15. the cold

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Charles pov:

I woke up feeling odd. My head was hurting, I was freezing, my eyes didn't want to open and my nose was running. I also felt my throat hurning and my muscles feeling sore. I groaned because of the bad feeling. I noticed that Max was still sleeping. I just watched him and thought about our great day yesterday. The day had been amazing and I wanted more days like that in the future! Suddenly I felt a sneeze coming, I tried to fight it but I had no chance. Max woke up immediately because of the sudden sound. 

"Charlie are you okay?" He asked me. 

"Yeah I'm good" I said trying to smile when my voice sounded weird and my nose was running like niagara falls. 

"Oh don't lie to me, are you sick?" Max looked at me worried. 

"I don't know, everything hurts and I'm so cold" I finally admitted whining. 

"Come here, I will go make you a place on the couch soon" He said and openned his arms. I quickly hid in his arms. He put his hand in my forehead and hummed not sounding happy. 

"You are hot" He said sounding serious. 

"Well obviously I'm hot, if I was not you probably wouldn't be with me" I joked. 

"Not the time to joke about this" Max said trying to hide his smile. "Come let's get you some comfy clothes and then lets make you a little nest in the sofa" He said and got up. I followed him to the closet. I was shaking because of the cold. Max dressed me into one of his hoodies and sweatpants, then he also gave me these kind of fluffy socks. after that we made our way to the living room. Max ordered me to sit down while he gave me many blankets, some tissues, water bottle, some medicine and a thermometer. He also openned the tv so I could watch something. 

"So now let's see how bad your fever is" he said and putted the thermometer under my underarm. When it beeped he took it out and looked at it with a frown. 

"So what is it?" I asked and sneezed. 

"You have 39 degrees fever" He said and got up looking worried. 

"I will run to the store and a pharmacy but I don't want to leave you alone in here" He said while thinking about his options. 

"Just call Arthur he will come and watch me while you are gone" I suggested while I crawled under the blankets. 

"Oh great idea, you should be sick more often" Max joked. 

"C'moon you should be nice to me while I'm dying here" I said dramatically.

"I know I'm sorry" He gave me a kiss and then went to call Arthur. 

"I'm hungry" I yelled while he was still speaking with him. Max came running to me and hung up with Arthur. Now I clearly have him wrapped around my finger. 'I could take advantage of this'  I thought smiling

"I'm so sorry but the fridgeis empty. Tell me what you want so I can get that" Max said while looking at me. 

"I want avocado, chicken noodle soup, Ice cream and warm juice" i said while making puppy eyes at him. 

"Ofcourse I will get those!" Max kissed me and walked towards the door because someone had just knocked. 

"Max do you know where Charles is we were supposed to go to the gym this morning and he isn't home" Andrea asked. I heard Andrea's voice so I got up a little bit too fast and collapsed on the floor. I groaned, the fall also made a loud bang so Max came running back with Andrea. 

"Omg Charlie what happened?" Max asked me while gently lifting me up and placing me back to the sofa. 

"I was just coming to talk to Andrea but when I stood up I just collapsed" I explained while tears were running down my face. 

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