My Hero


10.7K 313 175

Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 37

64 3 5


Hitohito woke up still tired, but he tried his best to put a straight face.

Hitohito: alright it's a brand new day. I've got this.

Hitomi: who are you talking to?

Hitohito: ah Hitomi good morning!

Hitomi: you're chipper than usual.

Hitohito: thanks.

Hitomi: knock it off it's annoying.

Hitohito: oh...

Meanwhile, in another home, a certain brown-haired boy has just woken up from his slumber.

Ryuuichi: -yawns- morning Kotaro.

Kotaro: .....

Ryuuichi: Kotaro?

Lunch time Itan.

Hitohito: eh? Kotaro is sick?

Hitohito received a phone call from Ryuuichi telling him about Kotaro's condition.

Ryuuichi: yeah, I checked his temperature this morning and he has a high fever.

Hitohito: man I'm sorry to hear that, how are you holding up?

Ryuuichi: well I'm a little worried but Saikawa is taking care of him, after school, I'm going home to look after him.

Hitohito: in other words, I'll be alone for today.

Ryuuichi: sorry Tadano I know this is going to be tough but it's just for today.

Hitohito: it's okay, I'll manage you just worry about your brother.

Ryuuichi: thank you Tadano I'm in your debt.

Hitohito: don't worry about it, take care -hangs up-.

Mike: who was it?

Hitohito: a friend, Tanaka-san asked me for a huge favor.

Mike: I see.

Hitohito: and tell me did Keith find the drive?

Mike: well there's good news and bad news. The good news is that we located the drive.

Hitohito: okay so what's the bad news?

Mike: that it's on the local of the woman he used to date.

Hitohito: Keith dated someone?

Mike: I know I didn't believe it at first.

Hitohito: so what's the problem?

Mike: the problem is that Keith can't grow a pair to go that place and ask for his helmet where the drive is stored.

Hitohito: why? What happened in that relationship?

Mike: it wasn't a mutual breakup, Keith dumped her on her birthday.

Hitohito: oh...

Mike: a drive containing important information on the Red Legion is sitting somewhere in a beauty salon.

Hitohito: I mean you and I could go, there's no harm in that.

Mike: we could, but we're not doing his dirty work, he needs to man up and make things right, even if the fate of the world depends on it.

Hitohito: that's one way to put it, but I'd rather if we do this sooner.

Mike: don't worry I know Keith isn't a coward so he'll definitely do it today.

Hitohito: okay I believe you Mike.

Mike: there's also another matter.

Hitohito: what is?

Mike: I don't know if you heard but a few days ago something fell out of the sky on Tsushima Island.

Hitohito: eh?

Mike: the authorities arrived quickly to barricade the area but some witnesses claim that it's the same type of ship you came from.

Hitohito: it.... it can't be.

There was no way that a spaceship like Hitohito's planet could arrive on earth. Mainly because he was the last known Brakonian that survived the planet's destruction.

Mike: you don't know anything about it?

Hitohito: no I mean.... I was told I was the last of my people, if there were any survivors I would've known by now.

Mike: hmm regardless just keep your eyes peeled, who knows what kind of unexpected visitor we're dealing with.

Hitohito: don't worry I'll keep an eye on.

Mike: well lunch it's almost over I'll head back to my class.

Hitohito: okay, take care man.

Mike: likewise.

Another end of school day, as usual, Hitohito went to the Academy to continue with his babysitting job.

Upon arriving at the club he saw two things.

One is that the kids were running around which is not a surprise to him.

The second one is that in the middle of the floor, there was a man with pink hair sleeping with little Midori in his arms.

Hitohito: umm hello?

???: -wakes up- hm? Oh, we have a visitor, how can I help you?

Hitohito: hello I'm Hitohito Tadano, I am a temporary replacement for the week and you are?

???: ah I see so you were my replacement for the week.

Hitohito: oh so you are.

Usaida: Yoshihito Usaida I work at the babysitting club, you can call me Usaida if you wish.

Hitohito: Tadano Hitohito, I work at the Tokyo Herald.

Usaida: oh and how did you end up working here?

Hitohito: my boss Tanaka-san is friends with Youko-san, he asked to cover you for the week you were out.

Usaida: oh I remember, pleasure to meet you.

Hitohito: likewise sir, but I thought you were taking the week off.

Usaida: well I was but you know how the boss is, she realized that paying me without working was ridiculous so here I am.

Hitohito: sorry about that.

Usaida: meh it was good while it lasted.

Hitohito: so I'm guessing you heard about Kotaro's condition.

Usaida: I did, which is why I am here today.

Hitohito: well I appreciate it Usaida-san.

Usaida: no worries, now if you excuse me I have to go back to work zzzzzzzz

Usaida laid back on the floor with the baby in his arms.

Hitohito: (does he sleep all day?)

Tsushima Island.

Haruka: well another day without looking at the spaceship.

Kuze: should we head back and tell the boss the bad news?

Haruka: never, Haruka Miura never quits.

Kuze: okay so what do we do?

The couple arrived in Tsushima a few days ago to write a story about the object that crashed into the land.

Rumors said that it was another spaceship similar to the one that fell nearly 17 years ago.

Haruka: man the military compound does work fast.

Kuze: nothing we can do now.

Haruka: we can always cause a distraction-

Kuze: Haruka look!

Kuze pointed at the sky where another flying object was passing right above them. He quickly took pictures of said thing and Haruka called her boss.

Goro: Tanaka here.

Haruka: boss I've got something for you.

Goro: did you get pictures of the ship that crashed?

Haruka: no, something better.

Hitohito: so does Usaida-san sleep all day?

Hayato: pretty much, hey Usaida stop lazing around and do your work.

Usaida: ouch! Hayato do you always have to be rude?

Hitohito: I don't think that was necessary Kamitani-san.

Hayato: don't let him take advantage of you Tadano.

Usaida: now come on, you don't have to think that low of me Hayato.

Hitohito: okay I think we need to calm down, there are children present.

Hayato: hold on I hear something.

Hitohito: hm?

Soon the trio of babysitters heard a commotion, the students would run towards the windows to see what was happening.

Student #1: look over there on the sky!

Student #2: no way another spaceship!

Student #3: should we skip class and check?

Hitohito: (another ship? No, it couldn't be Tremor and Hyperion.)

Usaida: what's going on?

Hayato: it seems that a ship was spotted near here.

Usaida: nice this could be a potential money maker. Hayato, Tadano you two stay with the kids.

Hayato: you're not going anywhere.

Hitohito: he's right, we don't know how dangerous this could be. (I need a chance to slip by and go check the ship.)

At that moment the evacuation alarm went off.

Maria: okay everyone this is not a drill, please follow your professors to the nearest exit.

Hitohito: (there it is.)

Hitohito used this as a distraction to slip by and investigate, only one problem.

Hitohito: the one day I don't bring my suit with me and this happens, I'll call Mike.

He opened his bag only to find the suit inside it with a note.

You almost forgot it, now go save the world my boy.

Hitohito: -smiles- thanks mom.

Problem solved time to suit up.

The ship landed in a park near the school, where two individuals who Guardian faced in the past made their presence.

Tremor: why did it take us so long to land here?

Hyperion: well I was working on you know what so it was very time consuming. I don't know about you.

Tremor: training.

Hyperion: well I hope it pays off.

???: stop it right there.

Tremor: hmm who's that?

Hyperion: oh it's him.

The green martian Jeddob appeared in front of Tremor and Hyperion.

Jeddob: I thought we agreed that you would stay away from Earth.

Hyperion: I never agreed to that -takes out his spear-.

Jeddob: -smirks- I thought you did after I defeated you.

Hyperion: oh I'm gonna make you regret those words.

Tremor: let's get him.

Jeddob stretch his body to wrap Tremor around.

Tremor: hey get of me!

Hyperion: don't move.

Hyperion used his staff to stab Jeddob but he dodged the attack at the last second hitting Tremor instead.


Jeddob: too slow.

Jeddob now charged at Hyperion making the same move. This time it was Tremor who punched him instead.

Hyperion: hey you did that on purpose!

Tremor: hey you hit me first!

Jeddob: I presume you two haven't worked together before, right?

Tremor: shut up! I'm gonna kill you regardless.

Jeddob: -sighs- it's always the barbarics.

Jeddob stretched his arms to grab Hyperion and threw him at Tremor making them both fall on the floor.

Hyperion: this is humiliating.

Tremor: doesn't he have a weakness like the Brakonian?

Hyperion: doubt it, the records we have about martians don't specify any sort of weakness against them -gasp- except....

Tremor: hm?

Hyperion: I have a plan, just follow my lead.

Tremor: huh?

Jeddob: surrender now and never come back.

Hyperion: Sorry, but we're going nowhere until we find the ship.

Jeddob: the ship?

Hyperion: it crashed a few days ago, whoever was on that ship was definitely not ours.

Jeddob: and why do you care?

Hyperion: because if someone else is hunting down the Brakonian too, then we have a problem.

Jeddob: what?

Hyperion: Tremor now!

Tremor ignited his weapon and pointed it at Jeddob who stood back scared.

Jeddob: fire.

Hyperion: I remembered one of your weaknesses now martian, your people are afraid of fire.

Tremor: really? Something silly like that?

Jeddob: oh no...

Hyperion: but I have no interest in killing you right now.

Tremor: what are you saying Hyperion?

Hyperion: get off this planet and don't come back, if you refuse -looks at Tremor- ..... let's say we're gonna have ourselves a barbecue.

Tremor: ha! An inferior race of martians is no good for my palate.

Hyperion: good point, I guess we'll go ahead and kill you.

Tremos was ready to stab Jeddob, but a figure came flying to him taking him away at a high speed.

Hyperion: Tremor?

Guardian: you didn't think I was coming did you?

Tremor: Guardian!

Guardian: I thought we agreed that you will stay away.

Tremor: not until I kill you.

Guardian: well, you'll have to get in line buddy.

Tremor stopped Guardian with a fist to the face and slammed him to the ground.

Tremor: you got lucky those previous times, but eventually luck runs out.

Guardian: -coughing- even if the odds were against me, I will not stop fighting.

Tremor: heh...... then you better not disappoint.

Ryuuichi's POV.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. Guardian is facing the same alien he fought almost a year ago.

I can't think of that, I don't know how I got myself into this. I just went to buy some medicine for Kotaro and now I'm hiding so I don't get caught.

End of Ryuuichi's POV.

Tremor: Die!

The big alien yelled at Guardian as he charged with his weapon, but it looks like Guardian was ready for it and block it with his hands.

Guardian: you really need to stop shouting your attacks-

Tremor interrupted him with a right hook.

Tremor: heh you are not the first of yout kind that I've killed.

Guardian: -spits blood- what do you know of any Brakonian survivors?

Tremor: don't know, but if there are I'll find them and finish them after I'm done with you.

Guardian: then I better not lose.

Ryuuichi was still hiding behind some bushes. He couldn't make a run for it or else he'll be discovered, but staying put will also risk his life.

He needed a miracle to escape, luckily it came quickly than he expected. The sound of police sirens could be heard around the area.

Ryuuichi: (great now's my chance.)

He got up from his hiding spot and ran towards the sound of the sirens..... then something unexpected happened.


Tremor took a full swing with his weapon at. Guardian's mask riping half of it.

Guardian: damn it I just had it fixed.

He took off what was left of it and tossed it aside, he thought he was alone with Tremor so he wouldn't worry about his identity.

Unfortunately his focus towards Tremor swayed away once he heard a familiar voice.

Ryuuichi: Tadano?!

Guardian: eh?.......

Guardian turned to his friend Ryuuichi who was in shock at the reveal.

Guardian: Kashima-kun?


Guardian: ARGH!

Tremor: GOT YOU!

Tremor took the distraction to stab Guardian in the chest, as he started to cough blood his knees were starting to give up.

Ryuuichi: TADANO!!

A/N: Hello readers I would like to apologize once again for not updating this story, I would come up with the excuse of having too much work, but I also have been having sort of writters block.

Not to worry because I don't plan on putting this story on hold or cancel it. I enjoy writing it too much for that.

I hope I can keep up with the regular updates. Until then I can only ask you to be patient. Thank you for all the support and see you on the next chapter.

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