Mafia's Appointment (OsirOs)

By aurelia_Sa

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The deafening music woke me up , I was confused because I've never heard this song! I opened my eyes with ful... More

2.Sweet Tangerine
6.Dried Hearts
9.Mafia's Appointment
10.Joy menu
13.Like Father In Law
15.Help, he is watching
18.Mafia's Appointment III
19. Hello its me
20. Unscheduled Appointment (warning! Darkromance!)
21.Honeymoon appointment
22.It always ends with a dance!

14.Mafia's appointment II

790 35 114
By aurelia_Sa

Joy POV.

I woke up with a sweet kiss on my cheek, I felt good for a moment but then fear took over me! Who is it ?

Mina screamed excitedly "Happy Birthday !" 

“OMG, my ear !” I covered my ears but she hugged me super tight , “I have two gifts for you! One from me and one from your mom !” she cheered like a baby.

"Hello! thank you Mina, how did you get in and why don't you knock?" I rubbed my eyes lazily. She gave me a brand bag and a pretty feminine dress.

“Bag is from your mom and this dress is from me!” l didn't like the bag because how could she forget my birthday but think about her trainee’s gift , but the dress Mina gave me was really beautiful. I kissed Mina’s cheek .

“Did you argue with Eros?” Mina asked out of nowhere. I nodded my head, “It was Khan’s fault , he can't hide his feelings for you !”

I was shock to hear that from Mina ! she shouldn't feel like that, especially when she was pregnant.

“What are you talking about?” I poked her nose, “You know that's not true!”

“I'm sorry Joy , I forced Khan to marry me , I lied to him about being pregnant before so he would marry me and when he wanted to get a divorce I got pregnant for real , just to keep him” she looked upset , I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

“I never loved Khan , it was just a teenage crush and he doesn't care about me either so forget it !” I tried to help her calm down but she was nervous .

“But I will fix it!” when she said that I had no clue what she was talking about but she really had a plan.

“Let's watch the BB final together and eat this cake” she pointed to the cake that was on the table in front of the television.

"When does it start?" Mina checked her watch.  "One more hour!" We sat in front of the TV waiting for BB!

third person  POV.


Eros was driving and Khan was sitting beside of him "Do you still like my Joy?"  Eros asked out of the blue.

Khan was off guard,  "What? What makes you think like that, sir?"  He laughed awkwardly! 

"So you do!"  Eros snap , faded his laughter. 

"I have no feelings! Joy is my childhood classmate!"  Khan stuttered.   

"Childhood love ! that's making me even more angry." Eros squished the wheel. 

“How long have you been together? No, let it go, I don't want to know ! I want you to leave as soon as possible!"  Eros ordered.

"Boss, my wife is pregnant! she will give birth in two months, please give me more time!" Khan almost begged Eros because of Mina and his baby. “If I had any kind of feelings for Joy I wouldn't ask you to come with me and talk to Joy”

"yeah! you got your first love's best friend pregnant, what an honor! I'll give you time on one condition! encourage Joy to marry me quickly , can you do that?" Eros suggested.

Khan paused for a while then answered "I will leave next week."

"So you still love her!  I got my answer.  It's better if I don't see you near her again!" Eros declared. 

Joy POV.

Mina and I were watching the BB program. 

"I think that red short is very beautiful, look at him!"  Mina was hugging the cushion and pressed it as if it was the red short guy.  

"No, no, the orange short is my love~ he should win! look at his abs" I tilted my head and drooled for him lovingly and took a sip of beer.  The beer glass was cool, I kissed it instead of him, “sexy! Marry me!”

The host of the program announced <after an intermission we will come back with the final winner!> 

The TV screen went black for a few seconds ,and two tall shadows were seen. 

Mina and I looked at each other in fear, then slowly turned our heads so that we could see what was behind us .  

Eros and Khan were standing with angry faces, Eros had his hands in his pockets and was staring at me directly. As soon as I saw this scene, I fell off of the sofa! 

"H...hello !" I stuttered.  

Mina tried to turn off the TV, but the sound got louder.  

<And the winner is our sexy Competitor with his cute orange boxer John !> I eyed Mina to shut it! 

"Congratulations !"  Eros said with a smirk on his face.

Why do I feel guilty?  Khan helped Mina, lifted her up and took her away!  

No, don't leave me alone, I got up on my own.  

"You know this is a sports program!"  I tried to explain to fix it but he got 


“Sport competition ? I see… ” he had his hands in his pockets and took a step towards me, “you want to marry him just because of the orange boxer? Im sorry only black one is available for you”

I lowered my head in embarrassment , “I was joking about that” 

He put his hands out of his pocket and gave me a Doctor Kings visit card again , Time : Now!

I raised my head in confession , “w..what?” he attacked my lips harshly , I didnt respond to him ,his hand travelled to my hips , that the first time he did this , isnt he ?....

I pushed him away, “w..what are you doing?” he threw his coat on the sofa and started unbuttoning his shirt “if you need to drool over a body that only can be mine ! " 

I covered my eyes , “I don't … I…” He pushed my hands away, took my chin with his right hand so I couldn't avoid looking straight at his naked figure,and opened the rest of the buttons with his other hand!  

"I promise you I'm better than that guy! " he was right his body were even better than all the participants in that show! His chocolate abs reminded me that It might be the mating season for frogs!

collect yourself girl, I pushed his hand away from my face, "it was just a show don't overreact!" I took a step to pass him.

He grabbed my forearm! "you know what? Fuck everything ! I want you right now” he throw me on the sofa and got on top of me. I blinked,  my heart was beating crazily, do I want this? more specifically,  do I have a choice?


BB is just an imaginary program with normal man showing off their abs ! not the athletics or professional body builders! but handsome cool boys 👉👈




Did Eros overreact again?

I hope you can see the pictures 

Love you,  Love you ❤️ 🐠

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