My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 35: Crossover #1

81 4 4

A/N: we're kicking off the first crossover with an anime that I watched a long time ago and it was requested Gakkuen Babysitter.

If you haven't watched it I do recommend it, and if you did I hope you like this crossover, I hope it's to your liking.

Monday, end of class.

Hitohito was packing again quickly to arrive early to his temporary job, if it's one thing that Goro clarified to him is that the chairwoman doesn't tolerate tardiness.

Hitohito: okay on my way now.

Hitohito took the subway, the school was farther than Itan.


Goro: alright a couple of rules to know, #1 and this is important do not be late, the chairwoman doesn't have a lot of patience.

Hitohito: noted.

Goro: rule #2 you will address her as chairwoman Morinomiya unless she tells you otherwise.

Hitohito: understood sir.

Goro: and rule #3 treat the kids as if they were your own siblings. It is important that these children are properly watched and been kept safe.

Hitohito: I'll do my best sir.

Goro: I know you will.

~Flashback ends~

Hitohito: so this must be the school.

Hitohito was standing at the front gates of the school, looking around to know where the office was located at.

Hitohito: lucky me a map - checks the map- alright I hope I'm not too late.

As he was making his way to the office many of the students began to whisper about him, Hitohito could hear everything they were saying due to his superhearing ability.

Student 1: hey who's that guy, he doesn't seem to be wearing our uniform.

Student 2: a transfer student?

Student 3: that uniform is from Itan.

Student 4: I heard they only do interviews as a method of acceptance, I wonder what kind of weirdos they take in.

Hitohito clenched his fist trying to ignore it.

Hitohito: (you're only here for a week Hitohito, be patient.)

The chatter continued when one female student stepped in and raised her voice.

???: hey it's rude to talk behind people's backs, all of you get to class right now!

The students dispersed quickly until it was only her and Hitohito.

Hitohito: thanks.

???: don't mention it, now state your name and your business.

Hitohito: right! Tadano Hitohito, I'm here to replace a worker in the daycare center.

Maria: Inomata Maria, I did hear they were bringing a temporary replacement, follow me I'll lead you to the chairwoman's office.

Hitohito: I appreciate the help.

Hitohito followed her to the front door which he assumed was the office.

Maria: this is the front office just knock on the door, I'll head to class.

Hitohito: -nods- thank you Inomata-san.

Maria: just be sure to not cause trouble -walks away-.

Hitohito: (you can never be too careful of strangers I guess.) *knock* *knock*

???: come in.

Hitohito entered the office where the chairwoman was already waiting for him

Hitohito: pardon the intrusion.

Youko: you're the replacement Goro talked about?

Hitohito: that is correct chairwoman, Tadano Hitohito a pleasure to meet you.

Youko: a pleasure as well, you can call me Youko if you wish.

Hitohito: very well Youko-san.

Youko: (good manners, but how is he handling children.) Tell me Tadano do you have experience with toddlers?

Hitohito: n-no, not really.

Youko: -sighs- this is going to be harder than I thought, okay just have to keep an eye on the kids, change diapers if you need to, prepare them a snack or getting ready for nap time.

Hitohito: I won't let you down Youko-san.

Youko: I hope not, Saikawa please escort our new member to the babysitter club.

Saikawa: yes ma'am, follow me Tadano.

Tadano: yes sir.

Hitohito followed Saikawa, walking through the hallways Saikawa explains the whole situation about the babysitting club and how they are short-staffed.

Saikawa: here we are, your shift ends once all the mothers pick up their kids, after that, you're free to leave.

Saikawa opened the door to reveal the whole ordeal to Hitohito, a bunch of children running around the facility while a brown-haired boy tried to keep it under control.

Saikawa: Ryuuichi, Usaida's replacement is here.

Ryuuichi: ah Saikawa-san perfect timing I need the help.

Saikawa: that's why I brought him.

The young boy was holding a sleeping baby while the rest of the kids were running around the place.

Ryuuichi: ahh you must be the temporary employee it is a pleasure, I'm Kashima Ryuuichi, and I'm in first year of high-school.

The young student bowed in front of the new guy. Hitohito bowed back at him.

Hitohito: Tadano Hitohito second year of high school at Itan, a pleasure to meet you too.

Ryuuichi: thank you for the help, Usaida took a PTO and now I'm on my own.

Hitohito: no problem, it seems that you could use all the help you- OUCH!

???: Ryuuichi I got the stranger.

One little boy with spiky black hair threw his plastic toy sword at Hitohito's forehead.

Ryuuichi: Taka-kun that was dangerous! Sorry Tadano-san you okay?

Hitohito: -rubbing his forehead- it's okay Kashima I'm fine (why did I act like it hurt?)

Taka: Ryuuichi who's the stranger?

Ryuuichi: Taka, this is Tadano he's gonna be with us while Usaida is out, please gather around and introduce yourselves.

The kids formed a line and started to say their names. The first one was the boy who threw the sword.

Taka: Kamitani Taka pelasure to meet you.

The next one was a girl with pigtails holding a giraffe plushie.

Kirin: Kumatsuka Kirin.

Behind them a set of twins one with a happy expression and the other had a crying face.

Takuma: Mamizuka Takuma.

Kazuma: Mamizuka Kazuma.

Ryuuichi: and this little one is Sawatari Midori.

Hitohito: a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Tadano Hitohito and I'll take care of you this week.

Another young toddler was hiding behind Ryuuichi's legs.

Ryuuichi: Kotaro, don't be rude say hi.

Kotaro: ......

Hitohito: -gets on his knees- hello there Kotaro I hope we get along well.

Kotaro hid his face on his brother's legs.

Ryuuichi: Kotaro, sorry Tadano-san.

Hitohito: it's okay, I get it he's shy.

Saikawa: I'll go back to the chairwoman's office and leave you to it.

The secretary left the two students to do their job.

Hitohito: -whispering to Ryuuichi- so what now?

Ryuuichi: -whispering back- just go along with the kids and make sure they are safe.

Taka: Tadano have you seen my new toy? My mom bought it for me on Christmas.

Hitohito: really now? I would love to see your toy.

Taka: tada! My Guardian figure!

Hitohito: (of course.......) wow impressive Taka.

Taka: and this toy talks look.

Taka pressed a button on the toy emblem.

Guardian toy: I'm here to fight for truth, justice, and the Japanese way.

Hitohito: (I never said that, and if I did I would say something like "for a better tomorrow".)

Taka: awesome right?

Hitohito: wow, you mind if I take a closer look at it.

Taka: mmmm okay but be careful with it.

Hitohito inspected the toy for a bit.

Hitohito: (wow they got the details on my suit right, even the symbol on the chest looks accurate..... I wonder if I should get a new look for my suit.)

Taka: you like it?

Hitohito: I am impressed, it's a cool-looking toy Taka, here you go.

Taka: I knew it, so what do you think about him? Isn't he the coolest person to ever exist?

Hitohito: (I wouldn't say the coolest.)

Ryuuichi: I think he's admirable.

Hitohito: how so?

Ryuuichi: well he's always helping people, and never expects anything in return, no matter how small or big the task is, he'll get it done.

Hitohito: -smiling- that's Guardian for you.

Ryuuichi: alright kids how about we go outside for a while? (My arms are getting tired, but I don't want to ask Tadano for help, he just started here.)

Hitohito: oh by the way if your arms are getting tired I could help you carry Midori.

Ryuuichi: really?

Hitohito: yeah I'll be careful I promise.

Ryuuichi: o-okay.

Hitohito: alright who wants to go out?

The toddlers cheered as an answer and formed a line to go out.

Hitohito: alright let's follow Kashima-kun.

Going out it was almost sunset, most students were already leaving, while others had to stay late due to club activities.

On the outdoors, the group stop at the baseball field where there was the usual practice.

Taka: look Tadano, you see the person pitching. -points at the said person-.

Hitohito looked in the direction where Taka was pointing, the pitcher who looked like an older version of Taka.

Hitohito: I see him, is that your older brother?

Taka: that's right, he's on the baseball team and his name is Hayato.

Hitohito: oh I see, so you wanna be like him when you grow up?

Taka: no! He's lame and dumb, and he always hits me for no reason.

Hayato showed a hint of annoyance that only Tadano picked up.

Hitohito: (oh he's super dense.)

Hayato threw the baseball at the hitter and swing it, unfortunately there was a miscalculation so the ball heade at high speed towards the group.

Hayato: hey look out!

Ryuuichi: eh?

Ryuuichi saw how the ball was closing to his direction, more precisely in the face. He closed his eyes bracing for impact but a few seconds happened and he didn't felt the hit.

He opened one of his eyes just to see a hand in front of his face holding the ball that was about to hit him.

Hitohito: hey be careful out there, there's children present.

Hayato: you guys okay?!

Hayato ran to their location to check for any bruises.

Taka: Tadano that was so cool!

Hitohito: hm? What is?

Ryuuichi: Tadano-san you stopped the baseball with your hand, are you okay?!

Hitohito: eh?

Hitohito didn't realize it until now that he caught the ball with his bare hand while still carrying Midori with the other.

Hitohito: ummm what can I say? I have stong bones -laughs awkwardly-

Ryuuichi: yes but your hand, doesn't it hurt?

Hitohito: don't worry Kashima, more importantly how are you? That would've been a nasty accident.

Ryuuichi: I'm okay, thanks to you.

Hitohito: no problem buddy.

Hayato: so Ryuuichi who's your new friend?

Ryuuichi: ah I almost forgot, this is Tadano, he's gonna be helping out while.

Hitohito: Tadano Hitohito, Itan high-school and part-timer at the Tokyo Herald.

Hayato: Kamitani Hayato, I hope my brother hasn't given you a hard time.

Hitohito: not at all.

Taka: you can go back brother, we don't need you right now!

Hayato: huh?!

Hayato raised a fist in which Taka covered his head and hide behind Hitohito's legs.

Taka: Tadano please save me!

Hitohito: -laughing akwardly- alright there's no need for violence Kamitani.

Ryuuichi: just pretend we're not here, we just wanted to take the children out.

Hayato: -sighs- okay I'll see you later Ryuuichi.

Timeskip to a few hours.

The mothers picked up all their children, it was night time, and now it was only Hitohito, Ryuuichi and Kotaro getting their stuff.

Ryuuichi: thanks for staying late Tadano I really owe you one.

Hitohito shook his head.

Hitohito: don't worry Kashima, I'm happy to help, plus I get some babysitting experience that'll come in handy?

Ryuuichi: eh?

Hitohito: my parents are expecting a baby, just a few days back we got news that my mother's pregnant.

Ryuuichi: well I hope it helps while working in here.

Hitohito: alright I'm all set, you should head home now Kashima, your parents might get worried.

Ryuuichi stood in silence and put on a smile face to hidehis sadness.

Ryuuichi: yeah...... I wouldn't worry about that.

Hitohito: ...Kashima-

Ryuuichi: but you're right it's getting late.

The two of them parted in different routes to head home.

Ryuuichi: see you tomorrow Tadano.

Hitohito: see you tomorrow, thank you for everything.

Ryuuichi: likewise.

Ryuuichi walked home with Kotaro in his hands.

Ryuuichi: Tadano is very helpful and friendly don't you think Kotaro?

Kotaro: -nods-.

Ryuuichi: I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

Ryuuichi kept walking when he was stopped mid-way by a tall man with a mask.

The man held a gun pointing at Ryuuichi.

Robber: give me all the money you have kid.

Ryuuichi protected his brothers with his arms putting Kotaro's face on his chest.

Ryuuichi: please sir I just want to get home, I don't have money with me.

Robber: you're lying! I'm sure you have it somewhere in your pocket.

Ryuuichi: sir I'm telling the truth I promise, I don't have any money.

Robber: stop playing games with me! 

The man reached his arm at Ryuuichi and he stepped back.

Ryuuichi: please don't hurt my brother I beg you.

Robber: shut it kid!

Guardian: hold it right there!

Ryuuichi didn't know but he was just saved by the individual in red cape who flies around the city.

Ryuuichi: Guardian!

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