Triwizard Tournament

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They did not tell us what was happening.

I was sitting with Luna and only Luna. I found it awkward around Fred now. Even though I had no real reason to feel that way. I literally just checked him out once. Luna and I were playing wizards chess and talking about our summer.

"The twins visited the Celiumtru castle," I mention.

"Ah did your dad do the thing," Luna moves a chess piece.

"Definetley, Fred was shaking out of his pants," I laugh.

"Speaking of Fred..."

"Nothing to say about him... we really are just friends. You may have been right about the last 5 or so but this time-"

"The last 12 actually. I'm telling you he likes you. Dare I say you like him back?" Luna smiles and moves a piece.

"I am going to spend this Christmas with you. Not at the Burrow," I deflect.

"Father said I might want to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas this year."

"Something is happening this year. Why won't they tell us anything," I roll my eyes.

"You like surprises."

"You like Neville."

"You like Fred... Checkmate," Luna wins the game and looks at me smiling.

"I do not-" I start.

"Do not what, love?" Fred slides in and raps an arm around me.

Luna and I exchange a few glances. George walks in and sits next to Luna.

"Do not know what's happening at school this year. Even my sister hinted that she knew when I wrote to her," I scoot closer to Fred with his arm swung over my shoulder.

This is just what friends do. I don't like him. I'd do the same with George.

"Well Charlie is coming to Hogwarts soooooo. Dragons. It'll definitely be an eventful year," George smiles.

"It always is. Why did you two come find us?" I ask George and Fred.

"Freddie here missed you," George smiles.

Fred laughs nervously, "we don't need to inflate her ego anymore Georgie. I was afraid you'd miss me. Because you like me."

I remove his arm from my shoulder and put a hand to his head to check his temperature, "you say such ridiculous things. You don't have a fever though so it must be because of you're crush on me."

"I DON'T-" Fred starts.

"Looks like we're here. Come on Luna, we should leave since Fred won't admit he misses me," I grab Luna's hand and we leave before Fred could say anything else.

"Bit rude to your boyfriend," Luna walks beside me.

"Can't be rude to someone who doesn't exist."

"Just admit it Ash. You'd be much happier if you did."

"Let's just go to the Great feast."

We enter the great hall just as the sorting finishes. Dumbledore is giving his regular speech. Then he announces the triwizard tournament.

"Introducing the Beauxbatons," Dumbledore says.

A bunch of girls in light blue dresses floods in. They were all beautiful. One winks at me and I can't help but blush.

"Careful sister. That's MY best friend you just blushed at," my sister whispers as she twirls by me.

"Wouldn't want her inking at yours," Luna laughs.

I can't believe she's here. This year will definitely be something.

I glance over at the twins. THey seem to also be enjoying the show. Fred scoots away from a few girls that twirl a little too close. Angelina was a lucky girl. I feel a twinge in my chest at this thought. Weird.

"Not for Durmstrang," Dumbledore announces.

Roughly 100 boys gush into the great hall. Some of them were definitely worth looking at. A few of them catch my eye as they do their impressive staff dancing. I openly gape at them. When they end the dance and look up in their final stance I notice a few blush as I look at them. I suppose I caught their eye too.

One, in particular, was very attractive. He had dark hair and eyes equally as dark. I've always liked red. He was tall and visibly fit. Fred was taller. I stared at him a moment longer and he winked. I laugh a little and wink back to which the Durmstrang boy smiles. Cute.

I glance over to Fred. His hands were clenched and he looked like a whole range of negative emotions. He was glaring at one of the Durmstrang boys.

"You must be above 17 to enter your name into the goblet of fire," Dumbledore says.

I wasn't going to try and enter anyway. I knew the twins would want to though. They were 16 with a birthday in April, so close. I knew what this meant though, no quidditch. It was Oliver's last year, he was going to be devastated. He really wanted to win this year.

A few days pass and after consoling a teary Oliver and celebrating his future quidditch position for Puddlemere, the twins wanted me to help them enter the Goblet of Fire. Of course, I don know how they expect me to do that.

"Sometimes the simplest solution is the right one," Fred smirks.

"I don't think Dumbledore would overlook an aging spell," I try to convince them.

"Maybe that's what he wants you to think he thinks. Maybe he overlooked it because he thought we would think he wouldn't overlook it," George defends Fred.

"Then go for it boys I'll just wait here."

Fred and George take the aging potion together, arm in arm. They walk through the age line and just as they were about to put their names in, they get flung back and grow white beards.

I help George up and then Fred.

"How do you feel about older gentleman?" Fred flirts.

I drop his arm and he falls back onto the floor, "I'm less than half your age sir."

"George, we have to get to the infirmary quickly. Ash won't admit her feelings for me like this," Fred grabs George in a panic.

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