Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw

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Now we were back at Hogwarts. It's the day of the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin match. I also had dueling club practice this morning. Luna and Oliver came with me.

"You know, you could've written a few letters to me," Oliver says as Luna gets some equipment ready.

"Me? I wrote you three letters. You're the one who didn't respond," I glare.

"You're mental. I checked my window everyday hoping I got a letter from you. I sent you one as soon as Christmas break started," Oliver glares back.

"I promise you I didn't get any. I was going to visit your house after you didn't respond but the twins showed me that you wrote them a letter. I just assumed you didn't want to talk."

"I always want to talk with you," Oliver frowns.

"Maybe our letters just got lost. Sorry," I say.

"No it's fine I'm sorry for accusing you," Oliver hugs me.

Fred's POV:

George and I walk in to Ash hugging Oliver. My heart drops. I thought they'd ignore each other a little longer because of the letters George and I hid. They were so cheesy. "I miss you, quidditch practise isn't the same without you. I think I've realised how much I enjoy seeing you everyday."


Ash flirted with me a lot during Christmas break. I was actually starting to think she might like me back. Of course she didn't actually. She made it clear she only saw me as a friend and she has Wood anyways.

"Ok today we will be learning proper dueling techniques," Ash announces.

"Break off into pairs. You can fight, nothing to kill though," Luna adds.

Everyone breaks off and starts warming up and practicing jinx's. I walk over to Ash hoping she's dueling with Luna and not Oliver. Luckily she was. George finds a random Slytherin to duel and I was left to duel Oliver. For Ash's love.

"Alright, ready to start Weasley," Wood asks.

"Whenever you are, Wood," I respond.

Wood casts a spell. It hits me square in the chest and I cast a jinx at him he dodges. It goes back and forth with some hitting him and some missing. Wood casts a few healing spells on him but I focus on just attacking. Ash rushes to us after having just beat Luna and George in a match. It appears as though our duel went on longer than usual.

"Stop both of you," Ash pushes me back.

I push Ash out of the way and we don't stop dueling.

Ash casts expelliarmus and catches both of our wands. How did she cast two expelliarmus's at the same time?

"You two are a bunch of pricks. Fred, you should have cast a few healing charms or gave up. This isn't even a real duel. The winner doesn't matter," Ash pulls Olivers and my collar.

She pushes us closer and makes us shake hands. Ash goes to help heal my wounds. The only reason Oliver has a lead is because he was a year older and used healing spells. He won unofficially. Officially we tied. But I was the one being healed by Ash so I'm pretty sure I won.

"You are the dimmest git I've ever met. Honestly I might be late to my own quidditch game trying to heal you. Madame Pomfrey's busy and I doubt you want Oliver to heal you after that. Gosh Luna's healing you're brother too. No one was supposed to get hurt. Notice how Luna and I are both fine. It's because we were just supposed to disarm and capture our opponent. It's foolish to try and hurt your opponent, you'll just tire yourself and get hurt. You and Oliver," Ash lectures.

Fred <3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant