8 Makes 1 Home.

By FemaleYeosang

12.8K 428 61

when KQ contacts the company InNa works for, she soon finds out that she'll be taking care of 8 loud but amaz... More

| First Day |
| K.I.S.S.I.N.G |
| Let's Wait A While |
| Jealousy |
| It's A Date. |
| BumJoong |
| First Date |
| Sunrise |
| Late Night Talks |
| Let Me Take Care of You |
| Merry Christmas! | part 1
| Merry Christmas | part 2
| Full-Time |
| Amicus Ad Aras |
| Celebratory Ice Cream |
| Happy New Years! |
| Boyfriend Switch |
| Cheating |
| Since The Beginning |
| Nicknames |
| Friendaversary Sickness |
| Their Favorite Child |
| Home Sweet Home |
| New Hair |
| Gonna Be a Long Flight |
| Valentines Day |
| My Precious Boy |
| Morning After |
| Morning After pt 2 | Smile On Their Face|
| ATEEZ Headed To Thailand |
| Future |
| Happy Birthday YuYu! |
| Happy Birthday YuYu! Pt 2 | YuNa Is Real! |
| Incredibly Happy |
| Home |
| Cherry blossoms |
| Angel Baby |
| Yuna Is Out |
| Flashback |
| Size Kink. |
| Livestream |
| Dating Rumors |
| Lovesome Festival |
| Missing WooSan Hours |
| Aegyo Couple |
| Happy Birthday! |
| Bits and Pieces |
| Welcome To The GroupChat! |
A/N: important.
|Golden Hour|

| Xikers |

168 3 0
By FemaleYeosang

Second day back and you already know I got to visit my favorite boys Xikers. Today I decided to surprise them with fried chicken while they're at practice, and kinda celebrate their upcoming album release. I smiled widely opening the door to the practice room and there they all were sat in a circle on the floor with their water bottles in hand. "Hello, I brought food!" I said excitedly making them all look at me with a wide smile.

"Ma! You're back! We missed you!" Minjae said as they all stood up walking towards me. I smiled putting the food on a chair and we all group hugged. "Oh I missed you all too! How're you all doing? Are you excited?" I asked looking at them and they nodded quickly.

"Very, we've worked so hard for this, I still can't believe that it's actually happening. " Seeun said smiling widely and I nodded smiling. "Oh I know, but I'm very proud of all of you. You're all extremely talented. " I said smiling as I started getting out food for them.

"Thank you Inna, that means a lot. " Hyunwoo said getting some food and I nodded.

Once everyone had their food we sat in a circle in the floor and talked about the tour and everything. We were in the middle of talking about their new songs when the door opened making us all look at the direction of the door.

"Oh, there you are, Hongjoong is looking for you. Spoiling the kids I see?" Maddox asked smirking a bit and I nodded. "Someone has too, lord knows Joongie probably won't. " I said jokingly and he laughed. "You want some? There's more left, I kinda bought a lot. " I said looking at him.

"Sure I'll take some. " He said walking towards the bags of chicken. "Hongjoong is in his studio by the way. " He said before taking a bite of a chicken leg and I nodded standing up. "Guess I better go see what the captain wants. " I said smiling at the boys as I grabbed some food for Hongjoong and they waved.

Once I got his studio room I opened the door and smiled at him. "Hey, I brought you some chicken since I know that you haven't eaten since this morning. " I said putting it on the desk and he nodded before looking away from his computer towards me.

"So, what were you looking for me for?" I asked sitting down beside him and he shrugged smiling at me. "I just missed you is all." He said grabbing a piece of chicken and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Such a dork." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"You know...I was thinking.." He said before pausing as of thinking about what to say next. I nodded for him to continue. He looked at me for a moment before looking back at his computer.

"I've never heard you call anyone oppa, not even me." He said before taking a bite of his chicken. "Yeah, and you aren't going to. " I said honestly. "I don't call anyone that, not even Jiwon. I'll call you Hyung, but that's it. " I said leaning back in my chair. "Why?" He asked looking at me and I chuckled a bit.

"Because, I feel like the word oppa is kinda sexualized, kinda like the word daddy, it just makes me uncomfortable. " I explained looking at him and he nodded. "Makes sense. I totally know what you mean." He said looking at me and I nodded.

I smiled softly watching him eat as he worked on his computer. I pulled my phone from my pocket and sighed softly as I scrolled through Twitter.

We sat in silence as he finished his food, once he was done eating he put his plate to the side and went back to his computer. I was busy texting Yeosang and put my phone down to grab a bottle of water from his mini fridge. I was mid drink when he asked something that made me immediately choke on my water.

"Are we gonna have sex tonight?" He asked nonchalantly while still looking at his computer. I coughed a few times putting my water down and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked in disbelief and he chuckled with shrug of his shoulders. "I mean we don't have to, if you don't want to..I just wondered. " He said looking at me. "It's not that I don't want to It's just, you asked out of the blue, and so casually, it threw me off guard. " I said looking at him and he nodded smiling.

"Sooo?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me and I looked away trying not to smile. "I don't-."

"I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable. Just wanted to know if you were in the mood for it, but if you aren't, that's totally cool too." He said cutting me off while looking at his notebook.

"I'm not uncomfortable, just shy I guess. I don't know, this is embarrassing to talk about. I mean we've only done it once and can we even count that?" I asked chuckling a bit and he tilted his head to the side smiling at me.

"I mean, who says we have to? It was uncomfortable for the both of us and it was unplanned, so technically our first time is whenever we want it to be. It can be tonight, tomorrow or even three years from now. I just want you to be comfortable and sure that you're ready. " He said putting his hand in mine and I smiled softly at him.

We stared at each other for few minutes just admiring each other's facial features until the door to his studio opened.

"Alright lovebirds, break it up." Maddox says sitting on the small couch and we playfully rolled our eyes.

"Hey, Inna are you still gonna go to church with me next week?" He asked looking at me and I nodded smiling.

"Since when do you two go to church together?" Hongjoong asked looking at us. "Well I remembered Inna talking about how much she missed going, so a few weeks ago I invited her to come with me once you all got back." He explained looking at him and Hongjoong nodded looking back at his computer.

"Oh also, to answer your question, I won't be coming home tonight. " I said looking at Hongjoong who raised an eyebrow at me. "And why is that?" He asked looking at me.

"Because I promised Jiwon that I would stay the night with him tonight. His wife will be at her parents with their kid and he doesn't want to be alone." I said looking at phone.

"Okay, we'll come. " He said looking at his notebook. "We? Who's we?" I asked looking at him and he looked back at me.

"Me and the guys, duh." He said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Who said you were all invited?" I asked crossing my arms. "I just did." He answered typing something on his phone.

"Oh wait, how about you have him come over? Maddox and Xikers can even come. It'll be fun." He said smiling at me and I nodded smiling a little. "Alright, I'll text him." I said smiling at my phone.

This should be fun.

(A/N Sorry this is so late, but here you go! I hope you all enjoyed it! The next chapter is going to be a little crazy, so stay tuned!♡♡♡)

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