The Malikson Family

By theresonly1Dineed

194K 5.3K 537

Zayn and louis were high school sweethearts. They loved each other so much. One day after a wild night at a c... More

The malikson family
Sick day
New beginnings
Down to doncaster
'Daddy-son' time (Part 1)
'Daddy-son' time (part 2)
Niall's beebee
Baby names
Through thick and thin
Bad timing
Welcome to the world
Never Grow Up
Bring him home (Part 1)
Bring Him Home (Part 2)
I maked them
Tired, Tears and Tough times
Its too cold outside..
Not yet
It's hard work being a baby
Memory Lane
You'll always be my baby
From bad to worse
There's no place like home
Like one of our own
Sleepy Saturdays
Escape from the City and Follow the Sun
Escape from the City and Follow the Sun (2)
Father's Day
Camomile Tea
We all need a little help sometimes
A bit under the weather
Husband and wife
A Bump in the Road
Just how fast the night changes
Daddy issues
Teeth troubles
Accidents happen
Gaurdian Angel
Unexpected Guests
A little too early
Quality time
Tooth trouble
Small steps
Boys will be boys
Epilogue: The Reprise
Authors note

Escape from the City and Follow the Sun (3)

2.4K 93 9
By theresonly1Dineed

Liams POV

"So you've honestly never had an oreo milkshake in your whole lifetime? like, not even a taste of one?" I asked in a state of shock as i turned around from the stove.
"nope" Soph replied, popping the P, "never"
"no way"
"yes way"
"if Niall heard that he would freak out. Like, he would literally be ashamed of you" i informed as i turned back around to flip the pancake that was slowly cooking on the frying pan.
"better make sure Niall doesn't find out so" she chuckled as she leaned over for a quick kiss but our lips hadn't even met when i felt a familiar tug on my pyjama pants. A tug that belonged to a certain dirty blonde toddler.
"LiLi, what you no tell Niall?" he lisped around his dummy, his light eyebrows furrowed with worry at the thought of not knowing something as he looked up at both of us, his bright blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I bent down and picked him up as he looked between Sophia and I. "Well Niall, Sophia has a really big problem that were going to have to sort out later." i explained as his eyes grew with wonder.
"what we do? i help, I promise!" he squealed, eager to help out where he could. "it will involve a trip down town when harry wakes up. Would you be up for that?" i asked, removing the pancake from the stove and sliding it onto a plate as Niall nodded, his head moving up and down like a bobble head.
"what do you think Soph? Will he be able for it?" I teased, earning me a wide smile from my girl.
"I think he might manage."
"Ok so..." I started before bring his ear closer to my mouth and whispering to him, little wispy strands of hair tickling my face.
"Well, you see, sophia has NEVER had an oreo milksh-"
"WHAT!?!" He screeched, looking absolutely disgusted.
"Sshh Harry had a late night...But yeah, do you think we should bring her for one?" I continued, watching as he tried to comprehend how she could possibly live without trying an Oreo milkshake. Honestly sometimes i think his life revolves around Oreo milkshakes and he's only 2.
"We need t' go now!" He squealed with wide shiny blue eyes, the exact ones that belonged to our dad, as he tired to wiggle his way out of my grip.
"After harry wakes up from his nap. You don't wanna leave him here all on his own do you? He'll cry because he'll be scared and all he'll want is his brave big brother Niall to give him cuddles." I tried to convinced and it did work for a minute but he couldn't seem to wait. He just kept squirming in my grip and making up excuses for why we should leave immediately, all of which made no sense what so ever.
"Niall, will you draw me a picture please? Just so i can remember this day forever?" Sophia intervened, catching the toddlers attention.
"Yeah! And ill make it extra really special because its a special day!" He cheered as i put him on his feet and looked on as he toddled up the stairs to draw Sophia's picture, the sound of his clumsy footsteps echoing around the hall as he ascended.
"Nice save." I chuckled, giving Soph a quick peck which she happy returned.
"What can i say? He literally has a dedication to Oreo milkshakes doesn't he?" She laughed, her usual sweet laugh floating through the air.
"Dedication doesn't even begin to describe it." And with that i served up her pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and peanut butter.
Disgusting but apparently junior seems to love it so i cant complain.


Zayns POV

The events from last night kept replaying themselves in my head. If louis wasn't lying asleep on my chest without any clothes or underwear on i would've completely shot down even the thought of anything happening. It just seems too perfect to be true.
Its been so long since we could do anything intimate without a screaming baby or Lou falling asleep two minutes into a blow job.
We've only been away for just over 18 hours and already i can see the difference in louis face. He's calm. Not a care in the world, apart from the fact he wants to go back to the kids today.
Thats the thing about louis, he cares about everyone and always puts others before himself.
Its not a bad quality, don't get me wrong, its one of the main things that attracted me to him in the first place but he needs to relax a bit for himself. He looks after everyone in the family but its time we looked after him.
I looked down at his feathery brown hair, tossed in every direction imaginable. He looked cute all cuddled up on my chest sleeping. Like a baby hedgehog curled into a tiny ball, except his sex hair really made him look a little less innocent.
His eyelids fluttered every so often as he slept but what really caught my attention was how his dark eyelashes caressed his perfectly sculpted jaw bone.
His mouth was ajar, the occasional light snore escaping every so often, the sound so light and airy you'd have to strain just to hear it. He never really was one to snore anyway, other than when he drinks alcohol. He snores very loud when he's drunk.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when he began to stretch his back and mumble an occasional incoherent word every meaning he was only a few minutes away from waking up. My hand began to gently rub circular patterns on his back, just like he always asks me to do. He loves when anyone rubs or scratches his back. He calls it his 'guilty pleasure'.
Before Niall was born he would always take ages to wake up. He could never just get up instantly and do something which all changed when we welcomed the newborn into the house. Its been over 2 and a half years and this morning is the first time i saw him slip back into that old habit.
"Zee" he grunted, turning his body and rocking the whole bed.
"I swear you're like a herd of elephants" i joked, earning myself a playful slap on the chest as he just smiled softly, his check pressed against my bare chest as he smiled softly but kept his eyes closed.
"Cheeky bugger, ill have you know that I've lost almost 20 lbs since February" he rasped quietly, just enjoying the feeling of freedom. No responsibilities, no duties and not a nappy in sight.
"And you don't need to lose anymore weight, love. You're 100% perfect as you are." I said while placing a chaste kiss to his forehead and running my fingers through his messy hair. "How did you sleep babe?"
"Like a log. Im fairly sure that nights sleep made up for the last couple of weeks" and with that his beautiful cerulean blue eyes fluttered open, involuntarily setting off the butterflies in my stomach.
"So how are you feeling about spending another night here?"
"Zayn.. I love it here, i really do but i-i just want to get back home. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything but i cant relax knowing we left the kids at home regardless as to whether your mum is there or not." Louis sighed. This time last year he would've been overjoyed to stay but that just goes to show the difference a year can make to a person. Its hurts to think that even the thought of being away from home and the kids can upset him so much but i suppose thats how life is. Things happen and eventually we just have to learn to control it and get back out there, but for now we'll go slow and take life one small step at a time. He's been worried about the kids so much lately that leaving them would have an impact on you if you left them.
"Alright Lou bear. You relax ill get you home today don't worry." I assured as he cuddled back into me cutely, his eyes sliding closed again.
"Although i wouldn't mind a quick round 2 or a shopping trip."
"Don't worry love, ill give you both" i cheekily chided.
And thats how the rest if the morning was spent. Filled with joking, laughing and even some late morning romance.


Nialls POV

I was in my room colouring Sophia's picture using my special new colours that papa got me when i heard harry making some of his weird noises in his room.
Sometimes he sounds really funny because he squeaks like a little mouse but he only does that when he's really happy.
Right now he was making his "i want daddy" noises but daddy's not going to be home for a long time so he is going to be very sad when he cant have daddy.
I picked up my green colour next and coloured in the grass because every picture has to have grass in it and a sky too. I always like to draw pictures for everyone but this one has to be extra special.
I was nearly finished colouring the grass when harry started crying. His crying is really annoying because its so loud and its making me colour outside the lines so i had to stop for a minute.
Liam was meant to come up and make him stop crying like daddies do but he didn't and i don't like when harry cries so i decided that i would just have to help my baby brother, just like a superhero would.
I stood up quickly and made sure all my colours were still in a line and then i went into daddies room but he just kept crying.
I went over to his cot and i looked in through the bars at harry and he didn't have his dummy so maybe thats why he is so sad?
"Hawwy?" I said but he's crying to loud and he cant hear me so i tried again.
"Hawwy!" I said a little bit louder but he was still crying too much.
Then i saw the monitor on daddy's bedside locker but the light was off so maybe Li-li forgot to turn it on. I flicked the on switch and put it down again but harry was still crying and he was making me sad too.
"HAWWY! PWEASE STOP CWYING PWEASE!" I shouted really loudly but harry just cried louder. Maybe i should've just gave him my bunny and blankie?
"Niall James! What did i tell you about waking your brother up!" Liam said as he stomped into the room. He looked really angry so I'm very very scared right now.
"I pwomise Li-li I didn't do-"
"No, you just cant do what your told can you? Im sick of it! Time out, now!" And he grabbed my hand and brought me to the time out chair which maked me very sad.
"5 minutes. Sit here until i come get you." He said like a big fat meany. I cant wait until my daddies come home because Liam is being very mean and i don't like him.


Liam's POV

"Alright dad, ill talk to you later. Bye" i spoke, hanging up the phone as i bounced harry lightly in my arms as he sniffled cutely against my T-shirt.
Poor thing could've used a couple of hours more sleep but Niall had to go in and wake him, didn't he.
"Shall we go get Niall from the time out corner?" I cooed down to harry, earning a gummy grin in return.
"Yeah, i think he's been in there long enough" i chuckled, before walking downstairs, listening to Harry's baby babble as i went.
As i reached the bottom of the stairs i could hear Niall sniffling a little but in fairness he wasn't too bad with the whole crying when he's punished thing anymore. He used to throw tantrums every time.
I walked towards the little plastic green stool and crouched down so id be eye level with the toddler but he didn't seem to want to acknowledge the fact that i was there because he just kept looking down at the ground as if it was the most interesting he ever laid his bright blue eyes on.
"Niall, can you look at me please?" I asked with a firm tone. He slowly raised his head and revealed his tear stained cheeks and watery blue eyes. It hurts to see him this upset but he cant just get away with everything.
"Are you ready to apologise to me and Harry?"
"I-i sowwy" he whimpered sadly, playing with his shirtsleeves, a habit that he's recently picked up from Lottie.
"Good boy! Now, can i have a big bear hug?" I chided, opening my spare arm and cuddling Niall close with it while he kept his tiny arms wrapped around my neck and nuzzled his cheek against my shoulder.
"Li-li?" Niall mumbled. He was clearly upset but then again he was just in time out.
"When daddies comin' home?" He sighed as i scooped him up so that both him and harry both had a shoulder each to cuddle into.
"A couple of hours buddy. They're gonna come home early because they miss their little boys so much." I soothed as Niall lifted his head from my shoulder.
"I miss my daddy and my papa" he whinged meaning there were tears pending.
"We all do but they'll be home before bedtime AND... I think you're forgetting about one very important Oreo milkshake that we have to get today" i coaxed, trying a distraction and thankfully it worked. Within seconds he was bright eye and bushy tailed and ready to head down to 'Crazy Daisy's' to get his much deserved treat and to introduce Sophia to a whole new experience.
"Shoes, socks and jacket and ill meet you by the front door in 5 minutes. How does that sound?" I challenged. It would occupy him for a while seen as he has no concept of time yet.
"Ok! You get Hawwy and Soph weady" he lisped before running off to get a fresh pair of socks from the clean laundry basket.
I couldn't help but chuckle at him. Not many kids have that level of enthusiasm but at the same time, thats not a bad thing.
I strolled into the kitchen, grabbing Harry's jacket and putting it on him.
"Soph, looks like were taking an early trip to crazy Daisy's"


Louis POV.

"Lou, did you just fart?" Zayn asked quietly as he drove down the motorway.
"No, would i ever?" I faked offence as zayn kept his eyes on the road but his face held a look if disgust. Lets face it, its obvious i farted and the smell in this car right now is beyond vile.
"Ok fine, I'm guilty. Open all the windows before we both die from the smell." I confessed, a sigh of relief washing over me as fresh air flooded in through the windows.
"Louis William Malikson, you are actually disgusting" Zayn laughed as he indicated right to exit the motorway.
"An empty house is better than an angry tenant"
"Seriously? Making farts sound poetic doesn't cover it up" he said laughing even more.
These are the moments i love. Where we can just be ourselves, even if that means farting, and nothing else matters. Everything just feels so natural and honestly, i know that everything will be alright as long as we have one another.
"Remember when we used to get a bottle of wine and some Doritos and just relax when the Liam had gone to bed all those years ago?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"We should do it again tonight. Liam and sophia will probably want to go somewhere and Niall and Harry will be asleep by 9, ill just make up some formula for him when he's due a feed at 10 and it'll be fine" i suggested while Zayn took my hand in his and held them on the gearstick.
"Ill stop in Tesco and then if we drive on we'll make it home in about 15 minutes. Sounds good" Zayn shrugged and lifted my hand up to kiss it softly with his dark pink lips.
No less than 15 minutes later we were pulling into the driveway, the gravel crunching underneath the wheels of the car and coating the wheels in a chalky dust.
Finally, we were home.
I got out of the car as soon as it stopped and went straight to the door. Our bags can wait.
I unlocked the door and walked in, leaving it open for Zayn who was only a few feet behind me. The heat from the fire had the whole house lovely and toasty which was fantastic seen as the wind outside had me frozen.
Its so quiet too. The only noise that i can make out is that of the tv, no laughing, no crying-nothing.
I walked towards the living room and carefully opened the door and i was met with the most adorable scene ever.
Harry was fast asleep in his bouncer on the floor angled in front of the fire and the tv, poppy lying down with her head on his lap as his tiny hand rested on her golden blonde ear. Liam and Sophia were cuddled up on the couch, sophia cradling her small bump as she lay cuddled into Liam while she slept. Liam seemed to be the only one awake but wheres my other little monkey?
"Hey dad" Liam whispered with a big smile as he tried to sit up a little straighter.
"Hey Li! How was everything? Wheres nana Trish?" I questioned in a soft, low voice. It would be beyond a shame to wake everyone up.
"Everything was fine yeah, nana had an emergency to attend to so she couldn't make it but we handled it well." Wait, Trish wasn't here? Oh my god anything could've happened!
"WHAT!?! Liam i-"
"Shhh.. Haz didn't sleep well last night, you'll wake him up"
"You were on yer own! Liam i-i.."
Just then Zayn walked in with a light smile on his lips as he kissed my cheek. "Calm down babe, everything went alright. I would've liked to know but lets just leave it yeah?"
"Alright but a lot of explaining will have to be done, got that mister?" I scolded, glad nothing bad happened because if it did there is no way id be able to live with myself.
"Yeah dad"
I walked over to harry and crouched down beside his little bouncer, fixing his fuzzy blue blanket.
"Hello bubba, i missed you so much darlin', i did baby boy" i cooed quietly because i didn't have the heart to move him or wake him and he seemed content with poppy anyway. They're going to make great little buddies in the future.
"His hair is going to be curly Zee." I spoke, standing up slowly and going back over to my husband.
"Lou, look in the window, its adorable" Zayn interrupted. I walked back out into the cold but the sight in the window was the having to defrost my body again.
Niall was asleep with his head resting in his hands, his chubby cheeks rosy red as he rested against the windowsill. He was obviously waiting for us to come home but just got too tired, bless him.
I quickly snapped a picture on my phone before going back inside and taking him into my arms so be could sleep on my chest in the armchair. I didn't want him getting a crick in his neck or anything.
The rest of the night was peaceful. Everyone seemed exhausted from their busy weekend, particularly Liam and Sophia. Poor things must've gotten no sleep with Harry last night. The poor thing must've missed his daddies.
Maybe we can all go somewhere together in the next few weeks, considering sophia will be up for travelling.
By 9:30 everyone was passed out in the living room. Everyone but Zayn, harry and I. Someone realised that daddy was home and wanted to be cuddled and nursed all evening.
I watched him nursing happily. His tiny palm pressed against my chest and little green eyes staring up at my lazily as though to say "please don't leave again daddy, i missed you"
The wine stayed in the fridge until 11 that night and even after that we couldn't manage more than one glass each. It wasn't exactly the night we had originally planned but I much prefer this than a night away, even if it was the house of my dreams, my babies will always come first.
By the time 12 o clock came along we were all cuddled up in bed, harry staying in his own nursery tonight just to see how he'd settle.
"Round 3?" Zayn whispered seductively in my ear as we spooned.
I chuckled, turning around to kiss him passionately, tasting the wine missed with toothpaste on his lips.
"Round 3" i whispered back before attacking his lips again.
Just like how it used to be.

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