Never knew I needed you /les...

By f1addict3

262K 6.2K 1.9K

Charles unexpectedly becomes single. He thought that break up was gonna be easy but it turns out to be comple... More

1. The breakup
2. News
3. The flight
4. The friday
5. The Saturday
6. The sunday
7. The outdoor fun
8. the Zandvoort
9. The coming out
10. the Monza
11. The after party
12. The day after
13. Back to monaco
14. the cardio
15. the cold
16. the hospital
17. the chicken noodle soup
18. The Shopping
19. Bubble bath
20. The Singapore sling
21. Trying to cope
22. The Japanese trauma
23. Champion
24. Charles the loud one
25. Presents and breakfast in bed
27. Moves like jagger because of you
28. When in America
29. Planning the fight
30. Bad luck again and again
31. Insecurities
32. A Sky Full of Stars
33. What could go wrong?
34. having fun and then regretting it
35. What did you do?
36. The last dance
37. Surprise!
38. Chrismas gifts

26. Comfort and coming out

4.8K 136 11
By f1addict3

Max pov:

I had not been able to sleep since I was so stressed. How could I have forgotten Charles' birthday? I knew that if I didn't have a gift for Charles he would become so sad. He had bought me a great gift since I didn't need anything. Daniel had texted me and suggested that I would buy him tickets to coldplay consert, so that wasn't very helpfull. Daniel was right, because how could I be such a bad boyfriend. He couldn't come up with anything else so I decided to ask Victoria to help me. 

"Max why are you awake?" Charles asked me. I hadn't realised that I was tossing and turning constantly. 

"Just can't sleep" I whispered back.

"Turn around" Charles said and I obeyed. Charles wrapped his arms around me and gave a kiss to my head. I knew that I was also nervous about the fact that I would have to tell my sister the news that I was gay and had a boyfriend. Charles probably sensed it and started singging me french lullabies. It finally did the trick and I fell asleep. 

When I woke up in the morning Charles was looking at me while playing with my hair. 

"Have you been stalking me for long?" I joked. I could see how Charles' smile grew. 

"No just few minutes" He said before giving me a few kisses. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

"Almost eleven. You were definitely sleepy today" Charles smiled. 

"Charles Victorias flight will be here a little bit before twelve" I said "I will be late!" I was now panicking. I wanted to go buy the present for Charles before I would pick them up from the airport, but clearly I couldn't do that anymore. 

"Max you drive half an hour to the airport you don't have to worry. You have plenty of time left" Charles tried to reassure me. At this point I knew that I couldn't go buy Charles his present untill later today so I decided to calm down so I wouldn't act too suspicious. 

"Yeah but when I'm gone can you tidy up here a little and change the sheets?" I asked. This place looked like a mess with our clothes all over the floors and just over all messy. 

"Ofcourse I can. But now lets go eat before you have to go" Charles said and walked into my closet to get something to wear. 

When I finally was driving towards the airport I had time to think what I could get Charles and I think that I now had the best idea possible that I could come up with such a short notice. I would get him a shirt that said 'biggest fan of Max Verstappen' and then with it the real present would be a new bracelet. I knew that Charles wore many bracelets so I decided to buy him a new one and I would have maching one. In my oppinion that was a pretty good idea. 

When I made it to the airport I felt calm. I was excited to see My sister and my nephews. The season had been long and I always missed my family when I was traveling. In that case having Charles there with me while traveling and racing was a big plus. Someone interrupted my thoughts in the arrivals hall. 

"Max, Max!" I heard someone scream and I immediately recognized the voice. It was Luka who was running towards me. I squatted to the ground so I could hug him. Luka wrapped his tiny arms around me and I lifted him up. Victoria, Tom and Leo came after him and I hugged everyone. 

"It's so good to see you again! How was the flight?" I asked smiling. 

"Well it's never easy with toddlers but it was fine" Victoria said looking tired. I helped them with the bags and we left towards the car. Now I was nervous. I knew that I needed to tell them about Charles before going to my place. 

"So Max you seem quiet, is there something on your mind?" Victoria asked. I had always tought that she could read my mind. I took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. 

"I have a boyfriend" That was maybe a little bit too staright forward approach. I could see how Victoria started smiling and let out a little scream in the backseat. 

"Omg finally" She said and Tom patted my back. 

"Can we meet him?" Tom asked smiling. 

"Yeah he is waiting at my appartment so I wanted to tell you this before going there" I smiled happy about the fact that they seemed to be genuinely happy for me. 

"So what is his name?" Victoria asked clearly very curious. 

"You will find out" I smiled. "But I need all of your help with one thing. I forgot that his birthday is tomorrow and I have to go get his present in some part of the day and when I'm gone you need to make him busy with something" I said now a little bit ashamed. 

"Sure we can help. I have been there and done that" Tom laughed. The rest of the trip went smoothly. We talked about our lives recently and what we were going to do today and tomorrow. We had agreed that they would stay in my place while me and my mystery boyfriend would be sleeping in his appartment since it was in the same building.

When we came back to my appartment I was nervous for them to meet Charles. They knew how hard it was to be a driver, but a gay driver dating another driver was next level crazy. Or it woud be. I stepped inside, but I didn't see Charles anywhere. 

"Where is your mystery man?" Victoria asked me clearly eager to see him. 

"I don't know, he was here when I left" I said and started walking around the appartment. I could see that he had been cleaning, but I couldn't find him untill I heard a sound from our bedroom. 

"Max I need help!" I heard Charles shouting and I ran to the bedroom with Victoria, Tom, Luka and Lio following closely behind. 

When I came in to the room I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Charles had somehow managed to get stuck inside the sheets. When the others made it to the room they started laughing as well. 

"Max this is not funny help me please!" Charles said sounding tired and a bit angry. Still laughing I pulled the sheets off of Charles and heard Victoria gasping. 

"Omg Charles is the mystery man!" She exclaimed excitedly and ran tu hug Charles. 

"Yeah I am sorry for this stange introduction but yeah I am Charles, Max's boyfriend" Charles said looking embarassed. Suddently Luka ran towards Charles and lifted his hands up. Charles looked confused. 

"He wants you to lift him" Tom said smiling. When Charles lifted Luka into his arms Luka gasped as well and pointed his face. 

"Pap, het is Charles leclerc" (Dad it's Charles leclerc) he said looking excited. 

"Ja dat is zo. Zeg hallo tegen Charles" (Yes it is. Say hello to Charles) Tom smiled. 

"Hallo Charles. Jij bent de beste chauffeur" (Hello Charles! You are the best driver) Luka said excitedly. 

"Well Hallo Luka. And Is that so. I am so sorry that I don't speak dutch but I am sure that someone can translate" Charles said smiling clearly proud that Luka thought that he was the best driver. I translated what Charles had said to Luka and he just nodded and didn't want to let go of Charles. After chatting little bit and giving everyone time to change clothes or take a shower I decided that I needed to get my plan going.

"Are you guys hungry, should we get something to eat?" I asked. I had this idea in my head that if we went to get something to eat Charles couldn't come with us since it would be weird for others to see him with me and my sisters family. This idea had came to my mind after seeing how Luka and Lio were so attached to Charles. 

"Yes I am so hungry" Victoria said clearly understanding my plan. "But I think it would be good for Luka and Lio to get a nap now since they have been awake for so long and will become grumpy if they can't sleep now" Tom added. 

"I can stay with them here and you can go get some food" Charles said smiling while he was lifting Lio high up in the air. I smirked knowing that now my plan would succseed. 

"Oh that would be so nice thank you Charles! I will put them to sleep and Tom can tell you some basic things what to do if something happens" Victoria said and grabed Luka and Lio with her and went towards the guest room where I had beds for the boys. 

When Luka and Lio had fallen asleep and Victoria and Tom were at the entrance putting shoes on, I went to speak to Charles. 

"Are you sure you can be alone with them?" I asked. If I'm honest I was a little bit scared how Charles would manage Luka and Lio since they could be a bit extra sometimes. I didn't even know if Charles had any experience with kids and the biggest problem was that Charles didn't speak any dutch and they didn't speak any Italy, French or English. 

"Yeah I will be fine but please don't be gone for longer than two hours since I don't want to change diapers" Charles said whispering so Victoria and Tom wouldn't hear him. I laughed and kissed him a goodbye. I forgot to ask Charles what he wanted to eat but I texted him and Charles answered instantly that anything would be fine. 

"So what are we going to get for Charles?" Victoria asked while we were walking around the beautiful Monaco. 

"I was thinking about a matching bracelet so we could both have the same one" I said. 

"That's great idea! Do you have something else?" Tom asked. 

"Yes I do but I won't tell you what it is" I laughed, they would probably think that I had bought him something spicy but I didn't want them to know about the shirt. I had one with Charles' number on the back so I wanted him to have one but with my name. 

We got inside a small shop and I had already one particular bracelet in mind that I had seen in their website. It was a Cartier one and now I just hoped that they would have them. 

"Bonjour! How may I help you" a nice looking old lady came to us. 

"Bonjour! Do you happen to have two of the Cartier Trinity bracelet?" I asked now nervous. I noticed that Tom and Victoria were watching some other jewlery on the other side of the shop. 

"Oui! We have two of them, would you like to see them and try them on?" She asked and I nodded. She guided me towards one of the rooms and I made sure that Tom and Victoria followed me since I wanted their oppinions. 

The nice lady showed me the bracelets and I tried the other one. 

"What do you think?" I asked. 

"I think that it would be a great adition to her other bracelets" Victoria said. I noticed how she said her and not him. She probably wanted to keep our seacret and I appreciated it very much. 

"Can you carve anything on them?" Tom asked but the lady said that the gold parts were too fragile for that. I still decided to buy them. I knew that it was quite an expensive gift but I loved Charles and I was ready to spend money on him. And I would get a big bonus because of the wdc so at the end it was nothing. 

When we exited the door with the cartier bag I realised that I had to hide it from Charles. Luckily Victoria had a big handbag so I could put the bag there. 

"So what are we going to eat?" Tom asked. "I am now actually quite hungry and I bet that the boys will be too when they wake up".

"How about some Mcdonalds?" I asked. "I haven't eaten that in almost a year" I really craved that now. 

"Yeah we don't mind and the boys definitely wont mind, but what about your diets?" Victoria laughed. 

"Well there are only four races to go in this season and I certainly don't care about my diet at this poin of the season" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Well what about Charles?" Tom laughed. 

"I think he will be so excited and forget about his diet and then shrug it of and say that he will run three extra kilometers tomorrow" I smirked. And with that we decided to get mcdonalds. A couple of fans saw us on our way there and I definitely didn't want my trainer to find out about me eating mcdonalds. I almost wanted to get Charles a happy meal but decided against it since he could be a big child sometimes. 

When we got the food we made our way back into my appartment. I made myself ready for what could be a disaster or chaos. But when I openned the door I could only hear something coming from the tv. When we got to the living room I saw something I wasn't ready for. 

Charles was there laying on the sofa with Lio on his lap and Luka next to him leaning his head to Charles side and Charles had his other hand around him. They all were happily looking at dutch coco melon. I quickly took a picture before going to the kitchen and placing the food on the table. 

"Kom naar de keuken, ik heb eten!" (come to the kitchen, I have food) I shouted and could immediately hear them running towards the kitchen. 

"Oh my Mcdonalds!" Charles said excitedly. "I haven't eaten this in so long thank you Max" Charles said and gave me a kiss. 

"Eww Max" Luka said before starting to eat. We just chuckled before starting to eat as well. And like I predicted after eating Charles realised that this was very much against his diet and promissed to run few extra kilometers tomorrow. The rest of the day was spent talking, walking outside and watching a movie in the evening. When it was time to go to sleep me and Charles said good night to everyone and left to Charles' appartment. We promissed to speak about details of tomorrow in the morning. 

I hid Charles' gift inside his closet before going to the kitchen where he was making tea for us. We made our way to the balcony and sat there curled up in each others arms. 

"So how was your day?" I asked. 

"It was great! Luka and Lio are so adorable and they think that I am a better driver than you" Charles said smiling. 

"And I feel betrayed because of that" I laughed. 

"Oh do you want me to comfort you" Charles said on a low voice and he wiggled his butt closer to my crotch. 

"I always do" I smirked. "We could also use this as your preworkout so you don't have to run the extra kilometers tomorrow" suggested. Charles quckly got up and we made our way to the bedroom and have to say I loved being comforted by Charles. 


A long chapter again! I have to say that i'm proud of myself. I was having doubts while writing this but it turned out okay. Thank you for voting and reading and commenting<3 

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