17. the chicken noodle soup

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Charles pov: 

I had been sleeping for what felt like weeks. Sun was shining thru the curtains but the room didn't look familiar. I openned my eyes fully to see that I was in hospital and Max was sleeping his head on my chest. I didn't remeber how I got here, the last memory was from Max's bathroom throwing up. I tried to be as quiet as possible so that I didn't wake Max up. I was looking for my phone but didn't see it anywhere so we must have left it home. However I saw Max's phone at the table so I grabed it instead. He had told me his code so I technically didn't break in his phone. I went to read the messages in the f1 grid groupchat and when I saw the photo Pierre had sent I started freaking out. My pulse was starting to grow and breathing became rapid. Max woke up because of the sudden change in my breathing. 

"Charlie what's wrong?" He asked while sitting up. He took my hand and started to rub the back of it. 

"The photo" I managed to say and showed him the photo. 

"Hey it's okay we don't have to worry about what anyone thinks about us and we don't have to react to the photo at all. You can't even see your face in it" Max assured me and it helped. 

"And we don't have to tell about our relationship to the media if you don't want to. Well maybe some day but not in a near future" He added. 

"Yeah maybe some day but not now" I laughed and relaxed. The door to the room openned and doctor walked to the room with some nurses. 

"So we will run some last tests now so we know if you can go home" He said and quickly the nurses started taking some blood and god knows what. I was uncomfortable and I think it must have looked weird how the nurses just kept doing everything weird. I saw Max taking photos of me. I smiled and winked towards the camera. 

When the tests were ready I got some breakfast and Max got coffee. We were chatting about everything and nothing untill Max became serious. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Charles you need to tell me what is stressing you out because yesterday the doctor said that your reactions were caused because of stress and the cold combined" He said looking serious. I bit my lip. I didn't really know it myself what was causing all that but I had to speak to him. 

"Well I think it's this shit season and being with you. I'm scared what others would think if we announced that we are together" I said and continued eating. Max was looking at me smiling sadly. 

"I know and I'm also scared about that, but we will get thru this together. And remember that Mattia will not be there screwing the team next year" Oh how Max always knew what to say to get me feel better. I never knew I would need him this much. 

"Thank you" I whispered and kissed him just before the doctor came back telling us that I could go home if someone was there looking after me the next two days and he didn't give me permission to work out for the next week wich would be difficult because the next race is in singapore, and it is the most tiring race of the year. He also gave me a prescription for some new medicines wich I had to go get right after leaving the hospital 

I luckily felt much better than yesterday but I had still some fever and the regular cold symptoms. I switched the hospital clothes to my (well Max's) clothes and we headed outside. Iuckily there wasn't any photographers outside, but instead at the pharmacy I saw many people recording me while I was getting the medicines. Max was waiting for me at the car wich was a good decicion after all. I knew that ferrari was releasing a statement where everyone could read about what happened with me. I was at the pharmacy way too long because people kept stopping me trying to get pictures wich I kindly declined as I was sick. How do these people have the guts to ask photos at the pharmacy when everyone now knew that I had been in hospital. 

When I finally got back to the car and Max drove us to his place I was pretty much exhausted and hungry. It had been a fairly quiet car ride back and I don't know why but I was too tired to care about that. After taking my shoes off I fell down on the sofa and closed my eyes. I felt Max sitting down besides me. 

"You have to take the medicine first before you sleep" He said softly and stroked my hair. I just hummed in response while getting up and taking the glass of water and pill that Max had brought me. I drowned them quickly and then took Max in my arms and layed back down. 

"I love you thanks for everything" I whispered into his ear and felt his shiver. 

"I love you too" He said and turned so he was facing me. Max started to kiss my face. I giggled as it tickled me. 

"Charles can I tell my family about us?" Max asked after a while now serious again. 

"Ofcourse you can! I have told my family so why couldn't you tell?" I asked little confused. 

"Well I was thinking that you might not want to tell about us to any more people now that the whole grid also knows" He said now smiling. 

"But it's your family we are talking about, I want you to tell them because I'm serious about us" I said planting a kiss on top of Max's nose. 

"Oh I love you so much" Max laughed and flipped us so I was under him. 

"But can I confess something?" I asked while starting to feel a little horny. Max just nodded. 

"I'm hungry" I said trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably. 

"Well then we have to make some food for you. What do you want?" Max asked clearly amused.

"Soup" I said and sneezed. 

"Well you stay here while I'm making you some chicken noodle soup" Max smiled and left to the kitchen. I openned the tv and started watching Home alone the christmas movie. It was only september but I love christmas movies and Home alone is a classic. After like half an hour Max came to the livingroom with the soup and we started eating. 

"I never knew you were such a good cook. I'm never cooking again" I said wile eating the delicious soup.

"Well who doesnt like a good food and I don't have anyone to make food for me so I have to bee good cook" He said eyes focused on the film. 

"Well you could teach me to cook so I could someday make good food for you" I said a little cheekily. 

"Good idea mister I am stupid" He laughed. 

"Hey only I can call myself stupid" I said fake offended. 

"Oh I'm not so sure about that" Max said smiling and putting his bowl away and turning to me. I also put the bowl away and stopped the movie. I knew I craved for Max's touch and the fire in his eyes told me that he wanted me as much. We sat there not moving for about ten seconds untill we started to wrestle. quickly our shirts were on the floor and Max had picked me up and was now carrying me towards the bedroom where he laid me down gently. 

"Are you sure you can do this?" Max asked and I didn't hesitate, I was nodding my head like crazy. 

"Well in that case it's my turn to do the work so you wont exhaust yourself" He said and was quickly on top. I didn't fight him I was too tired for that, but I enjoyed every minute of his body working for my pleasure. 


I'm so sorry for not getting this part ready yesterday but it was far more busy day than I had thought it would be but thank you for being patient. 

I don't really know if I like this chapter but hopefully you like it! My exams are almost over so I have more time to write again (hopefully). 

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