36. The last dance

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Max pov: 

After sleeping not that well at night it was time for the media duties of the week and the last one of the season which was a bit of a relief for me. Even tho I had won so much I was tired and needed the vacation. Me and Charles would also fly to Indonesia on wednesday. I hadn't told Charles about the trip and I wasn't planning on either. I would tell him only at the airport. Oh how much I was looking foward to the vacation together. 

"Hey Max the press conference will start in five minutes" my press officer Vicky told me and woke me from my daydreams. I sighed. I just hoped that after one question about Charles' instagram post everyone would leave us alone. 

When I stepped to the press conference room I noticed that only the middle seat was free and Charles sat on the right side of it. So I had no other options and sat down there. Immediately after that questions started and the first question was for Charles. What a surprise! 

"So Charles we saw you had a great time yesterday with Max in the desert of dubai, so tell us a little bit about your trip" The interviwer asked. I sensed how Charles took a deep breath before starting to talk.

"So yeah, me and Max are very good friends off track and have been for a few years now. Obviously we have known each other since the karting days as you may know. We still happened to both be in Dubai yesterday and we thought that it would be a great idea to ride camels since neither of us have not done anything like that before and we had a really great time there" Charles smiled. I decided to also speak. 

"Yeah and we wanted to have some fun before all the crazy fuss from the last race weekend of the year starts and I think we are both now a lot calmer" I added and the interviewer smiled and moved on to George to ask questions about his first win in f1. I was just relieved that the question was out of the way and I know that Charles was too. 

Charles pov:  

It was saturday afternoon and the third practice was going to start in two hours. Max had messaged me that he had something important he wanted to show me and I was excited. Maybe he had bought me some kind of gift which I would like very much. But even a kiss was a good enough gift for me. We could never be really close to each other on race weekends other than in the Hotel rooms but it was the best decicion so we could focus on driving, so it was a bit unusual for us to see each other in our hospitalitys. 

I walked into the redbull hospitality and I remembered that I didn't know where his driver room at the moment was. Luckily Max was just coming down the strairs with someone.

"Hey Charles come here!" He waived at me. My eyes widened when I realised that the pearson was Jos his father. I wasn't prepaired to meet him like this for the first time. No it was a lie, I had seen him multiple times on track for almost twenty years since he was always with Max on karting tracks. I knew Jos would be in the paddock this weekend but I had been too busy to really think about it. However I had agreed to meet him when he would be around again so I couldn't just run away. Max could probably sense how nervous I was right now. We walked more to the back of the building so other people wouldn't see us, keeping in mind the rumours that were going around after the photo I accidently posted on my main account. 

"So Charles dad came here and wanted to see you" Max said to me. I was still not used to the fact that Jos was okay with us being in a relationship. 

"Hi Jos" I akwardly greeted him and offered my hand for him to shake it. However Jos took me in a hug which took me completely off guard. But it was nice for him to be so happy after all the raging videos of him that I had seen.

"So good to finally see you Charles" He said happily. I think I have never seen him this excited. "Max has been so happy lately and I am so happy too" He said and I blushed. We spoke for a while before Max said that he needed to go and get ready. Jos left to the garage and when I was leaving Max took my hand and pulled me back. 

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