Secrets of Sallow

By matchawuv

136K 3.5K 824

As the new year begins, you struggle to understand where your relationship with Sebastian stands. A new stud... More

Introduction [Updated]
Book 1
Chapter 3 [Book 1]
Chapter 4 [Book 1]
Chapter 5 [Book 1]
Chapter 6 [Book 1]
Chapter 7 [Book 1]
Author's Note
Chapter 8 [Book 1]
Chapter 9 [Book 1]
Author's Note
Chapter 10 [Book 1]
Author's Note
Chapter 11 [Book 1]
Chapter 12 [Book 1]
Chapter 13 [Book 1]
Chapter 14 [Book 1]
Chapter 15 [Book 1]
Chapter 16 [Book 1]
Chapter 17 [Book 1]
Chapter 18 [Book 1]
Chapter 20 [Book 1]
Chapter 21 [Book 1]
Chapter 22 [Book 1]
Chapter 23 [Book 1]
Chapter 24 [Book 1]
Chapter 25 [Book 1]
Chapter 26 [Book 1]
Chapter 27 [Book 1]
Chapter 28 [Book 1]
Chapter 29 [Book 1]
Chapter 30 [Book 1]
Book 2: Year 6
Chapter 2 [Book 2]
Chapter 3 [Book 2]
Chapter 4 [Book 2]
Chapter 5 [Book 2]
Chapter 6 [Book 2]
Chapter 7 [Book 2]
Chapter 8 [Book 2]
Chapter 9 [Book 2]
Chapter 10 [Book 2]
Chapter 11 [Book 2]
Chapter 12 [Book 2]
Chapter 13 [Book 2]
Chapter 14 [Book 2]
Chapter 15 [Book 2]
Chapter 16 [Book 2]
Chapter 17 [Book 2]
Chapter 18 [Book 2]
Chapter 19 [Book 2]
Chapter 20 [Book 2]
Chapter 21 [Book 2]
Chapter 22 [Book 2]
Chapter 23 [Book 2]
Chapter 24 [Book 2]
Chapter 25 [Book 2]
Chapter 26 [Book 2]
Chapter 27 [Book 2]
Chapter 28 [Book 2] + Author's Note

Chapter 2 [Book 1]

6.7K 150 29
By matchawuv

In front of stood the massive entrance to the Great Hall.

I was honestly quite nervous as after that encounter with Ranrok, we made it to Hogwarts at last and according to Fig, I was most likely late which I had a feeling wouldn't sit well with the Headmaster.

Just as I was about to enter, Fig held me back.

"Before you enter, I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me", I nodded in reply as Professor Fig creaked the door open, summoning the attention of Phineas Black.

He wore a scowl on his face, "Fig - nice of you to join us. The sorting ceremony is over", he stated as he marched towards you.

"There were - complications", Fig began to explain.


"It seems the problem with the goblins-"

"Enough. I have no time for goblins and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left."

He turned towards me with a menacing look in his eyes, "If you are lucky, we might still be able to get you sorted this evening."

He began to make his way back inside, and seeing this as a sign I began to follow him, "I'll be in touch", Fig told me as I nodded and made my way inside to get sorted.

As I got closer to the front, I noticed a middle-aged woman with red hair holding a ragged, not really aesthetically pleasing hat with a weird face on it. I assumed this would be the sorting hat.

"Professor Weasley!" Headmaster Black called out, "we've one more to be sorted."

Professor Weasley let out a warming smile as she gestured towards the stool that sat in the middle, "Welcome. You're just in time. Have a seat."

Taking a seat she placed the sorting hat atop my head.

"Ah, yes - a bit older than the others, aren't you?"

"You come here with preferences and preconceptions - certain expectations."

"Hmm. I wonder. Hmm. I detect something in you. A certain sense of  - hmm - what is it?"

I wondered too what the hat was trying to find.

"Is it ambition? I may seem single-minded, but it is important to go after what you want from life. I detect a growing sense of ambition. An eagerness for power."

"You belong in Slytherin!" The hat announced. I smiled before standing up as Professor Weasley took out her wand to change my current robes into ones that fit the Slytherin house.

The hall erupted in cheers, the house of green louder than the others.

I made my way to an empty spot at the table and took in my surroundings as Headmaster Black announced how the Quidditch season will no longer be happening, causing chaos to erupt with protests and groans echoing throughout the hall. And once he took control of the uproar, he dismissed all students.

Professor Weasley guided me to the common room and after speaking the password, I entered the room to be met with a surprisingly beautiful common room despite how dark and grim it may seem. There was a sense of comfort to it.

Looking around, it seemed everyone had gone to bed, so I decided to get some sleep, ready for my first day at Hogwarts.

Waking up, it seemed everyone had left the dormitories, leaving me to have the whole dormitory to get ready, yes, throwing on the uniform, I went down to see the common room buzzing with Slytherin students. I decided to introduce myself to the other fifth years.

After making introductions to Imelda Ryes, Slytherin's Quidditch Captain and Ominis Gaunt, a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. I

 headed towards the fireplace and noticed a handsome fifth-year reading through a book and pacing back and forward. 

As I walked towards him, he noticed me and slammed the book shut, causing me to jump slightly, his strong front was instantly intriguing, but also intimidating.

"Can I help you?" He spoke with a raised brow.

Looking me up and down, he seemed to recognise me.

"- ah. You're the new fifth-year. I'm Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin."

"Thank you", I spoke with a smile.

That was when I noticed Sebastian's attitude changed, he wore a big smile and straightened his back. Definitely a charmer.

"Not everyone has a Ministry escort to school."

We continued to converse about the events prior to my arrival, but it was getting quite trivial so I decided to change the topic.

"What book are you reading?"

"A spell book I picked up. Has a few interesting things, but not exactly what I was looking for."

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, but not every spell you may need can be found in our assigned textbooks", he spoke with an intended tone.

What does he mean by that?

"Are you saying some spells aren't taught at Hogwarts? Which ones?"

It was obvious Sebastian wasn't going to tell as he replied with a conversation-ending statement, "That is a conversation for another time."

As I was about to bid Sebastian goodbye, another student announced that Professor Weasley was waiting outside the common room. With a quick wave, I headed outside to meet Professor Weasley.

"Good morning!" She chirped, "I trust you're ready for your first day at Hogwarts?"

"Can't believe I'm here."

She smiled, "Well here you are."

As we began to walk to Charms class, Professor Weasley explained about a contraption called a Wizard's Field Guide that will help ensure I get the best of my education at Hogwarts considering how far behind I was as a latecomer. 

Reaching the charms class I entered seeing it full of students chatting awaiting the arrival of the Charms Professor.

Looking around I saw Ominis and Sebastian talking with each other, they must good friends

Sebastian saw me looking their way and he gave a wave and a kind smile. Ominis seemed to have noticed Sebastian's sudden movement and whispered something in his ear, which caused him to blush and hit him.

Definitely good friends.

I looked around for an empty seat when a voice called out.

"Here - behind you. There is an open seat here."

I turned around to see a girl in a Gryffindor robe waving, looking around one more time there seemed to be no option so I went and took your seat next to the girl.

"Hello, I am Natty."

"Y/n", we shook hands and at that moment a man dressed in an extravagant purple rob and hat announced himself to the class.

"Ahem. Shall we begin?"

And thus, my first class at Hogwarts began.

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