Favorite Slipup

By Itgworl_

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Her pain comes with a price! More



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By Itgworl_

Amil POV

"Sicilia?" I answered the door.

"You can call me Gloria." I nodded and stepped back.

"Joshua left about an hour ago."

"I came to speak with you?"


" about all of this foolishness. Is this about getting back at my daughter? I know she did a lot of fountains to you but if you are using my husband-"

"Ex husband, that is my man. My husband." I snapped. " your daughter did all of those things to me because you egged her on. I love my man. This has nothing to do with your daughter anymore."

" you are young what do you want with the old man?"

" my man is not old." I crossed my arms. "We both know the answer to that second question, don't play stupid girl."

" you are 24."

" I will be 25 in a couple of days."

" exactly so you have so much life to live. Why do you have to take my life away from me?" I laughed.

" when you had him, you did nothing but suck the life out of him. You slept on other men, me, and your daughter knew that. I never thought you were that type of woman so of course I didn't believe it but you were. The truth of the matter was that you were never faithful to him. Now that you see him with me, you have such a fucking problem with that."

" do not judge me, your mother was my best friend for a reason. So anything that I did, she supported."

" please do not bring my mother into this, my mother didn't understand the value of loving herself, so she hung around people like you. All you did was shit on my mom and you change your daughter to do the same to me. I have no respect for you."

" is this what this is all about, your dislike for me. I know you fucked him in our house." I kept my straight face. " you can sit there with that mug all you want to. You are disgusting, one thing I have never did it slept with a married man."

" bullshit, Coach Turner was married, and didn't you fuck on Mr. Derek and my brother? I mean my brother wasn't not married, but it's so funny to me how you keep bringing up the fact that Im younger than Joshua. But my brother left town when he was about 18, from what I know you guys were fucking around before that so you had to be fucking him when he was about 16 or 17. You're the real pervert."

"What?" Her face dropped.

" you didn't think any of us knew? You fucked my brother."

" That was so long ago!"

" you were my mom's best friend, you watched him grow up!"

" You were my daughters best friend! It is different with girls!"

" no, it's not! Our situations are totally different, Joshua didn't watch me grow up, I never even met him until I was 21 and even then he paid me no mind! My brother was 17 and you watched him grow up, you watched him struggle and go through everything that he was going through. You started messing with him at the start of his addiction. You are disgusting. You hit him while he was weak. that is a real fucking predator, and let me tell you something I may be pregnant but soon as I drop this baby, I will kick your ass. You will stop disrespecting my man." I stepped to her. " I should've been kicked your ass, I don't even understand why my mom made it seem like I had to respect you when you were younger than her. You want to be young so bad... Let it go. Grow up, you're not our age. It should tell you something that, me and Joshua has more of a connection and an understanding thing you guys ever had. You were chasing something that you never received and now that you see him happy you think you're gonna come in here and fuck up my family. I will beat your ass. If you wanted to sue my mom, just imagine how you would feel with me."

"He is my man!"


"We just slept together a week ago."

"Bullshit!" I rested my hand on my stomach.

" yes we did."

" OK so when was this?"


This stupid lying bitch, we were literally over my mom's house all fucking Friday. She's such a fucking liar. That's the day that I found I was pregnant but whatever she say.

I heard the front door open and Josh and Gia walked in.

"Honey! I am home!" He footstep grew closer. "Sicilia?" He walked up to me and kissed me.

"Hey baby." I greeted my man like I always did.

"Hey beautiful." Gia hugged me. "Wussup mom." She hugged her.


"Why are you here?" Him and Gia asked at the same time.

"Oh no-"

" she was here to present some news to me." I looked at Josh.

"Okay? You look upset. What is wrong?" Josh sat the bag down and walked up to us.

" I am upset, very upset." He stared at me in concern. " She said that you guys were sleeping together. Let me correct myself. She said that you guys slept together." He laughed loudly.

"No." He shook his head.


"No." He kept his eyes on me to make sure I understood.

" Joshua why are you doing this to me, you have turned my daughter against me. It just feels like she took my family right from under my feet."

" why are you here making up stories? What are you going to get out of destroying what I have? I have wasted so much of my life with you. I would never in my life ever look at you in that way after being forced for so long. We were never happy. Sex was the only thing that we had in common and you were always more satisfied than me. So for you to be fighting this hard for something that was never there is sick. You didn't even fight this hard when we were together. Your narcissism is starting to seep through, you can't control yourself."

" what do you mean we were never happy? I thought we were getting our shit together."

" we weren't, you couldn't stop fucking on your side pieces remember? How many times did I catch you laying next to me texting another man? So go be with other men. Why are you here?"

"Because I want you back. You are my hus-"

"Ex-" the three of us spoke at the same time.

"Gia I understand that you are upset with me but you turning against me is fucking ridiculous. I am your mother."

" you already told me how you felt about me. And that was all I needed to hear, you use me as a pond to live out the life you wish you had. You never really cared about what I wanted out of life, so I don't care what you want out of life. I'm not being disrespectful. I am just stating facts. He is your ex-husband, mind you it was you're doing the led you here. So I'm not trying to hear the sob stories. I am done being this evil and conniving in horrible person. I had to change my mindset, and now I see that the person that you created in me isn't me, it's you and I don't want to be that way anymore. So I am going to do my own thing and I am going to change for my child, the generational trauma stops here. I am going to live my life, I'm not going to live through my child." Gia shrugged and pulled the groceries out and started to put them away.

" How did you get my address?"

" well, your lawyer-"

" OK well, since y'all are in such a great communication, tell him he's fired and you can escort yourself out. Bye." He dismissed her. 

" are you really going to fire him because of-"

"Yes now bye." He groaned.


"Bye." He gently started to remove her out of the house.

"You know she is lying?" Gia said. "My dad would never do that to you. He isn't that type of guy."

"Yes." We laughed. "I just wanted to see what your dad was going to say. Did you guys get the stuff so we can make the spam thing?"

"Yes and I got some cooked sushi." She pulled it out. " we had to go to like four markets to get this soy sauce." I squealed as she pulled it out. " my dad was asking me. How would I feel if you guys were to have a baby?"

" how would you feel?"

" I don't know, I wouldn't mind. At first it was all very overwhelming because I figured you did it to get back at me which I think fucking my dad was over the top, but knowing you, I understand. Knowing how you and Antwan were with each other or how you felt about him, I understand. at first, I just took it as he was a part of hurting me. And I feel like that was the worst feeling in the world but once I realize you guys love each other, and I gave him the ultimatum, and he was going through so much without you. I couldn't deny the fact that you loved him and he loved you. He still loves you so much, he thinks about you every step he takes. He definitely doesn't move without thinking about how something is going to affect you guys as a whole. That's some thing I never seen him do with my mom and not because he didn't want to but he had to really worry about himself in the relationship with her. Because Lord knows she didn't give a fuck." I nodded. " it is still a little bit weird but at this point, I'm just happy for the both of you guys and I hope this shit works out because both of you deserve happiness. I don't think I ever really sincerely apologize for the things that I've put you through. I am so sorry, looking back I was so fucked up. I was a burden on you, I was inconsiderate, I was such a bitch to everyone but mostly you because you were close. Really I was just jealous of you and how real you are, I lovable you were. I really was and sometimes I still think about it and I regret the things that I put you through because you were there with me when I needed you and you were still there for me and I sincerely apologize. There is no chance that Antwan could be my baby father, I just said that because you were here. I literally made that up on the spot." I laughed. " I mess with him one time and one time only and that was only because he told me that you were talking shit about me and he said that you say that my pussy stink and all of this other shit and I was basically trying to tell him no it doesn't, and he made moves on me and I wanted revenge so I went with it, Me and Kaleb never messed around either. we did actually liked well I like him but he just wanted to fuck."

"He was fucking everybody."

"Exactly and that really hurt my feelings. He has a way of being so nice and being such a gentleman to pull you in just to want to fuck you."

"Exactly!" We laughed.

"But I told him no, my mom told me to just do it but I couldn't bring myself to it, me and him came up with the plan to hurt you and my dad but him and I never messed around, we did kiss though which you saw we literally waited for you guys to come in to kiss. just the extent that I will go to hurt you was ridiculous. My baby is Dave's or Benny's. It's literally between the two and we have all had a discussion. I tried to tell justice, but she wasn't trying to hear anything I had to say, I didn't even know about her. Kaleb told me nothing about her, she just came in swinging and yelling and breaking my shit. I couldn't even tell her what the fuck was going on." We laughed.

" yeah... She just said that she went in ready for war."

" I was trying to tell her before she beat my ass, you know I can't fight." I laughed. " she done broke everything in my fucking house, she fucking broke the glass award that you got me for my birthday for being the best best friend. When I tell you, I was crying about that shit for two days, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones but that shit, out of everything she said, and did that right there broke me. you know one thing about me, I took that award everywhere that we went or moved. I really love that gift so much I had it for what since we were 10? 14 years maybe... yeah, that really fucked me up but I had to look at it from her point of you. If I wasn't such a nasty bitch, none of this would've happened." I sighed.

" well, I am glad that you change your mindset for your child. This is definitely a big step for you and I am so proud of you and I hope that you continue down this journey. You are becoming a beautiful person. Thank you for clearing up a lot of those things for me because now I can release the unknown shit that I held against you. That whole Antwan situation honestly, I would've did the same thing I just would've appreciate it if you would've told me before. If a bitch say my pussy stink I will let her nigga smell it." She laughed. " but honestly, I never say that about you. I never told him any of our business because I did that shit one time and he started to smell himself and say little things to you that I didn't like so I've never spoke about you ever again to him. I definitely believe that he told you things to make you mad at me because he would say things like that when we were arguing or he will always try to make it seem like you hated me and shit like that, he threw out his agreement in my face to isolate me from you so I could spend more time with him and his friends. He definitely hated our friendship which some of his reasons made sense but then again, I just felt like why the fuck why are you that involved in female business? Can you see what I'm saying?"


" but I definitely understand and I did not see any of that shit. I know and you know that your pussy don't stank, and if it did, I would tell you. We are both women and we both know how vagina works. So don't ever believe that I will say some weird ass shit like that. As a woman, I would never shame anyone if they have any smell, I will offer advice or advise and if you don't take it, it's not my business just don't go in the bathroom before me cause I don't wanna smell that shit." We laugh and Josh walk back in the kitchen.

"Sorry, she punched me in my fucking mouth." He wiped the blood of his lip. "I had to make call to my lawyers and divorce team." I cringed as the blood spilled from his mouth.

"Oh shit." Gia hissed. "She did that with her fist? What happened?"

"It was her ring." He showed me and I got up to help him. "I should have whooped her ass."

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