•In the lap of the Gods• [ BT...

By sherlockedfm

4.1K 604 63

》Completed《 A priest adopted seven boys with the hidden intention of becoming the most powerful man in the co... More

• Author's note •
1. - Prologue
1.1. Namjoon's pov
1.2. Seokjin's pov
1.3. Jungkook's pov
1.4. Taehyung's pov
1.5. Jimin's pov
1.6. Hoseok's pov
1.7. Yoongi's pov
1.8. Sebastian's pov


152 28 0
By sherlockedfm

Then everything was changed.

After Sebastian, the rooms in the mansion will return to their original state. The anamnesis of horrors will disappear and life will definitely return to normal.

It's always like that. ~ Yoongi thought. When they put the priest's body away, the blood will be wiped, the bad memories will fade, life will re-occupy the space that was taken from it.

That's how it always happens when death comes and goes.

- Please tell me that's not true, Yoongi. - Hoseok spoke unable to move his body even a millimeter. He began to breathe deeply. A panic attack was on its way. The man had been standing buried in the place for some time.

- You have to understand, love. I did it for you, guys. - Yoongi said as he watched his fiance's tears leave a wet path on his beautiful face.

- Fuck Yoongi...

- Oh my God...

- I saw the hesitation, I saw it!! What was I supposed to do, guys? Let him blackmail you? Jungkook, first of all, you could never live without luxury, you know that very well! - the elder gazed at the youngest among them.

Jungkook just lowered his head, he was looking at the floor which was getting redder every second because of Sebastian's blood.

Yoongi turned to Namjoon and then spoke harshly to him as well.

- Namjoon... we know that your pride would never allow you to live normally after Sebastian revealed everything to the public... and he would. You know that he would. I just denied him that opportunity!

They all looked at each other in confusion. For a moment they could see a slight nod of the head on most of the men. They understood his reasons. But it was hard to accept that nothing would ever be the same.

- People, I have one suggestion. Before the police come, we have to figure out what to do. Jimin, you are the slimmest. Slowly jump over the body and take that candlestick. - Yoongi said quietly. Jimin's eyes were wide open. He mumbled something indistinct.

- I said bring a candlestick here.

- Why would I do that? My fingerprints will stay there... - Jimin said what was so obvious.

But he was soon interrupted.

- That's the point! All seven of us will leave prints on the candlestick and return it to the same place.

- Is that your solution? - Hoseok asked angrily. He could still see the crystalline glow in man's eyes.

He was still hurt.

- Don't make me repeat Sebastian's words.

- We don't understand. What are you talking about? - they asked him.

- Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. The first epistle of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians. That is the only solution for now. And our stories will harmonize and reason will be clear.

- I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
But them that are without God judgeth... - Hoseok immediately followed up.

- ... Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. And I did. - Yoongi spoke again.

- But...

- Just stop it, love. If the forensics find 8 prints, 7 of us and Sebastian's, they won't be able to do anything. It will be assumed that the killer wore gloves, because we all live or at least lived in this house, and it won't be strange that there are our fingerprints on the objects.

Silence reigned in the room. The beating of the heart was the only sound that could only be heard at times.

They were trapped.

They didn't have time to think too much.

They had neither the will nor the strength to deal with such things. But they trusted Yoongi, that's all the six men knew at that moment.

Jimin easily reached the candlestick that was resting peacefully in the corner of the pantry and passed it to everyone in the circle, as if they were sharing cigarette smoke on the beach around the bonfire.

When the candlestick was returned to the same place, the men closed the door to the pantry and left the Sebastian's familiar pale face behind.

It was impossible to predict Yoongi's moves. He had an extraordinary ability to observe and over the years he perfected the method.

He was moving east of the pantry, toward the large wooden door. The others followed him, there was no doubt about his abilities and choices. If Yoongi chose that option calculatedly, it was up to the others to follow him blindly.

They entered a study with a mahogany desk and a large bookcase. The furniture that Sebastian carefully chose proved a well-to-do past. Yoongi turned on the dusty lamp on the table and stared deeply into the eyes of the people close to him and immediately, didn't waste time, get to the point.

- We have a little more than ten minutes to find the other guy from the kitchen. It's best to split into groups...

- I'm with Taehyung. - Jungkook replied. As he approached the elder, placing her palm on Tae's shoulder.

- And focus... which means that Taehyung and Jimin will stay in the group, Jungkook and Jin. Namjoon will be with Hoseok. Search all rooms and all possible hidden places. That guy couldn't get out of the mansion. Let's go now!


Hoseok, who was unconsciously clinging closer to Namjoon, began to tremble when the two of them went to the mansion's first floor.

- Umm I'm glad Yoongi put me with you, Joonie. There is still something human left in him.

- I understand him, Hobi. I understand why he would do that after all... you know, hit him... but what I don't understand is why he did it, when Sebastian was already dead. - answered the tall man coldly.

They approached the door of the bedroom, which seemed to belong to the priest himself, they peeked inside, turning on the light. Hoseok walked over to a huge closet where only a few empty hangers were hanging. He looked under the bed, mentally slapping himself for the seemingly stupid move. Who else would hide under the bed? This is not some dumb horror movie. ~ he thought as he stood up and left the room.

- Next is Jungkook's room... let's check there... - he said that and he looked again at the surgeon who was thoughtfully and wisely silent.

- Namjoon... are you sure he was dead? I'm not a doctor, but maybe you missed something. Maybe his blood pressure was low and therefore his heartbeat... you know. It happened to me once after a public debate. - Hoseok stumbled and frowned as he recalled those days.

- You're right, Hoseok... - Namjoon looked at him with clenched jaws.

- Ohh really? - a small hint of a smile began to appear on his lips, but quickly that smile fell, when he heard the rest of what the man next to him had to say.

- You're not a doctor, so zip it.

As they left Jungkook's room, the two men heard something they didn't expect to hear in a house where dead silence reigned.

It was Jimin's scream from downstairs.

And both of them could conclude that one group had found something worth crying out for in this peaceful night.


- I've always wondered why Tae spent so much time here... now I know the answer... it's beautiful... - Jungkook said as he and Jin entered the huge library in the other part of the mansion.

- It's really wonderful. If I could turn back time... I would...

- If I could turn back time, I wouldn't even come to this crappy party! - Jin cut him off.

The younger man could clearly read the fear and fatigue in his eyes. Nevertheless, those were the eyes of the man who raised him, who watched over him and slept next to him when his nightmares tormented him.

- I wouldn't either, Jin... but it's late now, we're all deep in shit. I just hope Yoongi knows what he's doing.

- I hope so, Kookie... come on, let's get out of here. There is no one here.

They took a few more steps and were already in the corridor where the guest rooms were located.

For Jungkook, this hallway brought back memories of the moments he spent here rushing through them, while Sebastian's friends, who spent most of their time in those rooms and were also responsible for their activities outside of school, shouted at him to return to his place in the library.

- I wonder what Mr. Lee and Mr. Johanson are doing... are they still alive? I never even thought to ask Sebastian about them. - the nostalgia could be heard in his angelic voice.

- And I wonder where this guy disappeared... how stupid I was! - Jin started criticizing himself.

- How could I let them stay...

- Jin, you couldn't have known that Yoongi was going to kill Sebastian, who had the intention of throwing us all in jail...

- I know that, Kookie. But still I felt guilty...



- Is that...?

- Jimin. - Jungkook said and then they both rushed to the parlor.


While the others made their way to different sides of the large building, Jimin and Tae headed to the kitchen again.

For a moment, the younger of the two felt a chill run down his spine and had to turn his head away from the corpse that still lay motionless bent over the table.

Taehyung put a hand over his mouth to quell the horror that was filling him and they headed to the dark pantry.

- Where are we going, Tae? There is nothing here, it's empty.

- Just follow me...

Leaning against a shelf which stretched to the ceiling, a black-haired man ran his hand over the middle rack with some jars as if he was trying to find something.

Suddenly with a soft click, the whole shelf started to move to the right, making a small narrow space next to it. Jimin looked in wonder at the man who had already taken an unknown path in the dark. A cobweb hung from the ceiling of a small hallway, which Jimin had no idea existed.

- Tae... what is this? Secret passage? How do you know about this place? - Jimin was tormented by questions and he was not afraid to ask them constantly.

- Shh, Jimin-shi... don't let anyone hear us... I discovered this secret tunnel when I was younger... I often hid there and read with a flashlight... - he answered but with some melancholy in voice.

Tae took a moment to look once again at the abandoned space, which at some point in the past was his only comfort and ally. It was his safe place until he found it in his Jungkook.

- Only then it looked much cleaner and fresher. Probably Sebastian hasn't used this passage for years... certainly since we left the mansion...

- Oh my God! The main question now is why did Sebastian need this passage at all? Was he spying on us?

- However, I do not know, Jimin... he probably had his reasons. I didn't ask questions as long as I could use the solitude that this place gave me.

Saying that, they finally reached another door that was sealed. Taehyung hit them a little and pushed them, with the help of the elder, and in the next moment they found themselves on the floor of a huge parlor.

Jimin held out his hand to Taehyung, who quickly got to his feet and then with a loud scream from Jimin, he turned his body and witnessed the gruesome scene that awaited them next to the extinguished fireplace.


He watched them leave the study.

Yoongi knew that each group would visit a part of the mansion and that was enough for him. They trusted him.

He sat comfortably in the black velvet chair and lit the tompus again deep in thought.

The whole puzzle was in his head. He went over every decision made and not made tonight.

Yoongi considered his choices, because he had nowhere to go.

Sebastian was dead and he killed him. When the others find that missing boy, of whose existence Yoongi had no idea at first, then they will interrogate him nicely if they have time at all.

The police can arrive at any moment. When he was counting, he took into account the location and therefore the distance of the mansion itself.

It was not easy to get there quickly from the city, especially on New Year's Eve, when the traffic is ridiculously difficult.

With a cross legs, and with a tompus in his mouth, he sank into the fog he created himself with the smoke he was bathed in.

Tompus soon fell from his hands onto wooden floor of the study, and Yoongi clumsily stepped on it and rushed to the door.

He heard a scream.


Yoongi quickly felt the pockets of his jacket and then his pants. There was no parlor key anywhere in sight. Maybe it have fallen somewhere while he was 'taking care' of Sebastian. Fuck.

It was a good time to took out his gun, which was in his belt, ready for any necessary reaction.

They must stayed protected, he would do anything to keep their peace.

And for that reason, Yoongi was too ready even to add another corpse to his list.


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