We won't stop now! (Jailey Fa...

By MasonStrocityVA

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The Music Freaks is owned by Rosyclozy, including all of the characters from it. Originally, This was a theor... More

Chapter 1: Hopes dashed...
Chapter 2: Shadows of the past
Chapter 3: Rekindling
Chapter 4: Fixations
Chapter 5: Jake's Last Show
Blooper for "Jakes Last Show"
Chapter 6: Hailey's Fear
Chapter 7: What is Love?
Chapter 7.5: The Monster In The Closet
Chapter 8: Haileys Truama
Chapter 9: Saving the show at last.
Chapter 9.1: Who did it?
Chapter 11: Snow Storm or Snowy Miracle
Chapter 12: SnowStruck.
Chapter 12.5: Just a Dream.
Chapter 13 Trailer
Chapter 13: The end is just another beginning.
Chapter 13.5: The Recording
Finale Part 1: Trust
Authtors Note
Finale Part 2: Nightmare?
Finale Part 3: Conflicted.
Finale Part 4: Breaking Point
Final Note
The Real Finale: A Night of Love, A Final Step, and A Hearty Goodbye.

Chapter 10: Singers Request

438 9 15
By MasonStrocityVA

After the incident, Milo had been crying into his mothers, Bethanys, and Shanon's arms, It got to the point where he had lost sense of his surroundings, he had been holding his mother at first, wanting to scream out apologies. But then he'd be hugging his friend, and then her mom picked him up to help him into her car to take the two of them to the hospital while Shanons husband, Michael, had taken Bethy back inside. Bethany did as her mother asked, informing the Music Club of Todays events, though vaguely because even she didn't know what happened.

"Guyss, I think Jakey is hurt...! Mommy told me to tell you all, I don't know what happened but miwo and his mom were crying alot.. Nobody is telling me what fully happened"

The club had mixed reactions. Luke immediately texted the group, informing them about his plan. He went over to Hailey and Zanders house, Looking after Bethany so Michael could go with his Family. The rest of them have to go make sure Jake is okay.

An hour had passed, All that was heard from the hospital was the sobbing of a grieving Hailey. Zander was holding back his own tears, trying to stay strong for Hailey's sake. He was trying to reassure her that he was gonna be okay, That this would all turn out okay.

Hailey had a horrid and rough time accepting his words of comfort. She kept looking at Jake, wrapped up in bandages with blood staining his sheets which has dried up a while ago. The horrid sight made her sick, and she hated that this had happened to him. She swore she'd make whoever did this pay. Little did she know, They were closer than she thought.

Outside his room, Jake's mother had been sitting on the bench. She finally stopped crying after what felt like days. In reality, it was only three hours. Milo was trying to get inside, but the doctors wouldn't let him. mostly because Zander and Hailey were there. Milly and Sean were waiting outside too, as were Shannon and Michael. The doctor left the room, and turned to them.

"He is stable, For now. Luckily it seems the car avoided his vitals when he jumped, however the head damage is because he had crashed onto the cement at a very fast speed. I assume his wilderness instinct kicked in and his body moved faster than he anticipated. I'll need to keep an eye on his head for a few more hours, if not days, to ensure the wound doesn't damage his brain, along with making sure it doesn't open up again. He hasn't woken up yet either."

Jake's mom bit down on her tongue, she wanted to cry more, but she really couldn't. Her child is hurt because of her, and she couldn't even do anything to help.

Milo looked at the doctor

"When can we see him..."

"Those two inside-"

"Can't you just ask them to leave?!"

Milo raised his voice, Causing the parents to flinch

"It's my fault he's in this situation so just let me see my brother.!!!"

Tears were struck in his eyes, but his mother pulled him in and hugged him tightly.


The doctor stood still, and sighed. He walked back into the room.

Hailey had been sit by Jakes side, Holding his hand firmly, She didn't want to ever let go. She didn't want to part ways with him. Zander was just giving her emotional comfort, or well, trying to.

The doctor walks in, eyeing the two.

"Hello, Pardon my intrusion. You two have been here ever since he got here, and his family would really like to see him. Do you think it would be-"

"I'm not... leaving him..."

Hailey muttered, cutting him off. Zander felt a chill from how cold Hailey's tone was. But he just, stood back.

"I will, They deserve to see him."

The doctor nodded.

"Tell the little boy he can come in then, after him, his mother can as well."


Zander spoke, leaving the room and doing as instructed. Milo soon came into the room, lifting his head for the first time in hours. He went over to his brother, who laid almost lifelessly on the bed.  Milo was shaken to the core. His eyes were slightly small, but then averted his gaze, looking at Hailey.

"...Who are you? Are you that girl Jake never shuts up about at home?"


Hailey didn't reply at first, a soft sniffle coming out of her.

"I'm not Daisy..."

Milo rolled his eyes.

"Obviously not, I've met her before. I meant you, Like... Harely-? Uhhh..."


She corrects him, Milo just... nodding.

"Right... What... Are you to him. I heard you screaming when it happened... especially when the ambulance arrived and surrounded him..."

Hailey froze.

"...What... How did you..."

"...It was us... He.. called mom to come get him from yours... and... I guess he didn't... see us... Mom had to pick me up from my friends house and... I was upset about not getting food and I distracted her..."

Hailey felt a cold pit grow in her stomach, But she took a deep breath. She knew better to get into some kind of fight with a kid. She understood, Shit happens. As a kid, You can't control yourself... But her jake... his brother... was hurt because of... She shook her head.

"...I...I don't know what to say about that. I'm... I just need to be here right now."

Milo looked away.

"So I guess he moved on... You're his girlfriend, I'm assuming anyway..."

Milo would normally tease them, but... clearly this wasn't the time, and he didn't feel charismatic enough to do so.

"I am."

She replied, and Milo nodded.

"...It's... nice to meet you then..."

Milo said, then turned away

"I...I'm gonna let mom come in now... if your mad at us... please dont blame her... just take it out on me..."

Hailey blinked.

"I can't blow up on you... Your like... 10 years old..."

"...I'm 12-"

"Same thing."

She replied.

"Please just... don't... she just had stopped crying..."

Hailey looked at Jake, then nodded..

"I know..."

She replied, Sighing deeply as Milo left the room. She took another look at him. He was in a hospital gown instead of his own clothes. Bandages around his hands, legs, and the back of his head.. The only recognizable part of him was his face. slightly scratched up, and that self sustaining peach hair type. She held his hand gently, but noticed his body tense. She let go, and then carefully looked at him... Something felt like it was... calling. She looked around, then carefully peels the bandages on his arm... But in a way so she could reapply them without time needed. She used her free hand to cover her mouth, and then reapplied the bandage.

Me and him have to talk later...

She thought, and just then, Jake's mother walked into the room. The air got really tense, and cold. But Hailey remained silent as she walked in, Slowly, She reached her son, and looked at him laying there so helplessly... Defenseless... And it was her own fault. She's set her son in a position where she doubted he could even hear her. She looked over to Hailey, who was avoiding eye contact.

"Milo... must have told you that this was... my fault..."

She tried to sound composed, But even Hailey faltered when she heard the broken held back sobs in her voice.

"...Things happen Mrs. Sterling...Atleast hes alive..."

Hailey tried to be empathetic, but it came out more harsh than she wanted. She hated seeing Jake like this, she hated being in the same room as the person who caused this. But it really couldn't be helped. She knew better than to scream at her for this. As she said, Things happen.

"...I'm so very sorry... I wish I could scream this to him... I wish I could have taken his place..."

She spoke, Placing a hand above her heart as she choked for a second, steadying her breathe.

"...Are you... His girlfriend? I see the way you've... been looking at him... and... back on the road when the...paramedics arrived..."

Hailey looked away, moving her hand to hold Jake's, gentle as can be. His body relaxed a bit this time.

"I am... My names Hailey, Hailey-"

"Austin... I know you're mother..."

Hailey nodded, Then just sat silently.

This was gonna be a very. Very. Long day, possibly even week.

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