Broom buying

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We woke up. I've been getting better at waking up. I've been researching a spell to help. It's been working but I have to do it alone because I technically can't use magic because our wands are monitored. I get ready to meet Draco. A white button-up, a dark green overcoat, a darker green skort, tights underneath, silver dangle earrings, and a high ponytail with whatever hair bang things I have showing.

"Where are you going, all dressed up? Ash?" George asks after talking to Fred. It looked like Fred told George to ask me. I don't see why he couldn't ask himself.

"Buying quidditch brooms with Draco."

"In a skirt," Fred raises a brow.

"It's a skort. There are shorts underneath. I think it matches. Draco got me the jacket," I explained.

"Well alright but it looks like the Weasley's are going to third wheel this date. We have to buy supplies for Ginny," George joins.

"I don't think they'll mind. Maybe Draco will say 'it feels like it's just us when I'm with you'," Fred laughs.

"Oh butt off," I laugh.

We leave through the fireplace. Now we were in Hogsmeade. I make my way to the broom shop. The twins follow. I see Draco sitting with his father outside the store.

"Malfoy," George spits.

I walk over and hug Draco,"Hey I'm here. I thought George would be more respectful but they shouldn't be staying long."

"Expected from a Weasley," Mr. Malfoy sneers.

"Alright enough of that, Mr. Malfoy. I'll take mini Malfoy from here," I say, grabbing Draco's hand.

"Well alright Miss. Blue," Mr Malfoy walks in the other direction.

"How'd you manage that Ash?" Fred asks in awe.

"Father's always loved Ash," Malfoy grins.

"Right, well let's get broom shopping," I say.

We weren't supposed to touch the brooms but I had money. A ridiculous amount. I don't brag about it or hold it against anyone but I definitely use it. We walk in. I like to pick a durable broom that looks nice and maneuvers quickly. Draco usually just picks the fastest, most expensive ones and tests them out. We go towards a new collection. I touch a broom and Draco takes that broom "too slow Blue." I roll my eyes and we laugh.

"Hey this one says it's the fastest broom, it'll give me a boost in quidditch yeah," Draco says, grabbing the broom.

"Not even that broom'll help you Malfoy, but we can try," I grabbed a nice looking broom for agility.

We laugh and race outside with our brooms. We always use our last names when we joke around. I forget the Weasley twins are still in the store. Probably looking at new bludgers.

Draco and I get on to the brooms and race around Hogsmeade. I won, like usual.

"Come on Draco, you have to lean into it. Do you want me to explain physics again? Air resistance, weight distribution, x and y components, angle of most force," I list.

"Gosh Ash I just rode the fastest broom and lost a race. You might have to," Draco admires.

"Whatever Malfoy. Switch," I roll my eyes and hand him my broom.

I won again, but by a lot more.

"I might just need to get that broom. Definitely faster," Draco pants.

"Oh please, we have the whole day. Try a few more," I throw the broom to him. Seeing how he reacted it seemed like I threw it at him, "we'll work on that."

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