25. Presents and breakfast in bed

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Third person pov/ Max pov/ Charles pov idk anymore

Charles woke up from probably his best sleep in weeks. It was warm and sun was shining. Charles tried to turn but something or someone was keeping him in place. Then Charles remembered that it was Max laying next to him still sleeping peacefully. Smiling Charles decided to let him sleep simce he was probably exhausted, after all Max had just won the wdc and they had came back from Japan. Charles was still pissed because of Ferraris shitty strategys but there was nothing he could do about it anymore, so Charles decided to be happy for Max and go make him some breakfast. he sneaked away from Max's grip and walked to the kitchen only in boxers but since it was warm it was okay. Charles made some pancaces and avocado toasts. When I was ready Max was still sleeping so I wanted to surprise him and bring the breakfast in bed. I walked inside the bedroom I noticed that I had forgotten the coffee and went to go get that. Once I got Back Max was awake and smiling. 

"What have I done to deserve this?" Max smiled. 

"Well you are my favourite person so can't I treat you like one" I smirked while placing the coffees down on to the nightstand. 

"And you are blessing my eyes with those pink boxers, must be my lucky day" Max smirked and gave me a wink. That made me blush, I hadn't noticed that My Boxers were indeed pink. 

"Was that an insult or...?" I asked still red as ferrari. 

"You look hot so definitely not an insult" Max smirked and patted the bed next to him. I smiled and went to sit next to him. Max gave me a kiss and we started eating the breakfast while enjoying the morning sun in the beautiful Monaco and the lazy morning we finally had. 

"So what are the plans for today? And remember that Victoria and her family will come here tomorrow" Max asked me when we were done eating.

"Well we have lunch at my moms at two since it's Arthurs birthday, wich reminds me that we have to call him now. And yes I haven't forgotten that they will be here tomorrow" I said happily. 

"Oh I forgot about Arthurs birthday already, I don't have a present for him!" Max said now clearly a bit panicked. 

"But I bought him the sneakers so that is present from both of us and if you want to get something you could buy flowers for my mom" I suggested and Max agreed. 

"I will call Arthur now so be quiet" I said when the phone started beeping. It didn't take long before Arthur answered.

"Hey Charles what's up?"

"Happy Birthday baby brother" I said excitedly. "I can't believe that you are 22 already! This makes me emotional" I pretended to wipe tear away, but really I had some tears in my eyes. 

"Thank you Charles, are you coming to the lunch today?" Arthur asked. 

"Well obviously I am, couldn't miss that and I need to give you your present" I said smiling. 

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-two" Max hummed and I couldn't help but start to laugh. 

"Who was singing?" Arthur asked clearly really confused, I hadn't told about me and Max making things up yet so I could see why he was so confused. 

"Hey Arthur Happy Birthday" Max said while grabing the phone away from my hands. 

"Max! Omg I have missed you so much, Charles was miserable without you thank god you guys made up and congrats world champ. I am still a little bit sour about the fact that Charles didn't win but at least you won and not Hamilton" Arthur said now sounding extremely happy and Max chuckled. 

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