Quidditch meetings

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I was sitting with Fred's arm around me. I was going to eavesdrop on the quidditch meeting. Sometimes they forget I was even on the Ravenclaw team. I was fiddling with Fred's fingers and Oliver was halfway into explaining a play when he slowly turns to face me.

"How long were you here," he stares at me.


"The whole time Oliver," Fred rubs a hand on my cheek.

"You have to leave. The biggest match of the year is against you," Oliver says.

"I'm just trying to make sure your beaters can keep a hold of their bats. Right George?" I ask George just shakes his head at me.

"Well Fred can attest, I'm improving his beater skills after all," I wink at Oliver.

"You're not going to distract me like last time. I was trying to explain how unfair your techniques were when YOU kissed me," Oliver folds his arms.

"Is that what you were doing? I couldn't understand a thing over your accent, it thickens when you're mad. You're cute mad. I remember you kissing me first though," I smirk as his face reddens.

"I- um leave."

"Bye Fred, George, Oliver, guess I'll see you at the game," I laugh as I leave the common room.

"If you or George tell her any of our plays I will kick you from this team," Oliver tells Fred.

"They tried to distract us so now we have to distract them," Oliver says.

"...you want us to snog her mid game?" Fred asks.

"What. No. Snagging isn't the only way to distract someone," Oliver shakes his head aggressively.

"Seems to be your favorite," Fred high-fives George.

"Enough about the kiss, let's go back to quidditch-"

"I'm surprised he had it in him, I mean the guys quidditch obsessed. And to think he'd get someone like Ash," Angelina says.

"I know! I always thought she'd get with Fred," Katie agrees.

"You have to admit our captain is attractive," Alicia joins in.

"But you've seen how Fred and Ash are. They are always cuddling and together. I mean her and George are friends too but he doesn't get nearly as many hugs," Katie says.

"IVE THOUGHT THE SAME. She was clearly flirting with Wood just now but her and Fred's chemistry was even more clear," Angelina says.

"A lot of girls are interested in Wood though, think she'll be safe?" Katie says.

"A lot are interested in Fred," Alicia says.

"But even more are interested in Ash. If anything Wood needs to be careful," Angelina says.

"You mean Fred?" Alicia says.

"I could picture her snagging both," Katie says.

"We don't have to picture it, she DID kiss them both. Remember? After the match," Angelina giggles.

"Oh my- lucky blokes both of them," Alicia remembers.

"We're uh still here," Fred raises his hand.

"You're right, say Fred. What'd you smell in your amortentia?" Alicia asks.

"Right... I remember in class you said it smelt familiar. Books, mint, smoke, but all at once and then whatever else. Then you paused and this look of shock was on your face and you didn't talk the rest of class," Angelina says.

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