26. Comfort and coming out

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Max pov:

I had not been able to sleep since I was so stressed. How could I have forgotten Charles' birthday? I knew that if I didn't have a gift for Charles he would become so sad. He had bought me a great gift since I didn't need anything. Daniel had texted me and suggested that I would buy him tickets to coldplay consert, so that wasn't very helpfull. Daniel was right, because how could I be such a bad boyfriend. He couldn't come up with anything else so I decided to ask Victoria to help me. 

"Max why are you awake?" Charles asked me. I hadn't realised that I was tossing and turning constantly. 

"Just can't sleep" I whispered back.

"Turn around" Charles said and I obeyed. Charles wrapped his arms around me and gave a kiss to my head. I knew that I was also nervous about the fact that I would have to tell my sister the news that I was gay and had a boyfriend. Charles probably sensed it and started singging me french lullabies. It finally did the trick and I fell asleep. 

When I woke up in the morning Charles was looking at me while playing with my hair. 

"Have you been stalking me for long?" I joked. I could see how Charles' smile grew. 

"No just few minutes" He said before giving me a few kisses. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

"Almost eleven. You were definitely sleepy today" Charles smiled. 

"Charles Victorias flight will be here a little bit before twelve" I said "I will be late!" I was now panicking. I wanted to go buy the present for Charles before I would pick them up from the airport, but clearly I couldn't do that anymore. 

"Max you drive half an hour to the airport you don't have to worry. You have plenty of time left" Charles tried to reassure me. At this point I knew that I couldn't go buy Charles his present untill later today so I decided to calm down so I wouldn't act too suspicious. 

"Yeah but when I'm gone can you tidy up here a little and change the sheets?" I asked. This place looked like a mess with our clothes all over the floors and just over all messy. 

"Ofcourse I can. But now lets go eat before you have to go" Charles said and walked into my closet to get something to wear. 

When I finally was driving towards the airport I had time to think what I could get Charles and I think that I now had the best idea possible that I could come up with such a short notice. I would get him a shirt that said 'biggest fan of Max Verstappen' and then with it the real present would be a new bracelet. I knew that Charles wore many bracelets so I decided to buy him a new one and I would have maching one. In my oppinion that was a pretty good idea. 

When I made it to the airport I felt calm. I was excited to see My sister and my nephews. The season had been long and I always missed my family when I was traveling. In that case having Charles there with me while traveling and racing was a big plus. Someone interrupted my thoughts in the arrivals hall. 

"Max, Max!" I heard someone scream and I immediately recognized the voice. It was Luka who was running towards me. I squatted to the ground so I could hug him. Luka wrapped his tiny arms around me and I lifted him up. Victoria, Tom and Leo came after him and I hugged everyone. 

"It's so good to see you again! How was the flight?" I asked smiling. 

"Well it's never easy with toddlers but it was fine" Victoria said looking tired. I helped them with the bags and we left towards the car. Now I was nervous. I knew that I needed to tell them about Charles before going to my place. 

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