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George wakes up and walks over to Fred to wake him up. It was 4 in the morning and he sleepily went to wake up his twin.

"Wake up Freddie," George stalks over to Fred's bed, still not fully awake.

"I'm awake," Fred says from behind George.

George jumps and falls onto Fred's bed. More awake this time George looks at Fred. He was already in a quidditch outfit. He looked like he'd been awake for hours. George just looks at Fred trying to register the fact he actually woke up early and by himself.

"I wish you had realised you had a crush sooner," George gets up to get changed shaking his head at his overly excited brother.

"Ok ok, should we get breakfast? Do you think Ash will be there?" Fred asks, urging his brother to get dressed quicker.

"She doesn't eat breakfast, remember?"

"There's a first time for everything. I think we should hurry down just in case."

"You've liked her for a day," George grumbles.

"I thought you said I've liked her since we met on the train?"

"Since when did you start listening to me. If you had you might have a date with Ash instead of crashing one."

"It's not a date," Fred whines.

"They kissed and planned a 3 hour private quidditch practice. I'd be surprised if we don't walk in on a snog session," George pats his brothers back.

"Let's just go to breakfast."

Fred and George leave their dorm quietly as to not wake a sleeping Lee Jordan. They make it to the great hall and see Ash eating a few crackers and drinking water.

"Hello love, you only do that when you're sick," Fred says sitting by Ash.

George walk to the other side of Ash.

"Not sick, just nervous. I'm going to practice quidditch with Oliver, I usually don't eat before practice but I'll be out there all day," Ash goes back to the crackers.

"Oliver?" Fred questions.

"We'll..." I smile.

"We can bring some snacks," George says.

"That's a good idea. I was thinking of bringing some too. Oh also Oliver and I kissed last night," I blush.

"What? Really?" George said in fake disbelief.

"I know. I thought it was a bit sudden. I mean he just learned I wasn't with Draco that day," I grab a few things of cereal so that I would have a snack for the rest of the day.

"Do you like him?" Fred asks.

I stop, "Of course I like him. To be honest though I've only seen him as a friend so far. He'd be a good boyfriend though. Maybe."

"Do you think it'll be awkward between you now?" George asks.

"Only if he makes it awkward. I've had a feeling he's liked me for a while now. If he doesn't talk about becoming more than friends it should be fine. I think it's still too soon since Draco," I say.

"Not too soon for him. I heard he's with Parkinson," George says, earning a glare from George. He was supposed to be convincing her not to date.

"Ugh tell me about it. I mean I don't want to seem cocky but it's a clear downgrade," I joke.

Fred and George laugh and we start heading to the quidditch pitch.

"What are you two doing today. Or at least till 8?" I say.

Fred <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora