πŸ‚The Night We Met. // VeeMar...

By jkbabii00

16.6K 1.2K 359

Mark just lost the love of his life. His days are grey and he can't seem to find happiness again. Vee works i... More

I am not the only traveler.
Who has not repaid his debt.
Iβ€²ve been searching for a trail to follow again.
Take me back to the night we met.
And then I can tell myself.
What the hell I'm supposed to do.
And then I can tell myself.
Not to ride along with you.
I had all and then
most of you.
and now none of you..
Take me back..
to.. ⚠️NueaMark smut⚠️
the night we met.
I donβ€²t know
what I'm supposed to do..
Haunted by..
the ghost of you.
Oh, take me back..
to the night we met.
When the night
was full of terror.
And your eyes
were filled with tears
When you had
not touched me yet.
Take me back to the night we met
I had all and then
most of you.
Some and now..
Take me back to
the night we met
I don't know ..
what Iβ€²m supposed to do
Haunted by
the ghost of you
Take me back to⚠️SMUT !⚠️
to the night we met

none of you.

314 27 5
By jkbabii00

Mark woke up early today.

He tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake up his boyfriend.

It was Vee's 24th birthday and the brown haired boy planned a lot for today.

This year would be the first year they spend their birthdays together.

Mark didn't celebrate his 20th birthday last year in may since he was grieving and Vee accepted that.

And Mark didn't knew about Vee's birthday last year until he heard it in the bar that night.

The young boy walked over into Vee's kitchen, preparing breakfast for the older one.

He was so deep into the cooking process that he didn't even noticed that Vee woke up until he wrapped his arms around Marks waist.

"You're making breakfast?" Vee said with his morning voice and kissed the youngers neck.

"Yes baby." He answered and turned around.

"Happy birthday." He said and kissed Vee who smiled in the kiss.

"Thank you darling."

"I planned so much for today. I hope you're as excited as I am."

"You planned stuff for my birthday?" Vee said and picked up Mark just to let him down on the kitchen counter.

He stood in between the youngers legs and gave him another kiss.

"I did and I hope you like it."

"Oh baby you know I will love it."

Mark smiled from ear to ear.

"Let's eat breakfast first."



"Are you for real right now?"

Mark giggled.

"I mean.. If you don't want to shower with me.."

"NO ! OF COURSE I WANT TO TAKE A SHOWER WITH YOU !" Vee said and pulled his shirt off before he hopped in the shower with Mark.

"Only shower !" The younger one said, smiling.

"Yes sir."

The couple stood under the warm water for nearly fifteen minutes, arm in arm, kissing each other now and then.

"I could cuddle you all day long." Vee said, his head resting on Marks shoulder.

"You're making me blush.. I would love to tho but we have a tight schedule today."

Mark finally broke the hug and grabbed the shampoo, helping his boyfriend to shampoo his hair.

Mark loves to spoil Vee, everyday ! Not only today on his birthday.

He enjoyed this closeness at least as much as Vee did, and after they both rinsed the shampoo out of their hair, they wrapped towels around their waists and got out of the shower. "let me help you." Vee said, grabbing the hair dryer to dry his boyfriend's hair.

The younger one closed his eyes at every touch of the older one.

"Do you even know how beautiful you look?"

"Vee, it's your birthday, I should compliment you today, not the other way around!" He said with a pout.

The black haired boy laughed and stroked Marks head.

"Little drama queen. You know I love to compliment you."

It took the lovebirds about twenty more minutes to get ready and to leave Vee's condo.

"Our first stop is the small bakery you always talked about."

"Mark that's really cute but you know that the chances of getting a table there are very small."

"I know. That's why I reserved a table last month."

"You really did that ?"

"I know that you want to taste those damn croissants."

"That's really incredibly nice of you. Thank you for thinking about me." Vee said really bubbly and happy.

"woah Vee, honey, I think about you all day long, 24/7. Like I don't remember all the things you tell me."

Vee smiled as they walked next to each other into the small shop down the road.

They were greeted by a smiling, bubbly woman, who brought them to their table and gave them the menu.

Mark ordered himself some homemade bread with marmelade and Vee got the croissant with some chocolate sauce to dip it in.

He was excited to finally have the 'french expierence' that Gun and Bar always talked about.

His heart was filled with pride and joy, thinking about the fact that Mark remembered.

"The moment of truth.." The younger one said and took a bite from his bread while Vee bit in his croissant.


"Delicious. Damn they were right. It tastes good. It tastes french."

Mark giggled.

Vee sounded so cute right now, he couldn't help but smile.

"I guess the snack part of the day was a complete success."

"It was baby."

"Don't eat too much, you need to leave a bit of space." Mark joked.


The young couple walked through the Benjakitti park.

The sun was shining and both boys enjoyed it.

Vee told Mark months ago, even before they were dating, that Vee used to come here with his parents when he was a kid.

They played with each other, made picnics and made a lot of memories.

But with Vee, his brother and his parents being hard working people, and his parents moving to Pattaya, they barely had time to come here again.

So Mark took matters in his own hands.

Mark walked next to Vee, watching closely as the olders face lit up.

"That's the place where we used to sit and eat."

"How about we sit down over there ?"

Vee nodded and soon they sat on the grass, enjoying the warmth from the sun.

Watching some kids play football or parents laughing with their kids made them feel at ease.

"Imagine coming here with our own kids." Vee suddenly blurted out.

Mark smiled widely.

"I would love to do that."

"Maybe gay marriage will be legal here when our time has come ? When we feel ready ?"

"Maybe. I sure hope so."

"I never realized how much people get discriminated when they are in a same-sex relationship."

"What do you mean ?"

"I've never been in a relationship with a man before you."

"I know."

"I didn't realize how hard it is when you make your love official. Like.. the people judging you..You're family and friends leaving your side.. If you want to get married..You can't."

"It's sad that people have to live like this, right ?"

"Yeah. I mean.. People who know us.. our friends and families know we're a couple and I'm proudly showing it to the World but I hate that we can't just walk hand in hand like straight couples without getting glared at. Or that other gay couples can't be openly in love because there are still homophobic people.."

"It's hard." Mark said and looked around.

"How was it for you and Nuea back then ?"

"Well we had a lot of support actually. Most girls in school were shipping us and since Nuea played football, he was pretty popular but.. We faced some homophobic shit whenever we went out. We used to hold hands, sometimes we even kissed. It was pretty obvious that we were a couple and that made some people think it's okay to call us slurs.."

"I'm sorry to hear that baby."

"One time some random dude called me a fag and said stuff like 'you should get raped until you're normal again' and Nuea went over to punch the shit out of him."

"He did ?"

"He did."

"Fuck yes that's our boy." Vee said and made Mark smile.

"Three weeks later, after our break, we went back to school and found out that dude was our new history teacher."

"No fucking way ?!"

"I know right ?! We told our principal but he didn't believe us."

"What did y'all do ?"

"My parents took care of that.. Well.. Not really my parents. My mother did..."

"...with your fathers money."


The two boys just watched the other people who walked passed them.

"Sometimes I just want to be able to hold your hand. Like - in the mall or the supermarket. Not just at home or in front of the university. Not just at my workplace. Everywhere !"

Mark looked over to Vee.

"It's fine baby."

"I really wish people around us would be more open minded."

"I don't care about other people. As long as I have you I don't mind other peoples opinions about me."

"Me neither ! But I just don't want them to look at you like you're weird or we're disgusting."

"Vee baby, people will always find something to make us feel bad about ourselves. If it's not that I'm gay, then it's my nose or my eyes. Maybe my hair is too dark for some people ? Maybe they don't like my style. Either way - I am me and you are you. I love you the way you are, why should I care about others opinions ?"

Vee smiled and Mark moved closer.

"Hey.." Mark said.

He slowly put his hand on Vee's hand and let his fingers run over the older's.

"I love you."

"I love you too Mark."

The younger smiled and rested his head on Vee's shoulder without thinking about the other people around them.


It was 6pm, it was dark outside and Mark waved over a tuk tuk.

He showed the driver the adress, trying to hide it from Vee's eyes and finally sat down next to him.

"Let's go boys." The older man said and drove off.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see baby."


"No way !" Vee said as he looked at the big ship in front of him.

"You booked a dinner on the royal princess?"

"You like it ?"

Vee turned around to hug his boyfriend.

He picked him up and swirled him around.

"I love it ! I love you !" He whispered, thinking about the people around them.

Mark was giggling like a little kid.

"I'm so happy to hear that."

Mark pulled out the tickets and both boys walked to the entrance, where a waitress picked them up, scanned their tickets and walked them to their table.

The boy booked a romantic dinner with the table on the deck so they could enjoy the lights of the city while eating.

The woman lit the candles on the table and told them about todays dinner.

The ship was already moving and the appetizer was already ready.

"It tastes like pineapple."  The older said, his spoon still in his mouth.

"I think it's something with pineapples. Some kind of sorbet I gues." chuckled Mark.

It didn't take long before the main course was ready and the two began to eat.

The scenery was beautiful and the food was delicious.

The two young boys were surrounded by many people, especially couples.

Straight, lesbian, gay, young, old, it didn't matter.

The only important thing was the love those people had for each other.

"Hey Vee.." Mark began and put down his fork.

"I have one more gift for you."

"What ? Are you crazy! You did so much already."

"It's nothing special but I wanted you to have this."

Mark handed him a little box.

"Mark you did so much already! No one ever did something like this for me." Vee said and grabbed the box.

"I feel bad oh my.. wait til you're birthday mister." Vee joked and opened the box.

"Mark.." He said with wide eyes.

"You know.. You told me it's okay that I still wear Nueas necklace.."

"And it is !"

"But I wanted to have something for us as well. Like I said, it's not much but I saw these couple rings and-"

"I love you."

"What ?"

"Mark.. You keep talking about all this like it's nothing. You organized everything here. Just for me. You didn't have to give me anything, you being here with me  is the biggest gift for me. Nevertheless, you went to such an effort just to make me happy. Thank you my dear."

Mark smiled from ear to ear.

"You're welcome honey." He giggled.

"Here, let me.." Vee said and grabbed one of the rings before he grabbed Marks hand and put the ring on his finger.

"It's like you just proposed to me."

"Would you say yes ?"

"Maybe." Mark said and winked.

"One day darling."

"Let me put the ring on your finger." The younger said and did the same thing to Vee.

Vee gently grabbed the brown haired boys hand and kissed his fingers.

They held hands while they continued to eat their food, smiling and talking with each other, not really caring about anything or anyone else.


"That was long day tho."

"I'm so tired." Answered Mark.

"But it was the most beautiful birthday I ever had.ä thanks to you darling."

"I'm happy to hear that." Mark answered and gave Vee a quick peck on his lips.

"You can go shower first."

"Don't you wanna take a shower with me ?"

"Vee.. We took a shower together already. Besides that - I promised Yihwa to call her once we're back."

"Fine.." Vee said pouting.

"I'll go shower now."

"Do that."

"All by myself!"


"Alone !" He said and closed the bathroom door.

The young one looked back and pulled his phone out once he saw that the door was closed.

He wrote a quick message to his friend and hurried into another room.

Mark took this opportunity to get everything in the kitchen ready.

He put some plates on the table, a bottle of wine and Vee's last surprise of the day.

It took Vee another ten minutes but when he stepped out the bathroom and walked towards Mark, his boyfriend began to sing.

"Happy birthday my dear." The young one said and the black haired boy couldn't hold his tears anymore.

"You bought me a cake ?"


"What do you mean ? You made it ?!"

"No. Your mom did."

"My mom ?" Vee asked excited.

"Yes. You told me how much you miss her birthday cakes and I thought I should surprise you."

"Mark, baby." Vee began and finally his tears fell.

"Oh don't cry my big baby." The younger said and pulled him in a hug.

"Wait - how did you get this cake here ? I'm pretty sure it wasn't here this morning."

"Long story.."

"Tell me."

"Well I asked Tawan to help me but your brother.."

"Is still acting like a little baby I know."

"He said no but I told him that I wanna surprise you and he finally agreed to help me. He asked your mom to make the cake and went to pick it up with Tawan yesterday and stayed there for the night. They came back this morning and when we left, Tawan brought the cake here."

"You did this for me ? All of that just for me ?"

"Of course baby. We did this just for you because you deserve all this and more."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you so much Mark."

"And I love you baby. Now blow out the candles. I promised your parents some pictures."



Hey guys:)

Here's a new chapter!

A little birthday party haha.

I hope you liked it :)

See you in the next chapter ^^


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