Fred <3

By yoyoyolmnop

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Just for fun For some reason all my chapters are out of order so... More

First year
Summer 1
Broom buying
Quidditch tryouts
Chamber of secrets
Dueling club
Gryffindor party
Twins b-day
Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff
Summer 2
Rita Skeeter
Diagon alley and quidditch
Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff
Christmas Eve
Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
Fred's date
Quidditch meetings
Light night talks
Charolette (Charlie)
Quidditch Cup
Triwizard Tournament
Goblet Of Fire
First Task
Yule ball
Second task
Third task
More than friends
Daily prophet
Deatheater life
" part 2
The Battle

Mirror of erised

2 0 0
By yoyoyolmnop

You look beautiful today Ash

I look at the note, I found it outside the potions classroom after class.

"Um thanks," I say confused before tucking the note into my pocket. I usually threw them away but for some reason, I had a nagging feeling that I should keep this one.

"What's that?" Luna asks. I was waiting for her so we could walk to our next class.

"A note. I'll show you in Transfiguration," I sigh.


"Not his handwriting."

"Oliver? Draco?"

"Nope Nope."

"Was it a positive note?" Luna asks.

"I suppose. It said I was beautiful but, it just felt off," I shrug.

"Did it have purple trim and silver lettering on good quality drawing paper?"

"...yeah actually," I smile in relief, Luna left the note.

"Well, they left you a few more," Luna says as we round the corner. McGonagalls door was plastered with 100 letters, all in the same envelope and lettering.

"Luna... what do I do?"

"Well what can we do? Let's start collecting them and then we can investigate after class," Luna perks up with an air that let me breathe again.

After class Luna and I walk to the Great Hall. I sit by Fred and Luna. Hermione sat in front of us with George.

"How're you preparing for the final task?" Hermione asks.

"Ill probably just brush up on a few spells and hope for the best," I answer.

"What's that in your pocket?" Fred nudges to an envelope peaking out of my pocket.

My blood runs cold. It was a green envelope this time. I didn't remember picking this up or even seeing it before Fred pointed it out. I must've crossed paths with whoever this is.

"Let's find out?" I hesitate.

"We're here for you," Luna picks up my bag in case I wanted to read the others first.

I take a deep breath and open it.

I've been watching you and I'll give you a chance to date me,
I'll admit it's hard to get you alone so these letters will have to do for now ;)
I have a surprise for you at the astronomy tower. Come after your discussion with McGonagall. See you soon Ash.

"What kind of person would write this? Giving you a chance? I don't know why but it reads like a threat," Hermione squints at the letter.

"Yeah. Don't go to that tower alone," George scoots to get a closer look at the letter.

"George! How about don't go at all," Fred interrupts.

"Fred," I sigh.

"She has to," Luna frowns.

"...What aren't you telling me?" Fred asks.

"Go ahead Luna," I say.

She turns the backpack upside down and roughly 300 letters fall out.

"One from potions. 100 from transfigurations. And 200 from the hallway on the way here. I went my regular route. The one I use to avoid traffic with Luna. NO ONE uses it. It's twice as long and wraps around in unnecessary places. I found 50 letters in the secret passageways I use to get through it. We opened some on the way here. If that one read like a threat then these ones screamed threat. Whoever this is, they've been watching me. For a while," I purse my lips.

"You are never leaving my sight," Fred determines.

Luna hands me a letter that I hand to Fred.

Don't involve Fred. Please Ash.

"Like that's going to stop me," Fred scoffs.

If you involve Fred I can't guarantee the Weasleys' safety. Ginny's already been possessed, hasn't she? Shame if a poisonous beetle bites Charlie at Hogwarts nonetheless. Don't worry about Ron and Percy either, I have them covered. George would be too cruel, I'm a nice person Ash

"And there are about 25 more that we've read that is exactly like this," I explain, "He's probably watching me right now but what can we do?" I shrug.

"I'm going with you. Just call me George. He can't tell us apart," Fred argues.

I roll my eyes as Luna hands me another letter to hand Fred.

Fred's nose is 2 degrees more to the left than George's. His voice is a different pitch. They've never changed or covered up these things for the past 2 years. I don't play Ash.

"We have to report this," Hermione furrows her brow.

I eye Luna to hand her another letter. Hermione opens it.

I don't want to hurt you but our love is private. I'm afraid I don't want professors or anyone of the sort involved. You understand? RIght Ash?

"Well then. Guess we just prepare. What do you wear?" George jokes.

Luna immediately hands him another note.

Come as you are Ash. I can't wait to see you.

"That is not normal," George admits,

"Not in the least," I frown and lean my head on Fred's shoulder.

A few hours later I waited outside the astronomy tower for Fred. Instead, I'm met with George, who hands me a note once he sees the confusion written on my face. Same packaging and handwriting. I read it.

Stay. Away. From. My. Ash.

I flip it over and see a picture of Fred and I at lunch, only 4 and a half hours ago. His eyes were marked out and it was clear there was a lot of anger directed at him.

"Course that didn't really deter him. Spooked him but You were more important than whatever was going on in his head. He got his coat and was almost out the door when he broke out into boils and welts. He can barely speak right now, he's with madame Pomfrey," George explains.

"I'm scared. This means that whoever is doing this isn't all talk," I shudder, "Maybe we shouldn't-"

"We have to, imagine what they'll do if we don't show," George says.

"Maybe we shouldn't go. Maybe it should just be me," I frown, "He doesn't want to hurt me, and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Yeah? Well if I don't go in there with you Fred's gonna kill me before I have the time to tell him about your stupid decision to go alone. Come on," George says.

We go into the tower.

"Hello?" George asks the darkness.

All we could hear was the wind outside. I grab George's hand. He grabs mine in return. We walk until our eyes adjust and we see a basket in the moonlight. A basket full of the books I had mentioned within the month. It was an incredibly thoughtful gift that made me shiver. George walks over to pick it up.

"Wait. Don't touch anything. That gift is mine. I wouldn't put it past them to boobytrap it so that only I can get it safely," I warn.

"Be careful," George backs away.

I walk over and pick up the basket. As I do I hear a click on the other side of the room. I set the basket down and send George a look. I walk to sound. A note laid on the floor.

You should've come alone. I'll forgive you because I didn't say it explicitly Ash.


I bend down to pick up the note and suddenly feel light headed.

George's POV:

Ash crashes onto the ground. I sprint over to her. She hit her head, she's bleeding but only a little, thankfully.

"I'll get you to the infirmary, just hang in there," I whisper as I pick her up.

"I wouldn't do that."

"Who are you?"

"Ginny's in the library right now, alone."

"What do you want?"

"You should get her somewhere safe before something else happens. George."

"What is WRONG with you," George yells at him in frustration.

I walk over to the basket in the middle of the room with Ash still in my arms. I bend over to pick up the basket. A shock runs through my arm. I look down and my hand has a gash where I had picked up the basket. He's crazy.

"Sorry, Ash'll have to pick that up."

I clench my jaw and pick up the basket with Ash's limp hand. I walk towards the voice, towards the only exit. I hasten my pace. I had enough adrenaline to punch him in the face and still make it out with Ash unharmed. But once I get to where he was, he's gone. Like he disappeared. My anger rises again but Ash shuffles in my arms and I remember the more important thing I needed to do. I put pressure on her open wound and walk her to the Gryffindor common room.

Once I get there Fred, Hermione, Luna. Harry, Ron, and Oliver are waiting.

"Ash! What happened?" Fred rushes over.

"It doesn't matter right now. We have to get her out of here," Hermione says.

"What?" I ask.

"Whoever's doing this to her is a Gryffindor. We confirmed it in these letters. Plus he left five around the common room. She's safer at Ravenclaw," Oliver walks over and takes Ash in his arms.

I glance at Fred who stood there unmoving. It was hitting him hard. We make our way to the Ravenclaw common room.

"Here," Oliver hands Ash over to Fred, "I'll get some gauze and disenfectant from Madame Pomfrey. She won't ask questions, assume it's for quidditch."

I watch as Luna murmurs the answer to a riddle and Oliver sprints down the hall. He was a good guy. If Ash had chosen him, George really couldn't be too opposed. We all make our way into the common room and lay her down on the couch. A few concerned looks were shot our way but once they caught sight of Ash they remained respectfully silent. I was still fuming. I thought it was a funny joke but not anymore. What kind of person would want to harm Ash? What kind of person would act on it? What kind of person could succeed?

"George. George. George!," Harry yells finally gaining my attention, I hadn't realized I was staring at Ash.

"What happened?" Harry asks.

"Her secret admirer. Grey. It was a boy, I couldn't make out any features but he was maybe a little taller than Ron," I answer.

"How'd you get that wound?" Luna asks.

I had forgotten about that, "Oh, the basket is charmed, only Ash can touch it."

Fred walks over to Ash and sits next to her. Fixing the hair out of her face and holding her hands. He had already laid his coat over her. The fools in love.

"He wouldn't hurt her permanently right?" Ron tilts his head.

"What Ron means is... she'll wake up, right?" Hermione frowns.

"She will," Fred breaths.

"Fred," I say.

"I can't lose her George, I really can't," Fred frowns and runs a hand over her forehead.

Luna walks over and puts a hand on Fred's shoulder, "Olivers here now yeah? We'll get her fixed up."

Not a minute later does Oliver walk in panting with an armful of whatever supplies he thought was remotely relevant.

Luna and Hermione work to get everything patched up.

"Someone get Draco, yeah?" Luna says while gently swabbing Ash's head wound with alcohol.

"I'll do it," Fred gets up before I can even think of offering.

Fred's POV:

I take one last glance at Ash and kiss her forehead. How could something like this happen? Everyone is so confused but I know exactly what's going on. I haven't told anyone yet but I've also received a few ominous letters. All threats to stay away from Ash. Mine however come with pictures. Me in places that I didn't even know another person could enter, places I could positively say I was alone, but clearly, I wasn't.

I bend down and kiss Ash on the forehead, she was burning up.

"Slytherin common room?" I ask.

"Dungeons," harry answers.

I walk out of the Ravenclaw common room and towards the Slytherin one. I felt my eyes water. I really really can't lose her. I don't know what I'd do. How many times do I have to almost lose her before I even really have her? I wipe the beginning of the tears away and start banging on the door.


"I'm out, I'm out, I SAID I'M OUT WEASLEY, SHUT UP HOW MUCH MORE OUT DO YOU WANT ME?!" Draco stumblels out rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and glaring.

"It's Ash."

"Bring me to her. What happened?" Draco walks toward the stairs at a hurried pace, I run in order to lead him.

"We don't know and we can't get Madame Pomfrey involved."

"Who all is there?"

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, George, Luna and Oliver," I list.

"Is she alright?"

"The guy who's been leaving her a bunch of creepy notes did something to her and now she won't wake up and we don't know what to do so, not great."

"What creepy notes," Draco scrunches his brows, "Why wouldn't she tell me."

"What? Would you tell your father?" I scoff.

"Yes," Draco answers seeing nothing wrong with that solution.

If I tolerated Malfoy a little more I might even admit that I too saw no fault in telling his father.

"What question can never be answered truthfully," The door asks.

"Are you asleep? NOW HURRY UP AND OPEN!" Draco rushes in.

I follow after him. I have to admit that riddle would've stumped me for at least 3 times as long as it took Draco.

"Ash... what are we doing to improve her condition?" Draco asks in thought.

"Keeping her cool for now, bandaging her wound. Going through that basket to find out who did this to her," Luna dabs at Ash's forehead, around the newly placed bandage.

Draco looks at Ash for a few seconds more and then he's off.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy asks Oliver, Harry, George, and Ron who were hunched over the basket.

"Only Ash can touch it so we're trying to take out the content without touching the basket. It'll cut and sting whatever part of your body-" Oliver explains, though he doesn't finish before Draco grabs the basket and shakes everything out.

"Malfoy! Bloody hell are you ok?" Hermione shrieks as his hands start bleeding.

"Not quite. I'll need you or Luna to wrap me up," Draco grimaces from the pain and the sight of blood.

"Thanks, Malfoy," I let out ashamed.

Why is it that the most hated person in the room is doing the most for the girl that I'm supposed to be in love with. Even Oliver seems to shrink at the sight of Draco's rash behavior. We don't deserve her.

I bend down and start to shuffle through the basket's contents. I hear Ash take a shaky breath.

You know it's fate, Ash.

I read through a few more before I decide I've seen enough. I walk over to Ash to see if there is anything I can get her.

"Smelling salts maybe? Something strong? Music? I haven't exactly dealt with many comatose people," Hermione sighs but the concern is written clearly on her face, "I think I should have some."

She gets up to find them completely forgetting that I was the one who asked for the task. I look at Ash's face, It wasn't as peaceful as it should be but at least it wasn't twisted in pain. I knew the smelling salts and music wouldn't wake her up, Hermione's expression proved as much, this was magical. I crouch down so that our faces were close.

"I love you," I frown, "you can still hear me. I know. After the last time you lost consciousness I did some research."

"I can't believe the research pays off now," I wipe the sweat off her brow and move hte hair out of her face again. She shuffles a little. A sign I take gratefully and in strides, "I thought you were the most beautiful girl, the person actually, in my third year, your second year. I don't know when I fell for you but I know I did. I can't tell if these feelings were here when George first started making fun of my affection. Either way, they've grown and I'm not sure how much longer I can be okay with you not knowing. Wake up Ash. Wake up and be exactly like you were before and I promise I'll tell you exactly how I fell. Just talk to me again."

I grab her hand and sit next to her as I hum a song.

The others were talking about the letters and trying to come up with connections. They heard everything Fred said and George made a mental note to make fun of him for it when Ash woke up, he knew she would, not a single doubt in his mind. They were just working to quicken the pace.

"Get your butt over here Fred," George rolls his eyes.

"Your eyes are all red and foggy, pathetic," Malfoy says.

"Come on. Think like Ash," Harry says.

"If I was Ash reading these letters what answers would I get?" Ron thinks.

We look in silence for a few minutes then it dawns on me. Every letter ended in Ash's name. Every single one, except a single letter. One Fred grabs in a hurried rush.

Fred's letter's also included his name at the end, the instant his name was gone was when he started to receive the disturbing images.

"THIS ONE. This must have the answer. He wants a relationship with Ash. A real one. He wouldn't jeopordize that but more importantly, he wouldn't want her dating an unknown figure. We just need to decipher this one," I shake the letter in my hand.

"And you're sure," Oliver asks.

"Yes." Draco and I say at the same time.

I lay it out for everyone to read.

I see us in the mirror. Our two kids, our house in the fields. The sun is shining and you know who I am. It's all in the mirror. You are my champion. You are my love. You are my desire.

I remember being disturbed by it. That doesn't help me solve it though.

"I know where this is," Harry says.

Hermione bursts in, "I've got it! I've figured out how to wake Ash!"

"That's great news, I think we've figured out how to find who's doing this to Ash," Ron rushes over to Hermione.

"Great. You do that while I read Ash's mind," Hermione rushes over to Ash.'

I stand there. Obviously I should be there when Ash wakes up. But what if the others are on their way to confront whoever Gray is. I needed to be their too.

"Come on Fred I'm sure they have enough people and I need someone to go into Ash's mind," Hermione ushers me over, making the choice for me.

"Don't worry about us Fred just give her a wake up kiss for us yeah," Oliver winks as he heads out.

Hermione wastes no time. She casts the spell on me and I'm in Ash's mind.

"Forgot to warn you but she is in your mind as much as you are in hers so, keep your thoughts... surface level," Hermione says.

"Why couldn't Luna do this?" I ask.

"Her mind is confusing. Like a jumbled mess. Of course yours might not be andy better," Hermione sighs.

'Fred? If you can hear me tap my hand twice," Ash whispers in my head.

I tap her ahdn twice as soon as I hear her words.

'Good. Don't be afraid I'll be fine. I smelled lavender before I crashed, it's just a poorly made sleeping drought. If I smell some cinamon I should be fine.'

"Ok I'll get you some cinnamon Ash," I say out loud.

Luna hurries to get the cinnamon from the kitchen and I start to go after her.

'Not so fast. Fred. I can read your mind right now. Care to explain a few things?' Ash thinks.

Instantly all of my thoughts of losing her and how much I loved her come rushing through.

'Um what exactly?" I think.

Ash smiles. I can't tell from looking at her but I know she's smiling by the tone of her thoughts, 'Nothing actually Fred. Just wanted to hear how you'd react. I would miss you as well by the way. Though I can't fathom missing you that much.'

"You wouldn't last a day without me," I smile. Ash was okay what more could I ask for. 'You know I was afraid to say it before but I guess now that you're in my mind, I have an excuse. I like you Ash. As more than a friend that's why I would miss you so much and why I can't bear to lose you," I think to myself and Ash. I'm met with silence deafening silence.

"Ash?" I say out loud.

"Oh it was a timed potion. Thought you wouldn't want her to know what you were thinking for too long in case... Anyways it ended about 2 minutes ago. Of course I can always cast it again," Hermione offers.

"No it's fine. Luna will be back anyways and you were right. I don't want her to know what I'm thinking."

"And I am back," Luna glides in and breaks the stick right in front of Ash's nose.

Ash opens her eyes for no more than a second before i throw my arms around her.

"Fred," she laughs unamused, "see this past hour sure was trying on you."

"Oh come on. Admit the hug is sweet," I roll my eyes and let her go so I can look at her better.

She rests her head on my shoulder and sighs, "I guess."

"Hate to break this up but," Hermione starts.

"They need Fred. No one wanted to find Ash's stalker enough. But they think Fred will," Luna finishes.

"Really? Why not me? It's the mirror of erised isn't it. I'm going too," Ash gets up.

But instead of standing she wobbles and sits back down.

"Guess my bodies still drowsy." She frowns.

I make up my mind, "Alright let's all go. Right now."

I pick Ash up and march her out of the common room before I realise I had no idea where we were going. Luna walks past us after eyeing me with a smirk. I follow her at a slower pace.

"Wow. aren't you mister strong man today?" Ash laughs.

I blush. I know I'm blushing but it's dark and she couldn't possibly know. I scramble for a response. How would I respond if I wasn't in love with her? I can't afford to get nervous right now.

"Don't get used to it," I say but my voice gives me away and Ash laughs harder.

I blush harder and answer the rest of her jokes or questions or phrases in yes or no's. When we finally get there and I set her down she springs to her feet.

"Must've worn off," she smiles at me and shoves my shoulder playfully.

I couldn't catch my breath when I was with her.

Then we walk in and I see the mirror. Everyone is sitting around it having lost hope.

Then Draco spots Ash and runs up to her. He hugs her and throws her over to the others who all happily rejoice in her presence.

"Now what did all of you see that was so much more important than Ash?"

"Quidditch," Harry, Draco, and Oliver all say in unison. They looked disappointed in themselves but if that was true then it was true.

"It wasn't quidditch but it didn't have anything to do with you and I'd rather not say," Ron blushes and glances at Hermione. I had an idea of what he saw.

"Joke shop," George shrugs.

"Alright fine." I step towards the mirror and look in.

The glass swirls and reveals a gryffindor boy. That I did recognize. Not because we had classes or because he had friends but because about a month ago Fred kept bumping into him. He didn't actually stand out though so Fred never learned his name.

He looks away, "I recognize him." He's met with cheers and hoots.

"Of course it would be Fred."

"Fred's proven himself today."

"Good on you Fred."

"What's Ash got to say about Fred's undying love?"

"Oh shut it. If Fred and I switched places I would see the same thing," Ash scoffs.

"Ugh yeah..."

"We know..."

"Isn't that the point? Of love?"

I look back at the mirror it must have changed when I looked away. I was standing outside of my joke shop. George was inside talking to customers that seemed to stream out the door and past several blocks. And there was Ash. Holding a pair of twins that looked like us, and then she kisses me and hands me one. And my smile is bigger than anything else. I tuck Ash under my arm and we walk into the Joke shop where the scene continues. I could watch this forever.

"Move Fred. I want to see," Ash pushes me out of the way.

Ash's POV:

I look into the mirror and there it is. Exactly what I thought I would see and yet what I was hoping I wouldn't. I was an auror and Fred was right there by my side. We both had rings and he bent down to kiss me. I held onto his neck and as he pulled away he took me with him. It all looked so fun. And just as I was about to look away I see two mini Fred's running into view and tackling us to the ground. They transformed into a pigeon and a puppy. They were animagus. I was smiling and I was married to Fred. That's all I needed to see.

"Let's go catch Grey," I walk away from the mirror. It wasn't real.

"Sure love," Fred slides over to walk by my side. He waits patiently but I can tell he wants to ask me about what I saw.

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