Quidditch tryouts

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Before we know it we're back at hogwarts. I sat in a train car with Fred and George. Draco and I barely talked while we were at Hogwarts.

"Ash, you know you're our best friend right?" Fred asks.

"Oi stop being cheesy. Might as well give her a kiss on the forehead while you're at it," George interrupts.

"Obviously I'm your best friend. If not me then who?" I laugh.

"Sooooo, you'd tell us if you had a crush. Wouldn't you?" Fred questions.

"I did last time, didn't I?"

Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I've had a crush.

"Hmm I don't know. You don't want to talk about Draco so I guess it would be difficult to talk to you about a crush," I say.

"Oh really," Fred teases but I see that he's taken aback.

"Goodness, that must hurt. Fred was really hoping you'd confess to him. The fool's in love," George laughs.

"Aww well maybe next time," I laugh.

We all laugh for a while. Days passed and then it was time for the quidditch tryouts. I was trying out for Ravenclaw chaser. Draco for Slytherin Seeker. He was watching the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tryouts in the stands. Hufflepuff and Slytherin tryouts were a different day. I meet Fred and George.

"How are you feeling," George asks.

"Like Ravenclaws about to get a new Chaser, fate that the old one left last year," I say.

"Confident I see, I like that in a girl," Fred flirts.

"Yeah yeah. Just remember that when I beat you for the quidditch cup," I smile.

"Tryouts are starting!" Madame Hooch announces.

"Good Luck Weasley," I shout.

They both did great and soon it was my turn.

"Blue, I almost expected to see you last year because of your prophecy. Born to compete or something," the quidditch captain, Roger Davies said.

"I would've been happy to but I'm no Harry Potter," I say, glancing at Harry.

"I suppose a prophecy isn't everything. Let's see if you have the skills."

I do a few tricks in the air. They seemed impressed and even made a comment about how I should have been allowed to play early. Then the Ravenclaw tryouts played against the Gryffindor ones.

Luna had agreed to try out with us. I thought she'd make a great seeker. I stay around her for most of the game. I play chaser and score 100 points. 10 goals. Luna and a Gryffindor seeker try to race to get the snitch. Luna had seen it first but the Gryffindor was getting a lot closer now. The snitch plummets down And so does the Gryffindor seeker. Luna rides to the right. She was actually quite fast but it seemed like the wrong direction. Just as the Gryffindor seeker was about to catch the snitch It changes direction and flies directly to Luna. She opens her hand ready to catch it. It flew past her a few times but she was much closer to the snitch than her opponent now. She had time.

"Ravenclaw wins! 300 to 90!" Madame Hooch announces.

Tryouts were over and now we waited to see who would get in.

"Luna, you were amazing!" I say.

"Just sticking to my strengths like you said. I never was fast," Luna says.

"Of course! Why chase after the snitch in a race you can't win when you can predict the movements in case the snitch goes the other way?" Davies thinks.

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