Fred <3

By yoyoyolmnop

175 0 0

Just for fun For some reason all my chapters are out of order so... More

First year
Summer 1
Broom buying
Quidditch tryouts
Chamber of secrets
Dueling club
Gryffindor party
Twins b-day
Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff
Summer 2
Rita Skeeter
Diagon alley and quidditch
Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff
Christmas Eve
Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
Fred's date
Quidditch meetings
Light night talks
Charolette (Charlie)
Quidditch Cup
Triwizard Tournament
Goblet Of Fire
First Task
Mirror of erised
Yule ball
Second task
Third task
More than friends
Daily prophet
" part 2
The Battle

Deatheater life

1 0 0
By yoyoyolmnop

I wait in the Malfoy Manors Kitchen. Draco comes in and frowns as he sees me.

"What's wrong?" Draco asks.

"How are your Occulmency skills?" I ask.

"Not the best."

"Make them better so I can tell you Draco, please."

"Alright Ash. I'll learn it."

"Heard from Voldemort lately?" I ask.

"Why would I hear from him?"


"There's a letter for you Ash. It's..." Draco hands me a letter.

It was from Voldemort. I open the letter. It was blank. Maybe it was a hidden message or something. I didn't feel like reading it though so I decided to just throw it out and just keep talking to Draco. The message was clear anyways. Voldemort was watching me.

The days pass quickly, it didn't look like he needed me so I decided it was safe to go to the Burrow. It was selfish. I could be putting everyone in danger but I wanted to be a little selfish. It was dumb to go and see them when I was being watched but it was even more stupid to go and send them letters. So I hadn't had any contact and... I missed them. All of them.

There was only a day left at hogwarts before we left for the summer. The twins and I haven't spoken a word to each other in weeks, I know they tried but they couldn't I made sure of it. By then our other friends had noticed.

"They miss you," Hermione says.

"an unusual amount," Ron throws a candy drop into his mouth.

"A regular amount for best friends," Hermione corrects.

"I don't want to talk about it. Listen I'm spending a week at the Malfoys and then a week at the burrow. After that I'm going to Lunas and then I don't know. ok?" I say.

"Ash, why are you pushing away the twins?" Hermione pushes.

"They can't take care of themselves."

"Us weasleys are very much capable," Ron counters, offended.

"Wheres Harry?" I ask.

"With Sirius were going to sirius's house over the summer," Ron says.


"Ash you cant just ignore this," Hermione calls out but in already on my way to harry and sirius.

As soon as I leave Fred and George walk in. "What'd she say?"



"Fred Im sor-"

"It's fine. It happens," Fred sighs but he can't hide the disappointment on his face. He wore the necklace Ash gave him and casted a charm on it. Making it indestructible and unremoveable. Ash had already cast around one hundred intricate protection spells on it but Fred of course didn't know that. He fiddled with it unconsciously.

I open the door to the ROR and there was Harry sitting on a carpet next to Sirius.

"Ash! So have you got an answer? Are you gonna stop by my place?" Sirius smiles.

"As long as Fred and George aren't," I smile back.

"We can arrange for them to come on the days you aren't there," Sirius nods.

"No. I don't want them to ever step foot in your house." If they do I'll know."

"Ash. That's a bit unreasonable."

"Just think about it sirius. Harry I need to talk to you," I walk out the ROR and Harry gets up to follow.


"Not here."

We walk further down the hall and into an empty classroom.

"Stay away from the twins," I say.

"What? I can't do that. Did they do something?"

"Harry... I love Fred. I am so deeply erratically and irrationally in love with him and you have a target on your back."

"Ash I... I don't see what this has to do with anything," Harry huffs.

"I had no idea having glasses made you dim. Do you really think Ginny opening the chamber was a coincidence? The people you love will get hurt."

"I just don't-"

"Fine. You can endanger, injure, incapacitate, and kill Ron and Ginny and Sirius and Cho, but please Harry. Please just let me have the twins. I dont ever have to see them again. I just want them to walk out of this. I need them to walk out of this. I need both of them to walk out of this," I beg Harry.

"Fine I will I will but they're better off in your hands. Under your protection."

"Thank you Harry. Thank you but I don't think I was meant to survive this."


"Remember. Not a word to the twins," and I walk out. I was to meet Luna in my dorm.

For some reason I truly felt that Luna was immune to the horrors of the world. She would get through anything.

"Ah Ash how are you?"

"Oh just dandy. Do you think icing out the twins was the right choice? I mean I'm practically taking away half his friends," I say.

"Not everyone you talk to will end up dead Ash. You have to make these choices yourself but what I will say is you do not need to cut them completely out. They're safer if you have an eye on them," Luna casts a glance towards me.

"Help me pack?"

"Already have, open your luggage," Luna smiles.

"Luna you realy didn't have to-"

"We both know you wouldn't have packed."

"I can't wait to go to your house again. Your father is delightful," I smile.

"You've got to get past a month with Draco first though," Luna mentions.


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