19. Bubble bath

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Charles pov: 

I had finally gotten better and the cold was only in memories, probably because it was so freaking warm in Singapore and I was constantly sweating. Max and I had great time here before the fuss of the weekend began. Thursdays media day had been busy and I was tired of the questions about the long lost championchip. Fortunately Max had assured me that next year would be better for me and I was becoming obsessed about the fact that I wanted to be champion next year. I had promissed to see Pierre in the evening and we were going to go eat at the Marina bay sands hotel restaurant wich had beautiful wiews over the city. 

"So tell me about the Alpine seat" I said straight when we sat down. Pierres mouth dropped. 

"How do you know about that?" He said shoked. 

"Well I didn't but now I know" I laughed, Pierre just looked at me angrily before finally smiling. 

"I'm so happy to get a better car next year and finally have a clean table, but I'm obviously sad about leaving Yuki and the team. They are like my other family" He said looking a little bit sad but smile coming to his face almost instantly. 

"I don't know if I am excited about being estebans team mate, but if I keep beating him then it wont be a problem" He laughed

"Well maybe you and Esteban become best friends and you replace me with him" I laughed. "But you totally deserve this and maybe we could finally be on the podium together" I said smiling

"Yeah that would be nice, but I have to actually drive the car before we could do that. But enough about that, how are things with Max?" Pierre asked now leaning his head to his hands. 

"Well things are really great, I think I couldn't wish for anyone better for me than Max, because he's just perfect" I said smiling. Max made me the happiest I had ever been, he took care of me when I was sick, he treated me right, he wanted me to be happy and it worked every time. He always lissens to me and comforts me when I am sad or have something on my mind.

"I think you are in love with him, like head over heels" Pierre said looking very happy for me. 

"I think so too and I don't ever want to lose him"

"But tomorrow is Max's birthday and I'm not really sure about my gift" I said because I needed advice. 

"Well what do you have for him?" Pierre asked now leaning closer, he was looking courious. 

"Well I bought us a tickets to a coldplay consert because I really couldn't think about anything he needs or wants. Plus I want to go to a clodplay consert so it's also a present for also myself. But he hasn't mentioned anything he wants and I have tried to get information from everywhere" I said stressed. 

"I think it's a great present, because who doesn't love coldplay" Pierre said shruging. 

"But is that enough?" I asked. 

"Well I think he would like for you to take him out like a date night and then maybe give him all the control at night" Pierre said and we laughed. 

"Well The concert is between Mexico and Brazil and it's in Brazil so I think I could add that there also" I said thinking about the great idea that Pierre had given me. 

"I think he would like that very much" Pierre said smiling. 

"I also heard from Carlos that Max had literally gave his credit card for you" Pierre laughed. I blushed.  

"Well what can I say, he wanted to treat me even tho I have no idea why" I smiled, another reason why I loved Max even tho I was not after his money since I had enough myself. But the way he wanted to give me something I liked even tho it wasn't my birthday yet was nice.

The rest of the night was great. I had missed talking to Pierre like this. Ofcourse we texted all the time and when we saw each other in the paddock we made sure to catch up. Howeever it wasn't the same then. Now we had time and food so it was perfect for shit talking and serious talk. But I was more than happy to get back to the hotel room where Max was waiting for me. He was laying in bed but got up when he heard me entering the room. 

"How was the dinner?" He asked and got up so he could give me a kiss. 

"It was great, I missed having time to talk properly with Pierre" I said while hugging Max tightly. "But I missed you" I whispered and Max chuckled. 

"Well now you are here and we are together" he said while giving a kiss to the top of my head.

"Can we please take a shower together?" I said looking up at him while giving puppy eyes. 

"How could I say no to that" Max said now with a low voice and he guided me towards the bathroom. To my amazement, he startder filling the large bathtub that was next to the shower, and I didn't mind that at all. He started undressing me and I couldn't help but left a slight moan out of my mouth. He was so gentle but also rough at the same time. It didn't take long before I stood there naked shivering from coldness. Max had undressed himself quickly. When the bath was almost ready he put there some kind of bubble bath thing so there were lot of bubbles. We climed there and Max placed me between his legs my back facing his chest. The water was warm and I was relaxing properly while resting my head in his chest. Max was keeping his arms tightly around my chest and it made me feel protected. It also made me sleepy, wich was not weird since it was almost midnight. 

"I love you so much" I whispered to Max. He tightenned his grip and gave me a kiss to my head. 

"I love you too Charlie, so much" He said sounding emotional. I turned around so I could see his face. There were tears in his eyes. 

"It everything okay?" I asked little bit worried. 

"Yes I'm just so happy and lucky to have you. I never told this to you, but before you broke up with Charlotte I had feelings for you and I have known that I like you quite a while before we got together so now I am just so happy that we are together" Max said. Now tears were falling from my eyes also. 

"Oh Max" I said smiling and pulled him toward me. I kissed his lips softly before it got a bit more hungry and needy. I moved on top of him so I could get a better view over him. I think this was my first time having sex in a bathtub full of water. After that we took a long shower but that was a little bit more normal or not. I decided that I wanted to clean Max myself so I took one of the hotels shower gels and a sponge. I started cleaning him softly and carefully so he could enjoy this as much as possible. As I mooved to next spot I always gave him a kiss first. 

"Do you want me to wash your hair" I whispered into his ear and Max just nodded. I grabed the shampoo and started to massage his head slowly and I could feel him enjoying this. When I was done with him Max insisted cleaning me and I didn't object. It felt good to be intimate but not doing anything dirty. 

"We should do this more often" Max said while clibming to the bed next to me. 

"I know, this could be our pre race weekend ritual" I suggest and Max agreed. I was drifting off to sleep while this time I was the big spoon. I had learned that Max liked being the little spoon so we would switch roles sometimes and I thought that it would be fair for him to get the atention now. 

"Good night Max" I whispered but he had already drifted off to sleep. 

"Mon âme sœur" (My soulmate)


Happy weekend everyone!

 thank you for 7k reads already<3

This is a little bit short chapter but I thought that it would become too long if I would write about the whole weekend here. Enjoy!

Never knew I needed you  /lestappenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon