9. The coming out

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Charles pov: 

After Zandvoort I had flown straight to Italy because of the Monza grand Prix. Max had stayed in the Netherlands. We had been face timing every night so that I could sleep. I really needed that. It was now Wednesday and I had promised to take my family out to eat. Pierre and I had made a plan so that I could also come out to them. Not going to lie I was more nervous than when I was little and Had to tell my mom that I had broken her favourite vase. So it was a lot. 

I had been thinking about this the whole day and realised that I had not told Max that I was into men. I guess I was just afraid that he would not feel the same, and then I could not be with him. 

It was now time to meet my family in the restaurant. I was sweating and I had to call Pierre before leaving. 

"Pierre what if they don't accept me and then they will abandon me" I didn't even say hi to him. 

"Charles you are the golden boy, and they all love you why would they not accept you?" He asked. 

"I don't know, maybe they are all secretly homophobic" I suggested and Pierre just laughed. 

"It will be fine, I would be more nervous about telling Ferrari that you are gay than your family" He said. 

"Oh my god, why would you say that? Now I will be thinking about that for the rest of the night" Pierre was definitely not helping at all. 

"I will call Carlos you are not helping me" I said and hung up. I decided not to call Carlos as I was already late. I ran to the restaurant, and they were all waiting for me. 

"Finally Charles, I thought that you had forgotten us" Lorenzo said jokingly. 

"Yeah sorry I was talking with Pierre" I said, and sat down after giving a hug to mom.

"I thought that you were doing something with Max" Arthur said and winked. I had just sipped water and now I was coughing it out of my lungs, while Lorenzo was slamming my back. 

"What the heck Arthur?" I asked.

"Well Max called me on your phone in the middle of the night because you were having a nightmare" he refreshed my memory. 

"I had forgotten that already" I was now blushing. 

"So Charles do you have something to tell us?" My mom now asked. I had not wanted this to be the way my interest in men would come out. I decided to just be straight forward with this. 

"Yeah, I like men" I simply said. 

"I did not expect this when you asked us to eat together, but I'm very happy for you" Lorenzo said smiling. 

"I knew it already" Arthur proudly said. 

"And I am so proud of you. I could see that you were not happy with Charlotte and all I want what is the best for you" mom said tears in her eyes. 

"You are making me cry" I said laughing while tears were formed in my eyes. 

"So the real question is that are you together with Max?" Arthur asked. 

"No I'm not, he doesn't even know that I am gay, and I don't know if he's gay" I sighed. 

"But do you want to be with him?" Lorenzo asked. 

"Yeah I really like him. He has been awesome and has been there for me in the past two weeks" I smiled.

"Well I think it doesn't sound like he is just friendly with you" Mom said smiling. 

"Well I guess, but I am still not sure. Now can we start eating I'm starving" I laughed. 

The night was great. I also knew that Max had come to Italy today, so I didn't have to sleep alone any more. I also texted Pierre how the night went. I didn't want to hear him saying 'I told you so'. I had just got out of the shower with only a towel around my waist when I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and Max was standing there. 

"Hey Max come in. I just have to get dressed" I said and noticed how he looked at me. 

"Yeah, I know I am hot, but no need to stare" I laughed and went back to the bathroom. 

Max's Pov:

Seeing Charles there with only a towel around his waist was hot. I was wearing grey sweatpants and you could definitely see how seeing Charles like that had excited me. Fuck I don't want him to see this. 

"Hey I forgot my charger I have to get that quickly!" I yelled, took Charles's key card from the table and quickly rushed back to my room. I had to do this quickly so Charles would not wonder what I had been doing. I took my phone and opened an image or Charles shirtless and started to jerk myself. It didn't take long before I came so now I at least knew how to come quickly. I grabbed my charger and went back to Charles's room. I opened the door with the key card that I took from the table. 

"Oh my god Max you scared me" Charles screamed. 

"I'm sorry" I laughed when I saw Charles's face. He looked like he had seen a serial killer. 

"It's not funny" he pouted. 

"Well what can I do to make it up to you?" I asked amusedly. I knew what I wanted but didn't want to say it. 

"Well you could let me win the gp" He said hopeful. 

"yeah, no way I will do that. You have to come up with something else" I laughed. 

"Well then you could give me a massage my neck is hurting and my shoulders are like rocks" he suggested. I could feel my face turning red but I agreed. 

"Sure sit down" I said trying to sound professional. He sat down in front of a chair. I sat down on the chair and started to massage his neck. 

"Auch careful or you will brake my neck" he hissed. I tried to be more careful. He made some interesting sounds while my hands were massaging his shoulders. After a half an hour massage my hands gave up. 

"I can't any more my hands are hurting like hell" I laughed. 

"Thank you now Andrea will not have to complain about how stiff I am tomorrow" Charles said. 

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked. 

"Yep, I had dinner with my family" Charles smiled. 

"Do you mind, if I order something I'm quite hungry?" I asked. 

"Not at all go ahead" He said and went to lay on the bed. I ordered a Caesar salad and fries. I knew that Charles would start to complain about how I would not give him food and how he was still a little hungry so the fries were mostly for him. I had got to know Charles pretty well because we had spent a lot of time together in the last couple of weeks. There was a knock at the door and I went to open it. The butler came to set up the food and then left. 

"Smells good, What did you get?" Charles said excitedly. 

"Salad and fries" I answered. 

"Can I?" he asked while already eating the fries. 

"Sure go ahead" I laughed. I was happy seeing Charles so happy while eating. Like I expected he ate almost all the fires and got into a food coma after that. 

"You have to brush your teeth before going to sleep!" I shouted him from the bathroom. 

"I am too tired, so not going to get up any more!" He shouted back. After I had brushed my teeth I got to the bed pulled the covers off of Charles, grabbed his ankle and started to pull him towards the bathroom while he was laughing. 

"Okay okay I will come you can leave my ankle alone" he laughed and went to brush his teeth while I got ready for bed. Soon Charles came back switched the lights off and Climbed on top of my chest. I was smiling, it felt so good to have him back in my arms. 

"I missed you" He whispered to me just before he drifted off to sleep. 

"I missed you too" I gave him a little kiss to the forehead before drifting off to sleep.

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