting for you !" She said and pulled them to the livingroom.

"Guys this is Vee."

The other people in the room greeted him warmly and Marina made sure that Vee felt that he was more than welcome.

"Vee, this is my husband Pravat. My daughter Lamai and my son in law, King."

"Hey, welcome." The man said with a smile.

"I am Ming." A soft voice suddenly said.

Vee looked next to him, where a little girl stood, holding Marks hand with her left hand and holding her right hand out to greet the older one.

"Hello Ming. I am Vee."

"Uncle Marks boyfriend !"

Vee looked around, unsure of what to say since he didn't knew how Nueas other family members would react.

"That's right Ming. Vee is uncle Marks new boyfriend." King said.

"Just like uncle Nu." Ming said smiling widely.

"Just like your uncle Nu." Vee said, now a lot calmer.

"I hope you like chicken with rice and curry ?"

"Yes of course misses Worrasarn. Thank you very much."

"Ow Vee, please. Call me Marina. It makes me feel like some old lady if you call me misses Worrasarn."

"Okay. Marina." He answered a bit shy.

"I'll go get the food ready to be served." She said and left the room.

"I'll go help her." Mark said and walked over into the kitchen with Ming still in his arms.

>Fuck..< Vee thought.

He was nervous, being all alone with Nueas family.

Not because of them.

Because of himself !

Vee knew that he's good at saying the wrong stuff at the wrong time.

He didn't wanted to accidentally rip open some freshly healed wounds.

"So Vee.. May I ask which university you're attending ?"

"Oh I graduated four years ago. I'm currently working in a music store and a bar which belongs to one of my friends."

The older man nodded with a smile.

"You're nervous, right ?"

"Yes sir. I'm sorry."

"Vee, you don't need to be worried. We knew that Mark has a new boyfriend since last year."

The boys eyes widened as he turned to Mai.

"Really ?"

"He told my mom about you on the first anniversary of Nueas death."

"He did ?" Vee asked smiling, but stopped once he realized how Nueas family must feel.

"I'm sorry."

"Vee..There is nothing worse for parents than having to bury their child.."

He nodded, feeling like he did something wrong.

"Nevertheless.." Pravat continued.

"Life eventually goes on at some point, even if our time stood still for a long time.."

Lamai grabbed her husbands hand and slightly nodded.

"Mark loved Nuea and was by his side until the very end. He has suffered since the second Nueas heart gave out."

"Mark is though and strong.." Lamai said.

"Yes he is. But he always tried to hide his emotions when it came to him being sad. He's suffered in silence and I honestly felt helpless at first."

"Mae told me about that."

Vee looked over to the woman.

"Mark told her how bad he's hurt you by calling you Nuea all the time instead of trying to talk about his feelings.. But Vee.."

"Yes ?"

"Except for when he was with Nuea, I've never seen Mark be as honest about his feelings as he is with you right now. Mark loves you very much."

"He does. And I'm thankful that he has you by his side." Pravat said.

"Marina and I thought for a long time that we would lose a second son, but he met you.."

Vee's heart was filled with pride.

Hearing this made him feel like he belongs to this family.

"He told Marina about a night at the bar.. The night you met."

Vee smiled, his ears red and his cheeks blushing.

"You saved our son and we know it's hard, but Mark deserves to be happy. And if you can make him happy, we're more than open to welcome you to our family."

"Pravat you're making me tear up." Vee said laughing, trying to hide the fact that he was really near crying.

"Vee for us it was important that you know that. We know that he likes to keep his negative thoughts to himself, Nuea always told us that back then." Lamai said.

"I'm sure he sometimes still does that. But knowing that you're by his side, makes us feel at ease."

"I promise I will never leave him." Vee said.

"Guys, the food is ready !" Said Nueas mom, walking out of the kitchen and serving the nice smelling dish.


"You look so cute playing with kids." Mark whispered while putting away a barbie.

The two sat, or rather lay, on the living room floor and played with Ming.

The little one, who usually wouldn't leave uncle Marks side, was totally fixated on Vee right now.

"I'll be right back !" The little girl said and handed Vee her doll before she ran off.

Mark enjoyed the sight so much, his heart felt like it would burst.

"You think I look cute ?"

"Yes. You look very cute playing barbie with Ming."

"Ming is really cute."

"She is."

"She looks like a small version of Nuea." Vee said, not really thinking about it at first.

Mark looked straight up from the box of toys into Vee's eyes.

"She does. That's right.." Mark said, smiling softly.

"I can't wait to see her growing up to be a confident, pretty and above all smart young woman." said the older one without looking at Mark.

Vee couldn't see how Mark was looking at him right now, but Mark felt like he fell in love again.

"Uncle Mark ? Uncle Vee ? Can you come to the kitchen ?"

The two boy's heart were filling up with joy once those words left Mings mouth.

They stood up and Mark walked over to Vee.

"She called me uncle Vee !" He whispered with the biggest smile.

"She did." Mark answered, smiling before he gave Vee a kiss.

"Come on, let's go." He said and grabbed Vee's hand.

Vee pushed the door open and let Mark walk inside first.

The second he stepped inside, his family began to sing for the young one.

Mark sat down at the table, watching the others, remembering all the birthdays they've celebrated together.

"Make a wish baby !" Mai said, handing him his cake.

Mark looked around the room before he closed his eyes.

>This is perfect.< he thought.

The others were waiting for the young boy.

>I wish..<

"Uncle Vee.!" Ming said, putting her arms up for Vee to pick her up.

Mark blew out the candles and the others started cheering.

The birthday boy slowly opened his eyes, searching for a face he knew he wouldn't see anymore.

He finally looked to the side, seeing his boyfriend and Ming.

"What did you wish for ?!"

"Ming baby ! He can't tell us or it won't come true !"


"Let's eat some cake guys !" Pravat said and everyone sat down, Ming still sitting on Vee's lap.



"Thank you for today."

"Ow Mark, you don't need to thank me for celebrating your birthday with you. You're my baby !"

Mark closed the door to Vee's condo and turned around.

"Do you want to know what I wished for ?"

"What ? I thought you believe in this whole 'it won't come true if I tell anyone' stuff?"

Mark smirked and walked towards the balcony.

"I mean.. If you don't want to know.."

The older one looked after him as the curiosity got the best of him.

"Mark.. stop teasing me." He said and walked out to his boyfriend.

He wrapped his arms around the younger one and kissed his neck.

"You wanna know ?"


Mark turned inside his boyfriends arms, so that he was looking into his eyes now.

"What do you think ?"

"What ?"

"What do you think did I wish for ?" Mark asked.

"I don't know."

"I know that you think you know it."

"I think you made a wish about Nuea. Maybe you want to see him in your dreams again."


Vee smiled and tried to kiss Mark but he stopped him.

"I want to see him again. But that's not what I wished for."

The black haired boy looked into Marks eyes.

"It's not ?"



"I wished for you and me to be together forever."

The olders face lit up and he began to smile from ear to ear again.

"You really wished for that ?" He asked and picked the laughing boy up.

"Of course I did."

Vee kissed every single spot of Marks body that he could reach right now.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Hey guys :)

Here's a new chapter ^^

I actually really like this one :)

Just a small reminder that it's currently may in this chapter:)

Hope y'all like it :)


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