Chamber of secrets

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It was about a week later. Harry Potter had opened the chamber of secrets. Or so a bunch of my close friends thought. I hadn't talked to Draco since that night. I sent him a letter saying we could talk when he was ready. He sent one back a few days later saying he was ready, but then I decided that I wasn't. The days went on and I confided in Luna. A little in the twins as well but Luna was much more helpful. I had thought of asking Hermione for help but I felt like she would say the same things as the twins. Draco called her a mudblood after all. Something I never really forgave him for no matter how he apologized to me. I could feel he wasn't fully genuine yet. He even refused to apologize to Hermione.

I was in the Gryffindor common room trying to come up with solutions to the Chamber of Secrets with the twins.

"It says here a pureblood has to open it. Right there you dingus," I shake the book in front of Fred.

"Well that doesn't mean Harry couldn't have opened it," Fred argues.

"Yes. Yes it does. It meant exactly that Fred. Harry is a half-blood. If we look at it logically..." I trail off.

"Your boyfriend did it," George finishes the thought.

"Anyways, people seem to be getting petrified and the messages on the walls aren't helping either. I think we should keep an eye on all the purebloods," I think.

"You want us to keep an eye on ourselves?" Fred raises an eyebrow.

"Yes and the other purebloods. There aren't many. George, you watch over the Weasleys. I'll watch over Greengrass, Malfoy, and that other pureblood in Ravenclaw house," I say.

"And what do you want me to do love?" Fred smirks "Watch over you?"

"That and A few other Slytherins. I never really paid attention to them so I can't tell you exactly who," I blush in embarrassment.

"Alrighty, I'll get on it."

I get up and start walking out.

"Well where are you going now," George asks.

"Infirmary, I want to check something," I say.

George follows me out. "For someone who's supposed to be watching me Fred sure is slow," I laugh.

Fred chases after us and we talk as we reach the infirmary.

"Hi, is McGonagall here. I'm here to have my weekly briefing. She told me to meet her here since this is where she spends a lot of her time now," I lie.

"Of course," Madame Pomfrey lets us in.

"Nice one Ash," Fred highfives me.

I look around at the patients and I'm right. Colin Creevy. The only one with a camera was the only one without a calm face.

"I had read a story. Medusa. You couldn't look at her or the snakes in her hair. However you could through reflections or... maybe a camera," I point to Colin.

"Blimey Ash, you're brilliant. So Medusa did it!" George gasps.

"Well no she doesn't exist. We just need to find something that does the same thing. If it's Salazar Slytherin's Chamber I'd bet money on a type of snake. Like Medusa," I think out loud.

"To the library?" Fred asks.

We head out. As we enter the library we see Hermione already in a book fort.

"Hermione? What are you doing?" I ask.

"Probably the same thing as you. Researching things for the chamber of secrets. I've narrowed it down to a magical creature that escaped," she explains.

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