Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff

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"Got a match tomorrow, last one this year. I don't think I'll be making the quidditch cup," I lay on Draco's lap.

The quidditch matches flew by this year, Ravenclaw was really sloppy but I was more focused on helping Oliver and Draco then my own quidditch. I even missed a match or two to study.

"You'll win."

"Obviously, Slytherin was horrible this year with all their cheating. Davies spiraled because of it. Gryffindor we're pretty strong too."

"Cause you keep telling Wood all you plays. Helping the enemy," Draco scoffs.

I reach up and bring the book he's reading down so he looks at me, "You know some people consider you the enemy."

"You mean all of your friends," Draco laughs and runs a hand through my hair.

"All I'm saying is Gryffindor is a rival but Wood, Fred and the others aren't the enemy," I smile and reach up to touch his cheek.

"Potter likes you."


"Yep, the chosen one has a crush on you. It's annoying," Draco rolls his eyes.

"Oh your jealous," I tease.

"Of Potter? No. You got pretty close to him though..."

"Youre the one for me Draco. You don't have to worry about that."

"My father sent me another owl... I really hope the dark lord never comes back, I'm scared Ash."

"Hey, Voldemort is gone. He isn't here. If he ever does come back I'll be right here and we'll get through this together. We'll never be death eaters," I promise him.

"I just feel uneasy," Draco frowns.

"Wanna fly around the pitch? I was gonna meet with Wood for the Hufflepuff match anyways."


We make our way to the pitch Oliver was already there.

"Wood get down here," I yell.

"Hey Blue, how are you?" Oliver catches a glimpse of Draco and frowns slightly.

"I'm good, mind if Draco practices with us? You can keep and Draco can help be a stand in chaser. You can even learn some of my tactics," I smile.

"No use. You bailed on the Ravenclaw Gryffindor match this year," Oliver says.

"Well I was busy. There's no way we're going to make the cup this year so we may as well make sure Hufflepuff doesn't either."

"And who are you going to help for the final game? Slytherin or Gryffindor," Oliver looks at me.

"...I'm dating the Slytherin Seeker. OBVIOUSLY I'm helping Gryffindor. Come on Draco even you have to admit you're a bunch of cheats," I hold Draco's hand.

"She might help Gryffindor but she's also helping me. Not my team but me," Draco says.

"Yeah yeah. Let's get started then," I hop onto my broom."

It was a good practice and soon it was the day of the match.

"Blue takes the ball and scores, looks like Hufflepuff was too slow. Blue takes the ball again and passes it. Davies passes it back and DID BLUE JUST JUMP OFF HER BROOM. That is wild I've never seen this. Looks like the Hufflepuff chasers haven't seen anything like it either. Ash scores again. It's 110 to 30 now. Looks like Cho's spotted the snitch. Race after it and.... RAVENCLAW WINS. that was an exciting match.

I fly down as my team comes to congratulate me. Draco finds me and pulls me into a hug to congratulate me.

"You did so well. I would have done better but.." Draco jokes.

"We know that's not true, stick to being a seeker," I kiss him.

"Are you going to the after party?" Draco asks.

"I never do Draco. I am exhausted."

"But this party is practically in your honor," Draco rolls his eyes.

"I am pretty great," I laugh.

"You are Ash. That was bloody brilliant," Davies says.

"Come on we've gotta get back. You were the mvp today," Cho smiles.

"We both know I won't be doing that. I will be sleeping," I sigh.

"Ravenclaw is going to be much too loud for sleep," Davies presses.

"I'll stay with Draco, bye now," I wave and my team walks away.

"Blue! How come you've never pulled a stunt like that during our practices?" Oliver looks at me shocked.

"I have to save something for the actual matches. This was without the cup on the line too. Just wait til next year," I wink.

"Don't flirt with other people right in front of me," Draco pulls me closer.

"Guess I'll do it behind your back instead," I smile at Draco.

"Barf. And here we were about to congratulate you," George shakes his head.

He was balking beside Fred and leading the entire Gryffindor quidditch team. They all asked questions about the play and looked amazed that I even dared to attempt them since I wasn't even in Gryffindor.

"Congrats." Fred swings his arms around me in a lazy hug.

We spend the next few minutes just talking on the field.

"It doesn't matter what house I'm in. Besides I'm not telling any of you how to do it. The only person I help is Wood, and only because he wants to play professionally," I frown at Cormac McLaggen.

"Don't frown like that you look a lot prettier smiling," Cormac smirks.

"I can punch him if you want," Draco sighs annoyed.

"It's whatever. Bye Fred, George, Wood," I wave and go back to Slytherin with Draco.

We just read books and fell asleep.

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