Strawberry Boy (BxB)


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"I'm maybe a man, but I could still rock pink better than bitches," his hot breath lingered on my dry lips wi... More

~*Chapter One*~
~*Chapter Two*~
~*Chapter Three*~
~*Chapter Four*~
~*Chapter Five*~
~*Chapter Six*~
~*Chapter Seven*~
~*Chapter Eight*~
~*Chapter Nine*~
~*Chapter Ten*~
~*Chapter Eleven*~
~*Chapter Twelve*~
~*Chapter Thirteen*~
~*Chapter Fourteen*~
~*Chapter Fifteen*~
~*Chapter Seventeen*~
~*Chapter Eighteen*~
~*Chapter Nineteen*~
~*Chapter Twenty*~

~*Chapter Sixteen*~

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-Vote for Angela Millers in American Idol!

                                                         ~*Chapter Sixteen*~

Almost instantly, we simply let the silence ruled our space. Hands still intacted, I looked out the window. I tried so hard to focus on the airplane that was about to take off, but knowing the warmth in my hand was still restless about what happened just drove me mad.

But Luke Diamond was a man, a man with an ego that'll never talk about his concern.

"Let's go," I managed to pull free the grip, "they're waiting."

The door was swung open immediately on Luke's side and before I could even open mine, Luke was there with one hand reached for me. I mumbled some coherence words, waving Luke's hand away and hopping off the seat onto the ground. Thank God I caught my balance, I wouldn't dare to humiliate myself in front of Luke again.

Not yet.

The wind ruffled the leaves and the dust began to pick up by it. Even here, which I considered the most crowded place, the parking lot was still looked deserted. Only some pick-up trucks or monstrous trucks like Luke were seen. It had me wondered if anyone here did own an actual car. I took a wary glance at Luke, who was scanning the area with too much force I thought his eyebrow would meet.

Light shot down from the clear sky, Luke Diamond's weary shining blue eyes were looking for something. Or better yet, someone. He might be looking for the others but I was fear it wasn't that simple. Luke took a last look upon a dusty red jeep and held my hand in his. The warmness was back and it somehow found a way to tug on my heartstring again. I couldn't believe the effect was this strong, the electricity in my spine was the only proof.

Luke's hand was different. He had the hands of a man, you could easily feel the callus here and there. Years of lifting weights and doing heavy chores, his hands had been the victim. But to my surprise, there's always a hint of softness when he gripped my hand tighter. It's the unexpected soft roughness that turned me on so badly. The strong heat radiated from the skin just made everything felt much better.

"Come on," I cleared my throat and began to follow him from behind. He kept me close to his back and my face was hid behind his bulging bices. His natural body wash hit my nostrils, he smelled of pure manliness and strawberry?

 The distance was short as we passed through the fences and reached the glass doors. There're a lot awful of young men standing outside, greeting everyone that came out from inside. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at a specific brown jeans guy trying to flirt with a woman that was nearly in her fifties.

"Don't look at them," Luke's voice had me pulled away from the couple. The strain on his forehead was obvious but he tried to remain his face in a poker face state. With a one last squeeze on my hand, we entered the building.

The cool air smashed on my face and caught me off guard, it'd been awhile I got a taste of fresh air and not the hot air of Texas. The view before was stranger to me as I was surrouded by only cowboys ever since I'd been here, but it's also too familiar back in Los Angeles. People were actually trying to walk around each other, standing impatiently in lines and dozzing off in the seats. The mega board on the row of counter were filled with colourful letters. Instantly, I scanned the timetable. 

All Departure:

16:30   Los Angeles EZF0852   Gate Advised: 15:10

I looked down the timetable,

Now is 14:45

Something screamed at the back of my mind, asking me 'what was I waiting for?'. That's right, I could be back in Los Angeles if I wanted to. Luke had given me back my wallet that I left in my car, along with my passport. I had the credit to buy the ticket, I had the I.D to get me passed. Screw the car, I could go back and left this shit.

I could go home, right here right now.

I stared at the blinding bold red letters as they silently lured me into desire. My mind went blank and the only thing I could come out was this was my chance to go, my chance to leave this unknown land. No more pressure, no more fucking country star. And I couldn't care less what happened, I just wanted to sleep on my bed again. To see Eden and Jenn, telling them I was free.

But there's another voice, holding me back to the ground.

"Tris?" I turned to my side and looked up, meeting with the beautiful baby blue eyes.

It struck me immediately as my walls began crumbling down.

And I remembered the only reason why I hadn't gone.

Luke Diamond was the reason I couldn't go back.

And because of him, I simply waved off the idea.

"What?" I raised a brow, hiding my true intention. Luke might have seen me looking at the timetable and I panicked, what if he knew I was thinking about leaving. It's funny that we hadn't slept with each other yet and I acted like I had to be here with him. I blamed my heart.

I didn't know how Luke feel about me, but I definitely knew the pain of being left by somebody.

I held my breath when Luke followed my gaze earlier, but someone shouted at him.

"Right here, Luke."

Luke snapped his attention towards the west wing, searching for the owner of the voice. It didn't take Luke too long to find the grinning Jasper among the sea of people.

Jasper stood near the waiting area with people stared at him curiously, he waved a hand up in air to gesture us to come quickly. On the far left, Kyle was standing firmly with his arms crossing over his chest. I was taken by surprise to see the frown on Kyle's face, the Kyle I knew would never let his smile slipped off his face.

Jasper faced down at his left, mouth moving. There's a person blocking my view.

Move away, idiot.

He must have felt my glare at his back as he quickly moved away. Once the obstacle was out of the way, I was directly met with a pair of grey eyes that I had came to work with back in Los Angeles. Almost too quickly, I kept my head low. Luke sensed my discomfort and like an old habit, he grabbed my hand.

With Luke's hand engulfed mine, we began to leave our comfort spot. I could feel she was scruntinizing me, with hot glare that could burn a hole through my head. I took a sneaky glance at Luke out of the corner, the confident stride he took forwards just warmed my heart. I praised his natural confidence.

But he hadn't met Stella.

She was a monster, a damn good one.

Passng through the crowd, I took in a deep breath as we finally reached them. Shaking off the absurd fear, I lifted my head proudly.

I probably shouldn't have done that.

Stella's usual wavy brown hair had now tied into a small bun, the clean-cut bang swept over her forehead that barely covered her signature annoyed stare. The surgeric cheekbones looked too natural on her, highlighting the rest of the features. The black pencil skirt she wore today was too tight for her own good, her lousy sense of fashion never ceased to amaze me. To think she was a manager.

Her red-beet face was giving away what she was feeling. Annoyance, anger and frustration.

Those three would be the death of me if I were still in LA.

But we're not here to look at Stella's anger management issue.

We were here to take back James Rider, who were standing behind Stella with a frightful look on his face. His grey eyes were what I had remembered, pure and innocent. Today, his stunning blonde hair had hidden away beneath the sport cap he wore, a deep shade of purple color with a white 'S' symbol on the front. He looked cool with his grey hoodie that definitely matched his eyes, at least he knew how to bring out his best feature. Unlike someone.

Stll, it was quite a disappointment for him to cover up his great body.

I felt a squeeze on my hand, face reddening as Luke had caught me looking at James in a not so innocent way. Stella cleared her throat to get our attention, crossing her skinny arms over her breasts. I was sure those were fake, she never admitted.

"What's the meaing of this, Tristan?"

Ah, I might miss Los Angeles too much.

But never this bitchy voice.

"All I asked for was too bring DA back to LA," Oh, Stella could rhyme. How much did I miss? Stella flicked her bang with a hand gracefully before glaring back at me.

"Can't you do anything right? I couldn't believe you and your brother lied to me, this is not what Eden's everything under control." Stella growled in a high-pitch tone, which seemed to be proven impossible until now.

"The name Luke Diamond, we're here to take back what's rightfully ours."

It sounded like James Rider was a possesion, an important gem that couldn't be given to anyone. It sent a distasteful feeling into my pit of heart when it was Luke who said it. Jasper smirked smugly before forcing James to stand beside him, his arm dropped loosely around his shoulders. James looked like he was going to pass out. But what made my frown went deeper was the way Kyle went forwards to put a hand on James' shoulder. And in that instant, James seemed to relax.

What the hell was this?

"I don't care who you are, James Rider is the next country star. And he is coming with me."

Stella didn't let Luke finish, pushing Jasper and Kyle back at the same time. She forced James to step forward, taking the luggages on her own. This was where I admired Stella the most, she never took 'No' for an answer.

Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one.

Luke moved in front of Stella, blocking her way rudely. She dropped the luggages and looked up, the look on her face had me back away a few good feet.

"Kyle, Jasper." Luke shot a look at both of the men. "I'll deal with this crusty. And dad blame it, don't let that kid out of your sight."

"You can't do that!" Stella hissed past her clenched teeth, going forward to grab James. But she was too late, Kyle had swept James off his feet and put him on his shoulders, carrying him outside. Jasper gave a tip on his hat, I didn't need to learn to know that meant 'Good Luck'.

And now, we're really in need of luck.

Stella stomped past me but Luke was faster, and once again he blocked her.

"Move away, yack." I narrowed my eyes.

"Do pig fly, aren't you one mouthy filly. Guess that chickens sometimes do fly."

"I was raised in a ranch, and I am not afraid to swear."

When did Stella ever mention she's raised in a ranch? Did Eden know about this? I couldn't imagine Stella as a farm girl, or better yet having her hands covered in muck or fresh milk. I looked at the woman in front of me in disbelief, she couldn't be serious.

"You got some grit, but this is my place. And James, stays right here." Luke could easily tower her over, but Stella somehow balanced out his confident by stepping a feet forward.

"You might as well throw the sponge now, cowboy. I'll take what I want," Stella stuck her nose under him, glaring him dead in the eyes.

Luke growled deeply, "I'd like to see you try, darling."

I stayed away from them as far as I could, they were causing quite a scene. No one surrouded us, but they were definitely listening and watching. The tension was hitting up and it might end badly. Luke might never hit a woman -he promised me in the truck- but Stella sure would hit him without hesitation. I sighed frustratingly, knowing I would be the one who stopped this.

Miraculously, as I stepped forward to break them apart, Jasper's voice hollered loudly. All of us whipped to the entrance and saw Jasper rushed inside with a panicked look on his face. I heard a groan behind and watched Luke ran past me to grab Jasper at the collar.

"I told y'all to keep him in sight."

"I've tried seven ways to Sunday, he just-" Luke shoved him back harshly. Beside the regretful Jasper was Kyle, who was putting on the most placid face ever.

"Jasper's tellin' the truth, he-"

"I'm plum tuckered right here and y'all just wanted to light the matches even more." Luke groaned worriedly, hand rubbing his forehead. I walked forward and wrapped my arm around his arm, watching him relaxed under my touch.

"What happened?" I asked carefully, I kind of knew the situation but I needed to confirm.

Luke sighed, dropping his hand to the side.

"James vamoose."

"Come again?"

"James escaped." Kyle answered calmly.


                                                                          ~*End of Chapter Sixteen*~

Googled Texas Slang, not sure if they're correct. :P

More updates coming soon!

Sincerely by OMGguyLOL

All Rights Reserved.




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