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"So did you decide on a keeper," Oliver asks.

We were practicing quidditch together. Oliver, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and I. It was fun, we didn't do this much. The twins and I usually ate together and did pranks but I spent a lot of time studying with Luna and Hermione recently. The times I wasn't doing that I was playing quidditch with Oliver. He could play at any time, he was obsessed. Leaving the twins and me with less time with each other. Still, we were inseparable when we did see each other.

"A fifth-year Ravenclaw. She's in your year, maybe you know her. I don't know her name though," I answer.

"Oi quit flirting you two! We've got a game to win," Fred yells.

We finish up and fly up to rest in the stands. We were all exhausted but it was really fun.

"There's a Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor game coming up. You should cheer for me," Fred flirts.

"Sure give me one of your jerseys," I say.

"Didn't I get you your own Gryffindor sweater?"

"Yeah, and George got me a scarf. I thought you wanted me to cheer for you though," I ask skeptically.

"Please we have the same quidditch number just wear your own jersey. A bit stalkerish of you to have the same number as me now that I think of it though," Fred teases.

"Wrong colors you troll. Besides 6 is my lucky number too," I defend myself. Fine, you can have mine from 1st year. Should fit you, you don't seem to grow."

"But if Ash cheers for you who will cheer for me?" Oliver joins.

"Or me for that matter," George adds.

"Um, what about us?" Ginny says pointing at herself, Harry, and Ron.

"I'll cheer for all of Gryffindor then," I give in.

"You'll have a banner with my name on it though? Right?" Oliver asks.

"Oh obviously," I say sarcastically.

"And what about me? You'll have to write my name on your forehead or something. Can't leave your best friend out," George gasps offended.

"I'm gonna leave before I'm forced to wear all of your merch," I smile getting up to leave.

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