πŸ‚The Night We Met. // VeeMar...

By jkbabii00

16.7K 1.2K 359

Mark just lost the love of his life. His days are grey and he can't seem to find happiness again. Vee works i... More

I am not the only traveler.
Who has not repaid his debt.
Iβ€²ve been searching for a trail to follow again.
Take me back to the night we met.
And then I can tell myself.
What the hell I'm supposed to do.
And then I can tell myself.
Not to ride along with you.
I had all and then
most of you.
and now none of you..
Take me back..
to.. ⚠️NueaMark smut⚠️
the night we met.
I donβ€²t know
what I'm supposed to do..
Haunted by..
the ghost of you.
Oh, take me back..
to the night we met.
When the night
was full of terror.
And your eyes
were filled with tears
When you had
not touched me yet.
Take me back to the night we met
I had all and then
most of you.
none of you.
Take me back to
the night we met
I don't know ..
what Iβ€²m supposed to do
Haunted by
the ghost of you
Take me back to⚠️SMUT !⚠️
to the night we met

Some and now..

374 28 11
By jkbabii00

"I'll pick you up in the evening." Vee said and kissed Mark goodbye.

The younger one nodded and smiled, looking after his boyfriend.

"Good morning Mark."

"Morning Yi. Morning guys."

"Mark are you okay ?"

"Hm ? Yes of course."

Yihwa looked at the boy, raising her eyebrow.

"Why are you wearing a scarf ?"

"It's chilly today."

"Mark, we're in Bangkok."

"Well yes, I thought it looks good !"

"Ah sure..Or.." The girl walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Do you want to hide something?"

"What are you talking about.." The brown haired boy asked, looking rather worried than confused.

"He's acting strange y'all ! They did it !" Fuse said.

"Ow, how do you know ?" Kamphan asked confused.

"Guys, we.. no. We didn't had.. Well something did happen but-"

"You little bitch ! How dare you not telling me ?!" Fuse suddenly blurted out.

"For real ! You should've told us !"

"Guys can you please keep it down ! Let's go to class I don't wanna be late. I promise I'll tell y'all everything on our way."


"Noemy, there's someone waiting for you outside."


Vee stood in front of the girls class.

He just asked one of her classmates to call her outside and now he was waiting.

"P'Vee ! Oh my - I haven't seen you in ages." She said and hugged him.

"I missed you so much !"

Vee tried his best to stay calm.

He had a plan and he was eager to carry it out.

"I missed you too No.."

"What are you doing here ?"

"Oh I was on my way to work and thought about you."

"Aw you're still the cute P' you were back then !"

"Hey No, can I ask you something?"


"Do you know Masa Ratsameerat?"

Her eyes widened and her face instantly got pale.

"Who ? No I don't. Is he in another faculty?"

"Yes. He is." Vee smiled.

"Oh I don't know other people outside my faculty."

"You sure about that ?"

"Vee what do you mean ?"

"Nothing. I'm just pretty sure that you do know Masa Ratsameerat."

"Vee I just told you that I don't know-"

"No, did you see that one instagram post ? The one that talked about me and that boy ?"

"I saw something but I ignored it. Why does it ma-"

"No you know how much I hate people who constantly lie, right ?"

"Vee what's with all those weird questions ?"

"Let me ask you one more time."

Vee took a deep breath.

He was angry but he had to stay calm.

He planned to get her to admit that she was the one posting that shit and get her to apologize to Mark.

He didn't wanted for Mark to be stressed so he didn't tell him about his plan.

The only one who knew about it was Yihwa, since he knew that she would do everything to protect Mark without telling anyone.


Vee looked into Noemy's eyes.

"Do you know Masa Ratsameerat?"

"I don't know Masa-"

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME." Vee blurted out.

The young girl flinched and didn't dare to look into Vee's eyes.

"You know Masa."


"Why did you post this ?"

"I don't know wha-"

"Stop lying. Why did you post this ? You thought it would be funny talking shit about my boyfriend?"


"Don't act surprised. You know that Mark is my boyfriend. You literally posted and quoted MY instagram post."

"Vee please-"

"You think it's funny? You think it's cool to hurt people you don't even know ? Bully them ?"

"I didn't-"

"I would have thought you were smarter No. You know very well that I have always defended your sister. What made you think that I wouldn't do the same for Mark?Did you think I wouldn't see the post? Or that I would laugh about it? Were you hoping I would break up with him so I could get back with your cheating big sister? Were you really that naive to think I would dump my boyfriend for this bitch?"

Vee let out all his anger but stopped when Noemy said something that caught him offguard.

"Fuck you I wanted you for me you asshole."

The older one stared at her before he began to laugh.

"Did you really think I would ever even look at you ? Touch you ? Did you honestly think I could fall in love with you after everything you did ?"

"You wouldn't have found out that it was me if you would've broken up with him !"

"Noemy, I would NEVER fall in love with you !"

"Why not ? You loved my sister, didn't you ? I could treat you so much better than her ! I loved you for such a long time, damn it Vee ! You should've just break up with him !"

"So you admit that you posted this shit ?"

"Yes I did and what about it ?"

"Are you kidding me ? What about it ? You wanted to ruin a relationship and you've hurt someone who was grieving!"

"Everybody always talked about the schools cutest couple and that Nuea got sick. Mark was grieving and suddenly he's your boyfriend? Since when are you even a damn fag ? You always had girlfriends. Are you confused or something ?"

"I'm not confused and my sexuality is none of your fucking business Noemy."

"Vee, wake up ! I would be a good girl for you ! Mark is a fucking slut !"

"Noemy, I swear to god don't fucking test me."

"I did it for us Vee ! I want you to be loved and I know that only I can give you the love you deserve! My sister never deserved you. She was always a really big bitch and I honestly started to hate her after she's hurt you so bad. And Mark doesn't deserve you as well ! Think about Nuea ! If he's cheating on him he will cheat on you as well !"

"Mark never cheated on him you stupid little kid. He's dead Noemy ! And Mark deserves to be happy and fucking hell he's the only one who can make me happy. I never loved one as much as I love Mark and I certainly don't love you ! I could never love you anyways ! You're like my sister, I saw you grow up ! And this whole situation right now just shows that you'd never be worthy to be my girlfriend, because I want someone who's loyal and who wouldn't lie to me."

"No, how could you say that ? I deserve you as my boyfriend! I really do ! Please let me prove it !"

Vee stared at her with nothing but anger in his eyes.

"Vee I am sorry, please don't hate me ! I did it for us, really !"

"Aren't you embarrassed at all ? Look at how pathetic you are."

"I did it for you !"

"You did it because you're a selfish, manipulating, lying bitch. You don't love me. You just wanted me, to prove to yourself that you could have me."

"Vee that's not true.. I love you !" She cried out.

"You're sick. You need to get help as soon as possible."

"Vee please give me a chance !"

"Noemy let me tell you one thing now. I want you to apologize to Mark. On social media and in person, otherwise I'll post our whole conversation so that everyone can hear what a pathetic, lying bitch you are."

"What are you even talking about?"

"You don't think I'm that fucking dumb right ? I have a phone you coward. Recording conversations isn't that hard."

"Vee you're going to far !"

"I'm going to far ? Ironic. Weren't you the one who reposted MY picture ? Talking shit about MY boyfriend? Trying to hurt him and destroy his reputation ? Funny.."

"I swear to god ! I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to help you !"

"Noemy do me a favor."

"Yes ? Anything!"

"Stay the fuck away from me. And don't you dare ever talking shit about my boyfriend again."

"No, Vee I promise I'll apologize but please, I don't want to stay away from you ! I don't want you to hate me !"

"It's too late for that Noemy." Vee said and turned around.

"Vee please !"

He walked towards his bike and took out his phone.


*1 attachment sent*

Trust me, I'll make her regret hurting Mark.


"Fucking christ you destroyed that little shit." Gun said laughing at the audio.

Vee drove to the bar to meet his friends.

He promised them to update them as soon as he can.

"She deserved it. Never would've thought that she's in love with you. She always seemed to see you as her big brother."

"Me neither Mina. But I don't care about her or Ploy. Mark is the only one I care about."

"Did you tell him that you'd talk to her?" Gun asked.

"I said I would handle it and he had to promise me that he wouldn't do anything stupid."

"So you told Yihwa but not him?"

"I didn't wanted to stress him out and I know his friends can't keep their mouths shut. Well none of them except for Yihwa."

"Yihwa would do anything for her friends." Tee said.

"Yes. That's why I asked her to help me. Once Noemy apologized to Mark, she's going to post the audio."

"Didn't you tell Noemy that you won't post it if she apologizes to Mark."

"Yes. I lied."

The friends laughed.

"I'm curious.. Do you really think she'll apologize to him ?"

"She deleted that post already and her bio says 'I'm sorry'." Bar said laughing.

"We'll see. I guess she thinks I'll forgive her if she does."


Mark sat in his class with his friends, waiting for their professor, when some girl approached the little group.

"Excuse me ? Can I talk to you for a second ?"

"Who are you ?"

"I'm Noemy. I made the post about you."

Mark stared at her, feeling his blood boiling.

"You are the stupid bitch that tried to sabotage my friends relationship ?" Kamphan said and stood up but Mark stopped him.

He remembered that Vee told him to stay calm.

'I'll take care of her.' Vee said and Mark trusted him.

He knew that Vee must have talked to her.

"Whatever you have to say, say it right here." Mark said.

He promised not to do something stupid but he never said that he would be nice to her.

Making the girl talk im front of everyone, trying to embarrass her.

"I rather we talk outside."

"I don't care."

The girl sighed.

"I.. wanted to apologize..to you."

"You wanted to apologize?" Mark repeated as loud as he could so the others could hear.

"Yes. I am sorry... for trying to ruin your relationship with Vee."

Mark and his friends began to laugh.

"I thought that if I get him to break up with you I'd have a chance to become his girlfriend.

"Oh darling.. You're that desperate ?" Yihwa said and now the class was laughing.

"You know.. You just showed everyone that you're a shitty human being. Nobody could love someone like you." James said.

Mark just stared at her, trying to hold back his laugh.

"Thank you for apologizing Noemy. But I don't forgive you. Please leave now."

"No, Mark I really mean it I am so sorry. Please tell Vee to unblock me. I don't wanna lose him!"

"Too bad honey." Yihwa said.

"Please leave now."

"Come on.." she said and fell on her knees, making the whole class laugh.

"Damn you're really obsessed with my boyfriend?"

"Please tell him to accept my apology ! I beg of you Mark !"

The professor walked in, looking through the class.

"Good morning class." He said but nobody reacted.

They were all invested in Noemy's show, laughing like crazy.

"Excuse me ? Please leave my class now or I'll have the guard come." The man said, making the girl on the floor flinch.

Noemy looked into the professors eyes and around the class before he looked back into Marks eyes.

"Please Mark.." she said one last time before she left the class.

"Please sit down now and be quiet class. Today we'll catch up on the stuff we discussed last semester but this time it'll be more intense..."

"That was crazy." Fuse whispered.

"Vee told me that he'd take care of it so I'm not really surprised."

"Yeah and I did the rest." Yihwa said while looking on her phone.

"What ?"

"I just posted the audio of their conversation. Vee send it to me."

"HUH ?!"

"Quiet class !"

"What do you mean ?" James asked confused.

"Vee wrote me the other day, saying that he had a plan and if I could help him. He went to talk to her this morning and planned on recording their conversation. He send it to me after he left and told me to tell him once she apologized."

"Why did he ask you ?"

"Yeah and why didn't he tell me ?"

"Because he didn't wanted to stress you and he knows that you three can't keep a secret for the life of y'all."

"That's not true!"

"No, they're right. You can't keep your mouths closed."

"But what are you going to do next?"

"Nothing. That's it. She apologized and was embarrassed and since the audio is posted and everyone can hear her, everyone knows what a bitch she is and neither Vee nor Mark have any further problems."

"That was really clever.. nevertheless he could have let us in on it.."

"Stop sulking already." said Yihwa laughing.

"You five in the back there. Be quiet now or would you like to copy the school rules?"

"We're sorry teacher."


Hey guys:)

The next chapter is here!

I've honestly thought of so many ways Vee could get back at Noemy, but figured this way would be a better fit.

Vee's acting pretty grown up 24/7 in my story and I don't think it would have fitted if he had made a huge fuss or something like that.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you again in the next chapter.


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