Percy Jackson and the Avengers

By PercyJackson1394

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I'm not the greatest at writing, always failing LA. But I couldn't hold back because I am a huge Percy Jackso... More



543 8 4
By PercyJackson1394

Things got a little out of hand. I knew Piper and Annabeth had to settle there own arguments alone so me and Frank chilled together. At dinner I felt bad for Frank. He kept glancing around for someone I assumed Hazel because he saved her a spot. She never came back.

I think Hazel felt extremely bad though at the camp fire because the entire time they sat together, which was super sweet. But with all the attention on Percy I knew he didn't like it much. After a long talk Annabeth was having with Piper, Frank came over to sit by me. 

"Hey, Hazel told me the rest of the seven are meeting in Hades cabin after camp fire. I don't know why but I was told it was urgent and not to tell Percy. Any ideas?"

"What? Why not tell Percy? Wait pause, I know why!" I was so excited, a little birdie told another little birdie who told me, "Percy's best friend Grover is coming to visit him! Were probably planning out the details!"

Frank look relieved, "Man I was stressing, I knew Hazel was hiding something the second she never turned up to dinner."

"Not to pry or anything but I just assumed it was because she was so close to Leo, I know Chiron wanted to wait a few days before the funerals. I assumed Nico was comforting her with Will." I replied back.

Frank went to sit back with Hazel and by that time Piper came and sat next to me exhausted. "I was right!" She whispered to me. 

"About what?" I asked.

"About Percy and Charm speak I knew he was immune!" 

"Wait, Percy's immune to Charm speak? When did you figure that out?" I ask confused have I been tuned out of the competition thing for that long?

"Yeah, weren't you paying attention? Like just now? What were you and Frank talking about?"

"Nothing." I answered a little to fast.

"Wouldn't be nothing if it distracted you from the real world." Pipes replied just as quickly.

"Fine I knew you had to find out about this eventually. But I thought I would spare you the details till after the camp fire. Hazel wants the rest of the seven to meet in Hades cabin after camp fire without Percy. I first thought it was because a rumor of Percy's best friend was coming back to surprise him but the more I thought about it. It can't be a surprise party for Jackson. That doesn't feel right because every story I get to why Percy's best friend, Grover, is coming back there all the same."

"I know a little bit about this meeting, but what do you mean by theirs a reason this Grover guy is coming now." Pipes asked confused. 

"I don't know, but you didn't hear this from me. But according to some campers, Grover and Percy share something called an empathy link. I don't know what it is, I'll ask Annabeth about it later. But the point being this empathy link shares emotions, or feelings to each person. I don't know why they share feelings together, but the point being Grover has felt off lately and they think it's not Grover's emotions that are off."

"It's Percy's" Piper finished off.

"Exactly!" Piper looks away and I realize that camp songs have started around us. 

"I need to tell you something. When Annabeth and I were looking for Percy we ran into Hazel, Nico, and Will. They were also looking for Percy. They never explained why, they waited till he left his room and they search for something. Will and Nico took something and hid it from my view. They told Annabeth and I to keep quiet and they'll tell us everything after camp fire."

After a few more camp fire songs, Chiron wished campers goodnight. Pipes and I got up and hand in hand walked to the Hades cabin with Annabeth trailing behind us. Once inside we all stared expectantly at Nico and Hazel. Will just sat in a corner playing with something in his hand.

"I know what's happening here." Frank states, a lot of "you do?" and "really?" and all Nico did was rise an eyebrow. 

"Frank, do you know how many people told me that today?" Nico said it not in a condescending way more as a question of curiousity.

"Yeah, I do. This is about Percy." Nico smiled, like actually smiled. I've only seen him do that a few times around Will but he actually smiled!

"Frank is correct, it's kind of obvious isn't it. I thought a short summary would subdue but since I don't think anyone here has the full story I'll begin from Will's point of view. It all started in the infirmary..." 

After a thirty minute explanation by multiple people we got to the point of questioning. "Let me get this straight." I started but was interrupted by Nico and Will snorts of laughter. I continued on, "You think Percy is suicidal and so you stole some of his stuff?"

"Not the greatest of plans, I know but I mean this stuff was hidden well. I haven't had time to go through it. So I can't prepare you for what were about to see in these notebooks/scrapbooks." Nico admits.

Curiosity was killing all of us so Will and Nico dumped two big notebooks in front of us. No, Will had a small notebook, Nico dumped a, "Scrapbook?" I asked picking it up. 

"Yeah, found it under Percy's bed. Hidden so at first glace you wouldn't see it. I had accidentally felt it through the shadows of the corner of the bed." 

Annabeth grabbed the scrapbook flipping to the first page. With Percy's handwriting were the words, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. -Winnie the Pooh." On the next page was a picture of a small girl. The small girl was hugging a younger version of Percy. 

"Annabeth do you know who the girl is?" Pipes asked before me.

"Nope, no idea never seen her in my life. Percy never mentioned a childhood friend. But let's also take notice at how many bruises are on his arms around that girl."

"Look a name!" Frank pointed out a small paragraph below the girls photo. 

Will grabbed the scrapbook and took a closer look reading it out loud.

"Natasha, always talked about her younger sister. Her parents didn't like me, always showing up every time Natasha and me meet. Made plans to meet at warehouse 7, she never showed up. Parents did however told me, "She died trying to protect you." Radio silence, she told me if this ever happened to wait for further instruction. I did a day turned into years. Radio Silence." 

Will then looked at the next page reading that one out loud as well,

"Yelena, always clueless to how much her sister loved her. Natasha would take Yelena to meet with me. I would take her away from her home for a few days at a time. She would live hiding in my house. Always pitying me. Also went radio silent after Natasha disappeared/died. Waiting for further instruction."

Will took a breath, this gets deep guys listen to this. "I was always there younger brother. I was younger then Yelena but I knew I was the better survivor. Natasha needed a four year old to take care of a six year old. I thought it was a mistake until I realized how innocent Yelena was. She didn't see the world as I saw it. Dangerous, bloody, cold, and disappointment."

"What's on the next page Will?" Nico asks gently not raising his voice above a whisper.

"Zoe, Charles, Luke, many others we lost." Will whispers back.

"May I see that?" Annabeth asks, Will nods and hands the scrap book to her. Instead of looking at the beginning Annabeth quickly flips to the end. Stopping frozen, "Oh, Percy" She says softly.

We all look over Annabeth's shoulder to see the last person in the scrap book. The seven on the argo two it was a picture that was quickly taped in almost as if in a rush. "This is what he was doing before he answered the door. That's what took him so long, he needed to hide it again." 

"I'll check the underworld for a Natasha and Yelena. There's a good chance there dead and if there spirits they'll be able to chat with me. " Nico stood up stretching, "This is not what I thought we were going to find" Nico admitted. 

"You forget that I also grabbed something before leaving Percy's room." Will smiled as he opened the first page of the tiny notebook. I leaned in closer, wanting to see what everyone else was seeing.

"Warehouse 7 codes: 

Danger engage-Code arraviniazo (Greek)

Danger Run-Code begat, (Russian)

Safe- Code Blue(:

False Safe- Code Sahimna (Mizo)

Parents-Code New York, (Natasha and Yelena parents usually)

Meet up- Code Hopa"

Luke: "Goodbye Percy, there is a new golden age coming. You won't be a part of it." 


"Ethan. Me. All the unclaimed. Don't let it...don't let it happen again."

But why? 

Fates-Now LEO?! 


"Does anyone know what any of that means?" Hazel ask confused.

"Nope but each page is filled with non-sense like it. Just random quotes or phrases." Will added flipping through each page.

"I don't get it, I've known Percy since he was twelve. Grover has known him even longer than that. How do we know that we are going the right places with these ideas. Maybe Percy needs a break, how can you be so sure of him being suicidal?" Annabeth asks.

"We have no real evidence your right, but it makes sense. That's why were gathering tomorrow morning we want you all to be there to support Percy just in case." Will answers.

"And what if were wrong?" I ask.

"Then Percy will laugh with us, and we will have another crazy story to tell."

There suddenly was knock on the door. We all watched as Nico walked up to the door. Peeking out through the window. 

"It's Percy!" Nico whispered.

"Perfect timing!" Piper exclaimed.

"No, not perfect timing, he would feel bad if he knew we were all gathered and he wasn't invited." I whispered back.

"Nope don't care, open the door Nico!" Annabeth exclaimed. The door knocked again.

Nico opened the door to see a very tired looking Percy. Percy simple raised and eyebrow and step back smiling.

"I would call this a party, but you're all staring at me with concern." He winkled his nose looking down, "Does anyone want to explain all the pity looks."

"What are you doing here Percy?" I ask. Percy rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Um, I know it's going to sound stupid but I'm missing a scrapbook. I was going to work on it before going to bed. But its missing, i'm not accusing you all of anything. I just, I know you all were only in my room. While I was in the bathroom I'm not entire deaf but I heard rummaging. Still not accusing anyone!" Percy took a step back.

"You know what it's fine, I trust you all wouldn't take my stuff. I don't know why I'm here. I'll probably see if the Stoll brothers took it. I did ish ruin there prank." Percy smiled sheepishly.

Percy started walking away and suddenly Nico was right in front of Percy. Dang, I could never tell when Nico shadow travels. Will was not looking happy about it, but ran over and locked the door. "What was that for? Nico and Percy still need to come in." Pipes, pipes up next to me. 

"I know what come's next Piper. When Percy gets to uncomfortable he tries and leaves. He's done it all.." Will was interrupted by Nico shadow traveling in with Percy. "day" Will finished. 

Nico dragged Percy to his desk by his wrist. Percy didn't protest only slight interest and curiosity. Nico opened a drawer and pulled out something and then pulled Percy over to the bed post. He handcuffed one of Percy's hand to the bed post. 

"Why do you have handcuffs?" Percy asked confused. 

Nico looked at him fuming, "Shut up!" Will went and put a hand on Nico's shoulders. Percy look concerned. Like really concerned while looking at Nico. 

"Percy whats wrong?" I ask him, wanting to know why he's so distressed.

"Other than i'm handcuffed... Nico did I do something wrong. What ever it is I can fix it. Did I say something..." Percy opened his mouth to say more when he noticed the scrapbook and notebook on the floor. "Oh." Is all Percy said.

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